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Taking Courage

Page 2

by S. J. Maylee

  “Yes, Sir. I do, more than I even thought I would.”

  He pulled tighter and let go. Blood rushed back in, and her pleasure rose. She wanted to beg him to touch her pussy, but knew that might halt his progress and bring her away from her impending pleasure.

  She let go of her need and watched the sub. She was bound and only moved when her Dom entered her from behind. The subs here had no control over what happened to their bodies. These Doms decided what they needed.

  He pinched and pulled again. Her sex screamed to be touched. Fortunately, he left her stinging nipples and traveled in a line direct to her bare pussy. He pulled her outer lips apart, revealing her inner lips to anyone looking back at them and allowed the air in the room to feather across her damp skin.


  His fingers delved into her. First one finger and then two pushed into her pussy and dragged the wetness around her clit. He pinched and pulled in short tugs to her clit, each time drawing more blood to the tender area. The pattern drove her right to the edge.

  “Take a couple steps forward, spread your legs, and support yourself on the table.” When she didn't move he added, “Now, pet.”

  The sharp words moved her forward and into position. One hand pressed on her back and the other returned to her sex. The sub in front of her cried her passion and begged her Dom for release. She was denied, and he increased his unrelenting pace, slamming his cock into her.

  Simon's fingers quickened their pace, matching the scene in front of them. The parallels in the scenes stole her breath. He changed the angle of his entry and swiped over her pleasure center, and a swift orgasm stole through her body, rippling bright sparks of pleasure out to each limb. Janna's moans increased in volume when his fingers didn't slow down, and the orgasms continued to ripple. The Dom in front of them roared his release. He granted his sub what she needed, and she screamed her ecstasy.

  Master Simon dragged his warm wet fingers from her core and rubbed her sex, unleashing the last of her exquisite release. His hands roamed around to her shoulders and pulled back releasing her from the table.

  “Come on. Let's get you something to drink.” He turned, tugged on her hand, and they made their way to the couch. He sat and held his arms open for her.

  She'd dreamed of aftercare. The tender moments filled her imagination with longing. She climbed into his lap and snuggled against him, eager to be held.

  He grabbed a bottle of water from the large basket next to the couch and pushed the bottle into her hands. After a long sip, she handed it back to him. She pressed her ear into his chest to get closer. His heartbeat, steady and strong, filled her with strength. He pulled a blanket from somewhere and draped her, sealing the cocoon.

  He pulled her closer. No longer was there any question what Janna desired. Her first scene sealed it forever. The evening could have gone a hundred different ways, but Simon was put in her path and everything turned out better than she dreamed.

  She owed him.

  Her head crept up enough to allow her a peek through her eyelashes. He was handsome in a stern sort of way. His flat nose had a bump along one side, like maybe it had been broken a few times. He was probably a fighter.

  Would he fight for me?

  The idea blasted her system with heat. She didn’t want to move from his side, but she’d have to. She’d have to go home. Her dream turned off, and dread filled her from within.

  The fact she couldn’t remember earlier now flashed through her thoughts. She'd forgotten to mention she'd never scened before. Unease rolled around her belly.

  Be open and honest. She’d broken the cardinal rule. She had to apologize to Master Simon, but then he’d never want to see her again, not after she told him the truth. It was the first item on her list of things to communicate. How had she forgotten such a detail?

  Tomorrow, she'd planned to run back home. She wouldn't see him again anyway. The heat in her body turned to ice. Tears threaten to escape like the nagging truth trying to break free. She lowered her head and huddled underneath the false cocoon.

  “Look at me, pet.”

  He knew. She was a cheat, and he knew. Her push of courage had gotten her through the door, but it couldn’t keep her here, not any longer. It was time to face the consequences. She told herself to remember the Simon from the scene, her first ever scene. He would always be her first Dom. She would try not to remember the Dom that was about to dismiss her.

  Chapter Two

  “Head up now.” Something was agitating the tender bundle in his arms. Simon wanted to help her through it. He may have taken a step back on his training responsibilities since his last experience, but Janna felt perfect under his hand. He’d have to find out if she’d be back.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “What's troubling you, pet?”

  “I forgot to mention something earlier.” She tucked the blanket under her chin.

  “Oh?” He rubbed in big circles around her back. “Why don't you tell me now?”

  “This was my first time, Sir.”

  “Your first?” His confusion was thick. She tried to hide her eyes from him, but he saw shame. Sometimes newer submissives struggled with firsts. “Is this your first time being a guest?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Is your home club much different?” The safe rules of BDSM clubs were pretty universal, a real gift to traveling kinksters, but sometimes a scene in a different setting could be unsettling.

  “I don't have a home club, Sir. Well, not one that I physically visit.” She rubbed the edge of her blanket. “I'm an active member of their chat rooms.”

  He hadn't heard her right. No. She felt like an experienced submissive. Was she just playing the part? Anger ticked a quick pace up his spine.

  “Are you telling me I just gave you your first scene?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Why did you withhold this information?” When she didn't answer he added, “Why weren't you honest with me?” He pushed her slightly, in part to get some distance and to keep her safe from him. “Answer me, now.”

  “I forgot. It all happened so fast, and I forgot one of my lines.”

  “Lines.” He finished shoving her from his lap and stood. “I hope you had fun tonight.”

  “I did, Sir,” she said as she stood to join him. She tugged at the edge of the blanket that had stuck in the couch. “Please, let me thank you for tonight.”

  “There is no need. You lied to me, and you had your fun.” He scratched his brow. “Go home now.” He took two storming steps away and stopped. He forced himself to return to her, disgusted by how good it felt to see her face once more. He stopped within an inch, forcing her to look up. “Do yourself a favor. Enter that club at home, get yourself in a training program, and do not ever lie to a Dom again.”

  He wanted to hit something. What was it with submissives and their lies? The lie might have been smaller this time, but it was still a lie.

  He thundered past the scene areas and kept walking, increasing his speed. Folks saved themselves and moved out of his way. Fury radiated down his arms curling his fingers into fists, almost there.

  Some members thought Keller was crazy when he’d installed the small gym next to the club. When the roster quickly filled, it was Keller that was laughing all the way to the bank. Simon had a regular date with the bag hanging in the corner. He may no longer enter the ring, but the regimented workouts kept him strong and centered.

  A couple more steps and he'd entered the gym and saw the innocent bag hanging right where he needed it to be. He slammed his fist into the bag. Pressure reverberated from his hand straight to his heart, but it didn't release the revulsion.

  “Damn her.”

  He needed to get this out and get back on the floor. One of his best friends was about to collar his sub. The bag swung around. He walked around it and rolled his shoulders back. He wanted to witness the happiness a pair could have when things worked out and no one lied.

  It was just a s
cene, something he could shake off, and she was just a guest sub. There was no possible way she could have felt as right as he thought. The anger was tricking him. She was just another lying sub. A sub to forget. A sub he would never see again.

  “Damn her.”

  An image of her regret filled face tugged at his resolve. His fingers flexed as he remembered her velvet channel. His cock twitched, and he hit the bag again.


  She couldn't move. Shame filled her to bursting. Not only was her perfect night ruined, but she'd angered him. The chill in his eyes as he turned away sent a tremor down her spine.

  It was all her fault. She always ruined things. It was a Janna specialty. Her inability to commit to any one thing drove her insane. She used to think it was because her father never let her explore her own interests, but she couldn't blame this one on her father. Her worst trait may have just lost her something special.

  Coming here had been a miscalculation. She pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders. Her knees weakened with the weight of her bad luck. Foolish Janna.

  She looked once more to the dance floor filled with people enjoying the rhythms pumping through their bodies. She longed to be free like they appeared to be, but she didn't belong here. The impostor needed to leave.

  At least her plane would take her home tomorrow and she could put this trip and another bad choice behind her. She pounded her fist against her thigh, needing a distraction against the wetness pushing at the edges of her eyes. All her losses mixed perfectly to create the ugly smell of failure.

  She'd let her hopes rise today, a childish move. Somehow she’d truly believed that today would be different. Failure was what Janna did best. No one in her family would be surprised.

  At least Janna didn't have to share this disappointment with her parents. She may be living with them now that her marriage was over, but this loss she'd keep to herself.

  She looked in the direction Master Simon had fled. Seconds ticked by and nothing. He wasn't coming back. The last threads of hope slipped from her fingers. A tear rolled down her cheek, and she didn't have the strength to brush it away.

  “Can I help you, Miss?”

  She turned and looked into the gentle eyes of a tall older man. “No, thank you. I was just leaving.” She reached to gather her things, but he got to them first.

  “You're upset. I'd like to help, if I can.”

  His tone required no argument, but she didn't want to explain to a stranger why she was a waste of his time. “I'm just a guest from out of town. Really, I'll be fine.”


  “Oh, okay.” She sat on the edge of the couch. She had no intention of angering two Doms in one evening.

  “I've known Master Simon for some time. He's a good man. I apologize if he upset you.”

  “No, it's okay. It was my fault actually. I hope I haven't angered him for long and that he forgets all about it.” Janna trying something new and messing it up was not just a possibility, but inevitable.

  “I'm sure he'll be fine. You don't have to tell me what happened, but I'll listen if you want to talk it through or I can get Mistress Charlie for you if you’d prefer.”

  “You’re so kind.”

  “She’ll be done with the ceremony soon. I’ll sit with you while you wait.”

  “Thank you.” Janna sat back and knew immediately she couldn’t wait to confess. “I'm used to messing things up. It's my pattern. I was hoping this trip would be different, especially after all the research I’ve done.”

  “Ah. Lots of research and not a lot of experience, am I right?”

  “That’s right, but I was ready to change that. Even Mistress Charlie thought I was ready to enter the club, but I wasn’t ready for Master Simon.” She twisted her wrists around and around trying to rub out her doubt. “Every time I found a new piece of information about submission it felt right, and then this trip landed in my lap. I knew the club here had a guest policy. I just wanted to experience a scene.”

  “Keep going.”

  “I was a little flustered before our scene, and I accidentally gave Master Simon the impression I was more experienced than I am.”

  “From what I saw the scene went well.”

  “Exactly, wait ... you think so, too?” Joy split through her frayed nerves, and rightness filled her.

  “Why not? You did as he asked. I was sitting across the room with a friend, but it looked like a beautiful orgasm to me. I saw nothing out of the ordinary.”

  Her face felt hotter than the sun. He had watched. She knew folks would watch their scene, but she hadn’t contemplated talking to any of them about it after. “Thank you, I feel bad I upset him.”

  “There is history in his response. I don't suggest you take it personally.”

  “Oh, no, really? Damn, I feel worse, and I'll always be grateful to him, too.” Simon had answered a giant looming question. She only wished he could celebrate with her.

  A burst of applause from the other end of the room stole her attention. She also wished she could join the group and forget about her troubles.

  “Where are you from?”

  She looked back at the kind man. “The Detroit area. I'm a Project Manager there. I’ve been thinking about moving to Chicago though. I should probably just stay home.”

  “Good PMs are hard to find. What industry?”

  “IT, I handle software installs mostly. I’ve managed a few application developments too.”

  “That’s a growing area and one where I have many connections. If Chicago is the change you need, I think you should go for it.”

  The thoughts roaming through her mind froze. If her father had taught her anything it was to use her connections. “Do you know any recruiters in the area?”

  “I do actually.” He handed her his phone. “Give me your number, and I'll pass it along.”

  “Really?” She felt like she'd been handed a life line sprinkled in sugar.

  “I’ll help you with the connection. You’ll have to do the rest.” He held out his hand. “I'm Keller by the way.”


  She had never accomplished so much in just two weeks. Packing up and leaving had been hard, harder than when she left her husband of one month, and leaving went against the Hall motto of putting family first, but she needed a break from her father's oversight and a break from seeing her ex, too. She needed to start making her own decisions. Her mother didn’t want her fighting any more with her father, and the only way she could see to honor that was to leave town.

  She didn't bring much with her to Chicago. She hadn't left much behind either since she hadn't taken much from her marriage. This move was a new start in all ways.

  After talking things over with Mistress Charlie she felt better about her night at the club as well. Things may have ended badly, but other than upsetting Simon, she had no regrets.

  Her studio apartment in Boys Town was pretty run down, but she felt safe. It was about as big as her family room back home. Her bed served as her couch. The kitchen had a small island, but it was also the kitchen table and offered the only counter space. The few things she did bring would easily fill her place.

  The best part was that it was all hers. No one would tell her what she needed to do on her free time. She wouldn't have to worry about running into her ex every time she left the house or about an inquisition from her father each evening at dinner. Every decision was Janna's to make, and the town was all hers.

  Janna wasn't shying away from making new decisions either. On her way into town on Saturday, she’d dropped off her application to join the BDSM club where she'd met Simon. She looked down at her hands, rubbing her knuckles. She couldn't stop thinking about him. Maybe she'd see him at the club. Maybe she'd be able to apologize again. Maybe he'd forgive her.

  She paced in a circle on the L platform while she waited for the train. It was a good thing she'd left for work early, because she'd already missed her L stop and was now backtracking. Accidental sight
seeing hadn't been on her agenda today.

  The recruiter Keller had connected her with had been most efficient. Within a few days she’d sent several positions for Janna to consider. Once she’d provided some feedback, interviews were scheduled, and then Janna had two offers to consider. She was immensely thankful she’d opened up to Keller that night. She looked forward to paying him back with a job well done.

  Keller hadn't given her a time to arrive. In fact he told her to take her time settling in. An eight o'clock start was typical, and she couldn't wait to start her new life. She walked through the front door right on time. The receptionist gave her directions to Keller's office. He wanted to meet with her first. Two lefts and a right, two lefts and then ... a right.

  After the last left turn, she ran into a warm wall of man, one that fortunately caught her elbow and stopped her from falling.

  “Oh, sorry ... Simon?” Pleasure ran through her. She'd been hoping her fresh start would lead to seeing him again. She'd need to consider the complications of finding him at her new job.

  His body straightened while his chest puffed and he offered no smile in return. A hint of recognition lit his eyes, but he simply stepped around her and stomped off.

  “Shit.” Tears threatened to leak, but she forced them back. He would not ruin her first day. He hadn't ruined her first night as a submissive, and he wouldn't ruin today either.

  She pushed at non-existent wrinkles on her skirt and continued on her way. The right turn opened into a sweet lobby of sorts. Leather-bound books lined the shelves covering the walls. Two welcoming and comfy looking reading chairs kept company in one corner. On the opposite corner was a beautiful cherry desk with a lovely woman behind it. She looked like someone who could be a good friend. Janna didn't know what good friends looked like, but this woman had a friendly look about her. However, Janna was known to be wrong about these things. She clung to her positive outlook for the day and dove in.


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