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Six Saviors Christmas Novella

Page 4

by Christmas Novella (retail) (epub)

  He tried to put himself in her shoes, and he thought he’d be more than upset. “I understand, Bev. I know that I’ve screwed up.”

  She sat forward and placed her elbows on her knees as she cradled her wine between her hands. As she stared at him, he saw her need for honesty in her gaze.

  “I thought I knew your history. You’ve been very candid with me about who you used to be and why. But now, I’m confused. If Eden and Benedict have come out of the woodwork, I need to know if there will be others. If so, how many? Where does it end?”

  He nodded, and took a deep breath. “I can’t sit here and say there won’t be others, Bev. I wish I could, but I can’t deliver that sentence with honesty in my heart, because I just don’t know.”

  Sighing, she rubbed her eyes. “Tell me about their mother.”

  “Their mother’s name was Prudence. Yes, I’ve slept with a lot of women, but back then, I mainly stuck to the whorehouses.”

  “She wasn't a working woman."

  A statement, not a question. Beverly had spoken to Roman and gathered as much information as she could about Benedict and Eden. He wouldn't be a bit surprised if she knew more about Prudence than he did.

  “No. She came from a very strict, religious home. But, she was different.”


  He shook his head, thinking back to that time. “She was unique, Bev. I knew it from the second I saw her. She seemed to know me, knew everything about me.”

  She sat back in her chair. “That’s what Olivia said about Eden. Did Prudence happen to mention that she saw colors around people?”

  “Olivia? Who’s that?”

  “The woman who helped rescue Benedict and Eden.”

  Of course. How he could forget her, he didn’t know. He’d been so focused and preoccupied with his kids and Beverly that he hadn’t given her or Roman any thought.

  “To answer your question, yes, she did see colors. She gave each color an emotion, and she knew what everyone felt, no matter what they said. It was disconcerting at first, but then as I got to know her, it became a reminder of home and the abilities people there held. While others in her community shunned her, to me, being around felt like being home.”

  Beverly nodded. “Excuse my bluntness, but how in the hell did you get a Puritan woman to spread her legs? I honestly don’t know whether to be disgusted or impressed.”

  He chuckled, despite himself. “You know, that’s one of the things I love about you, Bev. You never mince words.”

  And in a way, you remind me of Prudence.

  He’d never say that out loud, though.

  “Between Prudence and me, it was a mutual attraction, one that I probably should have stopped, but I didn’t. I used the condoms of the times, certain that nothing would occur from our joining. Apparently, I was very wrong.”

  “So you didn’t know about Eden and Benedict?”

  He almost felt insulted at her question. “Of course not, Bev. I take family very seriously. If I had known those two existed, I would have never left. I would have made sure they were cared for.”

  “Even though they weren’t planned?”

  “Even then.”

  She stared off into space as she traced a long finger around the rim of her glass. How he longed to take her into his arms, to hold her, to kiss her, to feel her bare skin on his.

  “Abby was never planned, Bev, but I knew about her. I stuck around for her as much as I could. I never missed anything in her life, and I would have done the same for Eden and Benedict.”

  She nodded, and he could see the tears forming in her eyes.

  Finally, she looked at him and her tears began to fall, each one like a little razor blade cut to his soul.

  “I just don’t know what to do, Hudson. It’s been you, Killian, and me, and I’ve been fine with that. I don’t know how to be a stepmom.”

  Sighing, he reached for her free hand. “And I don’t know how to be their dad, Bev, just like I really didn’t know how to be Abby’s father once she finally found out about me.”

  She smiled through the tears, then stood and went to the bathroom. She emerged with a box of tissues, the sat back down. “I always forget that Abby's your daughter. To me, she just my good friend, not my step-daughter.”

  Grabbing her hand again, he marveled at how good it felt to touch her as he gently pulled each of her fingers with his thumb and forefinger. “I do, too. I mean, in some far away place in my mind, I know she’s my daughter. But just like with Abby, it’s different with Eden and Benedict. They don’t crap their pants, they don’t need a bottle, and they’re capable of taking care of themselves on a visceral level. They’re survivors.”

  As she tilted her head to the side, he noticed the slight glow of green in her eyes. He’d been so lucky to have her to love him. He didn’t even try to understand why; yet, there it was in her gaze.

  “So, what does that mean, Hudson? As your mate, what’s my role? What’s yours?”

  He shrugged as he studied her hand, and said the first thing that made sense. “Maybe, we’re just their friends, and their chaperones. They’re trying to assimilate into our society right now, and one day, I’m sure they’ll want to move beyond the silo and into the human world. Then, they’ll need advice and assistance, as well.”

  Staring at her a moment, he hoped she understood that he didn’t plan on taking away any of himself from their little trio that had already been established, but he did want to reach out and offer a guiding hand to Eden and Benedict. “I want to be there for them. I haven’t been so far, and they’ve done just fine. However, they haven’t really delved into this world, and that’s where I think they’ll need us. Yes, they’re my flesh and blood, and I will grow to love them as I do my other children. They’re good people, but that doesn’t mean I’ll need to take time away from you and Killian to do so.”

  As she stared at the floor, his gut clenched and his breakfast threatened to reappear. Would Beverly take Killian and leave him? He couldn’t imagine it, but maybe Eden and Benedict would be what broke their relationship, but he prayed not.

  “I’ve missed you, Bev. I understand why you felt you needed space, but I’ve really missed you. I need you close to me. You’re more important to me than the air I breathe.”

  She gazed up at him, the tears still falling. He hated that he’d hurt her like this, that he’d caused her so much pain, and he’d do almost anything to ease her.

  Beverly sat back in the chair. “I’ve missed you, too, Hudson.”

  Her words felt like a gentle summer breeze on his soul, and he knew that things between them would eventually be okay. He got to his knees in front of her and wrapped his arms around her waist, laying his cheek on her lap. “I hope you can forgive me for my past mistakes.”

  She threaded her fingers through his hair, and he closed his eyes, loving her touch.

  After a few moments, she caressed his cheek. “Hudson?”

  He sat back on his heels and gazed up at his queen. “What, honey?”

  “Take me to bed.”

  His blood raged throughout his body, his cock engorged at the words. His mate had returned. Standing, he held out his hand. She placed her palm on his, then he pulled her to her feet, taking her wine glass.

  Leading her over to the bed, he set the glass on the nightstand, then turned to her. As their lips met, he sighed with contentment. Their tongues gently prodded one another, and he slipped her shirt over her head, then unclasped her bra with a quick flick. Removing his own shirt, he pulled her close as he claimed her mouth again, the feeling of her breasts pressed into his chest making his heart race with desire.

  She ran her hands up his arms to his shoulders and back down again, then circled them around his neck. As he quickly disposed of their pants, his breath came in short spurts, the longing to make love to his mate overwhelming him.

  He pulled back the comforter, and they fell into bed. He lay on top of her and pulled the sheet up over their heads. As he s
tared down at her, the smell of her shampoo and her arousal met his nose, and he inhaled deeply, feeling lightheaded.

  Kissing her again, the urge to fuck her, to claim her as his, came to the surface in an almost animalistic way. Yet, he’d slow his roll. She'd left because of his mistakes, and he wanted to make everything right again. He needed to make love to her, to worship her, to show her how much she meant to him.

  As he peppered her neck with kisses, he massaged her right breast, bringing the nipple into a taut peak. When he swirled his tongue around it, she gasped, her hips undulating toward him, her hands gripping his backside.

  She spread her legs, and he moved to the side. As he brought his hand down to her private flesh, he found her slick, and she moaned as he caressed her.

  Her lips parted as her hips gyrated against his fingers, her eyes closed. With her blonde hair fanned out against the black pillowcase, he marveled at her beauty, and once again wondered how he’d become so blessed.

  Suddenly, she closed her legs, and he grinned. He had just about given her an orgasm. She gazed up at him under hooded lids. “I need you, now.”

  As he settled into the apex of her sex, he kissed her, his body trembling with desire for his mate. As he surged his hips forward, they both gasped. It had only been days since they’d last made love, but it seemed like years. He would never tire of feeling her channel around him, her bare skin next to his, her small sighs of pleasure.

  They moved together in harmony, her hands running up and down his back, their tongues dancing passionately.

  As they stared at each other, he saw the love for him in her eyes, and he hoped she could see the same in his.

  Moments later, cries of pleasure emanated from her lips, and his quickly followed. They both breathed heavily, and shivers ran up and down his spine as her fingers caressed him.

  She placed her hands on the sides of his face. “I hope you know how much I love you.”

  “And I love you, Beverly. Thank you for coming home, and for being my mate. I don’t deserve you, but I’ll always love you the best way I can.”

  Chapter 8

  Two Days Before Christmas

  He had a lot to do.

  With Christmas Eve tomorrow night, he had to cook a meal suitable for kings, enough to feed an army, and something that would appeal to everyone. That meant a turkey, roast beef, and a ham. If anyone complained, he’d simply shoot them where they stood.

  Thankfully, he had many volunteers to help. As he stood in the kitchen chopping onions, he directed his staff as to what needed to be done next.

  Abby walked up to him and placed a kiss on his cheek, and it warmed him from head to toe. He hoped that one day, Eden would feel comfortable enough around him to do the same. He set down his knife and threw his arm over Abby’s shoulders, hugging her close. “I love you, beautiful.”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist. “I love you, too.”

  As they stood in the embrace, he couldn’t help but feel something was off. The fact she held on to him a little longer than usual only solidified the idea. His thoughts immediately went to Noah, and he wondered what the bastard had done this time.

  “What’s up, doha?”

  She gazed up at him, and he noted tears in her eyes.

  Without another word, he pulled her toward the elevator, and they went down to his quarters. By the time they got there, the tears flowed freely.

  As they entered the room, he heard the bathroom door open, and Beverly emerged.

  She smiled at him, but then noticed Abby’s tears.

  “Uh-oh. What happened?”

  Beverly walked over and hugged Abby, then led her over to the chairs. Hudson pulled over the other chair as Beverly knelt in front of Abby.

  “What’s going on, Abby? Are you feeling okay?”

  She nodded, then smiled at both of them, but still cried. “I’m just so tired. Phoenix … he doesn’t sleep more than an hour or two at a time. I feel like I haven’t spent any time with Noah in weeks.”

  He exchanged knowing glances with Beverly. “We understand. Killian wasn’t an easy baby, either.”

  “I just feel so alone. I barely ever see Noah anymore because one of us is always on baby duty, then when we do spend time together, it’s like waiting for the bomb to drop.”

  Beverly smiled. “The bomb being Phoenix crying, correct?”

  “I hate saying it, but yes!”

  “Have you two been intimate?”

  Hudson cringed. He loved Noah like a brother, but the thought of him having sex with Abby, his daughter … it didn’t fly. “Can you two discuss this later, Bev?”

  She rolled her eyes.

  Abby didn’t even bother to look his way. “No, we haven’t.”

  Beverly took both her hands in her own. “Here’s what’s going to happen, Abby. Hudson and I have been wracking our brains trying to figure out what to get you two for Christmas, but now I see what you really need. Hudson and I will watch Phoenix for twenty-four hours, and you and Noah can get out of here. You two can reconnect and get some much needed time alone.”

  He furrowed his brow. She should have discussed it with him before offering it up, but he quickly decided to drop it since he’d just hit her with the news that he had two other children.

  Remembering his talk yesterday with Noah, he also realized this would be something the male would enjoy, and need. If he hadn’t had sex since before the birth of his son … that poor bastard.

  “I don’t know if I can leave Phoenix.”

  He better make it look like he was on board with this plan. “Of course you can. Go make some reservations at a nice hotel. You and Noah will both enjoy it.”

  Abby glanced from him to Beverly. “Are you sure?”

  They spoke in unison. “Yes.”

  Abby grabbed one of his hands. “Thank you. Thank you so much. Maybe this is exactly what we need.”

  Beverly grinned. “I’m sure it is.”

  They looked at each other a beat, and the thought of staying with a baby who didn’t like to sleep sat as well with him as a case of scabies. However, that’s what families did—they helped each other and made sacrifices when need.

  He stood. “I need to get back up to the kitchen.”

  Abby also got to her feet. “I’ll come with you.”

  “Me, too.”

  On the way back up, the three chatted about resorts in the area, and Abby seemed happier as she promised to look into a few of them and decided to leave late on Christmas Day.

  As they entered the kitchen again, he surveyed what still needed to be done, then began giving orders again. He didn’t even see Roman and Olivia enter, until he turned when Abby spoke.

  “Oh my gosh!” She grinned as she approached them. “I didn’t even see you guys come in! Hi, Olivia, I’m Abby.”

  People descended upon them like flies to a picnic, and before he knew it, more people had entered the kitchen to find out what had caused all the fuss.

  He smiled as he watched Roman get pushed out of his place next to Olivia. Everyone greeted her warmly, and he wondered if Roman would want a piece of the Major who ran the facility, just as he did. No one fucked with his family, especially his kids.

  After Noah came in and introduced himself to Olivia, Hudson sidled up next to Roman. He’d received information on the Major, and in his opinion, the guy deserved to die.

  They briefly discussed it, then they made a plan. Later tonight, they’d go pay the Major a visit.

  Frankly, he hoped to draw some blood.

  Chapter 9

  Christmas Eve

  Hudson sat with Beverly on the couch sipping egg nog listening to Abby read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas to the kids. Eden and Benedict rested at their feet, completely enthralled with the story.

  They seemed to be opening up more to both him and Beverly, which pleased him to no end. Benedict still rarely smiled, but really enjoyed working out with him. Both asked non-stop questions about everything, just a
s a child would. Eden preferred to sit and talk quietly with the females, or play Legos with the kids, while Axel seemed to hover around her like a bee to a spring flower. Hudson would definitely have to keep an eye on the male because he felt certain that Axel’s intentions were less than honorable, and that son of a bitch wouldn’t be laying one detestable hand on her.

  Benedict had taken an interest in the technology in the house. He particularly liked the X-Box and never lacked for an opponent as most of the Warriors enjoyed it, as well.

  The visit with the Major had gone well. Roman had convinced him that the male should live, so they’d left him out in the middle of the desert. It had taken every ounce of willpower not to put a bullet in his head.

  He glanced around the room. Everyone was present, either snuggled up on a couch with their mates, or standing against the wall. The lights from the Christmas tree cast a warm glow around the room. Poor Noah was so exhausted, he’d stretched out with baby Phoenix on his chest, both of them now fast asleep.

  After Abby finished the story, she walked over to Noah and shook him awake. She had said she would tell him about their getaway first thing in the morning.

  Happiness washed through him as he stood. Dinner waited to be served, and as the lights on the tree glittered and sparkled, he felt the true meaning of the season deep in his heart. Love seemed to ooze from his every poor as he looked at Killian jumping up and down, talking a million miles per hour about Santa. Eden and Benedict laughed with him, and Abby gave him a quick hug before heading into the kitchen.

  He usually wasn’t one for marking memories with pictures, but he wanted to be able to look back at this one.

  Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he grabbed Blake’s arm. “Hey, Blake? Can you take our picture, please? I’d like to get a family photo.”

  “Sure. Where?”

  “How about by the tree?”

  As Noah yelled for Abby to come back into the Great Room, Beverly and Killian stood by the tree. Hudson moved next to Beverly.

  Abby came in a moment later and snuggled up next to him, and Noah stood next to her.


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