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TANAK: Sci-Fi Romance (Star Fall Series Book 1)

Page 54

by E. A. James

  “I don’t want to leave,” she said softly. “I just want to know that I’m allowed to if I ever do one day.”

  He reached out and rested his hand on her shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze. “I’m sorry I spoke to you that way,” he said, sincerity heavy on his voice. “And yes, Margaret, if you ever decide to leave, you can. I don’t want you to feel like you’re a prisoner here. I want you to be here because you want to be.”


  Two days after their argument, the tension between Margaret and Joshua was still strong. It wasn’t in an aggressive sense, though. It seemed like that moment between them somehow sparked up the same passion that had clouded their judgment the first morning she released him from his chains.

  When she went to see him that morning, he was still dressed and greeted her warmly. “It’s always good to see you in the mornings, Margaret,” he said to her kindly as they exited the room with the metal door.

  “I have to admit, Joshua. I enjoy seeing you in the morning as well,” she said sincerely as he pushed open the door to his room.

  “I’ll see you in a few hours,” he said as he let the door close between them.

  She made her way to the kitchen where Henry had her breakfast prepared and waiting. As she ate, she couldn’t get her mind off of Joshua. She scolded herself mentally, reminding herself that he was her boss. There could never be anything between them.

  It was almost as if the universe were trying to give her a sign that she was right, because just as Henry was collecting her dishes her phone began to ring. She didn’t recognize the number.

  “Hello?” she picked up.

  “Maggie?” the voice on the other line asked.

  “Yes. Who is this?” she asked, perhaps a little too standoffishly.

  “Michael,” the voice answered. There was a pause, and she felt bad because she knew he was waiting for her to remember him. “I’m Carrie’s friend,” he finally said.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed, a little embarrassed. “Of course! Michael! From the audition, right?”

  “Yes,” he said, relief in his tone. “I asked Carrie for your number. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Oh, sure,” she replied. “That’s fine.”

  “I was wondering if you’d like to grab a drink or something tonight? Maybe dinner?”

  She let out a soft giggle, quickly clapping her hand over her mouth, hoping he didn’t hear it. It had been a long time since she had been on a date, at least as long as she had been in the city. “Are you asking me on a date, Michael?” she asked, not letting her real excitement come across.

  “If you’re interested,” he answered.

  “Well,” she tried to sound like she was considering the offer a lot more than she really was. “I suppose it would be nice to go out for a drink or something,” she finally agreed.

  “You have to be here tonight,” she heard Joshua’s voice say from behind her.

  Her heart stopped. She turned to look up at him. The expression on his face was one she wasn’t very familiar with. She hadn’t seen him look that way since the first day he brought her to the room with the metal door—he looked hurt.

  “I’m going to have to call you back, Michael,” she said quickly, ending the call before hearing his response. “Were you spying on me?” she accused Joshua as she stood up to address him.

  “Spying on you?” he asked laughing a little. “Margaret, you’re in the dining room. It’s not like you’re locked away in your room or somewhere where I would have to actually spy to overhear your conversation.

  “I thought you were sleeping.”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” he shrugged walking over and taking a seat at the table. “So, let’s talk about tonight,” he said motioning for her to sit next to him.

  “Are you going to tell me I’m not allowed to go?” she asked as she took her seat. “Do you think you can somehow control my life and what I do?” She noted a sense of disdain in her voice. She had never imagined she would talk to him like that. She wasn’t sure where the frustration was coming from. Maybe it was being stuck in the house all day, every day. Or maybe it was having to be so close to him constantly, feeling her attraction towards him grow on a daily basis, and not being able to act on it.

  “I don’t want to control you, Margaret,” he said his voice still calm, although the look on his face was still one of hurt.

  “Then why can't I see Michael?” She wondered if it was because he was jealous.

  “You can,” he said after thinking for a moment. “Bring him here.”

  “What?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “I have a home cinema. You can both come here, watch a movie, and you’ll just have to slip away for five minutes at 11:00 to fulfill your duties.”

  “I don’t know…” she said contemplating the option.

  “I need you, Margaret,” he said reaching out and placing his hand on hers. “Please.”

  Her heart fluttered in her chest. Hearing him say he needed her had more of an impact on it than it should have. “I’ll ask him,” she said quietly.

  “Thank you.”

  She went to her room to call Michael back. This time, if Joshua had anything to say about her conversation she would know that he really was spying on her.

  “Michael? Hi, it’s me,” she said nervously when he answered the phone.

  “Hey, Maggie. So, we on for tonight?”

  “Actually, about that,” she started, although she wasn’t sure exactly how to proceed. “I completely forgot that I told my boss I would stay around the house tonight. He needs my help with something.”

  “Oh,” he sounded a little upset. “Maybe another time?”

  “No!” she said quickly. “It’s not that I can’t see you. It’s just that… Well, you see…” She hated this situation. She felt awkward and wasn’t sure how to explain something she didn’t even understand herself. “Joshua has a theater here. He said we can use it. So, if you’d like…”

  “Joshua who?” he asked quickly, cutting her off.

  “Joshua McGuire.”

  “What?” he said loudly. “You work for Joshua McGuire?”

  “Yes,” she said unsure of how he knew about Joshua.”

  “You work for one of the richest men in the city?” he continued to speak with amazement.

  She had never realized exactly how much money Joshua had. She had never asked or even thought to. “How do you know that?” she questioned Michael.

  “Everyone knows about Joshua McGuire!” His tone made her feel stupid that she didn’t know about him before working for him.

  “Alright,” she said wanting to change the topic. “So, are you up for that? Coming back here and watching a movie or something?”

  “Hell yeah!” he said excitedly. “What time should I be there?”


  Margaret couldn’t believe how nervous she was waiting for Michael to show up. She tried on at least three different outfits, spending at least fifteen minutes in each in front of the three-sided mirror, spinning around, and scrutinizing every inch of herself. Eventually, she settled for a floral print dress that was snug on the top but flowed out in a soft ruffle through the skirt. She decided on a pair of strappy wedge heels, and a subtle pearl necklace.

  When she walked out of her room and into the sitting room, Joshua stood to greet her but seemed to be left speechless upon seeing her. “Margaret,” he said in an airy voice. “You look…”

  She blushed, looking down at her dress and pulling at the skirt nervously. “Thank you.”

  “What time will he be here?” Joshua asked, taking his seat again, but not moving his gaze off of Margaret.

  “At 9:00,” she answered.

  “So, any minute now. I’ll be sure I’m out of your way for the night,” he added.

  “I don’t want you to feel unwelcome in your own home!” she objected.

  “Oh, it’s nothing like that,” he smiled up at her. “This is yo
ur home too now, Margaret. I want you to feel like it is at least.”

  His words sent her heart racing the same way it always seemed to do when she was around him. “That’s very sweet of you.”

  She wanted to continue talking to him, but she couldn’t think of what to say. The air in the room was filled with nervous, uncomfortable tension. She wasn’t sure if it was coming from her or from him. He looked a little out of sorts. He kept shifting his weight around in his chair and stealing occasional glances in her direction.

  When the buzzer rang through the room, it caused her to jump a little. Joshua got to his feet and walked across the room. “I’ll see you at 11:00,” he said to her as he disappeared down the hall.

  She heard Henry answer the intercom, and just a few moments later the elevator opened and Michael appeared. “Whoa!” he exclaimed as he stepped out, looking around the room.

  She laughed a little as she walked towards him. “It’s pretty impressive, huh?”

  “You can say that again!” His eyes were wide, as if they were trying to absorb everything he saw. He scanned the room three or four times before looking at her. “You look nice,” he said to her smiling.

  “Thank you,” she said. She didn’t blush the way she did when Joshua looked at her. She didn’t feel her heart quicken or her hands start to shake. “You do, too,” she replied. He did look nice. He was wearing a pair of jeans with a red button up that made his dark blond hair almost seem to have a strawberry color to it.

  “Mr. McGuire said to show you two to the cinema,” Henry said in his usual dry manner.

  “Thank you, Henry,” she said turning to him. He led them down a different hall than usual. It was tucked away next to the elevator, and she had never actually noticed it before. Maybe because all of her attention was on the hall that led to her room, Joshua’s room, and the room with the metal door.

  This new hall only had one door at the very end of it. When they walked through it, she was left as impressed as Michael. It looked like they had actually walked into a miniature movie theater. There were six rows of theater chairs, an enormous screen, and even a small concession area in the back. “This is awesome!” Michael yelled out as he ran into the room. His actions reminded her of those of a child. She tried to push that thought out of her head, though. She was determined to have a good night.

  “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything, but my shift ends at 10:00, so after that you’re on your own,” Henry said as he left them alone.

  “So, how does this work?” Michael asked, spinning around to look at her.

  “What?” she asked confused.

  He plopped himself down in one of the seats as he continued speaking. “You are working here. Do you get to live here as well?”

  She laughed a little as she walked over to sit next to him. “Yes,” she answered. “I live here.”

  “That’s so dope!” he yelled excitedly.

  “I suppose you could say that,” she answered quickly, not letting her true reaction to his outburst come through.

  “And what do you do exactly, to get put up in a kick-ass place like this?”

  The way he talked continued to turn her off. It was so superficial and almost juvenile. “Well, I basically serve as Mr. McGuire’s personal assistant,” she replied. She didn’t want to go into the details of what that entailed, however.

  “Well, I’m glad we didn’t go out in the end,” he said chuckling.

  “Why is that?”

  “Because! Why would I pay to take you out when we have this whole place to hang out in?”

  She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him, taken aback by his statement. “Well, it was very nice of Joshua to let us use this place for the night,” she agreed, but apprehensively.

  “I’d say so!” Michael continued to speak loudly. “I mean, waiting tables is enough for me to get by, but I have to keep a pretty tight budget.”

  “Have you gotten any acting jobs recently?” she asked him.

  “A few things, but nothing major. A part in some stupid way way way off Broadway musical, and a spot in a local commercial.”

  “That’s great!” she said jealous of his success. As minimal as it was, it was still better than what she had gotten.

  “It’s a start, I suppose,” he shrugged. “Why don’t we pick a movie?”

  As they flipped through the selection of movies, she couldn’t help but let her mind wander back to Joshua. What was he doing at that moment? Was he thinking about her? No! That’s ridiculous. Why would be he thinking about her? She tried to keep her attention on Michael, but every time he opened his mouth, she found him more and more immature. Compared to Joshua he was completely unrefined and brazen.

  After they had made their choice, they took their seats in the front row. She snuggled up in the chair next to Michael and let him put his arm around her. She kept trying to slyly check her watch, waiting for 11:00 so she could escape to see Joshua again. She didn’t even notice what movie they were watching, but from time to time Michael would burst out laughing, so she did the same.

  As the time got closer and closer, it became harder and harder for her to focus on what was going on around her. She kept her eyes fixed on her watch instead of the screen. When a loud explosion from the movie startled her, she looked up quickly. She hadn’t realized how close Michael had gotten. He was leaning to the side, his face only inches from hers. His left arm was still around her shoulders, but his right hand had somehow ended up on her leg.

  She giggled nervously as she tried to adjust herself, hoping to pull away from him slightly. He kept his arm tightly around her, though, not letting her move. He turned to look at her, his green eyes glaring into hers. “What’s wrong?” he asked her. Something about the tone of his voice let her know that he was only feigning concern.

  “It’s just getting a little hot,” she said still trying to wiggle free of his hold.

  “I don’t think so,” he said as he leaned in closer to her. “But we can get it really steamy in here if that’s what you want.”

  “No,” she said quickly, reaching up to push him away. “I don’t think…” She couldn’t finish her sentence, because as she spoke he wrapped his hand around the back of her head and pulled her face towards him, pressing his lips against hers.

  She let out a muffled yell, but he didn’t stop. He moved his hand from her leg to her chest, grabbing at her greedily. She pushed against his chest as forcefully as she could, but she couldn’t move him. He shoved his hand down her top, sending a feeling of disgust running through her.

  He pulled away from her quickly, leaving his hand on her chest, and keeping her pinned back against the chair. He reached down with his free hand to begin undoing his jeans. “Come on, Maggie,” he said in a deviant voice. “You know you want this.”

  “No!” she yelled out, but before her screams could be fully articulated he reached out and cupped his hand over her mouth. “Don’t yell,” he ordered her. “It’ll be quicker if you don’t yell.” With is pants undone and shoved down to his thighs he leaned back in to press his lips to hers, more to stifle her yells for help than to kiss her. He reached his hand down and slid it slowly up her skirt.

  She felt like the room was closing in around her. She couldn’t breathe, and her heart felt like it was pounding so hard that it would explode out of her chest any moment.

  Suddenly, something happened. Something came bursting into the room. She wasn’t sure what it was, but it was dark and covered in hair. The beast looked like a gorilla! Michael turned to look at it, his eyes large with fear. The beast rushed over to them, ripping Michael away from her. She tried to scream, but nothing came out. As she watched the animal throw Michael back against a wall and then lunge forward to attack the room began to spin faster and faster around her, until all of the sudden everything went black.


  When she regained consciousness, Margaret wasn’t sure where she was. She kept her eyes shut tightly, afraid t
o open them. She was lying on the ground. She must have fallen forward when she blacked out. The images of the night flashed through her mind.

  She was with Michael. They were watching a movie, and then he tried to rape her. That much she was sure of. But what happened next was too strange to be true. She remembered a gorilla. A gorilla? That couldn’t be right. It couldn’t have been. But something did come in the room; something did save her.

  She reached her hands up and ran them through her hair, taking a deep breath before opening her eyes. When she did, she looked around the room. Everything seemed to be in order. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. She tried to push herself up to her feet, but as she did she saw him.


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