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Captain John 1: A Galactic Coming of Age

Page 8

by Krystyn Dean

  “Qobrun, I have given that very question a great deal of thought. For some reason, I feel I can trust you. I would like to know more about the Krayari. What is your history? How do you govern? What are your roots? I realize many of those questions can only be answered over time, but I would like to know more about you as a species. For instance, you could almost pass for a human except for the slight blue tint of your skin? I hope you don’t take offense at that, but it is something that has intrigued me since we met.”

  “You will find Admiral, that many of the species of the galaxy are humanoid. The fact that we are humanoid is not unique, but neither is it the norm. Humanoid races tend to do well because of our body design, but there are many intelligent races in this galaxy that are not humanoid.”

  “The Krayari are not native to the Milky Way Galaxy. According to our history we moved to this galaxy eons ago. And per our folklore the blue tint of our skin was caused by the passage of our colonizing ship through an intense neutrino surge. That tint is unique in the Milky as far as we know.”

  “Apparently, the neutrino surge is also responsible for our unique sensing ability. Our ability is not infallible. We can sense trouble or malevolence as well as honesty and truthfulness, but it is not an exact science. We have learned to regulate this sense by controlling our emotions. Making decisions without the emotional input has served us well for centuries. I am using that sense to make the decision to join your crew. Admiral I believe I can serve both You and the Solar Federation Navy. It would be my honor to accept a commission as your Science Officer.”



  April twenty first. The day of our departure. Of course, it was just like any other day in space, but it was significant in that we were taking the fight to the Eldirelians. The First Carrier group formed up and prepared for departure, our actual departure time was 09:30.

  Right on schedule the fleet began moving out to the first jump point. Although I am certain there were some watchers, nearly everyone was busily getting the Second Carrier Group ready for space. It couldn’t happen quickly enough. I had a feeling we would need them sooner rather than later.

  It takes three FTL jumps to reach our rendezvous point with Venture. During the periods of FTL flight, we drilled almost constantly. The crews were sharp, they were as well trained as possible, but simulator training can only do so much. Simulators can never completely prepare crews for real battle. Combat is the only experience that builds the character that wins battles. That was still to come.

  All ships reported ready, the only fly in the ointment was the Monserate, she was just a few minutes late arriving each time and was out of position a little more on each jump back to normal space. I hailed Captain Velions and asked if there was a problem. He replied that the destroyer had a slight misalignment of the jump cores. I offered to send Commander Hiller to assist in the realignment, but he said his engineering staff could handle it, but that they would call us if there was a problem.

  When we arrived at the rendezvous point the Venture was not there. I knew she might not be waiting for us, but it still left a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  Time seemed to drag as we waited, finally Sensor operator, Lieutenant Gomez said, “Captain, sensors reporting a ship dropping out of FTL one thousand kilometers ahead, ten degrees off the starboard bow, fifteen degrees above the horizontal plane. The transponder identifies the ship as the Venture, Sir.” A short time after the Venture had dropped out of FTL, Lieutenant Allan (sparks) said “Captain McCreary on the net Sir.” I said, “Thank You Lieutenant”.

  “Welcome home Venture, Captain McCreary, take your normal position in the group and I will send a shuttle to pick you up.” Mac replied, “Aye Sir, I’ll be bringing my sensor info.” Relieved that the Venture had returned without trouble I replied, “Alright Mac, I will have someone meet you in the shuttle bay.”

  I said “Mr. Jenson, ask one of the marines outside to meet Captain McCreary in the shuttle bay and bring him directly here.” “Aye Sir” said Jenson.

  Shortly Jenson opened the hatch to my ready room and said “Captain McCreary is here sir.” I said, “come in Mac, how did the trip go?”

  “Captain, the stealth system worked just like I was told it would. We had no problem getting close. “

  “They have three cruiser class ships in low orbit, they are using them to reinforce their ground troops. There are three more cruiser class ships in high orbit, probably in reserve and rotating the duty. There are what look to be a couple of lightly armed troop carriers that almost certainly hold reserve ground forces. There are 10 destroyer class ships deployed in high orbit and one big bastard that must be a command ship. It is also in high orbit.”

  “The ground forces are concentrated in three different locations. They are collection points that transport everything collected on the surface into orbit.”

  “We were able to establish contact with the resistance. Sood Galagat is their current leader. She confirms that there are about fifteen thousand Eldirelian troops on the ground Sir. According to our passive sensors I am confident that is a good number. They don't have any surface to air armament or heavy ground support that we could see, but with that much hardware in orbit, they don't really need it.”

  “They use heavy lifters that rendezvous with freighters.” “According to Sood Galagat the freighters are on a schedule. Every twenty-one earth days three empty freighters show up. The freighters are only lightly armed, but they have an escort. When the new freighters arrive, they bring two fresh destroyers and one cruiser with them. The incoming ships replace two destroyers and one cruiser from the existing element. Those ships that are replaced become the escort for the loaded freighters to travel wherever they are going.”

  “We might have to deal with as many as twelve destroyers and seven cruisers if our timing is wrong. We estimate that the next freighter exchange will take place sometime in the next four days. The destroyers and the cruiser always enter orbit first followed by the freighters about ten minutes later.”

  “The ship sizes compare to our own classes, although they don’t have any corvette class ships in orbit. The Command ship is another situation altogether; it looks to be about 500 meters long and has heavy shields and at least the same weapons package the cruisers have.”

  “The collection areas are huge, Admiral, they are stripping everything of value on Apsis Prime. They are even transporting water into orbit, letting it freeze and preparing it for transport by attaching remote power units to maintain orbit. Apsis Prime will be a totally dead planet when they finish.”

  “Do the freighters drop out of FTL in the same General area each time?” I asked. “Yes, Sir, we have the coordinates here.” “And like I said, the two destroyers and the cruiser drop out of FTL about ten minutes before the freighters.” “They seem to like to do the same thing every time, it must make it easier to synch in to the standard orbit for the heavy lifter rendezvous.”

  “Thank You, Mac.” “Is there anything else you think we might need to know?”

  “Just an observation Admiral. It seems to me that the entire Eldirelian occupation force at Apsis Prime has a laid back attitude. They just look a little sloppy, like they have no clue anyone could possibly cause them a problem. It’s kind of like they are operating on cruise control.”

  I replied, “Thanks Mac, it’s nice to know, but we have to assume that could change quickly.

  Tell your people they are doing an excellent job.” “Aye, Aye Sir.” Replied Mac. By the way Sir, Sood Galagat said to tell Diviak Y’shol ‘Raymee tee so sotee mee so”. I have no idea what that means sir, just passing the message on.”

  After Mac left I completed the attack plan for Apsis Prime. Our priority is to gain space and air superiority. And it is extremely desirable to capture the three loaded freighters in system so the cargos can be returned to Apsis Prime.

  I decided to call a meeting of all s
hip captains and the Marine command staff. I also asked Qobrun to join us. I asked Colonel Finnerty and Commander McCreary of the Corvette Venture to join me early. When Mac arrived in my office I told him that I had another mission for him before the attack. I said, “Mac, the SOL/FED Navy is no different from the wet Navy in many ways. For instance, no good deed goes unpunished.” “I have another assignment for you and understand, this is a volunteer operation.”

  “I want you to take a spread of the new mines and disperse them in the exit jump area the incoming destroyers and freighters have been using. Then hightail it back here to join the formation before we launch. The last thing we need is three more Eldirelian ships jumping in to the mix. Can you do that without being detected?” He said, “no problem Admiral, the exit jump area is well away from the orbits of the Eldirelian ships.”

  I hate putting these great young people in harm’s way, but he is one of the best we have and I know he will do whatever it takes to accomplish the mission.

  “Alright Mac, I want you to head out right after the meeting today. Same exit protocol you used to go out the first time.” “Alert your XO to have the Venture ready.” “You will have about a sixteen hour window to get there and get back.”

  “Head on in to the ward room and grab a seat Mac.”

  As Mac left my office, Colonel Finnerty knocked on the hatch. “You wanted to see me sir?” “I did Jamie, I want to get your feedback on the mission plan and get any suggestions you might have. Here is what I have in mind.” I explained the plan to him and he looked it over. He said, “Admiral, the only suggestion I might make would be for you to put several squads of marines in armed shuttles. If we have the opportunity we might be able to board some of the disabled ships and capture them, conversely if they have people they can deploy in space, we might need a presence to repel potential boarders.” Good idea Jaimie, make it happen, set up a call sign for your units and coordinate with control. Keep your people in standby, well outside the action area of course, but be ready. Your Marines might just make the difference for us.”

  Later I called Captain Fritz Baker to my office. When Fritz came in I said, “Fritz, I want you to command the Reagan tomorrow. You know what the plan is. I can’t handle the ship and watch over the fleet at the same time.” He said, “I would be honored sir. I won’t let you down.” “I know you won’t Fritz; you’ve been covering by butt for a long time. If we all make it through this engagement this will be permanent. I should have done it long ago.”

  The next morning, I made a ship wide announcement, “Attention on the ship, this is admiral Anderson speaking. As of oh six hundred this morning, Captain Fritz Baker will be in command of SFN Ronald Reagan. This will be a permanent promotion. I will be in overall command of the fleet, but Captain Baker commands this ship now. Any questions please direct them to Captain Baker.” Fritz had chosen Commander Bradford Estrada, our CAG as his XO. I completely agreed with his choice. He appointed Commander Landon Irwin as CAG to replace Estrada. This was a poor planning to be making personnel changes at this late datre, but with the rush to get everything done we had just run out of time. It is something I should have done before we left Titan, there just never seems to be enough time.

  I had designated each Eldirelian ship in orbit around Apsis Prime. In some cases, we didn’t pair up well, assigning two Corvettes for one of the Eldirelian destroyers was marginal, but I felt that some of our destroyers would free up quickly enough to help out. My real concern was assigning a Corvette and two fighter squadrons to a destroyer, but Commanders Estrada and Irwin assured me the fighters were more than up to the task. I hope they are right.

  Attack formation for Apsis prime

  Target ship SOL/FED Navy assignments

  Command ship Carrier - Ronald Reagan

  Cruiser 1 Cruiser - Karpov

  Cruiser 2 Cruiser -Elen Baker

  Cruiser 3 Cruiser- Allan B Sheppard

  Cruiser 4 Destroyer- Monserate + Corvette - Venture

  Cruiser 5 Destroyer - Connecticut + Corvette - Revenant

  Cruiser 6 Destroyer - Cumbria + Corvette - Norgass

  Destroyer 1 Destroyer – Tiger Shark

  Destroyer 2 Destroyer - Orleanais

  Destroyer 3 Destroyer - Perth Shire

  Destroyer 4 Destroyer - Ontario

  Destroyer 5 Corvette – Ptolemy + Corvette - Vesta

  Destroyer 6 Corvette – Legolas + Corvette - Esbensen

  Destroyer 7 Corvette – Maiden + Dauphin

  Destroyer 8 Corvette – Strogonar + 2 squads’ fighters

  Destroyer 9 Corvette – Photon + 2 squads’ fighters

  Destroyer 10 Corvette – Bomeer + 2 squads’ fighters

  Troopship 1 2 fighter squadrons + 1 squad of fighter bombers

  Troopship 2 2 fighter squadrons + 1 squad of fighter bombers

  Three squadrons of fighters fly top cover 1 squadron fighter bombers fly top cover

  With space and air superiority assured we will rearm our fighter aircraft for a surface war.

  The meeting had gone about as expected, there were plenty of questions, mostly about timing and support. Captain Velions was uncharacteristically silent. I expected him to be bitterly opposed to taking on an Eldirelian cruiser with only a Corvette to help. The firepower of the destroyer and the corvette was a good match for the cruiser, but I was surprised when he didn’t complain. Maybe he was serious about finally being of board with this mission.

  Jump off time was to be eighteen hundred hours’ tomorrow, just over twenty-four hours away. After the meeting, I told Mac to load up his mines and proceed. I said, “Take care Mac, set those things and get back here as soon as possible.” He said “Aye Sir, on our way.

  The Venture wouldn’t load the mines on board, they came on pallets that could be towed in the FTL bubble.

  When the mines are released and the signal is given, they disperse, then arm themselves. They would maintain a uniform distance from one another while staying within the coordinates of the area. If we didn’t use them they could be deactivated and gathered for use at another time.

  The Venture arrived back on station in plenty of time, they sent a message that simply said. “Mission accomplished.”

  At eighteen hundred hours sharp, all ships jumped to FTL. It was a short one-hour jump, but it seemed like minutes. At nineteen ten we exited FTL. The formation aligned itself, we were short one ship, the Monserate was late. Finally, she arrived and we moved out.

  I recalled a quote from a German military strategist Helmuth von Moltke who said. No battle plan, survives contact with the enemy. And it didn’t, but we got lucky.

  As we proceeded in toward Apsis Prime, our new stealth shields worked perfectly. We were undetected. Later we decided that the Eldirelian stripping of Apsis Prime had been going on so long that the commanders had gotten careless. We were well within firing range before the first signs of alarm went up. By then we had already unleashed a spread of more than 200 missiles. The command ship ponderously began to move to intercept while she was bringing up her shields, but we were able to take out her two front facing weapons modules. Losing the two weapons modules hurt her, but she was by no means disabled. She hit back with her Laser pulse cannons, they rattled our teeth, but our shields were still up. Fritz said, “Lieutenant Taylor, hit her with our LPP’s, all of them at once.” “Aye Sir he replied.” “A hit sir, she didn’t like that.” Fritz said, “As soon as the LPP’s recharge hit her again. Follow up closely with a spread of missiles.”

  “On the way, Sir, time to target is five, four, three, two, one, another hit sir, that one caused her some damage, she is venting atmosphere.” Meanwhile the Cruisers were slugging it out, the Karpov had closed with Cruiser one, they were hammering each other with all they had.

  Because we had the advantage of complete surprise, we were ahead of the game, but there

  was plenty of damage both ways. We took another hit, Lieutenant Taylor, reported that w
e had just lost two of the port side LPP mounts. Fritz said “get damage control on it and check with engineering, find out how long to get them back on line.” “Maneuvering, move us a thousand kilometers in front of the command ship, let’s take another shot at her up front.”

  Meanwhile the Elen Baker had disabled Cruiser two, the Baker had some damage, but was still able to move and fight. She was able to bring her LPP’s to bear on the engines of Cruiser two, the Eldirelian cruiser shook like a wounded bear then began to vent atmosphere. The Baker never let up, finally her shots penetrated to the Eldirelian ships reactor enclosure and there was nothing left but space dust.

  Cruiser three and the Allan B Sheppard were standing off, but the Sheppard was showing some damage. Finally, the Sheppard hit the cruiser with her LPP’s and followed up with a salvo of twenty missiles. Their point defenses picked off about half of the missiles, but the LPP, s had taken down her shields. At least five missiles slammed into the Eldirelian cruiser she must have lost field containment, suddenly she too simply ceased to exist.

  Just then the Venture sang out, “we could use some help here, we are getting our brains knocked out.” It was then I realized a corvette, the Venture, was taking on a damn cruiser by herself.

  Colonel Paul Irons was in command of the fighters flying top, I called him on the fleet grid. “Colonel Irons, I want everything you have on cruiser four, we have a Corvette engaging her by itself, take that cruiser out.” “Aye Sir, on our way.” The fighters and fighter bombers converged on cruiser four. Where if the hell was the Monserate.

  Marine Colonel Paul Irons

  I am Colonel Paul Irons, call sign Ringo. We are engaging an Eldirelian cruiser, there is a Corvette exchanging blows with this guy and that can’t end well for the corvette. I said, “all right everyone listen up, we need to take the heat off that corvette, Cobra flight take out that gun module that is doing all the damage. Angel flight see what you can do about this guy’s sensor array, they can’t hit what they can’t see. Bravo flight concentrate on any other weapons emplacements. Fat Boys (the fighter bombers) let’s see what we can do with his engines.”


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