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Captain John 1: A Galactic Coming of Age

Page 20

by Krystyn Dean

  The final scheduled stop for the Eldirelian invasion fleet would be near the planet Gliese 581g. Gliese, unofficially named Zarmina, is a planet orbiting the red dwarf Gliese 581, about 20 light-years from Earth in the constellation Libra. The Eldirelian fleet would have undertaken the longest and most exhausting leg of their journey getting to Zarmina. The ships would need a good deal of maintenance and the crews would be exhausted.

  It would be the ideal time for an ambush.

  Four months later The Sol/Fed expeditionary fleet broke orbit for Zarmina. This was a gamble of major proportions. If we are right, we could very well end the war with the Eldirelians.

  We are depending on information from multiple sources, none of which could be completely verified. If we were wrong, Earth will be in danger. Nevertheless, to defend Earth, we must engage the enemy away from the Solar System. This is our best opportunity.

  The Eldirelian procedure was supposed to be that the invasion fleet would stop well outside the system. They will then send three Narauder class ships to precede the Eldirelian fleet by several hours. The purpose is to reconnoiter the area prior to the arrival of the fleet. As soon as scouts are sure the system is clear, one scout returns to give the OK. The remainder of the Eldirelian fleet will then jump in to the system.

  The Eldirelian fleet required raw materials to accomplish repairs and water to be found in some of the small frozen moons. If not for that need the fleet would not have had to enter the Gliese system at all. Had that been the case there was no telling where they might have stopped.

  There is really no way to plan this ambush. We don’t know the exact coordinates that the Eldirelian fleet will be using. All we can really do is be certain we are between the enemy fleet and Earth. We will be in stealth and we hope to catch them unawares. Not much of a plan, but it is all we have.



  Five months and six days later, we are near Zarmina. Hopefully we had positioned ourselves correctly. I had just retired after a day of waiting. Fritz had the con. The lights began to flash in my cabin. “Battle stations, all hands report to battle stations. This is no drill.” Jenson had coffee and my uniform ready. On the flag bridge, Lieutenant Gomez said, “Admiral, three Narauder class ships just dropped out of FTL at just over three hundred and fifty million kilometers. They are going active sensors. The entire The Sol/Fed expeditionary fleet had been in total silent running for nearly two weeks. With the distance we had and the fact that we were in stealth, I was confident we wouldn’t be found. For me, and I am certain for everyone in the fleet, there was a feeling of relief. The wait would soon be over. The nagging feeling of the responsibility I have for sending our people in harm’s way weighs heavily

  The Eldirelian Narauder ships spent what seemed like hours searching the sector. Finally, one of the Narauder ships jumped back into FTL. We knew it would not be long now. It took nearly an hour for the Eldirelian fleet to start dropping out of FTL. The Sol/Fed expeditionary fleet had moved in stealth to our attack positions. Target priorities had been assigned. We were ready. We waited. The timing was everything. We needed all of the Eldirelian ships on site, and with enough time for them to let down their guard just a bit. I would be making that call based on my gut. There was no magic formula, there was no rule of thumb. There was only that moment. That single moment when I felt that I would begin to relax if I were in their position. I could only hope the officers in the Eldirelian fleet shared my reactions.

  Finally, it felt right. “Mr. Allan, notify all ships, execute on my mark. Three, two, one, mark.” We learned at the academy that when you plan your operations. Plan for the worst, hope for the best and be pleasantly surprised if you came out somewhere in the middle. We came out in the middle.

  It could have been worse, but it could have been a hell of a lot better.

  The execution of the plan was letter perfect. The Eldirelian reaction to it was pretty much as expected, but the level of training and expertise of the crews we were facing was much better than anticipated. In our initial attack we took out all twelve of the Araime class ships, three Narauder class ships, two Erulsan-class and one of their big boys, the Binesla class ships using our magnetic rail funs The Sol/Fed expeditionary fleet had no losses or damage. Our timing had been spot on. We managed to surprise the Eldirelians completely.

  Once our initial attack was completed, we began our attack jumps at random times and points. It was all coordinated by the computer aboard the Excelsior and it had a devastating effect on the Eldirelian fleet. Nonetheless, the Eldirelians fought well and hard.

  Fifteen minutes into the battle, we had taken out four more Narauder class ships, four Erulsan class ships and two Binesla class. We in turn lost the Destroyers Orleanais, Perth shire, Breakwater, and Capella. We also lost the Cruiser Toronto. The Orleanais and Perth Shire were able to jump away, but were too badly damaged to continue the fight. The Breakwater and Capella were badly damaged and drifting. The surviving crews were able to get to life pods and safely abandon ship. Both ships self-destructed. Toronto was disabled and took several missiles near the rear quarter, one of which penetrated the reactor containment field. The Toronto exploded with no survivors.

  Captain Sebastian Stillman, skipper of the Toronto, had been a close friend.

  A very positive surprise was the success our fighters and fighter bombers were having. The Eldirelians had not found a way to defend against the small craft, and they were very effective.

  At some point we began to realize the Eldirelians were firing on our escape pods. I had asked the Carrier George H W Busch under the command of Captain Raymond Liberto to stand off. The Busch was the only Ultron carrier there would ever be. I was concerned that it would not be able to defend itself and so could not be effective as a fighting vessel. I couldn’t detach any of the ships engaged in the battle to protect our defenseless crews. Reluctantly, I ordered Captain Liberto and the George H W Busch in to recover and protect, as much as possible, our escape pods.

  As the Busch moved in to position she was immediately attacked by three of the Erulsan class Eldirelian ships. I was certain I had wasted the Busch, but to my surprise the Busch held off all three Erulsan ships taking out two of them before the other escaped. Captain Liberto used his fighters and bombers for both protection of the escape pods and for defense of his ship. The Busch acquitted herself admirably. Meanwhile the Ultron ships were proving their superiority. All Ultron ships were operating at full strength. There was not a serious damage report among them. And yet, up to this point the Eldirelians had lost two more Erulsan class ships and one of their Binesla class ships. Now the level of firepower favored the SOL/FED fleet

  I said, “Mr. Allan, advise all Ultron ships to follow the Excelsior, we are going to finish this.” Even the Busch joined the fray. After a couple of hours the Eldirelian fleet was down to two Binesla class ships, three Erulsan Class ships and three Narauder class ships. The Eldirelian commander decided to try to save the ships they had and began a retreat. Captain Morin McCreary reported, “Admiral, the Eldirelian ships are retreating, permission to give chase?” I replied, “Negative, all Sol/Fed expeditionary fleet ships, break off, do not pursue.” Fritz gave me a call on my neural implant, “Admiral, we have a chance to take them all out, why are we letting them get away?” I said, “they are not getting away Fritz, just watch.” As the Eldirelian ships accelerated to their jump point they suddenly began to explode. I had been concerned that we could have been ambushed ourselves if the Eldirelian commander had held some reserves in FTL in case of an attack. That is why I had tasked my five Corvettes with mining the arrival point after the Eldirelian fleet had arrived and dispersed. My purpose was to protect our fleet from latecomers, but the mines served another purpose just as well.

  I might have been able to convince the Eldirelian commander that he was leading what remained of his fleet to their doom as they tried to escape, but frankly I felt little compulsion to
do that after his ships killed many of our survivors in their escape pods.

  The end result was a total victory for the Sol/Fed expeditionary fleet, but it was not without loss. The Orleanais, Perth Shire, and Cumbria were badly damaged. The Cruiser Cantabria was also damaged. We had lost the breakwater, Capella and the Cruiser Toronto.

  The Orleanais had effected repairs and could return to the fight. The Cumbria, Perth Shire, and the Cantabria were capable of FTL, but were damaged beyond the resources we had on hand. All three ships would return to Titan for repair. The realization was again settling in. the damaged and lost ships were unsettling, but the reality was that those ships could be replaced. The crew loss from those lost ships is the tragedy. There were one thousand people on board the Toronto, all were lost. The Breakwater, Capella, Orleanais, the Perth Shire the Cantabria and the Cumbria lost a total of three hundred and seven crewmembers. The total hands lost in the Battle with the Eldirelian invasion fleet totaled one thousand three hundred and seven. The Eldirelians may be to blame for the war, however I am the one who sent these loyal crews in harm’s way. It is the souls of our missing crews that haunt me at night.

  On the brighter side, the Ultron ships had proven their superiority. No crew losses, no ships lost and little damage. The Ultron class of ships had set a new standard for warships in the Galaxy.

  Everyone assumed we would return to Titan after the battle, but Admiral Miller and I had talked about it at length prior to our departure.

  Our decision was the reason we had two factory ships and four supply ships in the fleet. It was also the reason we had Two troopships each carrying three regiments. Over twenty-four thousand Marines.

  Admiral Miller and I had agreed. If the Sol/Fed expeditionary fleet was triumphant and in reasonably good condition, we would go directly to Grenushania.

  The Sol/Fed Expeditionary fleet was going on the offensive.



  Although the Ultron ships were capable of higher speeds, just like the Eldirelian fleet, the Sol/Fed expeditionary fleet was limited to the speed of our slowest ships. It took us three and a half months to make the trip to Grenushania.

  We had not yet encountered any enemy vessels. The fleet remained in stealth and I had the captains of my five Corvettes meet me in the Excelsior briefing room at zero nine hundred hours. All Corvette Captains were seated and ready as I entered the room. “Attention on deck” said Lieutenant Jenson as I entered. I responded, “at ease, please have a seat, we have some planning to do.”

  I said, “I have a special task for the Corvettes again. You all did an excellent job at Zarmina, thank you. Now, as all of you know. In the military, when it is found that you can handle the crap, more crap will be forthcoming.”

  “Here is what I have in mind. I want the five of you in stealth and at top speed prior to entering the system and then cut your power to the minimum required. Spread out and cold coast through the Psi Unica System. We need intel. You will be our eyes and ears. It should take you no longer than two weeks to complete your mission and get back here. Needless to say, if you are discovered your mission has failed.”

  We talked about sectors and areas of responsibility and when we had finally hammered out the details I said, “Commander Nishimura is senior, he has command. For the most part you will be on your own, so take care and be safe.”

  I said, “Commander Nishimura, advise central Comm. as you depart. Let me know if there is any delay.”

  While the fleet waited well outside of the Psi Unica System. We made certain all repairs were completed; all stores, munitions and consumables were at their maximum levels; and our crews were well rested. There was no doubt, our moral was good. The wish to avenge the willful killing of helpless personnel in escape pods supplied a good deal of motivation. We were an aggressor’s worst nightmare.

  We were pissed off and well-armed.

  The last two or three days of waiting for the Corvettes was tough. We needed their intel. If they had been discovered it could be disastrous for the Sol/Fed Expeditionary fleet. We were a long way from home. There could be a huge fleet protecting the Eldirelian home world. And they just might be coming for us.

  Fritz gave me a call on my neural interface. “Admiral, sensors report three ships exiting FTL near our sphere of influence.” “Thanks Fritz”. I replied. “I am on my way.”

  When I arrived on the flag bridge, Gomez said, “Admiral, sensors identify the three ships as SFN Corvettes.” “Thank you Lieutenant Gomez.” “We are expecting two more, advise me….” Gomez broke in, “I am sorry Admiral another ship just dropped out of FTL, it looks like another Corvette sir.” “OK, that leaves just one. Can you identify the ships now?” “Yes Sir, said Gomez, the first three ships were the Revenant the Norgass and the Ptolemy. The fourth ship is the Bomeer. The only ship still missing is the Dauphin.” “Very well lieutenant” I said. “Lieutenant Allan, pass on my congratulations to the captains of those four Corvettes and advise them meet me in the forward briefing room at zero nine thirty tomorrow.” “Aye Admiral,” replied Lieutenant Allan.

  A day later, Gomez reported, “Admiral sensors report a single ship dropping out of FTL, it looks like your missing Corvette.” The Dauphin had finally come home.

  I had reviewed all of the intel from the first four Corvettes. There was a surprising dearth of capitol ships in the system. There were a great number of picket ships, closely matching the size and armament of our Corvettes, however the bulk of the system defenses were fixed weapon platforms and battle stations. The Corvettes would not be a problem and the weapon platforms could be easily taken out with kinetic weapons. The battle stations were heavily armored and carried plenty of fire power. They would be the problem.

  I used my neural implant to page a conference of all fleet captains. I said, “I am calling a planning session for ten hundred hours in the morning. I have forwarded the fleet intel provided by the Corvettes cold coast cruise through the Psi Unica System. There is additional information I will make available from the Dauphin at the meeting tomorrow. I want some comprehensive ideas on how to attack and occupy the system. I look forward to your ideas.”

  As I was finishing up, Jenson said, “Admiral, Commander Nishimura is here.” “Thank you Jenson, send him in.” Nishimura stepped in to my ready room and said, “Commander Nishimura, reporting as ordered sir.” I said, “come on in Herve, relax. Tell me about your trip.” Commander Nishimura said, “Thanks Admiral, it was kind of hairy. We had no problem as we coasted thru our assigned sector. The problem came as we reached the outer limit and were about to begin our return. “

  “There is a huge ship building facility at the far end of sector Tango. It is heavily defended with first class sensors. There are up to fifteen Narauder class ships around the perimeter and they remind me of a yard full of pissed off junk yard dogs. Almost anything sets them off. Apparently, even in stealth we set off some kind of alarm because six of those destroyers came after us like gangbusters. They never had a lock and I am pretty sure they were not even certain we were a ship and not an itinerant piece of space junk, but they went all out anyway.”

  “We managed to snuggle up to a small moon, stayed in full stealth with every system shut down we could manage. They finally gave up and we were able to make our return to the fleet. When we finally got to leave, we had to take a roundabout route to be sure we could evade their sensor net. That is why we were a day late. As you will see, there are several nearly finished ships in the facility and some that look like they might be just waiting on crews. These are not like any ships we have seen before.”

  “There are also at least seven Binesla and five Erulsan class ships that looked to be powered and crewed. They could be real trouble if they manage to launch them.”

  I did a quick review of the intel and said, “Well done Herve, tell your crew they did an outstanding job and we appreciate their efforts. We will be convening a planning sessio
n tomorrow at ten hundred hours in the morning. I will be asking you to present this information to the Captains. Also any suggestions you have with how to take out the facility. Now get some rest, I will see you tomorrow.” Commander Nishimura said, “Aye sir, tomorrow it is.”

  As he left I called Jenson, “Jenson, better make some more coffee, it is going to be a long night.”

  The crew of the Dauphin had done an outstanding job. The Psi Unica System is a binary star system. The primary star is called Sananda, and the secondary star is named Kaladria. Grenusia is a circumbinary planet whose orbit is outside the two stars.

  Commander Nishimura explained what they had found. The orbit of the ship building facility is slightly outside and above the planet Grenusia. The shipbuilding facility is actually located near an area not unlike our own Kuiper Belt. At first I thought the location was an attempt to hide the facility. But with the discovery of extensive of mining sites I soon realized the location was a matter of convenience. A ready supply of raw materials is necessary for a facility this size. The area was replete with tugs moving around vast cargos of ore for the massive processing center adjacent to the ship building facility. The mining work was ongoing and was a beehive of activity. the mining technicians would break up large chunks of the asteroids and small robotic vehicles would move the ore in to a staging area and arrange them in loads that the larger tugs could take through the sensor net to the processing center. The processing center had four huge ovens created by utilizing containment fields similar to a fusion reactor containment field. A set of lenses concentrated the energy from the primary star Sananda to power the ovens. A small amount of energy is split off to power the remainder of the facility. The reason the facility is located above the orbit of Grenusia and the smaller star Kaladria is to assure an uninterrupted flow of energy from the primary star. The energy and technology required to maintain the odd orbit is intriguing, but not our primary focus right now. We need to decide how to destroy the ship building facility. The threat to our fleet will come from the ship building facility and its security forces. Before we can do anything else, it must be neutralized.


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