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Loving Avery (Bearville County Book 2)

Page 10

by Katie Hamstead

  We pull up to the house and the wind blows around us. I glance around, checking for any of the Clarks.

  “Jack,” I say softly. “Make sure it’s just Mom in there.”

  He nods, understanding what I mean.

  He goes in, and a few moments later comes out with Mom. She’s smiling and hurries over to the car.

  “Aver—” She yanks the door open and freezes.

  I avoid looking at her as I stand. I’m shaking all over, terrified.

  “Oh, Avery.” Her voice is heavy with emotion. “Sweetie, when …? Why didn’t you say anything?” She grasps my hands. “Why didn’t you tell me you and Rhett are sexually active? You know you can tell me anything.”

  I burst into tears.

  Jack wraps a large coat around my shoulders and they hurry me inside. We sit in the living room, pulling the French doors closed.

  Mom looks to Jack. “Go get your father.”

  Jack nods.

  “No!” I grab Jack’s wrist. “Dad will flip out.”

  He looks to Mom, his brows furrowing.

  Mom pulls my hand back. “Your dad needs to know, honey. He’s going to find out eventually.”

  The front door opens with a bang and I can hear the twins with Brad. I grasp a pillow and cling to it.

  Mom waves at Jack and he hurries out. He grabs Brad and drags him outside, with the twins following.

  I breathe a sigh of relief.

  Mom pulls the pillow away. “How far along are you?”

  “Twenty weeks,” I say weakly.

  I can see her doing the math. “All summer? That had to be not long after he got back.”

  “It had to be the first night he was back.”

  Her eyes widen.

  I cover my face, ashamed. “We were careful every other time.”

  “You only need once, sweetie.” She tucks my hair behind my ear. “Who else knows?”

  I shake my head. “Just Jack. Nova figured out we were, you know, but she doesn’t know about this.”

  “So the Clarks …?”

  “Don’t know. Neither does Rhett.”

  She draws a sharp breath. “Avery, you need to tell him.”

  I shake my head, covering my ears. “Please don’t.”

  She strokes my head and kisses it. Then she pulls my hand away from my ear. “Do you know if it’s a girl or a boy?”

  I look into her eyes. “I have an appointment this week. I was going to tell you so you could come.”

  She smiles, tears forming in her eyes. “I’d love to be there.”

  My phone rings. It’s Rhett. I take a deep breath to calm myself. “Hey, Rhett.”

  Mom watches me as I talk to him, sounding as upbeat as possible. When Dad and Jack’s voices come from out the front, I tell Rhett I have to go and hang up. It’s rather abrupt, but I don’t want him to hear Dad freaking out.

  Dad comes in with Jack, smiling, until he sees me. I swallow, avoiding looking at him as I stand. He doesn’t say a word.

  “Paul,” Mom says gently.

  Dad’s chest rises and falls as he stares at my belly.

  “Paul?” Mom grasps his wrist.

  He pulls back from her. “Rhett?”

  “Hon, stay calm.”

  His gaze meets mine, fire burning in his eyes. “Rhett did this to you?”

  “He didn’t do this to me, it just happened,” I say softly, my cheeks burning.

  Dad wraps his hand around his gun. “I’ll kill him.”

  “Paul.” Mom grabs his hand over his gun. “Calm down.”

  “She’s just barely turned nineteen. She’s still a child.”

  “Paul.” Mom pulls his hand away from his gun. “It’s done. There’s no point getting upset about this.”

  Dad glares at me and says with a growl, “Where is he? Why isn’t he with you?”

  My throat aches and I can’t help crying.

  “Ave.” Jack steps over and wraps his arm around me. He looks to Dad. “Rhett doesn’t know.”

  Dad’s rage is an inferno under the surface. He’s fighting hard to keep it contained.

  Mom squeezes his hand. “Go upstairs, Paul.”

  Without hesitation, Dad marches up the stairs. Mom follows and their door slams shut. I stand stiff as she and Dad have a heated argument about who is to blame for my “condition.” Then, Dad starts crying.

  My heart shatters. I sink onto the couch, softly sobbing. Jack holds me, soothing me by whispering in my ear.

  “Aver … y.”

  I look up to Brad staring at me. I hadn’t heard him enter. I gasp, panicking that the twins might still be with him.

  Jack launches to his feet. “Brad, are you alone?”

  He nods, not looking away from me. “Avery, are you … pregnant?”

  He glances up the stairs at the sound of Mom trying to comfort Dad.

  Jack grabs him and pulls the French doors shut. “This does not leave this house. Avery needs to talk to Rhett before the Clarks know, do you understand?”

  “You slept with Rhett?”

  Jack slaps the back of his head. “Where the hell do you think babies come from? Just keep it quiet, okay? Avery needs to handle this.”

  Brad glances toward the stairs. “Dad’s pretty upset.”

  Jack’s shoulders sag. “Yeah.”

  I cover my face, ashamed. But then, the baby moves. It’s squirming like crazy and I lean back to give it room without kicking something awkward. Brad and Jack launch toward me, their hands resting on my belly.

  Brad grins as the baby bumps him. “Cool.”

  I smile. Despite my tears, despite the heartache, I love this baby, and I love that it can bring joy.

  Brad and Jack stay with me as we wait for Mom and Dad to come back down. I rest on Jack’s shoulder, and Brad rests on mine, keeping his hand on my belly in case the baby moves again.

  Taylor arrives home with one of the Blake kids. Jack hurries to send the Blake kid away, and brings Taylor in to see me. Taylor’s reaction is stronger than I’d have expected. He falls to his knees and scrambles over. He grasps my belly. “Avie, are you okay? How did this happen?”

  I clear my throat and Jack snorts. “I know you’ve all had the sex talk, so why are we going over this?”

  Taylor’s chin quivers. “Was it an accident? Who’s the dad?”

  “Yes,” I say softly. “And … and it’s Rhett.”

  He scrunches his nose. “Ugh, gross.”

  I can’t help chuckling. His disgust is right. It’s so him.

  When Mom and Dad finally come down, we’re all huddled together, talking quietly, discussing possible names, making bets on what it is. My brothers are amazing like that. They know how to cheer me up when I’m at my lowest.

  When Dad enters the room, his eyes are red. He looks at me and opens his arms. I rush to him and nuzzle up to his chest. He strokes my hair and kisses my head. “I love you no matter what, Avery. You’re my baby girl.”

  His words make the world brighter. With him on side, I can do anything. “I love you too, Dad.”



  Jack shows up at my door. He’s calmer than usual, which makes me nervous. I let him in and he sets a book on my desk. “Your dad wanted me to bring this to you.”

  I glance at it. It’s about dealing with a family member’s addiction recovery. “Thanks. Is Donny doing okay?”

  He sighs, rubbing his eyes. “I’m looking forward to him getting out the other end so he can see I didn’t do this to spite him. He was getting out of hand. When he called Mom a slut, and started attacking you and Avery, I just knew things had gone too far. He’d never do that if he was himself.”

  “Yeah.” I run my finger over the book. “I know about his thing for Avery.”

  Jack glances warily at me. “Yeah?”

  I nod.

  Jack groans. “What a freaking mess. I told him over and over not to bother, that it would only make him bitter, but he kept on at it. You know, I caught hi
m spying on her once? No joke, when we were seniors he climbed up onto the roof and sat watching her through her window for I have no idea how long. I decked him.”

  He shakes his head. “He’d complain about her sneaking out with you, coming to the house for you. It was …” He drums the desk with his fingers. “Anyway, it’s not important anymore. I saw Avery.”

  My attention piques. “Yeah? How is she? What’s going on?”

  He breaks eye contact. “She’s fine, but you’re right. She’s struggling a bit. But she made it very clear she wants you to stay here. She said she would feel guilty if you left for her. She wants you to finish school. She really believes in you.”

  I smile, flattered. Avery is wonderful. But what he says does concern me. It sounds like something other than schoolwork. “What’s she struggling with?”

  “Ahh …” He shakes his head. “You’ll need to talk to her about that.”

  I frown. “Is she sick?”

  “Not exactly.”

  I rush at him, panic forming. “What do you mean? Is she hurt?”

  “No.” He grabs my shoulders. “Just talk to her, okay?”

  “Jack, you’re freaking me out.” I pull back. “If something is wrong with her, I need to know.”

  He looks away. “Talk to her. I have to go.”

  “But you just got here.”

  “Yeah, and I’m supposed to be at school.” He shuffles to the door. “Just call her.”

  He shuts the door, leaving me standing there, confused and terrified. What’s wrong with Avery? A million thoughts run through my mind. Does she have cancer? Did she get in an accident? Did someone hurt her? I feel so helpless.

  I grab my phone and call her.

  She answers, groaning. “Rhett?”

  “Avery, tell me you’re okay.”

  “I’m okay,” she says in a groggy voice. “You woke me up.”

  “Avery, are you hurt?”

  “No.” She yawns.

  “Did someone do something to you?”

  “No. Rhett, what’s going on?”

  “Ave, I know something’s wrong, and I just saw Jack. Avery, please.”

  She sighs. “Are you coming up for Christmas?”

  “Yeah, Ave. Of course.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you then.”

  “No, no, no.” I curl up on my bed. “Avery, don’t shut me out. We promised not to shut each other out. Please.”

  She takes a long time to answer. Her breathing shakes, as if she’s struggling with her emotions. “Rhett, this is something I have to tell you face to face.”

  “All right. I’ll be on the first flight up there.”

  “No.” She says it sharply. “You’re in the middle of your semester. You can’t leave your classes.”

  “You are so much more important than my classes.”

  She lets out an exasperated whine. “Rhett, please. It can wait. I’m not dying.”


  “I’m serious. Stay there. I won’t have you failing or falling behind because of me. You are more important to me than anything else, and you need to do your schooling to be the amazing you I know you are. You’re so smart, Rhett. Nothing should hold you back.”

  “You’re not holding me back.”

  “I would feel guilty if you left because of me. We’re okay. I still love you. This can wait.”

  “I love you too,” I say weakly. She’s not going to back down on this. If I show up and surprise her, she’ll only get mad at me for going against her wishes. But then … I come up with another plan. She’ll go home for Thanksgiving. I have the whole week off, so I can fly up and get a bus out to Papina. I won’t be leaving school if I do that, and I’ll be able to find out what’s going on.

  “Rhett?” she says softly. “You’re a good man. I’m so proud to call you mine.”

  It tugs at my heart. It feels like a goodbye. “Please don’t die, Avery.”

  She lets out a short, soft chuckle. “I’m not dying, I swear. Don’t worry.”

  I will. Every day. “Okay.”

  “I love you. Bye.”

  She hangs up and I curl up on my bed. If I lose Avery now after just barely getting her, I’ll lose my mind.

  I can’t sleep, so I get up and book my flights home for Thanksgiving.

  Chapter Fourteen


  A little girl. I hum as I play with the first outfit Mom bought for the baby: a pink onesie with a bunny on the front. I’ve had a good week with classes and a positive checkup. I feel content. And the holidays are coming up. Soon, Rhett will know. I’m excited to tell him about his daughter.

  It’s snowing outside, although not enough for it to settle. But, through the window, I see Dad pull up in his truck with chains around the tires. I finish checking my bag, and hobble outside.

  Dad meets me as I lock up. He grabs my bag. “It’s been only a month and already you look bigger.” He kisses my head. “How are you feeling?”

  “Fine.” I smile up at him. “I’m eager to spend Thanksgiving with everyone.”

  “Jack won’t be making it,” he says as he offers me his elbow. “He’s tied up with assignments.”

  I pout. “Pity. But he needs to do what he needs to do.”

  “I think he’s not ready to face Donny again, either.” He steadies me as we step onto the icy concrete. “Donny’s really fighting the recovery. I admire how stubbornly Clint sticks to it, though.”

  “You and Clint are a stubborn pair.”

  We reach the car and Dad helps me in. He checks I’m comfortable, then sets my bag in the back.

  It’s several hours’ drive home, but I love catching up with Dad. I must admit, I’ve always been a bit of a daddy’s girl. I used to milk it for all it was worth as a kid. He’d let me get away with murder. In fact, he turned a blind eye to several of Rhett and my antics. Such as the candy stealing.

  “So, how’s our little girl?” he asks.

  “Doing well.” I rub my belly. “She’s measuring a little big, but she has a strong heartbeat.”

  “And Mommy?”

  “I’m fine.” I smile, liking the sound of Mommy. “Clear of gestational diabetes. It should be smooth sailing from here on.”


  We arrive home and Dad helps me into the house. My brothers welcome me eagerly, taking turns fussing over my belly. Nova hurries in from the kitchen and wraps her arms around me. Her husband yells at their two kids in their language, but Nova ignores them.

  Dad kisses Mom, and I smile. This is how Thanksgiving should be—how it’s always been, except usually we have Jack.

  Brad takes my bags to my room for me, and I sit on my bed for a moment’s rest. I examine my room, enjoying the familiarity of it. I lay back, closing my eyes.

  A confused clamor arises downstairs. Everyone’s yelling, but I can’t pick out what’s going on.

  Footsteps thump up the stairs, the front door bangs, then the noise goes dead. I listen, holding my breath, then …

  Bang! The door crashes open again. There’s an uproar from the kitchen as someone leaps up the stairs. I rush to my door and open it. Rhett rushes toward my room.

  I slam the door shut. He’s here! I’m not ready to tell him!

  He pounds on my door. “Avery! Open up.”

  I lean against the door. “What are you doing here?”

  “I promised I wouldn’t leave my classes, so I came up for my week off. Talk to me. I’m going crazy.”

  Tears rise to the surface. A lump forms in my throat. But I turn to the door, opening it a crack.

  He looks into my eyes, his own full of tears. “Avery, don’t shut me out.”

  I press my head against the wall, bracing myself for the moment of truth. “Please don’t be mad at me.”

  “I won’t be mad at you.”

  I close my eyes as I open the door.



  I grasp her face as soon as I can fit through, kissing her. I have
to let her know I love her no matter what. But as I press against her, I feel … a bulge that was never there before. I look into her eyes, my mind reeling. She’s gazing up at me with those gorgeous blues, pleading with me. My hand falls from her cheek to confirm what I felt before.

  A rounded, firm abdomen fills the palm of my hand.

  I jump back, swearing. I stare at her, grasping my hair as I stumble back onto the bed. How did this happen? I thought I’d been careful.

  She shuts the door, turning to me. “Rhett—”

  “You’re pregnant?” I can’t believe I’m even saying it. Of course she is! But how is this possible?

  She drops her gaze. “Yes.”

  “Oh my … Oh my …” I rub my face. This is all so much to take in. “When?”

  “You were there.”

  I swear over and over. I knocked her up! “No, I mean, which … oh no.” It dawns on me again. Our first time, I hadn’t thought about protection. I’d been so swept up in the moment, in the fact that I had her, I didn’t think. I look into her eyes. “The first time was the only time we didn’t …”

  She sits beside me. “Yeah.”

  I lean forward, breathing deeply into my hands. I might hyperventilate. Jack knew when he saw me. Why didn’t he tell me? No, he said why. He said Avery needed to tell me. Then, everything became so clear. She was vomiting for the days before I left. Her elusiveness, everything.

  I look at her. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Her chin quivers as she strokes her belly. “I don’t want to ruin everything you’re working so hard for. I didn’t find out until after you’d left, and I had to tell you in person. But I couldn’t bring myself to go down to you.” She looks into my eyes. “I can’t ruin your life with this.”

  “Avery.” Her words hurt, like a knife to my heart. I grab her hands, kissing them. “You could never ruin my life. Don’t you understand? Everything I’m doing, I’m doing for you so we can get married and have a family. So, the family part is coming sooner than planned, but nothing changes.”

  “You want to marry me?” she asks, tears streaming down her face.

  “Of course I do.” I run my hand over her belly and wrap her up in my arms. “It’s always been you.”


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