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Surrender the Stars

Page 34

by Wright, Cynthia

  Lindsay's head dropped back against his hand, completely limp. As he leaned forward to look at her face, she emitted a ladylike snore. His own eyes widening with frustration, Ryan cradled her against him and sighed. Lindsay responded by snuggling against his chest.

  The perfect lover, he carried her off to bed and covered her with blankets, then stared down at her face with a sigh. Ryan told himself that she probably hadn't slept much the night before and that the past two days had been extremely tiring, yet he couldn't quite suppress the arousal that coursed through his body. How beautiful she was! Asleep, Lindsay actually did look like an angel; he'd thought it the first time he saw her thus, after her fall on board La Mouette. Her thick lashes swept finely delineated cheekbones that never quite lost their rosy glow. Lindsay's nose was perfect and delicate, and her mouth...

  Leaning over, Ryan brushed it with the tip of his forefinger. Its slightly pouting quality did hint at innocence, but he knew better. Those lips were the most sensual and instinctive he'd ever kissed.

  After tracing the fine line of her jaw, he shed his breeches and climbed into bed beside her. Lindsay murmured contentedly and snuggled against him. Ryan's own expression was pained yet amused as he gathered her near and stroked stray tendrils back from her brow. In her sleep, Lindsay puckered her lips and he kissed them.

  "I love you," he whispered.

  "Mmmm." She smiled, burrowing against his chest.

  * * *

  The first tangerine-lavender rays of dawn were filtering through the muslin bedhangings when Ryan awoke. At first he thought a spider might be making its way up his leg, but then he realized that it was Lindsay's hand.

  "Are you awake?" she asked. "I've been staring at you forever. Oh, Ryan, I love you so!"

  "You do?" he inquired with sleepy amusement. "Enough to let me clean my teeth?"

  She stared in wonderment as he climbed naked from the bed. "I've made tea if you want a cup."

  Laughing, he glanced back at her with one black brow arched and took in her bare shoulders above the blankets. "Don't be absurd. Tea? When I could have you?"

  Lindsay felt faint with longing and happiness. It seemed to her that if they had overcome this first huge quarrel so successfully, nothing could ever come between them again. When Ryan returned, still swishing water in his mouth, she took one look at his hard-muscled physique and held her arms open. He pulled back the covers to reveal her body and she scarcely flinched.

  "Do you know what a beautiful woman you are?" he inquired huskily.

  "I haven't had occasion to hear it before." Lindsay giggled.

  "Shh." Ryan lowered his bronzed, powerful body until it barely touched her softer, cream-tinted form. "Oh, Christ, Lindsay, you do try my powers of forbearance!"

  "Why?" she inquired, all innocence. "There's no reason for it! All I want is for you to make love to me!"

  For an instant, his blue eyes widened in astonishment, then he laughed aloud and kissed her. She tasted clean and sweet. Lindsay's arms twined around his broad shoulders, her fingers sinking into the curls at the back of his neck. They kissed ravenously for long minutes, tasting and plundering each other's mouths. Ryan's hands slid from the sides of her face down to cup her breasts, then caressed the curves of her hips. Meanwhile, he kissed every inch of her face: brow, eyelids, cheekbones, nose, ears, and chin.

  "Have I mentioned that I love you?"

  "Why don't you show me?" she teased softly.

  He needed no further encouragement. His mouth blazed a fiery path down her throat, savoring every inch, then lingered over each breast. The sensations were still a surprise to Lindsay. She bit her lip in sheer ecstasy as he skillfully used his warm, wet, evocative mouth to tantalize her nipples. Strong currents of arousal traveled down to the place between her legs until she ached for him.

  The first time they made love had seemed almost a fantasy. The wine, the fire, the shadows, the subterfuge had all lent an air of unreality to their coupling on the sitting-room rug at Grimley Court. This time, though, the fantasy was different. Lindsay could almost pretend that they were married. Mellow shafts of sunlight bathed their naked forms and both of them were completely sober and aware of each touch and its meaning.

  When Ryan finally lay back against the sheets, turning her body to go with him, then kissed her nipples leisurely and smiled, Lindsay felt impossibly content. She moved away from him slightly and rose up on an elbow, studying his body. In turn, his dark blue eyes watched her face.

  "I love the way you're made," she murmured, trailing slim fingers up his right thigh.

  "Mmm. The feeling is mutual, Miss Raveneau." Ryan leaned forward to kiss her collarbone, but Lindsay eluded him.

  "No, no. It's my turn now." Gracefully, she straddled his hips and smiled down into his eyes.

  He laughed, while his arousal reached near-excruciating proportions. "You amaze me!"

  "Do you mind?" Her eyes were smokily seductive while luxuriant dawn-hued curls spilled around her shoulders.

  Ryan focused on Lindsay's mouth, then shut his eyes. "Not in the least," he managed to groan.

  "That's good." Her breath was warm as she spoke against his mouth. She traced its chiseled lines with the tip of her tongue, then moved upward to kiss his arching black brows, eyelids, cheekbones, thin, high-bridged nose, and strong jaw. Ryan was moaning by this time.

  "You're asking for trouble," he muttered between clenched teeth.

  "Exactly so!" She giggled softly, inching down to explore the hard lines of his neck and shoulders.

  The male body was completely new to her, and it was a special delight to make this first investigation of Ryan's. He was everything she'd ever dreamed about: broad-shouldered, slim-hipped, flat-bellied, and well-muscled. When she tasted his taut shoulder, it seemed delicious to her. Tentatively, Lindsay moved downward, touching lightly, drinking him in with her eyes, and kissing the contours of his chest, his flat nipples, and the muscled ridges of his belly. She liked to turn her cheek against the crisp black hair on his torso. In fact, she was fascinated and aroused by every difference between their two bodies.

  Leaning back, Lindsay looked over her shoulder and studied his legs. She caressed each one in turn, then, blushing slightly, worked her hips backward so that she could see Ryan's manhood. It seemed to jerk slightly against her own warm woman's place when they touched, and Ryan let out a low groan.

  Then she stared.

  "What are you doing, brat?"

  "I'm looking at you."

  "That's not what it's for, you know." Deciding that she'd tortured him long enough, Ryan opened his eyes and reached down to clasp her hips in his strong hands. Lindsay squirmed with shocked excitement when she felt his maleness nudging her there.

  "How did you do that?"

  Ryan laughed deeply, infectiously. "Oh, angel, you are such a delight. You'd be surprised by the things I can do!"

  She bent to stare at what seemed to be a huge weapon. "Isn't it awfully large?" Curiously, she caressed him.

  Ryan groaned again. "I think that's the general idea, love. You'll like it."

  "Don't I have to lie down, though?" Her brow was knit in consternation.

  "God, but you're a wonder! Darling Lindsay, there are more ways to make love than you and I will probably ever care to explore. This is only one." He put his dark hands around hers and helped her connect their bodies. Sighing, Lindsay slowly eased herself down until her buttocks touched his hips. She felt completely filled by him. Ryan gritted his teeth and let out a moan of pure bliss.

  "Are you all right?" she asked anxiously.

  "Never better, angel," he replied, flashing a grin. "Come here." Putting a hand on each side of her face, he drew her toward him.

  She felt more at ease lying over him, feeling his hands on her breasts and savoring his leisurely kiss. Ryan was a patient, happy man, helping her find a rhythm to aid in their lovemaking. Finally, sensing that she was still a bit nervous, he kissed her passionately, clasped her buttocks f
irmly, and rolled her over. Lindsay was more at ease, though she found that the sensations weren't quite so intense in this position. Still, she loved the way their bodies arched together, harder and harder, and she wrapped her legs around his waist toward the end, glorying in his male strength. A hot, tingly feeling was building in her loins, cresting higher with each one of Ryan's powerful thrusts. Finally, it seemed as if an explosion of pleasure had started there and was spreading upward over her body, puckering her nipples and flushing her cheeks. Panting and astonished, Lindsay clung to Ryan's broad shoulders just as he let out a loud groan and thrust fully into her. They lay gasping together, trying to kiss, then he drew back enough to meet her eyes.

  "Lindsay..." Ryan exhaled.

  She could only nod, her face damp and pink, and then they began to laugh breathlessly. He buried his face in her hair and hugged her so hard it hurt.

  "I love you, Lindsay. I love you."

  "I love you, too! How lucky we are."

  Still joined to her, Ryan turned on his side, bringing her with him, and caressed the elegant line of her back and hip. "It's going to be a wonderful marriage."

  "I promise to behave, too!"

  He arched a black eyebrow, but his eyes were dancing. "Don't make promises you may not be able to keep, brat."

  Tears made her blink, then spilled onto her cheeks. Ryan kissed them away. "You love me, anyway, don't you!" she whispered in wonderment. "You know me and still you love me!"

  "I never could have loved anyone but you. I began to fall in love with you that very first day, when you drove me nearly insane with your antics. I don't want you to change, Lindsay. If I get angry with you it's only because I'm terrified that you'll rush headlong into real danger. You must promise at least to keep me informed of your plans so that I can rescue you if the need arises!"

  They kissed slowly, lingeringly, speaking to one another without words. Finally, Lindsay drew back and murmured soberly, "Truly, now I see the sense in what you say. Before, I swore to obey you because I was terrified of losing you, but this is different. We'll not only be husband and wife, and lovers, but dearest friends as well!"

  "That's right, angel." Ryan smiled, inwardly sighing in relief. "Shall we make a pact to confide in each other always?"

  "I think so." She nodded. "We're mates now, aren't we?"

  "We are." His lips clung to hers. "In more ways than one..."

  * * *

  At seven o'clock, Ryan and Lindsay were in the taproom of the Plough and Sail, eating a hurried breakfast of cold partridge, boiled eggs, and grapes. He was rising to go settle the bill and get their horses when Mrs. Sedgwick approached the table.

  "That black stallion is yours, isn't it?"

  Noting her uneasy manner, Ryan replied, "Yes. He's all right, I hope!"

  "The horse is fine. Something else has me befuddled. Two men came in from the rain after I sent you next door last night and we let them take shelter in the stable. They were up to leave before dawn, but while the blond young man washed up in the kitchen, the older one whispered to me, 'Please give this to the owner of that black stallion. It's a matter of life and death.' Well, I don't mind telling you that words like those frighten an old woman like me! I don't know what these goings-on mean, but there was something in that man's eyes that touched me. So I'm giving this to you on the condition that you ride out of here now and don't come back. We don't want people settling matters of life and death in Combe St. Nicholas!"

  Her heart pounding, Lindsay watched as Ryan held out his hand and Mrs. Sedgwick pressed a tiny scrimshaw carving of a seagull into it.

  "Oh, my Lord," she breathed fearfully. "Mama gave that to Papa when La Mouette was christened! Ryan, what does this mean?"

  He looked up grimly. "I can only surmise that Harry has taken your father hostage for some unknown reason—and that they are en route for La Mouette. Come on, there's no time to lose. If they're only a few hours ahead of us, and Harry doesn't know we're in pursuit, we may be able to catch them before they set sail!"

  * * *

  A quarter hour later, Ryan and Lindsay had bade the Sedgwicks good-bye and were riding out of Combe St. Nicholas. It was a glorious day, sunny and fresh-smelling, and the sky overhead was a deep vivid blue. They rode side by side, but this time it was Lindsay who was preoccupied. An expression of anguished worry knit her soft brow, and Ryan felt her pain each time he looked over at her.

  Finally, a few miles outside of Yarcombe, he reined Simon in opposite a hillside thick and fragrant with budding yellow tansy flowers, red campion, and lacy white cow parsley. Dismounting, he swiftly gathered a bouquet and came toward Lindsay with long, boyish strides.

  Still seated on her mare, which had been christened Rosie, Lindsay watched him approach with a mixture of consternation and tenderness. "What are you doing? We haven't time to stop!"

  Ryan caught her hand in his and kissed it. "Please, don't worry so, angel. I can't bear to see you looking so agonized! Your father will be fine. I give you my word."

  She tried to smile and tears spilled onto her cheeks. "I love you so."

  "Trust me."

  "I do." Lindsay took the bouquet and tucked it into her saddlebag so that she might look at the tansy flowers when her spirits began to flag.

  * * *

  All that day and evening, they rode hard, testing both horses, only pausing when they had to for their sake and that of the horses. Finally, they were forced to stop for supper in Exeter because Simon halted as they rode past the inn and glared back at his master. "I think my faithful steed is registering a complaint," Ryan murmured dryly. "Perhaps it's time to rest for a bit."

  After supper, they rode on until nearly midnight, and Lindsay wasn't a bit tired. Her determination to reach her father, Ryan's conversation, and the flash of his smile in the darkness sustained her through the long night's ride. Galloping over the granite-capped Bodmin moor, Lindsay eyed the stark moonlit landscape and called, "Ryan, do you know that bit of poetry by Shelley? About the moon and the moors? Papa was reading it aloud one evening last week."

  "Refresh my memory, angel," he replied.

  She threw her head back, enjoying the wind in her hair and the motion of the horse, and recited:

  "Away! the moor is dark beneath the moon, Rapid clouds have drank the last pale beam of even:

  Away! the gathering winds will call the darkness soon,

  And profoundest midnight shroud the serene lights of heaven."

  Ryan smiled. "That was beautifully done considering how tired you must be, sweetheart."

  Her eyes gleamed in the moonlight as she imagined that she could glimpse the distant sparkling ocean off the Cornish coast. "I feel wide awake! Couldn't we just ride all night?"

  "I'm afraid not. No, don't argue with me. Simon and Emma need their rest and you and I will need our wits about us tomorrow. We'll stop in Bolventor for a few hours' sleep."

  Lindsay protested all the way to their room at a plain, clean inn, then tumbled into bed without washing her face. When Ryan joined her, kissing the side of her neck, the only response he received was a muffled groan as Lindsay buried her face in her pillow. Smiling, he gathered her against the curve of his body and fell asleep instantly.

  * * *

  Waking before Ryan in the predawn darkness, Lindsay hadn't the heart to disturb him. Instead, she arranged for a hot bath. There was no telling when she'd have another if they went to sea. As she and a kitchen maid hauled buckets to fill the wooden tub, the commotion woke Ryan and he joined her in the bath. This time, however, they were careful not to touch each other beyond mutual backwashing.

  By six o'clock, Ryan and Lindsay were accepting a bundle of hot muffins from the innkeeper's wife and emerging into the mild air. The village was bathed in aqua light as the sun peeked over thatched rooftops.

  "How much farther is it to Falmouth?" Lindsay asked as she led Emma from the stable.

  "With luck, we should arrive by midmorning." He gave her a leg up, then swung ont
o Simon's back. The horses cantered onto the road that would lead them south over the moor toward the rocky Cornish coast. Glancing over at Lindsay's determined, exquisite profile, Ryan said a silent prayer that Harry didn't know they were also bound for Falmouth. If Brandreth was unaware that he was being followed, he might still be abed and Ryan and Lindsay might reach La Mouette first.

  Chapter 34

  June 29-30, 1814

  "I want you to stay here," Ryan ordered, shading his eyes against the sunlight as he scanned the ships lining the Falmouth pier. "If Brandreth and Chadwick are aboard, it could be dangerous."

  "But I can't bear to wait! I must know if Papa is safe!" Lindsay's voice broke on a sob.

  "I mean it!" His dark blue eyes were stern as they met hers. "I give you my word that I will signal to you as soon as I know it's safe. Now, don't move!"

  With that, Ryan sprinted down the dock and took the gangplank with long strides. Most of the crew had been paid to remain in Falmouth, and Drew had agreed to supervise the maintenance of La Mouette and see to it that someone stood watch at all times during her months in port. When Ryan jumped to the gun deck, he spied a boatswain's mate he recognized.

  "Higgins? Are you the watch?"

  The seaman rushed over and saluted. "Yes, sir, Captain Coleraine! Are we going to set sail soon? Shall I alert the rest of the crew? Most of them are at the White Dog. When Captain Raveneau arrived this morning, I wanted to ask him, but—"

  "Is Captain Raveneau on board?" Ryan cut in harshly.

  "Yes, sir. He came a couple of hours ago with his son-in-law. They went below, then the other fellow came back up on deck and told me that the captain was tired from his journey and was going to sleep for a few hours. Said I shouldn't disturb him."


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