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by Mary Suzanne




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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Fantasy Games – Amnesia

  Copyright ã 2007 – Mary Suzanne

  Cover Art by Carol C. MacLeod

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Books 2007

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  Riley opened his eyes and blinked. He winced at a pain that shot through his head. The bright overhead light blinded him for a few seconds. As he looked around, he saw that there were a number of beds in a row along the wall. He noticed huddled forms on the cots, sleeping. He couldn’t remember how he had gotten to this place, or his name.

  He was still dressed, he discovered. He felt something hard in the pocket of his pants. He turned onto his side, dug into the pocket, and found a wallet. Inside the wallet was an identification card with the name Riley Carson on it. So, he had come to the conclusion that he must be Riley Carson. He saw some kind of table next to the cot and put the wallet on top of it, then turned over and closed his eyes.

  He drifted in and out of sleep until he noticed a waft of expensive perfume enter his nostrils. There was something oddly familiar about the scent, but he couldn’t place it. He didn’t know how he knew the perfume was a top of the line brand, but his subconscious told him that this fragrance definitely was. Somewhere in the mysterious realm of his life, a woman he knew had worn this scent.

  Lifting his eyelids, he glanced up to find the source of the sweet smell. Surprise was his first reaction when he looked up and saw a gorgeous creature looking down at him. A tall blonde with a curvaceous figure stood inches from his bed. Just looking at her caused a ripple of excitement to race through his body. He didn’t have any idea who she was, but she sure was a looker. He glanced at the nametag attached to the top portion of her low cut blouse and read the name Johanna.

  He figured she was one of the staff members. Maybe a nurse? While he continued to watch her, he silently wondered what type of place this was. It looked like a shelter for the homeless or it could be a clinic.

  “So, you finally decided to wake up,” she said in a husky tone, interrupting his silent thoughts. The sound of her sent shock waves tumbling through him. He could have listened to her for hours without getting tired of her husky voice.

  “Yes,” he answered, trying to keep his own voice level. “Can you shed a little light on how I got here? I seem to have forgotten a lot about myself.”

  “Someone brought you here last night,” she answered his question. “They didn’t stay long enough to explain what had happened to you.” She picked up a chart at the foot of his bed and glanced over it. “I’m going to need you to get up and come with me. I have to take you to the nurse’s station.”

  He didn’t question her why. He figured she was in charge because he didn’t see anyone else in the long room except the row of beds with sleeping forms. He rubbed his head, felt a big bump on the back covered by a bandage, then got up groggily when she returned. He stuffed the wallet in his pocket, and followed her. She led him to a closed door.

  When they entered the other room, his gaze drifted around to see what type of furniture was in the nurse’s station. All he could see was a cot located in the far corner. It didn’t look like a nurse’s station. It looked more like a room used for someone who wanted privacy.

  Once they were inside, she reached around and locked the door behind them. When she turned, she flicked off the overhead light. The only light in the room was the soft glow shining through the slats of the Venetian blinds.

  He turned and gave her a questioning look, but didn’t say anything. He couldn’t believe what was happening. He continued to watch her as she stripped off her blouse and skirt and threw them on a table nearby. Her silk panties came off next. She had already kicked off her shoes and the only thing left on her was a skimpy bra. Once she reached behind her and unsnapped it, he watched her peel it off, slowly, tantalizing slow. Her large breasts spilled out, looking magnificent. In fact, everything about her looked magnificent. He felt his legs becoming weak at the sight. Desire whipped through him and there was no way to control how his cock jumped up, pushing against his slacks. For a split second he wondered why he was still dressed. If she was a nurse, and this was some kind of medical clinic, why wasn’t he in a hospital gown? But watching her, the thought left him just as quick.

  She walked over to him without saying a word and started unbuttoning his shirt. His clothing soon joined her clothing on the table. He felt her hand move to his zipper. Slowly she unzipped his slacks and they dropped to the floor. He quickly stepped out of them and pushed the slacks aside.

  When she kneeled down in front of him, there was something familiar about this scene that kept rumbling through his head, but he still couldn’t remember if this had taken place before. There was an image planted in the back of his mind that he had done this another time, another place, but although he tried, the memory refused to return to him. She reached up and grasped the elastic of his underwear, then began pulling his shorts down until they were off and joined his slacks on the floor.

  She knelt before him, licking her lips as she stared at his huge cock jutting up toward his navel.

  He glanced down at her wondering when she intended to touch him with her hot lips. The searing fire in his body needed to be doused. Why didn’t she touch him? Take him into her mouth?

  Just on the verge of giving up on getting a blowjob, she moved her head slowly toward him. As her mouth covered his erection she was gentle at first. He felt hot lava racing through his veins at the tender contact.

  The blonde grabbed his legs. Her head started moving back and forth, filling her mouth and throat with his cock. Her lips glided easily across his hard cock and she began sucking it until it was buried in her throat. His balls tingled with the urge to cum. He felt his orgasm approaching, needed to explode, but it wasn’t to be. She slowly released his cock from her mouth and stood up.

  She took his hand and guided him over to the cot at the far end of the room. He watched as she lay down slowly and spread her legs wide giving him a clear view of her pink pussy. The perfectly shaped lips, vagina, soft pink clit, looked like an artist’s perfect rendering.

  “Oh, baby, your cunt looks so good,” he said raggedly as she reached up and grasped his hand, motioning for him to join her on the bed. It didn’t take him seconds before he was stretched out alongside her. “All I want to do is taste that sweet pussy and drown in it.”

  He had barely gotten the words out before dropping his head toward her waiting thighs. His tongue lapped the folds, his fingers spread the lips further apart so he could taste each part of her. His tongue found her throbbing clit just waiting for his capture. He felt her beginning to squirm back and forth in ecstasy. At one point, she grasped his head tightly and held it in place as the juices flowed from her vagina into his mouth. He greedily lapped the creamy cum, swirled it around his mouth, relishing the
musky taste. There was no way he wanted any of it to escape.

  “More, more, more,” she moaned into the quiet of the room, her eyes half closed. Again, her body shuddered uncontrollably.

  He heard her calling the name Riley out in the heat of the moment. For a brief moment, it almost seemed as if she knew him, and it sounded right. So the wallet was probably his and Riley was really his name. Right now he didn’t care what his name was. His only aim was satisfying Johanna with his tongue as it dipped into her wet pussy and slithered in and out with tantalizing movements. The softness of her inner thighs rubbed against his cheeks and he savored the feeling as he buried his head deeper.

  He could taste the musky scent of her deep cavity and breathed in deeply, not wanting any of it to float away into the air surrounding them. He continued to press his nose more fully into her slit not wanting to miss any of the scent escaping her body. The smell filled his nostrils, exciting him even more. He could feel her climax while she moaned loudly. Her hips began rotating in a circular pattern, twisting and grinding, and it was hard for him to keep his tongue inside her vagina.

  “It’s been so long since anyone has licked the juice from my cunt. You don’t know how badly I needed this. Please eat me some more,” she begged hoarsely. “I promise I’ll do for you what you’re doing for me.”

  This was all the encouragement he needed as he heard her husky invitation. His tongue swooped even deeper into her vagina and more of the pent-up fluids escaped her and traveled into his mouth. Sweet, sweet, sweet, was all he could think in the next few moments. The taste of her set him on fire like he’d never been before. How did he know that, entered his mind for just a split second.

  Only to forget the thought and concentrate on her pussy, his tongue lapping in and out of her. He wanted nothing more than to ram his cock into her, but he continued to give her the pleasure she kept begging for.

  After he had pleasured her for a while, she used her hands to lift his head. She brought his lips up to hers and sucked away at the moisture that remained in his mouth. He noticed she couldn’t get enough of tasting her own pussy juice as she continued to lick away the cum that he had transferred to her mouth.

  He could feel her pulling on his arms to have him bring his cock up to her mouth. He didn’t need a second invitation. He slid easily on top of her and felt her warm lips circling his erection. The thrill that swept through him sent his mind spiraling out of control. There was an instant where he thought he was going to cum in her mouth when little spurts of pre-cum slid from his hard cock. But in the next instant sanity returned to him. She wouldn’t get the satisfaction of being fucked if he came too soon. He slowed down, desperately controlled the urge to cum, and decided he needed to give her pussy more attention.

  He lowered himself down to her breasts and began nibbling. He let his tongue gently glide across the peaked nipple, sending a shudder racing through her. When he finished with one, he moved to the other. The need to kiss every inch of her body filled him with such a searing desire that he began running his tongue down the length of her smooth body. He nibbled his way down, his tongue teasing her bellybutton for a moment, then traveled lower, until he reached her inner thighs. As he got closer to her cunt, he could smell the scent of her again. The aromatic fragrance almost drove him wild.

  His tongue captured her clit and he circled it, teased it, until it turned even harder than it was. He sucked, nibbled greedily on the protruding nub. Then he felt her hips beginning to move up and down in an uninhibited way. He could tell she was on fire for him, that her need was as great as his.

  He sat up on his knees and placed his cock against her dripping entrance, teasing her, just sliding the tip back and forth. Then, as she begged him to fuck her, he entered her in one thrust. He fucked her hard, slammed into her, until she arched her hips and begged for even harder. He felt a great shudder as she came, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted more. “Fuck me, Riley, fuck me!” she shouted as she clutched his arms, her nails digging into his flesh.

  His own fire needed to be doused. He could barely hold back, but he needed her to cum, wanted to orgasm with her. He wanted to feel that final release, so he tried to hold back. When great shudders shook her body, he knew she was about to cum and with a final thrust he slammed into her, allowing his own seed to spill. His load shot into her, filled her, until the last squirt left his body.

  “Oh man, that was the best orgasm I’ve ever had,” she said softly, in a voice filled with emotion. “You really know how to excite and satisfy a woman.”

  “Anytime,” he murmured, his breathing still heavy from his explosive release. It echoed through the quiet room.

  Her words were an invitation for him to fuck her anytime she wanted. She gave no thought to whether he could be married. The only thing on her mind was the here and now.

  He lay quietly beside her trying to get his breath back.

  After they had rested for a few minutes, he could feel his blood rush through his veins again. Just the thought of how she turned him on caused his cock to snake slowly up his belly until he was almost hard.

  Before he could move, Johanna slid over and crawled on top of him. Her lips glided along his cock and within seconds he was hard as a rock. He couldn’t believe she had the power to arouse him so quickly again. She teased, tantalized, ran her tongue up and down the length of him, then circled the head and finally flicked the tip of her tongue in and out of the hole. He squirmed, groaned, pushed against her mouth.

  Finally, she took him gently between her lips and slowly sucked him into her mouth. Deeper, deeper still, until he was fully down her throat.

  When she moved her mouth from his penis, he was ready to reciprocate and give her pussy the same treatment. But she had other ideas. She began licking his balls with long strokes. His sack contracted, his balls hard as tennis balls. When she slipped first one ball into her mouth and then the other, it was all he could do not to shout out.

  He let her tantalize his balls for a bit, then he pulled away and lifted her. It didn’t take him long to place her in a prone position beneath him. Her sweet pussy was everything he could ask for and he didn’t want to miss one minute of giving her the fucking of her life.

  He rode her hard and fast, feeling the exhilaration mounting in him. He couldn’t get enough of her. He was just on the verge of reaching a climax when she slipped from beneath him, rolling him onto his back at the same time. She swiveled around and buried her head between his legs.

  She wanted his cock again. She licked away at the pussy juice his cock had accumulated from her vagina and watching her brought him even more to a new high. When it was time to cum, he started to pull back, but she wouldn’t let him. She urged him to ram his penis deeply into her throat.

  A few more thrusts and he felt the hot juice ripping from his cock into her mouth. He glanced down and watched her face as she sucked greedily, not wanting to lose a drop of the fluid he was offering her.

  After a time, they heard someone. Johanna put her fingers to her lips so that he knew they had to be quiet as they returned to the other room. They dressed quickly. When they slipped out, they didn’t see anyone about.

  He could hardly make it across the room to his bed as exhaustion swept over him. He lay back down on the cot and drifted off to sleep quickly.

  * * * *

  In the middle of the night, he felt a hand on his arm shaking him awake. When he glanced up, he saw two men dressed in dark business suits bending toward him. He couldn’t figure out what they could want, but he was sure they were going to tell him.

  “You’re coming with us,” the dark haired man said, pulling him into an upright position.

  “Hold on a minute,” Riley said, in a strained tone. “Who are you?”

  “We’ll explain everything to you later,” the light-haired man said, helping to lift him from the cot.

  “Wait, I have to tell someone I’m leaving,” Riley objected. Anger mounted in him over the way they were hus
tling him.

  He felt so tired, he didn’t feel up to going anywhere with these two guys. He didn’t know who the hell they were and what they had in mind for him.

  “We’ve taken care of everything,” one of the men told him.

  Riley held back a little longer, wishing Johanna would show up. Where was she when he needed her? Earlier she was at his beck and call and now he couldn’t catch a glimpse of her.

  “I’d like to know what this is all about,” he demanded.

  A feeling of panic began rising in him and he decided he wasn’t going to let the two strangers take him without a fight. He tried jerking loose from the strong hold they had on his arms, but he wasn’t a match against them.

  The guy occupying the next cot to him woke up after hearing all the commotion. The man sat up. His only reaction was to continue watching the suited men dragging Riley to the door.

  He couldn’t figure out why the man didn’t offer to help him, but why should he? They were strangers as far as he knew.

  At least the other man could give a description of his abductors to the staff and maybe this would somehow help the authorities find him. His scattered thoughts tried to piece together why one of the men looked familiar to him. He knew he had met him somewhere before, but the time and place continued to escape him.

  When they were outside and reached the sidewalk, a black car was parked at the curb. The windows were tinted. He tried seeing inside the vehicle, but it was impossible. A hysterical laugh started to rise in his throat, but he smothered it down. He was thinking how this looked like a gangster’s car, with the tinted windows and the ominous black color. He realized he was being foolish in coming to all these conclusions, but not knowing anything about his past made him wonder if these men meant to kill him.

  Once he was inside the car, the men climbed in beside him. A window separated the back from the front and another man in a dark suit was behind the wheel. He didn’t look like a chauffeur, so he had to be a partner to the other two.


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