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TANAK: Sci-Fi Romance (Star Fall Series Book 1)

Page 19

by E. A. James

  He nodded and climbed into the bed, moving towards the side closest to the door and away from the window. Walking around to her side, she sat down, keeping her eyes focused out the window. Once he was completely under the blankets, she twisted herself around and pulled her legs up in front of her. Sliding in next to him, she lay on her back and stared up at the ceiling, tracing the outlines of a suspicious looking water stain just above her with her eyes.

  “Should I turn the light off?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” she said quickly.

  The level of awkwardness in the room had reached the point of being nearly unbearable for her. When he reached up and flipped the switch, and the light sitting next to the bed went out, she felt as if her stomach was filled with nothing but knots. The lights from the market still poured into the room, casting a deep blue glow over everything. She tried to focus on that, in a futile effort to relax.

  Thor shuffled around a few times and finally lay still, on his left side. She glanced over at him to once again see his back to her. After a second of staring she quickly turned to face the window.

  The lights outside were bright, and even with her eyes closed, they continued to burn into her retinas. Letting out a frustrated almost defeated grunt, she turned onto her left side. Lying there, unable to sleep, she found herself once again staring at him.

  As her eyes adjusted to the low lighting, puncture marks running up and down his spine suddenly became clear. They weren’t small, but they weren’t enormous, either. Still, they had a painful look to them. Without realizing what she was doing, she reached up and ran her finger over one of them, feeling the scar tissue just below the surface of his skin.

  “I thought we were keeping our hands to ourselves,” he said, not moving away from her touch.

  She pulled her hand back quickly, the realization of what she had done hitting her square in the chest.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, quickly.

  She felt flustered, something that rarely happened to her. The unfamiliar sensation crept into her stomach and sat there, growing as the silence around them became deafening.

  He rolled over, facing her. Her eyes were wide, she knew they were, but she couldn’t force them to return to their normal state. She opened her mouth to apologize again, but the words didn’t come out. Speechless—something else that rarely happened to her.

  “They’re from the experiments,” he explained.

  “You don’t have to talk about it,” she said quickly. “I shouldn’t have… I mean, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…” her words were catching in her throat and in the end, all she could say was, “damn it.”

  He laughed, his eyes dancing and his smile wide. “I have to say, I never expected to see you at a loss for words.”

  “It’s not a common thing.”

  "Believe me, I've noticed." He let out a soft sigh and the serious tone found its way back into his voice as he continued, "I don't mind talking about it," he said. "They are not fond memories, but you deserve to know why you’re on a virtual suicide mission with three near strangers. You didn't have to risk your life to help me. You didn't have to believe me. You didn't have to join this fight. It's only fair that you know what it is we’re asking you to fight for."

  As he spoke, his eyes continued to burn into hers. She felt as if the awkwardness in the room lifted, and suddenly became replaced with a strange sort of tension. She didn’t know how to define it; she wasn’t sure what it was that she was feeling. All she knew was that it came over her, suddenly, and was impossible to shake.

  She nodded, showing her appreciation for his words. “Okay,” she said softly.

  “The scars on my back, as I said, are from the only round of experiments I underwent.”

  “What did they do?”

  “Given my size, Grimm figured that I wouldn’t be the swiftest man on my feet. Truth is, I wasn’t. That’s why when a procedure was created to enhance muscle stimulation, I was the first person he thought of.”

  “Muscle stimulation?”

  “Reflexes,” Thor explained, “agility, speed, and strength.”

  She remembered the quickness with which he moved when she fired her Phantom at him. The way he rushed up on Dr. Marner when he discovered his identity. The way he always seemed to be able to jump into action in the blink of an eye.

  “The enhancements had to be grafted directly into my spine,” he continued. “I noted the effects immediately. Even as I was lying there, on the operating table, I felt as if my awareness of my surroundings increased.”

  “You were awake for the procedure?”

  “Unfortunately,” he nodded. “Like I said, it wasn’t a pleasant experience. And, in all honestly, I hate what they did to me. I hate that in that instant, I started to feel a little less human and a little more machine. It’s taken me a long time to feel like myself again, I’ll be damned if I let them take that from me or anyone else.”

  “What about your tattoo?” Kira inquired. “I don’t recognize the design.”

  “All Arcanum soldiers receive one after we are successfully accepted into the program,” Thor answered. “Unfortunately, it’s little more than a brand, a constant reminder of our supposed unquestioning loyalty to the Terran cause. It feels ironic now, but it’s still a part of my past, one that has finally led me to a place where I feel I am attempting to do some good. In a way, it reminds me of who I want to be more than it reminds me of who I was.”

  His eyes locked on hers again, and his words washed over her slowly. She had never imagined that the strong, determined, military man in front of her had this level of insight. None of the men she had been around in her life did, especially in the military.

  Again, a quiet fell around them. But, it wasn’t awkward; it was comfortable. It was an easy silence; one that made her feel that unfamiliar feeling of tension building up in her stomach again.

  “Thank you,” she said softly. “For telling me all of that. You didn’t have to.”

  “You didn’t have to do a lot of things you’ve done for me. Consider it a small repayment.”

  “I appreciate it,” she said, smiling. “Although, a hotel with a functioning shower and food I can actually stomach would have done the job, too.”

  He laughed, his eyes lighting up as his smile filled his face again. “I’ll keep that in mind. I have a feeling that I’ll have plenty more to repay you for.”


  The next day, the group of four met in the establishment bar and, after a quick discussion of plans, set out on their mission to retrieve Dario’s communication device.

  Before they left, Alaria shared a long goodbye with the owner of the establishment, and each member of the group thanked her for the safe refuge.

  “How did you know her anyway?” Kira asked Alaria.

  “When I was young, she took me in for nearly a year before I met Dario. She kept me safe, fed me and had me work in the kitchen to help pay my way,” Alaria responded, her smile still present and her words full of affection.

  “I always try to visit when I find myself in this part of the galaxy, but I wish it was under better circumstances this time. We hardly got the chance to catch up,” Alaria continued.

  “Well, if we get ourselves out of our predicament then let’s make it a point to come back and say thank you properly,” Kira responded.

  “Ready?” Kira asked.

  They all nodded in unison and Thor led the way stepping out into the crowded market streets once again.

  Getting to the ship was the easy part. It was finding a way to get aboard it that posed a real problem.

  As they made their way through the crowds to the docks, Kira found herself lost in thought. Accepting her new life as a wanted “criminal” was surprisingly easy she thought. After hearing Thor’s recounting of his experience with the Arcanum, and Dario’s account of Grimm’s rapid descent into madness, she knew that she had joined forces with the noble side. Although, the noble side didn’t feel like i
t had much of a chance at this point.

  After a time, they approached the docks and the rows of ships steadily grew before them.

  Kira, Dario, and Alaria hung back, taking cover in the market near their ships docked position while Thor went ahead to scout out the situation. It didn’t take him long to return with his report.

  “There are three of them,” he informed them.

  “That’s not too bad,” Kira said, happy to hear that they actually outnumbered them.

  “They all have cybernetic implants,” Thor said, casting a shadow of doubt over her temporary moment of confidence.

  “Shit,” she muttered.

  “No,” Alaria replied, reaching for the bag she had slung over her shoulder. “This might be good for us.”

  “Is it only good because that means they might kill us faster and cut our suffering short?” Kira asked.

  Alaria giggled. “You’re more fun than I expected,” she said as she pulled three small metallic squares from her bag.

  The small squares looked like internal components to some electronic device. Kira eyed them suspiciously, not sure why the Telani woman was so excited about them. Alaria looked at the group, apparently expecting some sort of reaction from them. The smile on her lips didn’t falter as confusion spread through her companions.

  “They’re direct application electromagnetic inhibitors,” she said, holding them out. Still noting the confusion on Kira and Thor’s faces, she explained, “they’re designed to briefly incapacitate small military equipment that relies on an electric charge to function – it should work the same way for our cybernetic adversaries.”

  “Oh,” Kira and Thor said in unison, each of them notably thankful for the simple explanation.

  “The only catch is we have to get close enough to attach the devices to one of their implants,” Alaria added quickly.

  “Then that’s what we’ll do,” Dario said.

  The upbeat, confident tone of his voice didn't match the sinking feeling forming in Kira's stomach. Still, the group huddled together to formulate a plan of attack, or really, a plan of diversion.

  “I’ll run the point,” Thor offered. “I know these soldiers, and I might be able to hold their attention while you three get into position. Plus, if they attack outright, I have the best chance of surviving.”

  “That leaves us to play the galaxy’s most dangerous game of tag,” Kira quipped. “Why can’t we just go in shooting?”

  “Vandor isn’t well policed, but there are still local security forces that would take notice, plus, any one of the delinquents on this planet could take that opportunity to join the gunfight. I suspect it would escalate fast,” Thor replied.

  “Alright, stealth is our best option then,” Dario added. “Thor, if you get into position we’ll select our targets and give you a signal when we’re ready.”

  “Understood. Keep your weapons ready, if this goes badly, we’ll need them. Let’s move out,” Thor commanded.

  Kira’s hand traced down her hip and stroked her Phantom, the familiar feeling calmed her nerves, although only slightly.

  Not long after, they arrived at the docks and the same three pacing soldiers watched over the ship.

  Thor nodded to the group and set out to get into position. As he made his way through the crowd the other three watched his progress and selected their targets.

  “When it comes time to apply the inhibitor, press the small blue activator on the underside of the device, then, it’s as simple as touching the device to the implant,” Alaria explained.

  “What happens when it comes into contact with their implants?” Kira asked.

  “They connect magnetically, and that’s really all you should notice apart from the target dropping to the ground,” Alaria replied.

  “This seems too easy,” Kira said to no one in particular.

  “I suspect we would be fools to think that there won’t be complications, but our time is short and we must act decisively. The communication device is our only connection to the intel we need to stop Grimm,” Dario said.

  “Agreed,” Kira conceded.

  “Let’s get into position, Thor is almost there,” Dario said as he pointed near the ship.

  Once they were in position, Dario gave Thor the signal. Thor acknowledged and made his way out from cover and walked straight up to the three Arcanum soldiers.

  “Imagine seeing you guys here,” Thor said, a taunting smile forming on his lips. “It’s been some time. How are the experiments going? Well, I see.”

  The three men turned to face him, their movements swift and quick. “Thor,” one of them addressed him. “Just the man we were looking for.”

  As the exchange took place, Kira and the others continued to quietly move forward, closing the distance between them and the three soldiers.

  Any fear or apprehension she felt earlier was gone. Her eyes were locked on the man furthest to the right, and her attack instincts were buzzing in her ears.

  One of the men, the one Dario was creeping up behind, lifted the plasma rifle in his hand and trained the sights on Thor. Just as he squeezed the trigger, Thor moved to the right, the blast just missing him.

  The soldier cursed, and Dario took advantage of his distracted state to run forward, pressing the inhibitor’s activator and quickly making contact with the nearly bionic arm of the guard – he dropped instantly, seemingly unconscious.

  Kira followed his lead and rushed up behind the man she had been watching like a hawk. She drove the inhibitor into his back, where she could visibly see a cybernetic implant. There was a slight pause, and then he too fell hard to the ground.

  Alaria was a step or two behind Kira and Dario, and her guard seemed to become aware of what was happening. He quickly spun and squared up to Alaria. She froze on the spot and after a brief moment of understanding between the two, she made a move for her plasma rifle.

  Before she could reach it the guard had covered the distance between them and raised his hand to strike when Thor crashed into him. The two men violently tumbled to the ground, locked in combat.

  Quickly, Alaria composed herself and raced over to the melee; she dove in and attached the inhibitor to the cybernetic implant on the guard’s leg. In an instant, he too was incapacitated.

  Thor climbed back to his feet, sloughing the guard off of him to do so.

  “Thanks,” Alaria said and Thor nodded an acknowledgment.

  “Hurry,” Alaria said over her shoulder to everyone as she made a break for the ship. “The effects won’t last long.”

  “There’s a time limit?!” Kira shouted as the group ran towards the landing.

  “That feels like something we should have discussed ahead of time!” she continued.

  “I can’t say for sure, but these were designed for machines and not men,” Alaria replied.

  Dario turned without responding, bolting towards the hatch of the ship and running quickly up the ramp before it even descended completely. Thor and Alaria joined Kira as they waited impatiently for Dario to reappear.

  Just when she felt herself relaxing slightly, a group of familiar-looking men marching in their direction caused Kira’s pulse to accelerate again.

  “We have company,” she said, grabbing onto Thor’s wrist and pointing towards the disheveled pirates advancing towards them.

  “Ah, the delinquents I mentioned,” Thor replied with a slight look of exasperation.

  The Roughneck captain leading the group had the same crazed, frenzied look on his face he had during their last encounter, only now it was more demonic if that were even possible. His eyes were fixed on Thor.

  Just as one of his men lifted his gun and began firing in their direction, they ducked behind the belly of the ship, taking cover. Kira drew her Phantom from its holster and Thor reached for the plasma rifle strapped on his back.

  Ducking back around to confront the pirates, Kira focused her sites on the man shooting at them. Inhaling quickly, she squeezed the trigger of the Ph
antom, sending a bolt of atomic particles surging through him. Thor began methodically cutting down the men with precision accuracy.

  The Roughnecks scattered to cover and began to return fire.

  “Hurry up, Dario!” Alaria shouted as she pounded on the bottom of the ship.

  The pirates were closing the distance and weapon fire flashed through the air, just missing the side of Kira’s head. Crouching down, she pressed her stomach to the ground and found the knee of one of the men in her sights. Letting another blast fly, she saw him collapse to the ground just before she pushed herself back up to her feet and spun around, jumping out into the open and hitting another Roughneck in the torso.


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