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Reckless Abandon (The Cave Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Teri Kay

  I reluctantly made my way to the private rooms. I hadn’t been back there since Nathan and I made the agreement that I would stay on the floor or the stage. My heart was telling me I was making a mistake, but I knew that I needed the money. I put on my Vaughn happy face and got ready to shake my tits in some random guy’s face.

  Walking into the dimly lit room, I prepared myself to dance for the lucky groom. He didn’t seem all that excited, like most of the grooms we got back there. The stiffness of his shoulders told me he was reluctant to participate. The shaking of his legs showed me he was completely anxious. Poor guy. Well, I'd do my best to make sure he was smiling from ear to ear and had a raging hard-on by the time he left.

  “Hey, sexy,” I said in my seductive stripper voice. “You ready to have a good time before you start your life with the old ball and chain?”

  “Sure,” he replied, never looking up from his lap.

  “Oh,” I cooed, “we have a shy one here. Well I may just have to wake you up a little, baby.”

  “Sorry, strip clubs have never been my thing,” he said looking up.

  Oh. My. God. I would know that voice anywhere. It was the voice of my dreams for so many years until it became the voice of my nightmares. No, this couldn’t be happening. Did I turn on the lights and confirm my suspicions or just run? I had to see. I needed to know. Spinning around, I flicked on the lights.

  “Lucas?” I shakily asked.

  He peered at me confused, but then as if a lightbulb went on he realized who I was. “Holy fuck. Ryann? What the hell are you doing here?”

  I could feel the bile rise in my throat. My knees went weak. My head started spinning. “I would ask you the same, Lucas, but obviously I already know the answer to that.”

  I opened the door and ran out the private rooms as fast as my feet would carry me. When I made it out to the main floor, I continued to run to the dressing room without even looking where I was going. As I came around the last corner, I ran into a six foot three brick wall of a man.

  “Baby girl, what’s wrong? I've been looking all over for you.”

  “G,” I said, “sorry, I didn’t mean to run into you.” When I looked away I saw Lucas at the bar talking to Rose.

  “Vaughn, are you alright?”

  “No I’m not. G, can you please get me out of here?” I asked.

  “C’mon. Let’s go. My car’s out back,” He took my hand and led me out to the parking lot.

  Without any further thought, I got into G’s Range Rover and left. He didn’t ask me where I wanted to go; he just started driving. Pulling up in front of the Bellagio Hotel, I wanted to say something like: I couldn't go up to his room or to take me home, but instead I found myself mindlessly following him inside.

  I left the club so quickly that I didn’t change or even grab my purse. I found myself walking through the swanky Bellagio lobby in only my school girl costume. Once again, I was in the lovely position of everyone staring at me. And yet, I didn’t know if they were staring at me or at G. I'd nearly forgotten I was walking around with one of the most famous football players in the NFL.

  Quickly making our way to his private suite, my brain started going wild in typical Ryann fashion. What was G expecting? What was I expecting? What the hell would Nathan think when he found out?

  My thoughts were interrupted by G’s question. “Would you like something more comfortable to wear?”

  “Oh, yeah. Sure, I guess,” I answered barely paying attention.

  He came back out with a large t-shirt for me and a pair of his boxers. “Will this work? Anything else I have will be huge on your teeny little body.”

  “Thanks,” I said, embarrassed.

  “Vaughn, stop being shy with me. I don’t bite…unless you want me to,” he laughed. “No, seriously, I could see you needed someone tonight. Let me be that someone. I’ve been told I'm like a giant teddy bear.”

  “Thanks, G. I do need someone,” I leaned up on my tiptoes, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed his cheek.

  “Please call me, Rich,” he insisted.

  “Okay, Rich. My name is actually Ryann,” I cautiously told him.

  “Yeah, I had a feeling it wasn’t Vaughn Haley,” he laughed. “Go get changed, I’ll order some room service, pour some drinks, and if you feel like it, we can talk.”

  Walking into the bathroom, I stopped and stared at my own reflection. I had no idea who the woman in the mirror was anymore. Five years ago, I was the happily married wife of Lucas McKennan. A year ago I was a newly divorced teacher, but I felt like I knew who I was. Today, I had no fucking clue who I was anymore. A teacher, a stripper, in a “sorta” relationship, and now in a NFL player’s hotel room. What the hell was I doing?

  “Baby girl!” I heard G…Rich…shouting from the other room. “What do you drink?”

  “Vodka and cranberry please. I’ll be right out,” I shouted back. Quickly changing, I threw on Rich's shirt, but his boxers fell right off, so what was the point? I took one more look in the mirror, and let out a long sigh. “Ugh, Ryann. What is happening to you, girl?” I wondered to myself.

  I walked back out to the sitting area of the room with Rich’s shirt barely covering my ass, but I guess it really didn’t matter since he'd seen me totally naked before.

  “Thanks for getting me out of there tonight. It's been a few really messed up days,” I confessed, taking the vodka and cranberry from him.

  “Wanna talk about it baby girl?” he asked me.

  I just shrugged. Did I want to talk about it? Especially to a hot NFL playboy? Looking over at Rich, I saw a beautiful man, his broad shoulders holding his strong arms open to hold me. The look in his eyes seemed sweet and sincere, like all he really wanted to do was make sure I was okay. I couldn’t resist his invite, and crawled up in his lap, put my head on his chest and allowed my whole body to relax into his. Damn, he felt good. We sat silently on the couch sipping our drinks until the knock from room service interrupted us. Rich carefully set me down on the couch and went to take care of the food.

  I didn’t think I was hungry until the scent of steak and lobster filled the room. Rich spread everything out on the coffee table. “Ready to eat?” he asked.

  “Damn, is this the celebrity extra treatment? I need to do this more often,” I giggled as I started to bite into the mouthwatering lobster.

  “I’d like that,” he said almost too quietly for me to hear. I looked up to find him staring right at me.

  Crap. I needed to change the subject and fast. “I have to be honest, I had no idea who you were the first time you came into The Cave and I went home and Googled you. So tell me, G, why is it always strippers and porn stars?” I asked with a little wiggle of my eyebrow.

  The question must have caught him off guard, he practically choked on his beer when I asked. “Well, they’re easy,” he laughed.

  “What the hell, Rich? That’s a messed up thing to say. Is…is that what you think of me?” I asked a bit irritated.

  “No, that came out completely wrong. What I mean is that girls in those professions usually don’t want serious commitments. No drama relationships. At the moment, my career is my number one focus, not women. And no, Ryann, that’s not what I think about you,” he calmly responded. “My turn now, what’s going on with you and Nathan Sims?”

  “You know Nathan?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I follow professional poker. I love the game. Now stop changing the subject,” he scolded me.

  “There was something between us but I broke it off,” I answered never looking up from my plate. As much as I know it was for the best, it still pains me to actually say it.

  “Do you want to tell me why?”

  “Nope, it’s complicated.” Thankfully he didn’t ask again.

  “So, tell me what had you hightailing it out of the club like a bat out of hell?”

  “That I will tell you, but it will require another drink,” I said as I held up my glass for a refill.

told Rich about my divorce and why Lucas left me, and that to make matters worse, I was called in to give him a private dance for his bachelor party. “Okay, that is one of the most fucked up things I've heard in a while. I think that calls for another drink,” he says as he picked up my glass for a refill.

  Sitting back on the couch, he summoned me back to his lap. I was actually feeling quite tipsy so I had no problem filling his request. I crawled back up and nestled myself into the same spot I was in before. Rich gently started running his large fingers through my hair. I unconsciously let a lusty moan escape my lips.

  “Does that feel good, baby girl?” Rich asked as he softly brushed my hair to the side. He placed soft kisses on the back of my neck. I felt myself starting to give in to his touch. The strong hold of his hands around my made me feel so safe. Leaning my head back, I allowed his mouth to meet mine. His were soft and gentle, yet his tongue wasn't fighting to invade my mouth. He continued to place soft kisses on my lips, with an ever so gentle nibble of on my bottom lip. I’m not sure if I actually returned his kiss but I definitely did not push him away.

  Rich put both our drinks on the table, picked me up and carried me into his room. He laid me down on the bed and crawled in right next to me. Instantly, I felt a huge knot form in my stomach. Too much to drink or not, I knew that I couldn’t sleep with Rich. Even if he was sexy as fuck. Nathan’s face kept creeping into my mind. I remembered how angry he was when he even thought I slept with G. Broken up or not, I don't want to cause Nathan anymore pain.

  “Rich, I can’t have sex with you,” I meekly said.

  “Baby girl, I didn’t expect you to. You aren’t like most of the girls I've met at clubs. I can sense this higher level of respect for yourself and that you wouldn’t sleep with me just because I'm Richard Grovanski,” he told me.

  “Thank you.”

  “But that doesn’t mean I'm not going to hold you, kiss you, and make you feel safe.”

  We laid together for the next few hours wrapped in each other’s bodies, kissing, laughing, and just having a good time together. Rich was the type of guy that would make sure you were safe and smiling in any situation. We continued to drink and he made me forget the thoughts of my beyond horrible week. Eventually, we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  I awoke the next morning with another raging headache. I really needed to stop this drinking thing. I heard Rich singing in the shower, and fuck he sounded sexy. Not only was he an amazing athlete, but a decent singer too. As I laid there listening, the ache between my legs started to grow for him. Thank God the water stopped and Rich got out of the shower before I allowed myself to give in to temptation. I did not need any more confusion in my life.

  He walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Every defined chest muscle was glistening with drops of water, his six pack looked good enough to eat off. The man in front in me was absolutely delicious. And yet he wasn’t the meal I was craving.

  “Good morning, baby girl,” he smiled. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  I groaned and put the covers back over my head. “Can I just stay in bed all day?”

  He leaned in closely, pulled the blankets down and gently brushed his lips against mine. “I would love nothing more than to keep you locked up with me all day but I have a feeling that would get us in some trouble. And the last thing I want is to be another complication for you. But I'm still taking you out,” he said matter-of-factly. “Now get up. Go take a shower and breakfast will be here when you get out.”

  As the hot water ran over my body in one of the most luxurious showers I've ever stepped foot in, I let my mind wander over the events of the last few weeks and where my life was at. I felt like I was in the middle of a giant shit-storm and I kept getting deeper and deeper with each move I made. And now if I was worried about Cristina before, I should sure as hell be worried about Lucas—considering he worked for the same school district I did. I never thought running into Rich would be the best part of my night. It was probably time to come clean with Nathan and everyone else and let the pieces fall where they might.

  “Hurry up, baby girl, breakfast is here,” Rich shouts from the other room. I quickly finished up, dried off and threw on a robe that was hanging on the door, since I had nothing else with me except a stripper costume.

  “Smells great,” I said as I walked out drying my blonde hair.

  “Hmm...natural blonde, sexy, baby girl,” he pointed out in that sexy Boston accent.

  “Yup, natural California blonde. Did you order me clothes?” I asked seeing some clothes hanging on a rack.

  “Yeah, I had them send up a few different sizes and styles. Pick something to wear home. You definitely can’t wear your school girl costume. Though I wouldn’t object,” he said coming up behind me and putting his arms around my waist. “Now let’s eat, get dressed and get you home. I have a feeling there are a whole lot of people wondering where the fuck you are.”

  “You know, in all the confusion last night, that wasn’t something I even thought about it. Crap, I wouldn’t be surprised if Rose doesn’t have an APB out for me by now.”

  An hour later, Rich dropped me off at the club. It was after eleven so I knew Damon would be in working on the books, which was to my advantage as I needed to get my purse.

  Because it was before hours, I had to be buzzed in through the back door. I waved to Damon as I saw the camera turn toward me. He let me in.

  “Good morning, Vaughn. Here to get your car?” Damon asked coldly.

  “Yeah. Horrible experience last night. I’m very sorry if I worried anyone,” I tried to explain.

  Damon put up his hand to stop me. “We all were very worried about you, Vaughn. But then Nathan came in and told us he saw you at the Bellagio with G, so we knew where you were.” I think my jaw just about hit the ground. “And then it was all confirmed this morning when TMZ broke story of Richard Grovanski’s new stripper girlfriend.” What. The. Fuck?

  Lovin’ Lately

  I walked back into my sister’s house dumbfounded. I was trying to figure out what exactly just happened. Ryann was Jackson’s teacher. Holy shit! This was insane. I knew I recognized her but never in million years did I guess it was from the few times I went to school with my nephew because my brother-in-law was overseas.

  “Nathan, what the heck is going on?” Cristina hit with me as soon as I walked back in. My good PTA mom of a sister wouldn’t dare say a cuss word.

  “I honestly have no idea,” I responded sitting down and putting my head in my hands. “Apparently, my girlfriend is a kindergarten teacher.”

  “Yeah, well I got that part. What I don’t understand is how you met her at the club?” she asked.

  “C’mon, let’s grab something to drink and go sit out back and I’ll tell you what I know about Ryann McKennan and maybe you can help me feel in some blanks,” I told Cristina. We grabbed a couple beers and moved outside so Jackson could enjoy the afternoon swimming.

  When I walked into the backyard I saw Ella do a cannonball in the pool off the diving board. In all the chaos, I completely forgot she was here.

  “J-Ella Bean! Come here, sweet girl and give your old dad a hug,” I shouted as she swam toward me.

  “Daddy!” she jumped out and gave me a big, wet hug. “Aunt Cristina helped me get out here early for the big Las Vegas firework show and then a slumber party with Jackson! Can I get back in now?”

  “Yeah, go have fun,” I told her and kissed her on the top of her head.

  I walked over to my sister. “Thank you for bringing her early. Slumber party?” I asked.

  “I figured you were going to the party at The Cave so I told the kids we would have a slumber party tonight. Okay so now dish, big brother. I need to know the gossip,” she said eyes wide.

  “Oh, hell no, Cristina. This stays between us. I won’t say a word if I can’t trust you with this, I won’t say anything.”

  “I’m just kidding,” she defended h

  “No, Cristina. I need to be able to trust you,” I demanded seriously. Besides Damon or Vanessa, I really didn’t have anyone else I could trust. And I really didn’t want to talk to either one of them.

  “I’m sorry, Nathan. Of course you can trust me,” she put her hand on my shoulder to let me know she was serious. I told her what I knew about Ryann. Obviously, I knew nothing about her teaching so Cristina filled me in on that.

  “She’s been a kindergarten teacher at Rock Canyon for two years and everyone loves her. Beyond that, I don’t know much else about her. I knew she was divorced but other than that, nothing about her personal life.”

  “Well, now it’s up to her to fill in the blanks. Hopefully I can talk to her tonight after work,” I hopefully said.

  Later on that evening, I made my way to the main bar at The Cave and stalked my way up to Rose. “Where's Ryann?” I gritted through my teeth, already knowing she wasn’t here.

  “I don’t know, Nathan. She asked me to leave her alone for a couple of days so she can figure some stuff out. All I can I say is I hope your sister can keep her mouth shut,” she angrily said. If looks could kill, I would be dead.

  “She will” I said, then immediately left. If Ryann wasn’t working, there was no point in me staying there. I sent her a text.

  Me- Rose told me you turned your phone off. I understand. Let’s figure this out together butterfly. Please call me.

  I went back to my sister’s for the night. If I wasn't going to figure things out with Ryann, I might as well spend the evening enjoying fireworks with my daughter.

  Throughout the next couple days, I called and texted Ryann several times to no avail. I had to admit, she was one stubborn woman. I thought about going over to her house and demanding she talk to me. But the last thing I wanted to do was make Ryann feel like I'd backed her into a corner. I didn't want to make her run any further away then she already had.

  On Tuesday morning, I got the dreaded break-up text. Was she fucking kidding me? If that was how Ryann thought she would get out of talking to me, she was dead wrong. I sent her a text back letting her know that this was not over. How dare she? And then to send it just hours before she knew I was playing in a tournament. I needed to not let Ryann get in my head. I needed to win the tournament to gain a new online sponsorship.


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