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A Perfect Fit

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by Heather Tullis

  A Perfect Fit

  By Heather Tullis

  © 2012 Heather Justesen

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Published by Heather Justesen at Smashwords.

  Published by Jelly Bean Press, 90 S Main St. Ste #2, Fillmore, UT 84631

  Cover design by Bill J. Justesen

  Cover design © 2012 by Heather Justesen

  Table of Contents

  Cast of Characters

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Excerpt from SEALed with Love


  About the Author

  Cast of Characters

  Camellia DiCarlo (Cami)—the oldest of George DiCarlo’s daughters, born to his wife, head of guest services.

  Sage Parker—Second eldest, head of the resort Spa. Born to Darla Parker.

  Rosemary Keogh—Third eldest of George DiCarlo’s daughters, born to Wanda Keogh, head of resort food services.

  Lantana DiCarlo (Lana)—Fourth eldest, second daughter by George’s wife, hotel manager.

  Delphinium Gifford (Delphi)—Fifth eldest daughter by Zelda Gifford, head of resort events.

  Jonquil Chestnut—Sixth eldest daughter by Trudy Chestnut, head of the resort floral center.

  Vince Talmadge—Landscape architect, best friend of Jeremy and Gage.

  Jeremy Litster—local photographer, best friend of Vince and Gage.

  Gage Mathews—head of Deer Mountain, the local ski resort. Best friend to Vince and Jeremy.

  Harrison Forest—older half-brother to Sage by another father. Head of hotel HR.

  Blake Bahlmann—regional manager of DiCarlo Resorts, stationed out of the Juniper Ridge resort.

  Joel Watts—former Navy SEAL, head of hotel security.

  Chapter 1

  Camellia gripped her sister’s hand as they passed into the wood-paneled conference room at the attorney’s office. Her eyes burned, but she felt Lantana’s fingers squeeze hers so she sucked it up and continued on.

  A quick sweep of the room showed a lot more faces than she’d expected, and though all of them were familiar, she wasn’t certain how she knew the women. Three women—two blondes and a brunette—were seated in the row of six chairs facing the table at the front of the room. She’d noticed them all at the funeral, and they’d been vaguely familiar then, but she still had no idea why.

  “Cami, who are all these people?” Lana asked, leaning closer to whisper.

  “No idea.” Her eyes sought out Alex—her cousin, her father’s lawyer, and estate executor.

  He walked toward them, leaned in to kiss each of their cheeks and squeeze their hands. “Please take a seat. We’ll start soon.” He guided them to a couple of chairs along the right side of the room. “We’re waiting for one more person.”

  “But what about—”

  He interrupted Cami with a gentle touch to her elbow. “I’ll explain everything in a few minutes. Try to be patient.”

  Cami sat beside Lana and looked up as Alex put a hand on each of their shoulders. “Are you okay?” he asked. “Would you like something to drink? I have soda, water or juice.” He waved to a nearby table.

  “I’m fine.” It was a lie, she wasn’t fine. She couldn’t be fine the day after burying her father, after finding out he’d had terminal cancer that would have killed him in a matter of weeks—if the pulmonary embolism hadn’t done it first. She’d known he wasn’t well, but he hadn’t said it was cancer. The loss made the pain of her mother’s death five years earlier come back again full force.

  “Nothing for me,” Lana murmured.

  A tall blonde—thin, lithe, a little snooty in her three-inch heels and impeccable navy dress-suit—sauntered into the room, scanning it, before taking a chair. Her short-cropped hair framed her face and though a valiant effort had been made to cover it with makeup, her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

  Cami studied all of the women again, four of them besides herself and Lana. All of whom had thrown flowers on her father’s coffin, all acted as though they had reason to belong, but none had approached her or Lana with condolences—or spoken to each other as far as she’d noticed. Who were they?

  The women were near her own age, and so familiar. How had they known her father?

  Alex greeted the newcomer, his low voice making the words indistinguishable, even from eight feet away. He gestured to his assistant to close the door, and he returned to the front of the room. He shot Cami and Lana a glance, grimaced, then let his eyes follow the line of women.

  “I’m glad you could all make it, though I’m sorry for the reason you’re here. I’m Alexander Checketts, the executor of George Marlin DiCarlos’s estate. Because all of you were important to George, he remembered you in his will.” He glanced at Cami again and she lifted a finger. “As you’ll be able to tell when you hear the terms, this was a very recent revision.”

  “Aren’t there a lot of other bequests in the will? Friends, employees?” She swept her eyes over the other women, doubting they fit either category. Wouldn’t she have known about them if they were important to her father?

  Alex touched his fingertips to the tabletop in a gesture she had long recognized as a sign that he was uneasy. Most people wouldn’t have a clue he wasn’t perfectly comfortable, but she knew him too well to be fooled.

  “They will all be contacted separately, but this portion of the will concerns each of you equally, and your father and I felt it best to present it to you as a private group.” He picked up the legal forms and began to read the stultifying legalese which always made Cami’s head ache, even under the best of circumstances—and these were far from that.

  When he reached the bequests, he studied them. “I’m going to skip over the little things he wanted given to others, though I’d be happy to provide copies of the will to anyone who would like to check it. I’ll go straight to the part concerning all of you.”

  All of you? What did that mean? Cami glanced at Lana and caught confusion on some of the other women’s faces as well.

  “To my daughters, Camellia DiCarlo, Sage Parker, Rosemary Keogh, Lantana DiCarlo, Delphinium Gifford and Jonquil Chestnut, I leave my latest resort.”

  Cami’s eyes flashed to Alex’s, but his gaze was riveted on the papers he held, though he paused for a moment. She stared at the other women. His daughters? It didn’t make sense, but Alex started reading again, so she focused on him.

‘Yes, you are all my daughters, though none of you knew about everyone else. You will share equally in my legacy, but first I have a requirement. The newest hotel and spa will be ready to open in September and if you want to earn your part of the inheritance, you will all need to pull together to make it shine, as I know you will.

  “‘All of you have areas of expertise that will be valuable in the launch of this latest enterprise—expertise most of you have refused to fully utilize. You have two weeks from tomorrow to show up in Juniper Ridge, Colorado, to put everything into motion. There is a house I have purchased and furnished for your use during the course of your stay in the area.

  “‘The trial period will last for one year from the opening date of the resort and your work will be evaluated by the regional director and Alexander Checketts. If you prove your mettle as I know you all will, you will each inherit equal parts of my estate, and share ownership in the hotel chain.’” Alex mentioned the estate value, which was in the upper reaches of the nine-figure range.

  Cami closed her eyes as a murmur went up in the room, punctuated by gasps. Her stomach dropped at the sum. She’d known her father was rich, it showed in everything he was, everything he did, but this was far more than she’d realized. Far more than public record showed.

  Alex continued, “‘Those who stick it out will get their one-sixth split, the rest will lose everything. If any of you choose not to participate, your potion of the inheritance will be donated to an organization or charity I have specified.” He paused in the reading, a tick in his jaw showing his feelings.

  He met their gazes. “So you know, your father was very careful to choose a different organization for each of you for your portion of the inheritance. He made certain the charities were ones whose core values you’d despise, so you’d have added incentive to not want them to get the money. You can speak to me after this meeting if you want to know where your portion of the inheritance would go.” His eyes skimmed over them again, then returned to the will to continue reading. “As I now own all of your places of employment, or the buildings in which they reside, my directions will ensure you are all out of work if you choose to defy me.”

  All of the air escaped Cami’s lungs. Her head spun and she thought she might be sick. Would she have time to get to a bathroom if the nausea filling her decided to pour back out again?

  “Who needs his money or his job? I can find a job on my own.” The last arrival stood and headed for the door.

  “Delphi, come back and listen to the rest. There will be time for dramatic gestures later,” Alex said, his voice firm without being harsh.

  She turned and glared at him. “I like my life the way it is. If it wasn’t good enough for him, it was his problem.” She stalked out, slamming the door behind her.

  Alex’s jaw tightened, but he addressed the remaining women. “I’ll catch up with her later. If the rest of you can wait until I finish reading the will, I’ll leave you each with a copy of your contract and give you time to consider the terms.”

  He bowed his head and returned to reading, “‘Cami, you’ll be in charge of customer services, including front desk, concierge, valet, etc. The heads of engineering and housekeeping will run their own departments, but report to you. Your ideas for enhancing the guest experiences and attention to detail are sorely needed in this venture.

  “‘Sage, it’s time you put those skills to use setting up and running the spa. You’re wasting your talent working where you are when you have so much more to give back to an organization. Rosemary, studying abroad with various master chefs has prepared you well. You will head up the restaurant and catering services, and have a supervisory role over the bar.”

  Sage didn’t appear surprised or upset by the decision while Rosemary growled something unintelligible and scowled.

  “Lana, you’ll take over as hotel manager, working under the regional rep’s guidance. I think you’ve been on track for this position since you were six. Considering the less-than-ideal situation I’m thrusting you all into, your level head and outside-the-box thinking will be necessary.” Cami couldn’t help but agree, and was glad to see the smile of pleasure on her sister’s pale face. Though Lana had known about the decision for a while now, it was the realization of her dream.

  “Delphi, you’ve been hiding your light under a bushel for too long. As hotel events planner, you’ll bring a creative push and wide array of expertise to bear. Jonquil, your tutelage under my hand and throughout your adult life has put you in good stead to open the flower shop in the hotel. You’ll be responsible for providing blooms for the suites, restaurant, public areas, events, and a selection for purchase in the gift shop.

  “Combined, you six ladies, my daughters all, will make this venture the most incredible, innovative, successful resort anywhere.” Alex paused and took time to make eye contact with all of them. “I know this is a lot for you all to take in, you’ve had a big shock, and I’m sure none of you are any happier about this than Delphi was. I’m sorry.” Sincerity shone from him.

  Jonquil’s brows drew together in confusion as she studied her sisters’ faces. Annoyance filled Rosemary’s face, but she didn’t stand to leave the room like Delphi. Cami couldn’t help but wonder what was going through their heads. She felt as though she couldn’t breathe properly—the betrayal to her mother, and the secrets he’d been keeping from her, from them all, nearly bowled her over.

  Alex lifted the page and returned to reading. “Until your trial at the hotel is over, you’ll live together in a home I have purchased for you unless you live with your husbands.” Gasps and curses filled the air, causing Alex to pause in his reading. Lana squeezed Cami’s hand, crushing her fingers, even as the thought of having to live with her father’s other offspring made Cami’s anger roil. Alex continued, “You must appear at the house and hotel for initial meetings on the specified day and get the ball rolling. Once things have been put into place, you may return to your homes to settle things and arrange for your absences from your current lives. One year after the hotel opens, your inheritances will revert to you to do with as you please. I love you all.”

  Cami wrapped her arms around herself, shivering despite the fact that the room had been plenty warm when she’d entered it a few minutes earlier. His daughters. He said they were all his daughters, and a glance around the room, the recognition of pieces of her father in each of the faces, told her it wasn’t a figure of speech.

  She glanced at Lana, seeing her pale face, the shock in her eyes. Cami squeezed her hand, but wasn’t much relieved by the wan smile and half-hearted returning squeeze.

  Alex set down the papers and met Cami’s gaze again. “I suppose I ought to introduce you all to each other, though I’ve only recently met several of you. I’ll start over here and work my way down the row.” He gestured to Cami. “Camellia, who prefers to go by Cami is the oldest daughter, born to George’s wife. Beside her is Lantana, or Lana, who will be the hotel’s general manager, though if I hadn’t seen her in action at work, I’d never believe she could be so bossy because she comes across so sweet in public. Don’t let it fool you.” He winked at her. “She was also born to George’s wife and is fourth in line according to age.”

  This was an additional blow for Cami. Fourth? He’d had two other daughters between her and Lana? Somehow she’d thought he and her mother had gone through a rocky spot after Lana and that’s when the women were conceived, but no, it had gone on for longer than that. Their whole marriage? Had her mother known? These thoughts rushed through her head in only a couple of seconds and she made herself focus back on Alex’s words.

  “Jonquil is next,” he pointed to a woman with blonde spirals cascading down her back and blue eyes the size of moon pies. “She’s sixth in age and the one who picked up George’s love for plants.

  “Delphinium, who prefers Delphi, and rushed out of here so abruptly, is fifth in age. She’s a brilliant events planner and will be a great help in coordinating weddings or conferences, a fe
w of which have already been booked.”

  The name brought realization to Cami. Delphi had lived on another floor in Cami’s dorm during her last year of college. She and Delphi had spoken a few times, though they were no more than passing acquaintances. Had she known they were half-sisters?

  “After her is Rosemary.” She had wide-set, blue eyes, a long fall of straight blonde hair, and a voluptuous figure which no doubt kept the men’s attention riveted.

  “I’m not sure I want anything to do with this.” Rosemary crossed her arms over her chest.

  Cami realized Rosemary had gone to summer camp with her for a couple of years when they were kids. They hadn’t gotten along at all.

  “I can’t blame you,” Alex said to Rosemary. “But I’d appreciate it if you gave it serious consideration,” He continued the introduction, “Rosemary attended culinary school and studied under masters in France and Italy. She’s tops in the restaurant business, though she’s been happy to let someone else run the show.” He held up a hand to stave off Rosemary’s rebuttal. “She’s third in age.”

  He smiled at the last woman, who had curly brown hair brushing her shoulder blades, and wore little makeup. “Sage is the second eldest. She’s been working in salons and spas since her teens and has traveled extensively throughout Europe learning their techniques in addition to more formal training.” Their father had sent Cami to work in the San Diego office one summer to ‘broaden her horizons.’ Sage had been working there at the same time, though they’d only shared greetings as they passed each other.

  He slid the legal papers into the manila folder. “Now, I’m going to be in my office to work for the afternoon. I’ll be available to any of you if you have questions or are in want of clarification. I’ll be stepping out to speak with Delphi later, but feel free to discuss things together or to come and go. I’d like your answers by morning, if possible.”

  Alex began passing out individual folders to them. “Here are contracts for each of your positions. I’ve spoken to the regional manager and he agrees you don’t need to move to Colorado permanently yet, but you do need to make the trip in two weeks. Your father expected to live at least another month, so if you are not needed in Juniper Ridge yet, you’re welcome to return home for some time after the meeting. The estate will cover plane fare, rental cars and any other expenses you incur as a result of this move.”


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