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Hey, Santa

Page 3

by Jessica E. Subject

  Her heart swelled. She didn’t have to be alone for Christmas. And maybe, just maybe, she actually had a chance with this guy.


  Andy slumped onto the ornate Santa chair, observing the lineup of restless kids. One more day and the job ended. He no longer had to wear the hot, confining suit. Time to leave the city.

  He had no choice but to leave after revealing his secret to Claire. Lust and loneliness had driven him to keep her at his house. He’d opened his mouth, making the biggest mistake of his life, telling her information no one on Earth should ever know. Not if he planned to stay out of a government laboratory.

  Sure, he wanted to trust her, but he’d just met Claire. When she finally stopped to think about what he’d told her, she would freak. People on Earth didn’t accept an extraterrestrial so easily. Some rejected those in their own culture, from their own neighborhood. They ostracized individuals simply because of a different skin color, believed in another god, or fell in love with someone of the same sex. He refused to take the chance letting anyone else learn of his place of origin.

  Even if Claire did accept his differences, what would happen if the relationship didn’t work out? He refused to wait and find out. After his shift, he needed to pack up his few belongings and drive across the country, make a new name for himself, and never tell anyone where he came from again.

  The first child in line, a chubby eight-year-old, rushed over and plopped down on Andy’s knee. A repeat visitor. “Listen, as I said before, I know you’re just one of Santa’s helpers, but I wanted to make sure you got my message to the big guy.” The boy paused and smiled while the camera flashed.

  “Yes, I told him you wanted the newly released version of Xbox, not the one you said in your letter.” The kids came as a welcome distraction. He couldn’t second-guess himself. He had to leave.

  “I always send my letters early to make sure Santa has plenty of time to get my gifts. It’s not my fault Microsoft released a new version right before Christmas.” The boy hugged him then slipped from his knee. “Thank you. Merry Christmas.”

  “And a Merry Christmas to you, too.” A little greedy, though far less difficult than most of the kids who had visited him over the past two weeks.

  Next came the screamers, two babies who clung to their mothers while he tried to hold them for a quick picture. Why did parents do that to their kids? Why did they do that to him? And his day had only begun. Children kicked him, removed his hat and tossed it away, and snapped his beard. One kid with a wet diaper sat on him, the contents squeezing out onto his lap. He had to take a break to change after that, causing even more upset children.

  The line kept going and going, with no end in sight. Didn’t parents know Christmas had already started on the other side of the world? Santa had to return to the North Pole. Andy had to pack.

  He waited for the next child to come. Instead, a woman walked up to the platform, carrying multiple bags filled with wrapped presents. His heart pounded in his chest. Why is she here?

  Andy had been so sure of his decision to leave, ready to move on. Seeing Claire in front of him brought doubts he didn’t need. He yearned for the temporary sense of peace he’d felt with her that morning, to reach out and hold her. Forever.

  No. It can’t happen.

  She sat on his knee, resting her arm across his shoulders. “Hello, my sexy Santa.”

  He longed to kiss her, reenact everything they did the night before. But he had to keep his distance. They’d spent one night together, and he’d already made mistakes. Any more time together and leaving became that much more difficult.

  “Hi, Claire. It’s great that you stopped by, but I can’t chat. I’m kind of busy.” The sooner he finished, the sooner he left this city.

  “I know.”

  She kissed his nose, sending a rush of desire through him. His nose of all places. Why did that affect him? He needed her gone, needed a clean break.

  “I have to get home to start dinner. But I wanted to ask you to wear the Santa costume home. I have a special surprise for you.”

  A surprise? Oh, shit, I’m going to become a lab rat. She’d called the authorities.

  Although, what if she hadn’t? She’d stayed long after he’d told her of his origins. Had sex with him again. Even helped him apply the cover-up make-up to his arms and face that morning. Did he really have a chance at a future with her? Could she truly accept him as an alien?

  “I’ll see you later.” She squeezed his hand before departing.

  Could he do that? Could he walk away and leave behind a chance at happiness, at never being alone again?

  Andy swallowed the lump in his throat, glancing back to the kids in line. He had no choice.

  Chapter Six

  Claire stared out the front window, glancing up and down the street. No traffic at all. By then, kids were likely tucked into bed, their parents shoving mountains of presents under the tree.

  Even with the meal finished cooking long ago, she hadn’t eaten. The scent of turkey hung in the air, reminding her of Andy’s rejection. He’d never showed. Another Christmas Eve alone.

  Two texts, a phone call, and hours of waiting hadn’t gotten her any response. He wasn’t coming for dinner. Or ever. She’d expected too much from an obvious one-night stand. Although, after he’d told her of his ancestry, she believed he trusted her, wanted something more. Obviously not.

  Must have been an act in order to get sex from an Earth girl.

  And she’d proven how easy she was.

  With no one to seduce, she plucked off the Santa hat from her head and tossed it across the room. Along with the sexy Mrs. Santa outfit that lifted her boobs nearly to her chin and the presents under the tree, she’d spent too much money that day. For nothing. God, why had she been so stupid to believe he’d wanted more than one night?

  Stripping out of the rest of the costume, she left the fabric in the middle of the floor and headed to her bedroom. Clean-up could wait until morning. By then, she hoped the hurt had eased, though likely replaced by anger—at the alien who’d lied to her, and at herself for believing him.

  She flopped onto her bed. Fuck! Her eyes burned. Tears threatened to fall. But she held in the ache, instead thickening the wall around her heart. Never again would she let a man, or whatever he was, get so close, so fast.


  Andy pulled into the driveway. He’d turned around several times on his way, regretting his decision. But he refused to change directions again. Finally, he reached the place he needed to be.

  Climbing out of his car, he shut the door behind him and headed up to the house. All dark. No lights on inside, or in the entire neighborhood, only street lamps to light the way. He breathed deeply and walked up the stairs. As he pressed the doorbell, his hand shook. No going back now. For the first time since arriving on the planet, he knew where he belonged.

  But would anyone be there to open the door for him? Did he still have a chance at the life he wanted? Or had he ruined all chances of happiness on Earth?



  Claire rubbed her face, cheeks itching from all of the tears she’d shed. Sleep hadn’t come easily for her after being stood up. God, I’m pathetic. One night and I’m ready to tie the guy to the mattress and keep him forever.

  The doorbell rang again. Groaning, she rolled out of bed. Had Andreas finally arrived? But what had kept him so long? She slipped on her robe and slippers then plodded down the stairs.

  Seizing her cell phone from the coffee table, she peeked out the front window. Just in case a stranger stood there rather than her very tardy Santa. You’re lonely, not stupid, Claire.

  On her doorway stood the man of the evening, a jolly old Saint Nick, in full costume. Like I’m going to fall for that trick.

  She glanced across the yard, looking for Santa’s ride. And then she saw it. Stepping back, she gasped. He didn’t have reindeer and a sleigh, but the same sports car she’d ridden in the night before.

  Her stomach lurched. Why is he so late? She’d invited him for dinner, not a middle-of-the-night rendezvous.

  Before good sense had a chance to stop her, she unlocked the door and opened it. “What do you want?”

  The screen door stood between them, her last shred of proper judgment.

  “I’m sorry I’m so late. I got scared.”

  He presented a bouquet of flowers—roses, asters, and mini carnations, all in the colors of Christmas. Where he’d found them at such a late hour, she had no idea. But flowers didn’t buy her forgiveness.

  “I never asked for a relationship, just someone to spend the holidays with.” Though, she’d hoped for so much more.

  “I know, but that’s not it. I worried about what I’d told you. No one else knows, and I can’t risk the wrong people finding out.”

  With a sigh, she gripped the door handle. “I’m honored you trusted me enough to tell me. And I understand you don’t know me that well, but I will never tell anyone. Not even my best friend.” Nothing mattered to her more than someone keeping their word. Which he hadn’t. Yet, putting herself in his shoes, she understood his actions.

  “I can only give you my sincere apology. I’m so sorry for any hurt I may have caused.”

  Through the screen, she stared into his crystal blue eyes, uncomfortable with the silence. But she didn’t know what to say. Was she ready to forgive him?

  “Will you let me in, Claire, or will I forever be on your naughty list?”

  Did she want to let him in, open herself up to getting hurt again? He had trusted her, but did she have the same confidence in him?

  Pushing the door open, she swallowed her hesitation. “You missed a great dinner. I went all out, only to let everything go to waste.”

  Andy stepped inside, pulling her into his arms. “If you’ll let me, I’ll make it up to you, tonight, tomorrow, and forever, if all goes well.”

  He offered everything she wanted. But too soon. She didn’t know him well enough. And she had so many questions about his planet of origin, how his otherworldly lineage affected the possibility of a relationship with him. Would he ever return home?

  “How about we make it through the holidays first?”

  Kissing her forehead, he gently rocking her, filling her with a sense of peace. “Deal.”

  She longed to stay in his arms forever, forget about the loneliness of the last few years. But she had a hard time staying focused. She craved sleep, and in Andy’s arms, she’d lost her resolve. “Now that my Santa has finished delivering his presents, why doesn’t he join me upstairs for some much needed rest?”

  “So long as in the morning, he can cook breakfast to make up for tonight.”

  With a contented heart, she smiled, willing to give him a chance. For the first time in years, she had company for the holidays.

  This Christmas, Santa granted Claire her wish. She wouldn’t be alone.

  Thank you!

  Thank you very much for reading Hey, Santa! If you enjoyed this story, please consider leaving a review on Goodreads and/or wherever you purchase your ebooks.


  With any story, there are so many people involved in taking any story from a blank page to a published book.

  I want to thank my local peeps, Deb, Susan, Mason, Liz, Mel, Diana, and Chris, who give me the break I need, and for all of their friendship and advice.

  As always, a HUGE thank you to my critique partners, Layna Pimentel, DL Jackson, Zee Monodee, and Rebecca Royce, for taking the time to read over my stories to tell me what works, and especially what doesn’t work. I have learned so much from all of them, and they are great authors and friends.

  Valerie Mann and Kate Richards rock! It is such a pleasure to work with both of them at Wizards in Publishing. Thank you, ladies, for all of your help over the past couple of years.

  Mina Carter designs AMAZING covers, and the cover she created for Hey, Santa is no exception.

  And a special shout out to Tawania, Leanne, Elizabeth, Tina, BJ, and Heather. You ladies rock! Thank you for all of your help.

  I can never forget my family in all of this. Without their support I wouldn’t be able to do what I do. Thank you to my daughter who keeps my son occupied while I’m trying to work. And thank you to my son for regular morning cuddles that inspire me every day.

  Word cannot express how grateful I am to my husband for allowing me to live out this dream. He is my biggest supporter, my inspiration, and the love of my life.


  From Decadent Publishing

  1Night Stand

  Beneath the Starry Sky

  Celestial Seduction

  Unknown Futures

  Satin Sheets in Space

  Sudden Breakaway

  Intergalactic Heat – print

  Another Night, Another Planet

  The Edge

  The Power of Three

  Crash Landing

  Alien Lover


  An Unexpected Return

  The Challenge series

  Accidental Romance

  The Underground

  Never Gonna Let You Go

  Never Gonna Desert You

  Single Titles

  Made For Her

  Coming Soon

  Never Gonna Say Goodbye (The Underground)

  Indie Titles

  Alien Next Door

  Alien Adoration

  Free Read

  Last Minute Customers

  Just Another Wedding

  Coming Soon

  Alien Admirer (Alien Next Door)

  Author Biography

  Jessica Subject is the author of contemporary and science fiction romance, ranging from sweet to erotica. In her stories, you could meet clones, or a sexy alien or two. You may even be transported to another planet for a romantic rendezvous.

  When Jessica isn't reading, writing, or doing dreaded housework, she likes to get out and walk. Fast. But she just may slow down if there is a waterfall nearby.

  Jessica lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and two energetic children. And she loves to hear from her readers. You can find her at and on twitter @jsubject.

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  Alien Adoration

  Alien Next Door book 1

  Erotic Sci-Fi Romance

  ISBN: 978-0991932009

  Erotic dreams fill her with need…

  Night after night, Rachel fantasizes about her sexy, playboy neighbor. But in her small town, no one changes, least of all the bad boy next door. But when Luke rescues her not once but twice from disastrous dates, she dares to believe her knight in black leather armor may be the right man for her after all.

  Until she learns the truth...

  Life on Earth has never been easy for Luke. Stranded as a little boy, he struggled to craft an existence for himself, but he never forgot the first human he met--and he never stopped wanting to see her again. Returning to Hanton, Luke longs for Rachel. Yet, nothing goes as he plans, and Rachel barely notices him. Convincing her he isn't like all the jerks she's dated means telling her the truth, but can she handle it?

  Can she overcome her fears, or will she deny her alien adoration and leave him stranded once more?


  “Need a lift?”

  The voice was deep and masculine, one she didn’t hear very often, but would recognize anywhere. Luke. Wonderful! He wouldn’t talk to me before, but now that I’m topless and sopping wet, he notices me.

  She circled slowly to stare at the leather-clad figure sitting atop his motorcycle. The visor of his helmet covered most of his face, leaving only his luscious lips and deep, jutting chin, covered in light stubble, exposed. What would they feel like against her lips? Between her legs? Her body tingled.

  “Earth to Rachel. Do you need a lift, or should I leave you here in the pouring rain?”

  Oh God
, he knows my name. Since they’d never actually talked—she’d only heard him greeting his dates—her name on his lips came as a surprise. “Um, yes, I’d appreciate a ride.” On his Harley, and if she was lucky, in his bed. Anywhere. Her romance-first rule didn’t apply to him. He’d already seduced her plenty in her dreams.

  Remaining on his bike, he yanked a helmet from his saddlebag and held it out to her. “What happened to your pretty blouse?”

  Pretty blouse? He’d seen her earlier? “I….” Fluttering rolled through her stomach. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  She grabbed the helmet from him, fit it over her soaked hair, and buckled the chinstrap. Straddling the seat behind him, she fumbled with her hands, wondering where to place them, no bar behind her to hold on to. Oh, what it would be like to wrap her arms around him, lean against his wide back covered in leather. But what if he didn’t want her to touch him?

  Luke pushed off from the curb. “I suggest you hold onto me or you’re going to fall off.”

  The bike lurched forward with a roar. She clasped her hands around his waist, her fingers coming together temptingly close to his manhood, cheek pressed to his cowskin jacket. His deep chuckle reverberated across her skin.

  “I told you to hang on.”

  And she could lean on him forever. Being so close to him with pure raw power between her legs moved her better than any fantasy she had ever created. But what is going to happen when he takes me home? Or will he invite me to his house instead?

  She pressed her lips together. Sure, she wanted to know what lay under his tight pants, but she refused to be another conquest. I can’t handle it.

  He drove into her driveway too soon, leaning the bike over enough for her to slip off. She removed the helmet and handed it back to him. “Thank you. I appreciate the ride.”


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