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TANAK: Sci-Fi Romance (Star Fall Series Book 1)

Page 44

by E. A. James

  “Sorry,” Aerdan mumbled. “Must’ve—“

  “Shut up, you,” the guard growled. With surprising strength, the guard reached down and grabbed Aerdan by the scruff of his neck, hauling him to his feet. The group of women tittered and laughed, covering their mouths with pudgy hands.

  “Hey,” Aerdan said indignantly. “What do you think you’re doing? I’m a royal cousin,” he said cockily. “Get your hands off me!”

  The guard narrowed his eyes. “I do not believe you. Who is your father?”

  “Um, Lord Farque,” Aerdan said. “Of the Gabled Lakes.”

  “I have never heard of that man,” the guard said suspiciously. Behind his dull eyes, Aerdan could practically see his brain churning.

  “He’s married to my mother, Lady Beckings,” Aerdan lied. “Of the famed beauty.”

  The guard glared. “Enough of your insolence, peasant! Back to the fields with you!”

  “Anyone can tell I’m an educated man,” Aerdan snapped. “Do I look like a peasant to you?”

  The guard pointed down at the tattooed blue bands around Aerdan’s arm. “Only peasants are marked,” he said. “Come with me.”

  The group of women burst out laughing as the guard grabbed Aerdan and tugged him away from the entrance to the castle. Aerdan’s heart sank as the guard wrenched open a door and started taking him down a dark staircase made of stone. White lime streaked the walls and Aerdan didn’t have to look around for long before he realized he was being carted to the dungeons.

  Now I’ve gone and done it, Aerdan thought miserably. The guard shifted on the stairs, yanking Aerdan into place.

  “Show your Mistress respect!”

  “What?” Aerdan looked up. When he saw whom the guard was speaking of, he gasped.

  Angelica stood before him, looking tired and hungry. She wore a magnificent white silken cloak, clasped around her throat with a gleaming green gem. When she saw Aerdan, her dark eyes went wide. Her cheeks were streaked with dirt and grime, and her hair was greasy, but she looked alive and well – wonderfully alive.

  “Release this man,” Angelica said in a regal voice Aerdan had never heard her use before. His head began to spin in confusion as the guard lifted him into the air and carefully peered into his face.

  “Mistress, this man was lying,” the guard grunted. “He said he was a royal cousin! He’s nothing more than a peasant. I am taking him to the dungeons so that he may learn the error of his ways!”

  “That may be,” Angelica countered. “But I wish for this man to be released. He is my servant, don’t you know? He is of great use to me. In the dungeons, he will rot.”

  What in the name of the gods is happening, Aerdan wondered nervously. He glanced from the guard to Angelica, searching her face for clues. Despite her slightly bewildered look, he found nothing that clued him in. Was she from Glasule all along? What’s she doing here, and why is she dressed like that? But her face is dirty, so something must have happened…but why did they let her go? What’s going on?

  Aerdan’s mind was spinning in such rapid circles that he felt like he would be sick.

  “I said, release him.” Angelica’s voice was strong and powerful. “He is mine.”

  The guard gave Aerdan one final look before shrugging and dropping him to the ground. Aerdan crashed painfully hard on the stairs but he scrambled to his feet and looked at Angelica in wonder.

  “What’s going—“

  “Hush,” Angelica said serenely. She held up her hand and licked her lips. “Come with me, servant,” she said. “We are to go to my chamber at once.”

  Aerdan followed behind Angelica as she led him up to the main grounds of the castle. He wasn’t sure what to expect – would she lead him to Muertha and reveal that they had been working together all along? Would she take him to Namaya?

  Aerdan shivered.

  “Do not be afraid,” Angelica said quietly. As the pair emerged into the sunshine, she pulled her hood over her head and began gliding across the ground with astonishing grace. Nearly each person they passed bowed or curtseyed to Angelica. She dipped her head at all of them, but didn’t linger. She didn’t speak to anyone besides Aerdan, or the various guards that stepped aside to let her pass.

  It took Aerdan a few minutes to realize that no one was looking at him – it was almost as if their eyes slid from Angelica to the next person, without even seeing him. It’s like I’m invisible, he realized. What is she doing? How is she controlling all of them like that?

  Angelica led Aerdan to the drawbridge. After ordering the guard to lower the bridge, Angelica began walking across it.

  “I’m gathering herbs,” she called over her shoulder. “You can raise the gate. I will call to you when I’ve returned.”

  The guard bowed low in a sign of respect. He cranked the bridge down with his enormous shoulders, and Angelica led the way, away from the castle of Glasule, into the bright freedom and sun of the day.

  When they were away from the castle, Aerdan grabbed Angelica by the shoulder and pulled her close. He stared deeply into her dark eyes.

  “What’s going on,” Aerdan demanded. “Are you taking me home to kill my family? Have you been working with Namaya? With Muertha?”

  Angelica narrowed her eyes. “You must have a really low opinion of me,” she said. She sniffed. “I can’t tell you right now, just come with me,” she added. “Come on, faster. The faster the better,” she added, quickening her pace to a graceful trot.

  Aerdan kept silent as Angelica led him to the stables. While she spoke to the stable boy, Aerdan hung behind. Minutes later, the stable boy emerged with two horses, saddled and ready to go.

  “Assist me, please,” Angelica said. Aerdan linked his hands and held them in front of his body so she could mount her ride. As soon as Angelica was settled in her saddle, she nodded for Aerdan to climb astride his own horse.

  Angelica set the pace at a fast canter towards the woods. Once she slowed down, she pulled the hood off her head.

  “I stole this,” she said triumphantly. “Namaya left it in the dungeon.”

  Aerdan’s jaw dropped. “How…how were you able to get out?”

  Angelica shrugged. “I ripped my dress,” she said. She lifted the hem of the cloak and showed Aerdan the ragged bottom of her dress. “The guard fell asleep.”


  “You can’t believe it?” Angelica laughed. “Have a little faith, Aerdan. Namaya bewitched this cloak herself. The guards saw me as her,” she added. “Besides, this didn’t hurt.” She reached into a pocket of the cloak and pulled out a small green stone that glowed in the palm of her hand. Angelica winced. “I don’t know what this is,” she said softly. “But it hurts whenever I touch it. I thought I could ask your mother.”

  Aerdan sighed. The strain of the past twenty-four hours was wearing on him heavily, but the love and relief flooding his body were more powerful than anything else he’d ever felt. Before he could even think about what he was doing, he slid off his horse and walked to Angelica’s. Scooping Angelica up in his arms, he lifted her down and kissed her passionately. Angelica moaned softly and pulled Aerdan close.

  “I thought you were dead,” Angelica said softly. “I was so afraid.”

  Aerdan nodded seriously. “I thought I’d never be able to find you,” he said. “But I knew I had to try.”

  Angelica slipped a hand into Aerdan’s and squeezed.

  “Let’s go home,” Aerdan said. He grinned. “I bet Mother will throw me a banquet.”

  Angelica rolled her eyes. “Is food all you ever think about?”

  Aerdan kissed her gently. “Not all,” he said. He winked. “I can think of one thing in particular that sounds even better.”

  Angelica flushed. “Come on,” she said. “We need to get moving – it won’t be long before Namaya discovers what I’ve done.”

  Aerdan grinned. As far as he was concerned, everything had turned out perfectly.



  Angelica and Aerdan were barely over the Zhekan border before they were met with a huge party of soldiers, carriages, and the royal couple. Queen Zornaya leapt out of her carriage and threw her arms around Aerdan before slapping him sharply across the face.

  “How dare you worry me like that!” Zornaya said angrily. She turned to Angelica and her anger melted. Zornaya pulled the girl into a tight hug until Angelica felt like she couldn’t breathe.

  “I’m so sorry,” Angelica said. “I didn’t mean for Aerdan to come after me.”

  Zornaya laughed wearily. “Child, I could not have stopped him with a thousand horses,” she said. “I’m just so relieved that the both of you are safe and sound back in Zheka.”

  Angelica nodded. She yawned – suddenly, the strain of her ordeal was beginning to take a heavy toll on her.

  “Come, child, to the castle,” Zornaya said. She wrapped an arm around Angelica. “And after the two of you are rested, we will feast. It’s not every day that my only son does me so proudly.”

  Aerdan was still rubbing the sore spot on his cheek. “You didn’t have to hit me so hard,” he said sourly.

  “You’ve had worse,” Zornaya said pleasantly. “Now, to the castle.”

  Aerdan and Angelica rode together in a carriage, sending their horses to the royal stable with a page. Angelica barely had the energy to think, much less speak. But once she was alone with Aerdan and there was no danger of Glasule, she licked her lips.

  “Aerdan…who is Muertha?”

  Aerdan laughed humorlessly. “A wench of Glasule,” he said. “Someone I was ordered to marry…if I couldn’t find a bride in my own realm.”

  “Oh,” Angelica said softly. She shifted as the carriage rumbled over a bumpy patch of dirt. “She…she told me that I ruined everything for her, that I was responsible for ruining her prospects.”

  “That isn’t true,” Aerdan said. He sighed. “I’m sure the king and queen of Glasule hoped I’d marry her. After all, I’m due to take a bride very soon.”

  Angelica nodded. “I know,” she said quietly.

  “I’m so very sorry you had to go through that,” Aerdan said. He sighed. “I should have protected you. I should have fought Namaya before you could give yourself up.”

  “No,” Angelica said. “The lives of your whole family were at stake, Aerdan. I know exactly why you didn’t.”

  “What you did was very brave,” Aerdan said.

  As the carriage rolled slowly towards the castle, Aerdan told Angelica of how everyone in the kingdom was mourning her.

  “They are going to be so pleased to find you are alive,” Aerdan finished. “And I am, too,” he added. He reached for Angelica’s hand and squeezed tightly. “I was so frightened that I wouldn’t find you in good spirits.”

  Angelica wanted to laugh, but she didn’t have the energy. “I can’t believe a whole kingdom is mourning me,” she said softly. “Back home, in New York…I bet the only people who care are my friends.” She shrugged.

  “What of your family, lady?”

  Angelica bit her lip. “My parents died when I was in college,” she said. “A car crash. I was an only child.”

  “Perhaps you will allow my family to be your family as well,” Aerdan said slowly. “I know my mother has grown quite fond of you.”

  Angelica’s cheeks flushed and she bit her lip. “Perhaps,” she said softly.

  The carriage rumbled to a stop. The people of Zheka had gathered around the castle and they cheered and clapped loudly as guards escorted Angelica and Aerdan to their respective chambers. For a moment, Angelica debated asking Aerdan if she could accompany him. But a huge yawn made her feel weak and tired. There’s time to talk with him later, she thought as she slipped out of Namaya’s cloak and the shreds of her muslin dress. The sheets on her bed were cool and soft, and soon, she was in a deep sleep.

  When Angelica woke up, the sky was pitch dark. The sea outside of Zheka was calm and rolling, and she opened her window for a fresh breeze as she dressed. The castle was bellowing with the laughter and cheer of the Zhekan people. Angelica felt a small thrill rush through her body as she soaped at her wash-stand.

  A loud knock at the door made Angelica jump.

  “Just a moment,” she called. “I’ll be right there.”

  With trembling fingers, Angelica pulled on a new silk gown – a gift from Queen Zornaya. It was dark blue. The deep color against her pale skin was beautiful – even Angelica had to admit that she thought she looked nice.

  When Angelica opened the door to her chamber, she was surprised to see Aerdan.

  “Come to escort me to the feast?”

  Aerdan’s blue eyes were glittering with lust and admiration. When he spoke, his voice was deep and husky.

  “No, lady,” Aerdan said. He stepped into her chamber and then shut the door behind him, locking it tightly.

  Angelica felt arousal coil in her lower belly. For a moment, she and Aerdan stared at each other, their eyes locked in a mutual passion. Then they moved together and Angelica closed her eyes as Aerdan’s lips trailed a passionate row of kisses down her neck and the bodice of her gown.

  “I was just dressed,” Angelica moaned as Aerdan’s hands slid under her gown and caressed her bare legs. “What about the feast? We’ll be late,” she added, her eyes rolling back in her head as Aerdan crushed her to his chest and kissed her deeply.

  “The gods may have the feast,” Aerdan growled. Slipping one arm under Angelica’s body, he carried her to the bed and gently laid her down on the mattress. Angelica moaned softly as Aerdan lay on top of her, kissing her deeply. His tongue probed the inner hidden places of her mouth and she spread her legs and arched her back underneath her lover.

  “Oh,” Angelica moaned. Aerdan straddled her, pushing her into the bed with his powerful bulk. In the dim light, his blue eyes flashed like sapphires. Aerdan tangled his hands in Angelica’s hair and gently tugged at her scalp, pulling her chin up and exposing her delicate neck. When Angelica felt Aerdan’s lips and teeth on her sensitive skin, she moaned and writhed beneath him.

  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking of you,” Aerdan growled. He pulled at the laces to Angelica’s gown, tugging the delicate silk away from her body. Underneath she only wore a garment of sheer cotton. Angelica’s nipples were stiff under the fabric and when Aerdan lowered his mouth to her breasts and began to suck, she thought she would explode with pleasure. Lust and arousal crawled through her, mingling with the adrenaline and desperation she felt having been faced with the prospect of never seeing Aerdan again. When Aerdan wrapped his arm under her body and pulled her up, Angelica peeled the silk gown from her arms and locked eyes with her lover.

  “I missed you so desperately,” Angelica gasped. “I had to find you, Aerdan.”

  Aerdan wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close and kissing her deeply. Angelica ran her hands over his smooth, muscular body – underneath his own silk clothing, he felt as lithe and powerful as a tiger. She closed her eyes and lowered her face to his neck, nipping and kissing at the deeply tanned skin. Aerdan groaned with pleasure. Angelica ran her hands over his leggings, gently rubbing the bulk at the fork of his legs. The thought of his hard manhood filling her made her gasp with pleasure and soon, Angelica was fumbling at the laces to Aerdan’s loose trousers.

  Aerdan gently pushed Angelica back down on the bed. He ripped the delicate cotton away from her chest and lowered his face to her nipples, where began to suck and lick. Angelica went wild. She arched her back and moaned, writhing under Aerdan’s powerful body. As eagerly as she could, she pulled the rest of her silk dress away from her body and tossed it to the side. Being naked underneath Aerdan felt completely natural and soon, Angelica was begging for him to touch her most secret place.

  “Please,” Angelica whimpered. She took Aerdan’s large hand and moved it down her bare body, gently rubbing her lower belly and sliding his fingers between her legs. As Aerdan gently probed and stroked
her, Angelica spread her legs and buried her face in the pillows to keep from shrieking with pleasure. She could feel Aerdan’s thumb stroking long, delicious circles around her hardened nub of pleasure and she knew that her skin was bright red with the intense arousal she felt. She no longer cared how she looked – the pleasure inside of her body was driving her wild.

  “I need you,” Aerdan growled. He pulled his tunic away, and then stepped out of his silken leggings. With his hard manhood protruding from his body, Angelica was having a difficult time controlling her lust. She shivered in anticipation as Aerdan crawled on the bed. Spreading her legs, she waited for him to mount her.


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