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Captain John 1: A Galactic Coming of Age

Page 13

by Krystyn Dean

  Also, Commander McCrery’s promotion to Captain has been approve, he certainly earned it. I want you to finish any loose ends you have going on here and then take Carrier Group One back to Titan for refitting. I will be staying for a couple of weeks to talk to the Rheagane leadership and hammer out some agreements with them, then I will be returning to Earth.”

  “Alright Admiral,” I said, “all I really need to do is fulfill the sentences of the Courts Martial. I need to finish it out, I will not leave that duty to someone else.”

  Admiral Miller said, “I understand John, we need to go ahead and get it done.” I said, “Admiral, Colonel Finnerty called me last week. The commander of the Marine platoon that was murdered by Velions was Lieutenant Nicholas Hilsen. Lieutenant Hilsen has a brother on board the destroyer Congo, Ensign Mark Hilsen. He approached Colonel Finnerty and asked if he could be the officer to activate the airlock when Velions is executed. I was going to do it myself, but perhaps it might give his brother some closure.” “What do you think?”

  “Hell, yes John, let the kid do it. He deserves to get some pay back for the loss of his brother.” “I will tell you the anger generated when the committee saw that video was palpable.” “The video has been sealed as top secret, if the Public was to see it the Velions family would be ostracized and probably in danger and they don’t deserve that.”

  I said, “now that that is out of the way, tell me about that magnificent cruiser you arrived in.” “That’ said Admiral Miller, “is the first Ultron ship we have built. She is completely Earth designed with systems that are an improvement over any we have had to this point. When you get back to Titan Station have Rick Hill take you for a tour. You are going to love this ship.”

  Later, after Admiral Miller had returned to the Magellan, I asked former Captain Velions father to meet me in my ready room. Shortly Lieutenant Jenson announced Mr. Maurice Velions. Mr. Velions stepped in. “I said, Mr. Velions, please come in, sit down. Can I get you anything? Coffee, a drink?” He said, “no thank you Admiral.” I asked, “have you had some time with your son? He replied, yes, but I still don’t have any idea how I could have raised a son that could have done the things Chason has done. Admiral I love my son, but I am appalled at his actions, I only wish I could somehow apologize to the people he has hurt so terribly.”

  I said, “I can’t even imagine what you are going through right now. You have my sympathy.” I went on, “Mr. Velions we are going to go ahead and proceed with the execution this afternoon at fourteen hundred hours. You realize sir that there is no need for you to observe, I would understand if you chose not to attend.” “Thank you, Admiral, but it is my duty to stand by my son. He has done some horrible things, but he is my son and I still love him. I only ask that Chason be allowed to die with as much dignity as possible.” Shortly after Mr. Velions made his exit, Jenson said “Admiral we have a situation in the brig. The Sergeant of the Guard ask that you meet him there as soon as possible.”

  I was met at the hatch to the brig by Sergeant Timmons. Sergeant Timmons said, “He was only alone for a few minute’s sir. I had a guard posted and he had orders to watch him closely. The guard was stricken with appendicitis and was take to sick bay. He was unguarded for about fifteen minutes. When we came back this is how we found him.”

  Chason Velions had hung himself using the legs of his prison uniform. He had taken the cowards way out, choosing not to meet his fate with the honor his father had asked.

  The execution of the mutineers was done at fourteen hundred hours sharp. Six mutinous crew members were hanged at the same time in the landing bay of the Ronald Reagan. After the executed crew members were taken down and removed from the bay I stood and announced, “Chason Velions took his own life in his cell earlier today. All sentences have been carried out. I thank the members of the Courts Martial. This formation is dismissed”

  At zero eight hundred the next morning First Carrier Group jumped in to FTL. Three days later we Exited FTL near Titan base.

  The First Carrier fleet was home.



  Titan base had grown, it was at least twice the size it was when we left, we were directed to our repair bays and were nudged the final few meters by space tugs.

  The size and bustle was truly mind boggling. There was a lot of new ship construction. The new ships looked like the Ultron class ship Magellan. One of them was huge. I was keen to get the lowdown on that one.

  I ask Lieutenant Jenson to make an appointment with Richard “Rick” Hill, the Yardmaster at Titan base and his Egolari counterpart Biber. I then asked Dr. Hiller, Sudeer, our Egolari liaison and Qobrun to join me.

  When we arrived at Ricks office, his secretary took us to a conference room, where Rick, Biber, Sudeer, Dr. Garrett and three other people who worked for Dr. Garrett were waiting.

  After the pleasantries were finished, Rick said, “Admiral, if I was in business for myself I would have to send you a commission for the repair work I do on your ships.” I replied, “well Rick, we do what we can. The Eldirelians are the ones doing all the damage, maybe you should send them a thank you note.” Rick laughed. He then said, “we have some goodies for your ships I think you are going to like. I’ll let Dr. Garrett fill you in.”

  Dr. Garrett said Admiral, “we are going to install even heavier shields, we have a new method of powering them that makes them about fifty percent stronger with about half the power drain. Also the LPP cannons are getting more power.”

  “ I think you might like these new items as well. We have developed a transporter system that unlike the Eldirelian system uses a new scheme for controlled teleportation with the help of a four-qubit cluster state. What that means is that where the Eldirelians must have a receiving station to teleport, we don’t. Rather we can project a quantum algorithm of the four-qubit cluster state wherever we want, and that cluster serves as a receiver. Basically, we can transport anywhere we like. We have transported up to one thousand kilometers so far. We are testing longer distances, but can’t yet tell you what the actual limits are. To be on the safe side current systems are limited to one thousand kilometers. We can safely transport up to five marines and their equipment. We have enough systems built and ready to outfit all of the ships in Carrier Group One.”

  “We are using the same technology for a communications system that will allow all ships within a system to communicate instantly.” “Unfortunately, we have yet to refine the system so that we have instant communication outside the system, but we are working on it.”

  “And speaking of communications we have developed a personal communications system. It involves a temporal unit that is inserted subcutaneously. You will be able to communicate directly with anyone who has a temporal unit without the need for a comm. system. The AI in the comm. unit will also interface with your ships computer.”

  “Your FTL jump systems are being upgraded to give you the precision to make combat jumps. Short jumps, or what we have been calling snap jumps, up to ten light seconds, can be preprogrammed and made almost instantly, one after another without recharging the system.”

  “Any jump greater that ten light seconds will still require a recharging period which is about half the time you need to spend in recharge now. I have asked my colleagues to meet with us to help explain the systems if you like Admiral.”

  I said, “I doubt I would understand what they have to say. What I get from this is my people and I can move from ship to ship anytime we need to. That is correct Admiral, but it also means you can go to the surface of a planet, or send anything anyplace you want to send it within the one thousand Kilometer limit.”

  “Alright” I said, “I have instant communications in system. I can jump in next to a ship and blow the hell out of her, then jump away. I have better shields and more powerful weapons. And I can communicate with my people directly if I need to?” “That is correct Admiral” said Dr. Garrett.

  I replied
, “Ok, and where, in the Admirals suite, did you put the hot tub?” “Excuse me Admiral, a hot tub? There is no hot tub sir,” said a confused Dr. Garrett. “Just kidding Dr. Garrett,” I said. “Thank you so much, these upgrades are certainly welcome and they will make a significant difference in battles to come.”

  I then said, “I noticed several new ships as we were docking, especially that giant in construction bay L-thirty-four. What can you tell me about that ship or any of the others?” Sudeer smiled and said, “I thought you might notice that Admiral. That is one of the new Ultron class ships, the Excelsior. She is the first of her kind. It will take another eight to twelve months to complete her. The Excelsior will serve as your command ship when she is finished. Her tonnage is double that of a carrier, and her fire power is three times that of a carrier.” “She will be able to go toe to toe with two of the Eldirelian command ships and come out on top. She doesn’t have a hot tub in the Admirals suite, but she will be one of the finest fighting ships in the Galaxy.”

  “The other ships are also the new Ultron Class. They are the result of a collaboration between The Egolari and human engineers.”

  “There are a couple of battlewagons and some destroyers, all much more heavily armed than our present-day ships, they are also eight to twelve months away from completion.”

  I left Sudeer, Qobrun and Dr. Hiller with the scientists and took Rick with me. I asked him if he might like stop by the Reagan for a drink.

  Rick said, “we don’t have to go to your ship to have a drink Admiral. We are getting truly civilized, we have a hotel and some pretty good restaurants. A friend of ours even put in a neat little pub, light food, good drinks and nice atmosphere.” “So we had a drink at our mutual friends bar, a place called Fred’s *Grillenium Falcon Bar and Grill. Fred Wien and Rick had been friends for years and I knew Fred from my time Earthside.

  After finding a table I said, “Rick tell me more about those new ships. He took a sip of his drink and said, you are going to love these ships. They have twice the shielding and twice as much power as your existing ships. Your existing ships were commercial hulls converted for military purposes. These new ships were designed and built from scratch for one purpose, to go anywhere they need to go and take on the best the galaxy has to offer. The inertial compensators will handle over four hundred Gee’s of acceleration or deceleration. The things will turn on a dime and they have the ability to snap jump over and over without recharging the jump capacitors. They are fast, maneuverable and heavily armed and the ships and armaments were built specifically for one another.”

  “Your command ship, the Excelsior, will be the second one completed. The Magellan was the first and there have been a lot of upgrades since the Magellan was launched. And just between you and me, she will be ready well within the next twelve months.”

  “Before you leave for your next tour I will give you a guided look around the Excelsior. For right now, we will be making the repairs and upgrades that were mentioned in our earlier meeting.”

  “We expect that Carrier Group One will be ready to go in about six weeks.” Rick then suggested that I get a room at the hotel. Due to a lot of new construction on The Reagan, staying on her was not a real option.

  A week later Admiral Miller returned to Titan base. He asked me to join him in his ready room on the SFN Magellan. The Magellan was one of the new Ultron class cruisers, and she was impressive. Admiral Miller met me in the landing bay. “Quite a ship Admiral” I said as I stepped out of the shuttle, Titan base was still installing their transporter. The Admiral smiled, “she is impressive, trust me. And even though she is an Ultron class ship, the new ships coming off the line are already far ahead of her in capabilities. Even the Egolari are amazed at how quickly our people are picking up the new technologies and then taking those ideas well beyond where they were. The Excelsior is going to surprise you when you get her.” I said, “Rick filled me in on her earlier in the week. I am looking forward to the new ships, but what will happen to the Reagan and the other ships in Carrier Group One?” Admiral Miller said. “We will upgrade them to the extent we can, and use those ships as a defense shield for Earth and Titan base.” “And by the way, the Sol/Fed committee is considering changing from the Carrier Group designation to colors.” “Although there will always be carriers in the fleet, the new Ultron Command ships will be taking the lead. The Committee feels that fleet colors might make more sense down the road.” I agreed that it did seem to make sense although in a way I will miss the Carrier Group designations.

  The Admiral went on to say, “I would like you to come to Earth with me when I leave. Since we have gone public regarding the Sol/Fed Navy. You have become very popular with the public, and we think it might be good to put a face and voice with the name. If you are willing, we would like to do a dog and pony show.” “Make the Sol/Fed Navy something more than an abstract idea for the public.” I replied,” I can’t say that I am excited about it, but if it’s what needs to be done, I ‘m OK with it.”

  Admiral Miller said, “John it is voluntary, and I do appreciate it.”

  We spoke for a short time then Admiral Miller said, “John, relax for a few of days. I think medical may be ready to do your temporal comm. unit. It isn’t painful and has no long-lasting effects, but it is a bit disorienting. Get that done and you should be 100 percent by the time we leave for Earth.”

  “I will take care of it Admiral. Could you have someone call my shuttle?” Admiral Miller replied, “no need John, use the transporter. It’s much quicker and saves fuel.” I made my goodbyes and when I left Admiral Millers ready room, I asked his Aide to direct me to the transporter station. As I walked in to the transporter station, I have to admit I had some nervousness, hell nervousness? The idea of having my atoms deconstructed and reconstructed left me shivering in my boots. The technician on duty said, “just step on to the transporter platform Admiral, you will arrive in the transporter receiver room on Titan station in less than a second.” I said, “I thought you could transport to anywhere, Lieutenant, why do you need a receiver room?” “We don’t, Admiral, and I can send you anywhere you need to go, but for normal transports on Titan we use a receiver room. It seems people popping up unexpectedly is a bit disconcerting for the Public.”

  The transport was something of an anticlimax, one moment I was standing in the Magellan transporter room, then there was a gentle glow and as it faded I realized I was in the Titan Base transporter receiver room. I guess I can get used to it, but it may take some time.

  I called Doctor Peggie Barton and asked her about getting my implant. Doctor Barton said, “Admiral I am in medical now, I have been observing the procedure and I can help with the process.”

  I went to Titan medical. They were expecting me. The nurse took me to the consultation room, Dr. Barton and an Egolari Doctor entered shortly. Peggie introduced me to Doctor Ugapar. Dr. Ugapar said, “Admiral, this procedure is not painful, you will feel some pressure and a bit of disorientation for a short time. You will have to get used to the mental switching it takes to control your implant, but a couple of days is all it normally takes. When you are finished in here, I will put you with a technician who can walk you through the steps it takes to make control of the implant second nature. The fact that you have Egolari nanobots in your body will facilitate your body’s ability to adapt to the technology. Now just hold still, this will take just a few seconds.” I felt a slight tickle and some pressure behind my right ear. Doctor Barton said, “all done Admiral, follow the nurse into the next consultation room and the technician will get you started.”

  The technician seemed to be a nice young man and he explained that the implant was designed to begin operating very slowly to allow people to adjust to its presence and let the user get used to how to control it in a structured way to avoid confusion. He then said, “Admiral you should be realizing about now that you can hear me without my actually having spoken aloud.” When he said it I realized he had neve
r moved his lips. I had actually heard him speaking in my mind. I said, “yes I heard you.” The Tech, said, “Admiral, my name is Andrew. To speak to me with your mind, you must address me in your mind, now try to speak to me.” I thought Andrew, I am trying to speak to you mow. Andrew said, “outstanding Admiral, I have never had anyone adapt that quickly. Now tell me, when you look at me, what do you see in your mind?” I said, “your name is Andrew Holtzhausen, I can see a notation or something in my mind. That is correct Admiral you are doing extremely well for a ‘newbie’.” “That is what we call an ID tag. The ID tag will have a person’s name, if there is more than one person by that name within operational range, there will be a number as well. You will ordinarily not see them unless you are addressed by someone or actually seek a tag with your mind.” “When you walk down the concourse here on Titan station, if you look at someone and think ID, if they are wearing an implant their ID will pop up.” “You can address them with your mind, but if they choose not to answer, you will not be able to communicate, and you can block any ID’s you wish.”

  “Now think, ‘tutorial’.” I did so and my mind opened up a mental file that would walk me through the different applications that were available. Andrew sent, “one other aspect is your ability to connect to the computer in your ship. You won’t personally connect to the computer, the AI in the implant actually does that for you and it translates the information you ask for. You need to choose a name for your AI, they are incredibly intuitive and you will find him/her a great help in providing information and even ideas. Choose a name you are comfortable with and we will get you started.” I thought for a moment and realized how much I missed my dog, Benji. I sent to Andrew, “Benji, that would be my choice.” “Alright Admiral” sent Andrew, “call up your AI by thinking, name my AI Benji.” As I thought about it suddenly I became aware of another presence in my mind, it said “my name is Benji, I am your AI, I will be developing my own personality throughout our relationship. I will either answer any question you have or I will attempt to find the answer if I don’t have it in my database. I see your name is Admiral John Anderson, how would you like for me to address you?” I thought, “call me Captain John.” Benji answered, “very well Captain John, but I am confused, you are an Admiral are you not?” I thought, “yes I am Benji, but my nickname is Captain John and that is what I would like you to use.” Benji said “very well Captain John, and I see you named me after a-- dog?” “You named me after a furry animal, Captain John?” “Yes, I did, Benji, he was one of my closest and most valued friends. Are you offended?” “No” Benji replied, “not at all, it is an honor Captain John.” Andrew kept me there for a while just to make certain I was comfortable with my implant.


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