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TANAK: Sci-Fi Romance (Star Fall Series Book 1)

Page 41

by E. A. James

  Zornaya’s blue eyes flicked to Angelica’s and held them firmly, making Angelica feel rooted to the spot.

  “And I believe you have the power to help him come into his own, child,” Zornaya added in a voice that sent chills down Angelica’s spine.

  Just as Angelica was about to ask what the Queen meant, a loud horn sounded. Angelica shuddered. She still hadn’t begun to feel better about the “shows” in the kingdom…and she hated the idea that one day, likely soon, she’d need to attend another.

  “Majesty?” Angelica glanced up in alarm and saw that Zornaya’s face was pale, drained of all blood. Her blue eyes filled with tears and she gripped the edge of the table to steady herself. Is it possible that the Queen despises the shows as much as I do, Angelica wondered. I’ve never seen her look so emotional before!

  “The guards,” Zornaya hissed. “They must be warned! This is not time to waste, child!” Zornaya grabbed a purple silk cloak and threw it over her shoulders.

  The horn sounded again. This time, it chilled Angelica to the bone. She suddenly knew that it wasn’t the cry of a show about to begin. It was something darker, something far more sinister. A cold wind whipped into the room from the open window and Angelica shuddered as she crossed the stone floor. Outside, the skies were dark and stormy. The sea was foaming and frothy – huge waves, the size of small buildings, were crashing ominously onto the shore. When Angelica looked to the horizon, she gasped. Several large, black ships were gliding across the stormy seas.

  “Glasule,” Angelica whispered. How did I know that, she wondered, glancing down in amazement. Then panic struck. I have to get out of here, she thought in a panic. What’s going to happen to me? What’s going to happen to Aerdan?!

  Fear struck Angelica’s heart and she ran out of the room, following Zornaya down the spiral staircase. The castle was already abuzz with frantic royals, and Angelica was very nearly trampled as a herd of bulky, muscular men ran through the main hall.

  Suddenly, a loud sound pierced the air – it was shrill and painful, and Angelica clapped her hands over her ears and winced. Her heart leapt into her throat – Zornaya was nowhere to be found.

  “Aerdan!” Angelica shrieked. “Aerdan, where are you?”

  Her cries were lost in the frantic, panicked atmosphere of the grand hall. People rushed to and fro, kicking clouds of dust from the stone floor and choking Angelica’s senses. In a desperate panic, she raced to the end of the hall, then took the secret staircase up to Aerdan’s quarters. Sweat was dripping down her forehead and soaking her dress by the time she reached the landing and pushed open the heavy wooden door.

  Aerdan was nowhere to be found. Brynx stood on the bed, kneading the pillow with his paws.

  “Brynx!” Angelica yelped. “What is it? What’s going on?”

  Brynx walked in two circles, then sat down on his haunches.

  “Brynx, something really bad is happening,” Angelica said frantically. “Brynx, where’s Aerdan? We have to find him!”

  “If I were you, I’d suggest hiding,” Brynx said calmly. He licked one of his paws. “They’re coming for you both.”

  “What?” Angelica’s jaw dropped. “Who is they? Brynx, come on! Tell me what’s going to happen?”

  Brynx shrugged and looked apathetic. “It’s not good,” he said in a silky voice. “Warships from Glasule are never a good sign, lady.”

  Angelica sank down on the mattress. “We have to find Aerdan,” she said breathlessly. “We have to make sure he’s going to be okay!”

  “Aerdan is capable,” Brynx said. “He can take care of himself. But you – you on the other hand…” He trailed off, yawning and exposing his bright white teeth. “You ought to be as far away from here as possible by the time those ships land.” Brynx hopped from the bed to the ledge of the window and looked out. “And that will be soon,” he said. “Take a look.”

  Angelica’s palms were damp with a cold sweat and she wiped them on her gown before cautiously walking to the window. She leaned against the stone wall, cautiously holding her breath, hiding from the window as if there was a chance she could be seen from the tiny parapet. When she dared sneak a glance outside, she shrieked and covered her mouth with both hands.

  Large black warships loomed on the horizon. They didn’t look like any ships Angelica had ever seen – they were as large as small castles, each precariously perched on the stormy seas. The water was churning blue and white until the belly of the ships, and the skies overhead were stormy and filled with lightning. A loud clap of thunder sounded and soon, rain began to pour from the heavens.

  “It never storms here,” Brynx said calmly. “This is going to be bad, lady. Please, take my advice. Consider the many hiding places around the castle.”

  Cold dread grew in Angelica’s belly.

  “I can’t hide,” she said firmly. “If they’re coming for me…” She trailed off, nervously chewing on her lip until she tasted a hot spurt of blood.

  “If they’re coming for you, Aerdan and the other men will defend your honor,” Brynx said. “But it will be a long battle. Many will die.”

  Angelica snuck a glance out the window again and shuddered with fear. The ships were closer than ever before. Angelica could make out the silhouettes of men standing and waving swords atop the ships. The largest ship, at the forefront of the fleet, was helmed by a woman. Angelica gasped. The woman had long white hair, streaming behind her in the stormy air, and she clutched a staff that was glowing green.

  “The sorceress, Namaya,” Brynx said in a low voice. “Lady, if you value your life – hide!”

  Angelica swallowed. “I can’t do that,” she said firmly. I care too much about Aerdan to see him slaughtered, she thought grimly, leaving the chamber and running down the stairs. Angelica held the hem of her silk dress in both hands as she ran. I can’t let him die – I can’t let the royal Zhekan line be compromised!

  In the great hall, things were more hectic than ever. Again, Angelica looked fearfully for Aerdan. But the men had all disappeared. Women were frantic with worry, clutching staves of their own, whispering magic words under their breath. Women don’t know defensive spells, Angelica realized with alarm. Where are all the men? Where did they go?

  Before she had more time to wonder, a bloodcurdling scream filled Angelica’s ears. The castle’s doors burst open and a woman floated in, hovering at least a foot off the ground. Her long white hair was soaked with rainwater and her green eyes were glowing – just like her staff.

  It’s the woman from the ship, Angelica realized with a pang of fear.

  She wasn’t alone. The old woman was flanked by two rows of powerful men. They wore leather uniforms, but Angelica could see their clear strength and bulging, oiled muscles. Their hair was twisted into topknots and their faces bore scars and pockmarks from previous battles. Angelica shuddered – they looked at least as powerful as the men of Zheka.

  “Zornaya!” The old woman screamed. “Queen Zornaya, I demand an audience!”

  The people in the great hall parted like a wave and Angelica leapt to the side, trying to conceal herself among the other women as best she could. She held her breath and ducked down low, her dark hair streaming in tangles over her shoulders.

  Queen Zornaya appeared at the top of the grand staircase. She was clad in bright purple silk robes – Angelica guessed she’d chosen her most regal look. Her chin was held high and her blue eyes flashed like beacons of hope. But somehow, Angelica could tell that she was afraid.

  “Namaya,” Zornaya said calmly. She descended the stairs, appearing to float under her purple robes. “Why have you come?”

  “Your guest,” Namaya snarled. “Hand her over.”

  A ripple of chatter went through the crowd and everyone turned to face Angelica. She tried to hide and duck behind a column, but she wasn’t fast enough.

  Soon, all eyes in the room were on her.



  Aerdan stood to the side
of the great hall, hidden. His heart thumped in his chest as he listened to the exchange between his mother, the Queen, and the Glasulian sorceress. Holding his breath, he snuck closer, desperate to see what was happening.

  “I demand your guest,” Namaya repeated. Aerdan shuddered. He’d only heard tales of the evil sorceress Namaya – and he had to admit that somehow, she was even more terrifying in person. Unlike his mother and father, Namaya was ancient – she was almost four hundred years old. It was no secret in the land that Namaya used her power to steal life from that of the Glasulian people…and there was nothing they could do to stop her, despite being a nation of powerful warriors.

  Queen Zornaya chuckled. “Namaya, you are too amusing,” she said. “Please, do not waste my time.”

  Aerdan snuck closer and watched as the sorceress gestured towards her companions – at least twenty of Glasule’s strongest warriors. Aerdan flexed his muscles and reached for his dagger, keeping his fingers wrapped firmly around the hilt of the blade. I’ll kill the lot of you, he thought angrily. No one threatens my family!

  “I am not here in jest, Zornaya,” Namaya said. The crowd fell to a hush – it was clear that Namaya was doing everything she could to avoid paying proper respects to the queen.

  Zornaya laughed and shook her head. “Namaya – whatever it is, I am sure we can work everything out together. Come with me, let us talk.”

  Namaya struck the floor with her staff and a wave of ghostly green light shot through the hall. Aerdan felt lightheaded, like he was about to lose consciousness. The others in the hall shrieked and screamed – but Aerdan noticed no one left. He shook his head bitterly. Of course no one will run and hide, he realized as he tightened his grip on the handle of his dagger. This is too exciting for them. This is something they never get to see.

  “I’m not leaving until she is presented to me,” Namaya said.

  “That’s simply not possible. The lady Angelica is a guest of our royal family,” Zornaya replied.

  “If you do not comply, you will no longer have a royal family,” Namaya said coldly. “So turn her over, Queen. Show us your loyalty.”

  The crowd gasped.

  Aerdan didn’t have to look – he could picture his mother clearly in his mind, straightening up to her full height and looking down her nose at the ancient witch.

  “And it won’t just be you, your son, and your fool of a husband,” Namaya sneered. “I will kill the royal cousins. I will kill their consorts – I will kill everyone educated in Zheka. You’ll be reduced to rubble, your great society brought low by one staff.” She struck the ground again and another wave of green light passed through the great hall. This time, some of the women crumpled to the ground, their eyes rolled back in their heads.

  Aerdan swallowed hard. His heart skipped a beat. I must defend the honor of my family – and the honor of Angelica, he thought. Clutching his dagger, he stepped into the hall and glared at the ancient sorceress.

  “If you want to take Angelica, you’ll have to go through me,” Aerdan growled.

  The crowd stayed hushed.

  Namaya threw her head back and laughed. “Child, you wouldn’t know the first thing about killing someone as powerful as I,” she said. Her deeply tanned face was so heavily lined that Aerdan could barely make out her nose and mouth.

  “Try me,” Aerdan growled.

  “Aerdan!” Zornaya cried. “Remember, your duty!”

  “My duty is to defend the honor of Zheka,” Aerdan said proudly. Despite his bravado, he was nervous. He tried to channel the ancient strength of his people, swaggering into the great hall with his dagger raised. But before he could attack Namaya, Angelica stepped into the middle of the floor.

  “Angelica, get back!” Aerdan yelled. “Get away from here!”

  Angelica looked nervous, but she stood tall and proud in her silk dress. She held her head high.

  “No,” she said softly. “I can’t let her hurt your family because of me, Aerdan.”

  “Angelica!” Panic seized Aerdan’s heart and he stepped forward but she shook her head. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

  “The girl is wise,” Namaya sneered. “Child, come.” She beckoned Angelica to come closer. Angelica shuddered and hesitated, but after a few seconds, she stepped forward.

  “No!” Aerdan yelled. “Angelica, you can’t do this!”

  Angelica looked sadly at Aerdan and shook her head. “My life is worth much less than the lives of innocent Zhekans,” she said quietly. “I must.”

  “Yes, Aerdan,” Namaya repeated, mimicking Angelica’s voice. “It’s for the best, don’t you see?”

  “No!” Aerdan yelled. He leapt forward, reaching for Angelica. Suddenly, a burst of green smoke filled the room. Aerdan coughed and choked as the smoke blinded him, seeping into his lungs and making him feel like he’d never be able to breathe properly again. He staggered and stumbled as he reached for Angelica, but his fingers only grasped air. The hall was filled with the sounds of anguished yells and screams, and Aerdan’s blood ran cold.

  “Angelica!” Aerdan screamed. “Where are you, Angelica?!”

  There was no reply.

  By the time the smoke cleared, Namaya, the Glasulian warriors, and Angelica had all vanished.

  Queen Zornaya stood at the top of the stairs, visibly shaken. Aerdan ran to her. He was barely able to contain his emotions but he bit his lip so his eyes wouldn’t fill with tears.

  “Mother,” Aerdan pleaded. “We must save her! We must!”

  Zornaya looked at Aerdan with sadness and pain in her eyes. “The girl was not only wise, she was brave,” she said softly.

  Aerdan’s jaw dropped. “Mother! Do you ever hear what you’re saying?”

  “We cannot rescue her, Aerdan,” Zornaya said quietly. “It is too much of a risk. Namaya has taken what she wanted – the threat against a royal alliance.”

  Aerdan’s fear and terror quickly turned to anger and he stood before his mother with his hands on his hips, glaring fiercely.

  “You won’t fight for her?” Aerdan asked, shaking his head bitterly. When there was no reply, he spat on the ground.

  “Son, she was a good woman, very smart and beautiful,” Zornaya said gently. “But you must accept this had to happen.”

  “You are without honor,” Aerdan spat. “All this time, you talk about being a good leader! And those…those barbarians storm in here and steal the one girl I’ve ever cared about?!”

  “You are to go to your chamber and stay there until I call for you,” Zornaya said. Her blue eyes flashed with anger. “You must learn your place in this family, Aerdan!”

  Aerdan glared. He turned on his heel and rushed up the stairs, desperate for a plan that would save Angelica.

  The whole kingdom was plunged into a sudden and surprisingly intense period of mourning. Even though Angelica hadn’t been a presence in Zheka for very long, the people had come to know and love her as their future queen.

  Just as Zornaya had predicted, there was some jealousy…but eventually, most everyone came around. Angelica was not just beautiful, she was intelligent, kind, and gentle. Everyone who had met her spoke highly of her. There hadn’t been a royal wedding since Aerdan’s cousin, Thaemas, had wed four years earlier. But Thaemas had died in a show, and his widow had lost the babe she was carrying due to grief. The people hungered for a royal marriage…and a royal heir, someone who would assure them that their future was safe.

  Aerdan barely left his chamber. He couldn’t eat, sleep, or even ride Tlatse without thinking of Angelica. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw her delicate face. Aerdan couldn’t stomach listening to people mourn for Angelica as though she were already dead. The castle and realm was filled with talk of Angelica’s selflessness, her bravery – her decision to sacrifice herself before Namaya could hurt their beloved royal family.

  I wish she hadn’t done that, Aerdan thought fiercely. He was sitting in his chamber at his desk, over a blank piece of parchment. He’d had t
he idea to write a secret message to Angelica – perhaps one of his mother’s falcons could deliver it, or even Brynx with the right instructions. But even as he sat tapping the quill against the blank sheet, nothing sprang to mind. What would I ever write, Aerdan wondered bitterly.

  He shuddered. I’m a failure, Aerdan thought. I’ll never be a strong warrior. Even my father, a complete lout, would have been able to fight Namaya and win when he was in his prime. I’ll never live up to that.

  “You can go look for her, you know.”

  “Huh?” Aerdan’s head snapped up. Brynx was sitting at the ledge of the window, sunning his white fur in the bright rays. “What do you mean?”

  Brynx blinked once, long and slow. “Aerdan, this is your chance,” Brynx said calmly. “You told her you were an explorer, didn’t you?”


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