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Stolen Away

Page 17

by Marion Webb-De Sisto

  Anna watched in silence as she finished clearing up the mess. Esther emptied the water down the sink and carried the bucket and mop back to the cupboard. When she returned to the kitchen, her friend was sitting on one of the breakfast-bar stools.

  “Did you also drop two saucepans and a bread knife? While sitting here, I’ve just noticed them on the floor. Come on, Esther, you have to tell me what’s been happening.”

  How much or how little to divulge? At any moment, Dreydon would reappear and that might make Anna freak out.

  She played for time while her thoughts whirled, then finally asked, “Would you like some chamomile tea? I was just going to make some.”

  “Don’t procrastinate and I’ll take instant coffee.”

  Esther filled the kettle, turned the gas on under it, and took down two mugs from the cupboard. She stated, “This is going to sound totally off the wall or you’ll think I’m nuts, but it’s the truth.”

  She made the hot drinks, sat down on the other stool and informed her friend about Zortek’s abduction of her and Dreydon’s rescue. Esther also explained who Perali was. Then she told how the two demgels had suddenly appeared in the dining area and that she’d thrown things at them. She let Anna think this was done physically and not by telekinesis.

  Her friend sat silently throughout the explanation until she heard why the pans, kettle, and knife were on the floor. Anna asked, “Why were you throwing objects at them? Were they trying to hurt you?”

  “Yes, Zortek was going to rape me, and then Perali was going to kill me.”

  “Well, you’re alive and I hope you weren’t raped. So what stopped them from harming you and where are they now?”

  “I called on Dreydon for help. He came, made them unconscious, and has taken them back to Kurbridor.”

  Anna looked thoughtful and Esther wondered if she was inwardly debating whether her friend needed to be committed. After a couple of minutes she observed, “So you’re not writing a story about a demgel. When you said the heroine really liked the hero, but was put off because he wasn’t human, you were actually talking about you and Dreydon. Is that right?”

  “Yes, but I am writing the story I mentioned. The hero is a demgel, lives on Earth and rescues women that other demgels have captured.” She sipped her chamomile tea.

  “One question, how could you call Dreydon?”

  The memory made Esther smile. “Apart from having sex we also melded. That means our minds joined together. We shared thoughts and feelings. Now there’s a type of bond between us and we can communicate telepathically even when we’re far apart.” She grabbed her friend’s hand and asked, “Are you thinking I’ve gone completely mad? Does it sound as though I’ve made up this story, and then convinced myself it is real?”

  Anna drank her coffee. When she was finished, she said, “I’ve known you for a number of years and I’ve never thought you were anything other than perfectly sane. What you’ve just told me does sound crazy, but I’m not about to dismiss it as such. However, one thing you said doesn’t add up. Zortek abducted you the night after your date with him and you said you stayed for two whole days on Kurbridor. Yet from what I remember you weren’t gone for any of that time. You called me some time after midday on Thursday to say you were sick, and you came into work on the Friday. How could you do that if you were on this other world?”

  “Time passes more quickly on Kurbridor. A day there is only about six hours here. The reason I didn’t go to your store on that Thursday morning was because I wasn’t here, not because I was sick. I called you as soon as Dreydon brought me home. I’m sorry I lied, but I believed you would think I was crazy if I said where I’d been.”

  “You’re certainly testing my belief system. Is there any way you can prove what you’ve told me?”

  “If you saw Dreydon, would it help? He said he’d come back when he’s dealt with Zortek and Perali.”

  “Hmm, that would certainly improve matters. Let’s hope he doesn’t take too long, I’m seeing Hal in about an hour. Meanwhile, I’ll tell you why I’m here. I’ve decided to start the inventory. It’s always a big job so the sooner I begin, the sooner it’s done. I wanted to ask you to come in tomorrow to help me with it. Of course, I’ll pay you for working an extra day. I could have phoned, but I felt like coming over to ask you.” Anna grinned at Esther. “Perhaps I got a vibe that interesting things were happening here.”

  “I’m happy to help with the inventory, no problem.” Esther sat looking at the clock in the kitchen. Dreydon had left about twenty minutes ago and that was even longer in Kurbridor time. What is he doing? Is it possible for Zortek and Perali to have gained consciousness and attacked him? She hoped he wasn’t lying somewhere hurt or possibly dead. That thought panicked her.

  “Dreydon, are you okay? You’ve been gone for quite some time.”

  “I’ll be with you very soon.”

  It was a relief to know he wasn’t dead. Now she had to prepare Anna for his arrival.

  “Dreydon is really big and can look quite scary with his fangs, claws, and horns, but he’s a good guy. I hope you’re not frightened when you see him.”

  “As you well know, males don’t scare me. They’re the cream in my coffee, the frosting on the cake. I can’t wait to meet him. Do you think he’ll be here soon?”

  “It should be any minute now.” Esther stared at the dining area, presuming that was where he’d appear. After what seemed forever, but was probably only a few minutes, he materialized in the middle of that area. He appeared to be unhurt.

  A little gasp escaped from Anna. She got off the stool, walked out of the kitchen and stood in front of the demgel.

  “Esther was right. You are a big boy. By the way, I’m Anna.” Even though she was much taller than Esther, she had to look up at him.

  “Ah, you are the friend who would call me ‘eye candy.’”

  Esther realized that was another time he’d listened to her private thoughts.

  Anna straightened her suit jacket and began walking around Dreydon. She circled him twice, inspecting every part of his golden tan body.

  Esther’s friend returned to her position in front of him. She nodded her head and confirmed, “Yes, you’re definitely eye candy. Show me the other extra bits. I can see your horns, wings, and scales.”

  For a second Dreydon looked puzzled; then he opened his mouth and extended his fangs, and made his claws appear. His wings also unfolded and spread wide.

  “Oh my, you really are part demon, and such a hunk with scary extra bits.” She glanced back at Esther and asked, “Does this one have a brother?”

  Dreydon replied, “No I don’t, but you could probably find a demgel you would like if I took you to Kurbridor.” He folded his wings and retracted his fangs and claws.

  “I might take you up on that one day. Right now I want you to know that Esther is very special to me. If I find out you are causing her more unhappiness, I’ll be looking for you and you wouldn’t want me as an enemy. I can be a real bitch when I’m crossed.”

  Dreydon offered one of his rare smiles and answered, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Okay, I have to get going. I’m sure you want to spend some time alone with Esther.”

  “Yes I do, Anna, thank you. It was good to meet you.”

  Anna told Esther, “Come to the front door with me.” Then looking at the demgel she added, “I’ll only keep her for a couple of minutes. Catch you later, handsome.”

  The two friends walked out of the kitchen and along the hallway.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Anna was positively beaming as she remarked, “That is one drop dead gorgeous hunk. How come you didn’t tell me about him before?”

  “I wanted to, but to tell you I know someone who is half demon, half angel sounds as though I’m losing it.”

  “You’re right. Until I actually saw him, I couldn’t totally believe what you were telling me. And hey, even if he was just a man dressed up in horns, moveable wing
s, and retractable fangs, he’s got a magnificent body. What about those stunning abs?”

  “Oh, are you wondering if he could be a guy in fancy dress? If you go back to him, I’m sure he’ll let you pull on his wings or horns just to prove they’re a part of him.”

  Anna tapped her arm. “Hon, I can think of a much more interesting part I’d want to handle. Maybe I should have told him to drop his pants?” She winked at Esther.

  “You’re so bad, Anna. His demon would probably be happy to do that for you, but on a more serious note, do you think I should tell him how much I’ve missed him?”

  “Of course you should. Hon, if you let this one get away, you’re a fool. He’s the best thing I’ve ever seen on two legs and he adores you.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “I saw the way he looks at you. The winged guy in there is crazy for my friend and I believe she loves him.” Anna opened the front door, hugged Esther and continued, “By the way, don’t bother coming to the store tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll be busy with that demgel. I can ask Aunt Sally to help me with the inventory.”

  “I said I’d come in and I will.”

  “Well, if you change your mind because better things are on offer, just call me. If you do decide to come, bring that hunk with you. Having him around should brighten what would be a boring, day-long job. ‘Bye, hon.” Anna moved out into the area that led to the main door while Esther stood watching her friend and thinking about what she’d said. Anna believed she loved Dreydon and it was true, she did.

  Esther closed the door and went back to the dining area. Dreydon was sitting on a chair, staring at the floor. She felt uncertain what to say to him.

  “So that was my friend, Anna. Hope you didn’t mind her inspecting you?”

  Dreydon looked up at her. “No.” He stood up, came over to Esther, and placed his hands on her shoulders. “According to your friend I’ve caused you unhappiness. How have I done that?”

  Esther shrugged. She was unsure whether to explain how much she’d missed seeing him. “It doesn’t matter. What I want to know is what you’ve done to Zortek and Perali.”

  “It matters to me. Tell me how I’ve made you unhappy.”

  Esther knew she’d have to give him an answer, but she hoped she could delay it. “Remember how we agreed once before on an exchange? You told me what Narrak said and I stroked your scales and horns. Let’s do another exchange. If you tell me what’s happened to Zortek and Perali, I’ll explain what Anna meant.” Esther moved away from Dreydon and sat down on one of the chairs. He returned to his seat and pulled the chair up close to her.

  “You are always ready to disagree with what I say or want. I hope to change such conflict between us.” His big hands covered hers, and then he squeezed them. “Why do you care what I did to those two demgels? They wanted to harm you.”

  “Did you kill them?”

  “Is that what you wanted me to do?”

  “No, of course that’s not what I wanted. I hate killing.”

  “Then you’ll be pleased, they’re not dead. While I waited for them to regain consciousness I bound Perali with a spell similar to the one Zortek used on you. When she woke up, she watched us but was not able to move. I wanted to fight with Zortek in the manner male demgels have always fought over females. We had done so before, but you stopped me from killing him, which is what should have happened.”

  “Human males used to duel over women, but not anymore.”

  “Human males have become too tame.” Dreydon shook his head. Then he continued explaining what had taken place with the two demgels. “Once both of them were conscious, I challenged Zortek, but he placed a shield around his body and said he wouldn’t fight. He told me Perali had goaded him into coming here and taking what she said was rightfully his. Losing you to me hadn’t bothered him until she made him feel like a defeated coward. I believe that was true. Zortek was not bothered because he had no intention of challenging me for you. He knew I’m stronger than him and would kill him if we fought again. My magic is also stronger than his, so I used it to destroy his shield and I challenged him again. He wouldn’t fight and said he didn’t want you. Then he flew away. Esther, he is a poor excuse for a demgel.”

  “I agree. How did Perali know Zortek was the demgel who’d captured me?”

  “The day after I brought you here she came to my home and was happy you were gone. She wanted to know whose scent, as well as mine, was mixed with yours; she’d noticed it when she sniffed you. I told her it was Zortek’s and how I’d rescued you. Then, Perali wanted sex and I refused her. She went away very angry and didn’t come back until a few months later. At that time, I made it clear I didn’t want her coming to my home anymore because you are my mate and you will be coming to live on Kurbridor with me very soon. She was furious and flew away. It didn’t occur to me she would want to come here and harm you.”

  An erratic pulse of excitement started to flutter inside Esther. Dreydon said she would soon be living with him. Unsure of how to ask for further information on that statement she could only comment, “So Perali went to Zortek and persuaded him to come to my home to hurt me. She must hate me.”

  “Yes, she needed Zortek to show her where you live. Perali wouldn’t be able to track your scent on her own because mine and Zortek’s were mixed in with it when she sniffed you. However, Zortek knew where your home is because he’d already been here.”

  “Do you think they will both stay away from me now?”

  “I told Perali and Zortek I’ll kill them instantly if they ever come near you again. I said I would not bother challenging them; I will burn them on sight. I don’t think they will want to risk being incinerated. Once I released Perali from the binding spell, she was eager to get away from me. Now, I have kept my side of the exchange so you must keep yours.”

  It was crunch time. If Anna was here, she’d be poking her and saying, “Tell him, tell him.”

  Esther took a deep breath and revealed, “Anna knows how unhappy I’ve been. Since you brought me home, I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Why didn’t you call for me? I would have come immediately.”

  “I guess I thought if you cared about me, you’d come without being called. I knew much more time was passing for you on Kurbridor than for me, yet you didn’t appear. I figured you were obviously not missing me.”

  “I didn’t come because when we melded I discovered how much the fact I’m not human was troubling you. I hoped you were missing me, but I presumed your concern about me being a demgel would overrule your wish to be with me.” Dreydon reached forward and pulled Esther onto his lap. He put his arms and wings around her and declared, “My little Esther, I am lost without you. Menil helped me realize I love you. Do you think there may come a time when you can forget I’m a different species from you?”

  Esther snuggled into his chest. “I think that has already happened. Anna made me see how I was using your non-humanness as an excuse to not become involved with you. My self-image isn’t that great and I felt sure you would quickly tire of me. By keeping separate from you, I was avoiding the pain of a breakup. I was sure that would happen sooner or later.”

  “How could I ever tire of my little Esther? From the moment I first saw you in the grespat field, I’ve felt drawn to you. Narrak could see you are my true mate, and since I made love to you, I now know it. Will you come and live with me on Kurbridor?”

  “I would love to, but I don’t think I can do that straight away. Just for now I can go back and forth between your world and mine. Anna will love telling our friends about you. Maybe we can arrange for them to meet you, as well? Oh, there’s so much to do.”

  “All I want to do right now is to take you home and show you how much I’ve missed you and what you mean to me. I can promise there will be plenty of biting and my demon will curl your toes. Perhaps I’ll let you come back here another day.”

  “I have to come back tomorrow morning. I’ve promised Anna I’ll hel
p her with the inventory at the store. She wants you to come, too, so you should probably don your human disguise because her aunt might be there.”

  “I have no idea what inventory is, but if I’m with you, it doesn’t matter.” He stood up, keeping a tight hold on Esther. “Is there anything you want to bring with you?”

  “All I need for now is my bag. It’s in the bedroom. We should also make sure all the lights are off.”

  Dreydon carried her around the apartment, allowing her to switch off lights and grab her handbag. When they were finished, he said,

  “Let us go home. Be ready for Toldo to lick you all over. He has also missed you.”

  Esther held onto his broad shoulders, bracing herself for the dizzying motion. As it began, she moved her face close to his ear and whispered, “I love you, Dreydon. You are my demgel hero.” Then, she gently bit his earlobe and giggled.


  Author Biography

  Marion Webb-De Sisto was born and grew up in the UK, but spent many years working and raising her family in the US. At present, she lives in South East England with her American husband. She describes him as her hero. Marion enjoys creating romantic tales about demons, fallen angels, and vampyres. Her heroes are dark and threatening, but have a core of goodness inside them. Her heroines, who are not always fully human, fight for what they believe in.

  This author describes herself as a people watcher and uses her many years of working and communicating with people as a blueprint for ‘fleshing out’ her fictional characters. She has also written several non-fiction books that explore certain metaphysical subjects.

  Do stop by and pay Marion a visit at







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