First Touch_My Best Friend's Little Sister
Page 62
I thought that was a weird question and I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to take that as a compliment or not. It was hard to tell and I wasn’t sure which was to go about it. Charlie had a disabling smile that I was trying hard to ignore, but in a way I didn’t want to. It had been so long since I had flirted with a guy that I had just met and in Nome no less. I hadn’t saw that coming.
“No, I don’t think so. I mean, I didn’t put my face on the resume.”
He just shook his head. “Well I doubt he is going to be able to talk around you. We don’t get many women that look like you out here. What are you supposed to be doing?”
He looked at me as if he didn’t believe me and that bothered me a little bit. I knew that it was going to be an uphill battle with the area men, but I wasn’t ready for it like I thought I would be. It was a shame that just because I was a woman I was going to have to prove myself, but it wasn’t anything that I hadn’t saw coming nonetheless.
“Yeah, diving.”
“Well I can’t say that I have seen someone your size diving. The equipment is rather heavy.”
I tried not to sigh too loudly. He was trying to be helpful, but he wasn’t being very helpful in my eyes.
“Yeah I have done it before, so I am sure I will be okay. Do you work out on the boats?”
“I have a couple out there right now, but I don’t dive anymore. It is easier to get the young ones like you to do it so I don’t have to break my back getting out there every morning. I was thinking that they should be back by now, but it looked like I have a little time on my hands. Seems to be good luck.”
“Well I would appreciate any help you can give me in locating Kevin. I just want to get my things put up and find a bed for the night.”
“There are a couple of places in town that will take boarders. Some people live in tents and yurts down on the beach. Even though the weather is nice, I wouldn’t recommend that route for you. It can be a dangerous place for women on their own.”
“Yeah that’s what I hear. I think that most of the people that know I came up here think that I’m going to get attacked by a local or a bear.”
“It happens.”
He left it like that and I felt a little ominous in the way that he was being so serious. There wasn’t a smile on his face or anything else. He couldn’t be for real, right? I mean, it’s not like there is something wrong with a woman being out on her own, even in Alaska.
“Well I am sure I will be okay. I have lived a lot of places and I haven’t been afraid yet.”
“Good, don’t let the stories get you down. It is a great place to live if you are willing to work for it. There is no easy life out here, but if you are planning on diving, then I guess that’s not what you are looking for. Let me go grab Kevin and get you two acquainted. If you are any good, I am always looking for another diver for my own boats.”
I nodded, but didn’t say anything more. I was promised to Kevin as long as he was going out and it was time for the day to begin. I was ready to hit the ground running.
Chapter 3
The girl was hot as fuck and I almost didn’t want to go get Kevin. The lucky bastard didn’t deserve such a hot assistant and I wanted to sweep her up and have her work on one of my boats. If I had her to look forward to, I think I would be able to get my ass up a little earlier than usual. Merle was a sight for sore eyes and it almost helped me to forget about another new person to the community that was off limits. If Merle wasn’t here with someone, it meant that I would have a chance.
I walked onto the other boat and looked around. The place was a mess and maybe I wouldn’t have to do anything at all. The girl might get an eyeful of the place here she would be expecting to work at and she might decide that it isn’t for her. Not unless she isn’t too keen on safety. I saw many problems with his rigging and worried about the woman. It wasn’t that safe when the equipment wasn’t taken care of properly.
“Kevin, are you in here?”
I heard a slight sound of waking up and I could have guessed that it was already happy hour somewhere for Kevin. He was inebriated and I didn’t even have to find his slumped over body that was in and out of it to know. He was never sober for long and today wasn’t one of his sober days.
“What do you want Charlie? It’s too damn early for all of that hollering.”
“I’m here to get you up because you have someone waiting for you. A diver.”
He popped his eyes open and nodded his head. “That’s right. So how does he look?”
It told me that Kevin had no idea who he’d hired, though I was sure that he was going to be just fine with who showed up. Merle was gorgeous and even if she can’t dive, that didn’t mean that she couldn’t be something pretty to look at for everyone else. She would be a good addition to any boat and I didn’t even have to see what she had to offer to know that I wanted her on mine.
“Well, I will say that the person is a little small. I don’t know how they are going to be diving, but the weight issue may come up. I don’t know if they can even pull the dredge.”
“I was told that the diver was small, but assured that the weight wasn’t an issue. Damnit. I don’t want some fairy boy making me look like an idiot.”
I wanted to assure him that it wouldn’t do him any good to get all upset about it. If Merle said she could dive, I was inclined to believe her because she didn’t seem like the type that would lie about something just to lie.
“Seems to have a good head on their shoulders. Why don’t you meet them and then you can decide if the wait for the diver was worth it. Said that you two have been talking since back in September.”
“Yeah, I have to do better this year or I am going to lose my slip. You know that can’t take my house, but they will take my boat.”
“I’m sorry; I didn’t know that it was that bad for you. Are you sure you don’t want anything bought for the boat.” If he didn’t find some gold, enough to replace what he lost, then what are we going to do? I didn’t want to imagine a day that I wasn’t running into Kevin on the shoreline, talking about the next big score that was just moments from getting pulled out of the water. H seemed like a lifer and I didn’t like the idea of him getting pushed out.
“Well I am not throwing in the towel yet. Thought I would bring some young blood in and see if that helps at all. Merle sounds like a stand-up guy and I look forward to meeting him.”
“Well he is outside right now if you want to finish what was started.”
“I will. Thanks for waking me up. Are you actually going to go out yourself and get some work done?”
I told them that I wasn’t sure because I really wasn’t and it started to rub on me. It is definitely not a subject I like to think about.
“You know that I try to stay off the rigs if I can. I like the gold they bring back, but I am still not a fan of all of that freezing water and waves. I feel myself getting sick just thinking about it.”
Kevin chuckled as he got up and wiped his mouth. From everything that was going on and more, I wanted off of the raggedy boat that was making me a little uneasy. I had been told more than once that I was in the wrong business because of my dislike of water and the feel of it around me. It was devastating to have a fear of it because I was surrounded by water. It was something that I really needed to get over.
“Well I guess it is as good of a time as any to get up. What time is it?”
I looked at my watch and gave him an answer. It didn’t faze him that he had been awaiting for her for an hour. I almost tried to get him up again, but I was convinced that he wasn’t as bad as he appeared. I’d seen Kevin function on far more in his system, I was sure of it. Kevin finally wobbled up, even though he was swaying badly.
I went out to the top side and breathed a sigh of relief when I was off of the boat and my back was to the water. The dock moved underneath my feet and it was like before. This time the woman was in front of me and instea
d of it doing what I was supposed to, I felt the queasiness take over. So I went to follow her and the dock moved again. I tried to steady myself, but I was going face first into the water before I knew it.
The water was so damn cold, an immediate shock to my system. Damnit, it looked like my day had just taken a turn for the worst. I sputtered out the cold water and tried to push back the flash backs that they caused.
Chapter 4
Kevin was not at all what I expected, but it was the man in the water that got my attention back. Charlie was hauling himself up from the cold water and I could tell that he wasn’t happy. I felt responsible somehow because he had only gone to get Kevin because of me. Now he was soaked and even though he was trying to hide it, he was shivering and I knew that it wasn’t good. Hypothermia could happen quickly and he didn’t even have a wet suit on to dampen the blow. I knew that he was cold and I knew that I was going to have to do something about it. At least I had my bags with me, even if I didn’t have a vehicle at the moment.
“Come here Charlie. I have some extra blankets in here. You need to get out of these clothes before you catch your death.”
He tried to shrug me off and said that he was fine, but his lips were trembling and I knew that it wasn’t the case. I proceeded to take his shirt off and when I realized that he was too tall, I had to ask him to bend over.
“You don’t take no for an answer Merle, do you?”
I told him that I didn’t. It was easier if he knew what he was up against. I wasn’t going to let him off of the hook until I knew that he was dry and warmer than he was. He wasn’t going to get sick from helping me. I wasn’t going to allow it.
“Come on Charlie, just work with me or I am going to have to strip you down the rest of the way.”
He stopped and looked down at me. “I don’t think I would mind at all.”
His blue eyes were twinkling and I got the impression that he was calling my bluff. The funny thing was though that I wasn’t bluffing. I was going to do what I set out to do and when he moved closer, my hand went for his jeans and he finally got the hint that I wasn’t joking around.
“I didn’t think you were being serious.”
“I am. I have extra blankets and clothes that will probably fit you. You can’t be out here in this wind as wet as you are. I don’t want something to happen to you because you helped me.”
Kevin chimed in after a moment. He was not sure who the woman was, but he liked the show that she was putting on and he liked how uncomfortable his friend was at the moment.
“Oh Charlie, when did you get so shy? I am starting to think that I am back in the bottom of the boat and this is a dream. Where else would she come from?”
“I don’t know where she came from, but this isn’t a dream. She is your new diver.”
I saw the look on Kevin’s face and I can’t say that he looked like he was too impressed. It wasn’t how I had meant to meet my boss, pulling another man’s pants off, but Charlie had taken over and I handed him a blanket before I went to my new boss with an outstretched hand. I wanted him to know that this wasn’t how I usually was, but I was afraid of Charlie getting sick. Hopefully he would see it as fast thinking, but when I got to Kevin, it was clear that he was looking at me about like the other guy had.
“So you are my diver?”
“Yes Sir. Merle Clannahan. We talked several times on the phone. I was waiting out here for you because I didn’t realize that you were on the boat. Nice nap?”
Kevin’s eyes moved over my body and I can’t say that it was the most comfortable assessment that I have ever had. I felt like I was being weighed and measured and I hoped that he saw enough in me to be found approving.
“Why yes, I remember talking to you, but I don’t remember you being a girl.”
I sighed to myself and nodded my head. Did he want me to apologize for it or something? I wasn’t really sure, but I was sure that I didn’t want to let him know how aggravated with it all I was. Yes, I was a girl. Was I the only one there that wasn’t male because both men were acting like I had horns on my head or something and I was a bit surprised by the reaction. I thought this was a state that was used to going against the status quo.
“Well, I am a girl. I thought that my voice would have given it away.”
The man looked at me sheepishly and I paid attention to the other man that was covering himself in a blanket from out of my bag. Charlie had refused it at first, but I could see that he was at least not shaking as badly as before.
“Girl or not, can you dive?”
It was a question that he had asked me before and since I had answered it several times already, I was going to chalk it up to something that he wanted to make sure of because of my gender. I told him again that I could and I tried to ignore the half-naked man that was standing next to me. Charlie was huge and when he had gotten down to his skivvies, there wasn’t much left to the imagination. I tried not to let the sight of him bother me, but it really was impossible not to let it. He was distracting and when he smiled at me in such a disarming manner, I knew that I was going to have to get it together.
“Yes I can dive Kevin. I was hoping that we could get out there and do a run before the sun goes down today. No time like the present.”
Kevin agreed, but I could tell that he was hung over. I was going to have to be careful working for him. I turned to Charlie and told him to keep the blanket and clothes that he had managed to find that fit him. I was glad that I had kept some of my ex’s things now.
“I can’t take your supplies.”
“Well then find me later when you don’t need them and you can give them to me then.” I waved to the distraction and tried my best not to think about the hard lines he possessed. I was going to be surrounded by hot, rugged men. I was going to have to do a better job of hiding my lust if I was ever going to make it here.
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He was back and everything was changing.
He wanted something from me, more than I first thought.
It was hard to think when he was near and now Chris was too close.
His lips were so demanding and I yearned for the power that he possessed over my body.
Chris had a secret, one that was going to rock my world.
Chris was back out of the blue.
He rolled up into town asking for me, but what he wanted was anyone’s guess.
After leaving me devastated before, he was here and I was nervous.
All he had to do was get too close, touch me and I was lost.
He had a hold on me that I couldn’t explain.
Everything was different, but that never changed.
His smoldering eyes called to me and I wanted to give in, one last time.
She hadn’t changed a bit.
Her blonde hair flowed down her back and her body was curved in all the right ways.
Molly was beautiful and I had to wonder why I ever left.
I wanted my time in Nome to be filled with her. It had been so long. Too long.
All I had to do was get my hands on her and she would be mine once more.
Chapter 1
It was going to be a good day. The sun was already shining out of my windows and I had a feeling that it was going to be a good one. I told myself that every day, but something convinced me that I was actually going to be right this time. Either way I was going to be as positive as I could be. It was something that I told myself years ago when I got divorced and found myself as stress as I could ever remember being. It was then that I had d
ecided to make a change and that was what I had worked on the last five years. I was getting good at it if nothing else.
Moving off of the porch and the crisp air that was negated with the sun shining down on me, I went and refilled my coffee cup. It was a second cup kind of day and I don’t know why I thought that just that I did. The store was already opened; Denise called to tell me that everything was in order. I left it in her hands, knowing that I would have a little while longer before the amount of business would make me a necessity at the restaurant. Until then, I just wanted to enjoy the weather outside for a little while longer. Fall would be here before I knew it and I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to the warmth just yet.
I went back out to my favorite spot and tried to settle in for a while, but the phone was ringing. I got back up and tried not to let myself get aggravated. I should have turned the ringer off. It was my own fault for not doing it. There was no peace unless I went out of my way to get it. I knew that and I picked up the phone, still unable to let the machine get it.
“This is Molly.”
“Hey Molly, I was wondering if you could come in a little early. There is someone here to see you. He is really cute and I think you should come up to the shop right away.”
Now I was intrigued, but Denise didn’t have any more information. The man had come in looking for me and quickly left, saying he would be back in an hour. I didn’t have long to get down there, but my curiosity spurred me on. I wasn’t expecting any out of town visitors and he was definitely not from Nome according to Denise. I wondered who it could be and my brained whirled with the possibilities. I didn’t really come up with anything that really stuck in my mind and I tried to think of something else as I made my way in after I got dressed.