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Blossoming Flower (Wildflowers Book 1)

Page 21

by Vivian Winslow

  And just when Flor thinks she’s finished, Poppy says. “Let’s go for a ride. I have something I need to show you.”

  Chapter 59

  Flor’s heart rate accelerates when she spots Collin in the distance. He had disappeared in the pre-dawn of the morning, wanting to make sure no one saw him leave her place. The last thing he wanted is for Flor to be talked about, for her to become the subject of rampant gossip, especially with her father still hanging around the ranch.

  As Collin approaches the two women, Poppy whispers to Flor, “Tell me, is he as good he looks.”

  Flor gasps, a blush spreading across her cheeks. She can hardly believe this is coming from the same woman who was talking about true love and following one’s heart less than an hour ago.

  “That’s what I thought,” Poppy winks.

  “Isn’t that a bit inappropriate?” Flor whispers back.

  “Honey, I firmly believe you should only stop enjoying sex when you’re dead,” the blond responds wryly.

  Seeing Flor stirs Collin’s longing and makes him forget his earlier rule about not putting their relationship on display. Just as he’s about to lean in to kiss Flor’s cheek, she pushes Poppy in front of her. “You remember Poppy?”

  The cowboy straightens and clears his throat. With an outstretched hand he says, “Yes, absolutely. Nice to see you again.”

  Poppy nods slightly and smiles. “It’s nice to see you as well.” The way she says it makes Flor cringe a little.

  “We need a couple of horses,” Flor says.

  Collin nods and calls out for Alberto.

  “Tell your father I’ve taken Flor out for a bit and to come find us. He’ll know where.”

  Chapter 60

  Twenty minutes later, Flor finds herself not far from where she’d been with Collin the day before. She remembers seeing the high fence when Gary had taken her on a tour of the ranch and that when she’d asked why it had been fenced off and separated from the rest of the property, he’d given her some vague answer about landslides having made it unsafe to venture. Despite his seeming evasiveness, at the time she’d had no reason to question him, but now it seems everything she’d thought to be true isn’t.

  Poppy dismounts her horse first and ties it loosely to a post a few yards from the fence. Flor does the same, and they stand together in silence. Flor’s intrigued by the air of mystery surrounding the moment. A few minutes later, she realizes they’ve been waiting for Gary. With a quick grunt, he leads the two women through the gate and down a trail littered with broken branches and leaves. He stops a few times to help them over particularly large pieces of rock. The trail isn’t entirely obvious to Flor, but it seems to be familiar to Poppy and Gary.

  They hike for about another fifteen minutes until they reach a clearing a few thousand feet in diameter. It takes Flor a moment to take it in. She’s seen places like this in Brazil, but on a much larger scale. “A gold mine?” She asks in a hushed tone. Could this even be possible?

  Flor remembers something about California’s gold mining history, but that had been a century ago from what she could recall.

  Anticipating her thoughts, Poppy says, “This land had been owned by the same family for generations. No one cared enough to have it surveyed. Gecimar was the one who stumbled upon it about a year after your grandfather purchased the ranch.”

  “But how? Why?”

  “Why keep it a secret?” Poppy asks.

  Flor notices Gary standing off to the side, his hands behind his back.

  “No, I mean, I guess it’s your prerogative.”

  Poppy puts a hand on Flor’s arm in a maternal gesture. “This place belonged to your grandfather and me for the express purpose of living here together. We weren’t going to exploit it for financial gain, like your father would prefer. We mined it some before undertaking the first phase of the renovations. We’ll continue to mine so long as it doesn’t impact the surrounding environment. Needless to say we haven’t touched it in years.”

  Flor pauses to allow the pieces to fall into place. “My father hoped I’d find this place. Is that why he encouraged me to see you if I ever needed anything?”

  Poppy starts back up the trail. “I truly believe your father loves you and wants only your happiness. For him, that means financial stability. I think you’ve done well on your own, and you’ve learned to live with what you have, which is far more than I can say for him.”

  “What keeps him from telling people about this place?” Flor asks, almost tripping over a moss covered rock.

  “He has nothing to gain by exposing me. He thinks he does, as if I’m afraid to lose my status or that my husband will divorce me. Like I said before, a person’s greatest strength is to fear nothing.”

  “How bad is my father’s situation?”

  Poppy stops walking and turns to Flor. The young woman can see the pity in the woman’s eyes. “He seems to suggest it’s dire.”

  “Will money really help?” Flor can feel Gary behind her, willing her to keep walking. She can tell by his silence he was opposed to Poppy bringing her here.

  “It would help some, but it won’t fix the mistakes he made. Remember Flor, you’re not responsible for his choices.”

  Flor feels a lump in throat. How far her father’s fallen in such a short time for her. She doesn’t want to see him weak, but she can’t help but recognize how vulnerable he’s made himself in his pursuit of wealth, as if money was all the armor he needed.

  Gary leaves them to ride back at their leisure. There’s doubt cast across his face as he waves good-bye.

  “Why did you bring me there?”

  “Because it’s your legacy, Flor. This place belonged to your grandfather. Now, I’m considering placing it in your hands.”

  Flor pulls on her reins. “Excuse me?”

  “Well, naturally, Gary and Gecimar would have to agree. I’m sure it will become extremely complicated considering the deed is held in the name of a holding company based in Anguilla and they’re partial owners as well. A lot of legal issues will come into play.”

  “But . . . but . . . ,” Flor stammers. “Why give it to me? This place is worth a fortune. Besides, wouldn’t you want to maybe leave New York and have some place to go?”

  “Oh, honey, that’s a nice sentiment, but I have homes all over the world. This place was special because your grandfather shared it with me. Since his death, it’s not the same. Seeing you here has made me realize it’s time to let it go. I believe you’ll take care of it well.”

  Flor fights back her tears. She doesn’t want to cry in front of Poppy. “Can I think about it?”

  Poppy turns her horse around. “If you wish. Just have an answer for me by tonight.”

  “Are you going to tell him?” Gary asks Flor when she reaches the open paddock. Poppy continues on to the stable.

  “I don’t know,” is her honest reply. “Why didn’t you tell him?” She asks.

  “Because his mother and I agreed that we didn’t want him chained to this place. He had to choose his life and not be burdened by the secret.”

  “You think Poppy shouldn’t have told me.” Flor releases the reins and gets off the horse.

  Gary’s expression gives nothing away. “She’s a smart woman. I’m sure she has her reasons. In any case, she owns the majority of the ranch so it’s not for me to say.”

  “How much of it is hers?”

  “Sixty percent.”

  “You and Gecimar split the remaining forty?”

  Gary nods. “Your grandfather felt it was fair. He was a man who understood loyalty.”

  “My father doesn’t know you guys have a share in the ranch, does he?”

  “Poppy made sure the land could never go to him, and if either of us wants to sell, it’s understood the majority owner would buy us out.”

  Flor spies her father outside the second stable where Paco works. Preferring to avoid the Argentinian, she waits until he comes to her.

  He appears bette
r rested than the day before, dressed in light blue linen trousers and a light gray oxford shirt. “I’ll be leaving in an hour for the airport. Would you mind indulging me and having lunch?”

  The young woman smiles at her father. “Of course.”

  Chapter 61

  Thanks to Marjorie, Flor and her father eat under the shade of the large tree in her courtyard. It’s a mostly civilized lunch. Flor prefers it that way. She doesn’t want to taint her time with her father with hurt feelings and anger. Those escaped her yesterday. What’s left is love, with a bit of sympathy and pity. It’s hard to see someone you love suffer, even it’s come out of his own mistakes.

  “When do you leave for Smith?” He asks, sipping iced tea.

  Flor’s at least grateful he’s drinking something appropriate. He must’ve had a terrible hangover this morning.

  “Two weeks.”

  “I hope the judge will let me come to your graduation.”

  Tears well in Flor’s eyes. She pushes her plate away. The reality that her family can’t come together for these important moments in her life is setting in. Will he see her get married one day? Or meet his grandchildren? To Flor, he was a good enough father, the only kind of father she’d know. But she’s sure he would be an incredible and doting grandfather. A sadness fills her chest. What if he does go to jail?

  A tear slips down her face. Her father wipes it away with the corner of his napkin. “You know I’ll be fine. A friend of mine from São Paulo attended St. Paul’s with the judge. I’m sure I’ll be able to work something out,” he says, half-convincingly.

  Flor forces a smile. “I’m sorry that I didn’t come to Brazil to see you. I just couldn’t face you.”

  “I didn’t make it easy for you.” Poppy was wrong. Despite his shortcomings, Gustavo is able to love fully and unconditionally. Flor and Felipe are the two greatest loves of his life.

  Flor shakes her head. “Maybe if I’d tried harder.” The tears flow freely now.

  “There was no need. You have to live your life.”

  “I don’t owe you anything, do I?” Flor asks between sobs.

  Gustavo’s eyes are red. He runs his hands through his jet black hair and lets out a loud exhale. “No, querida, you don’t.”

  Chapter 62

  “You don’t have to take me out tonight,” Flor says, her hand running along Collin’s thigh. “I thought we’d have a quiet night in.”

  Collin lifts her hand and kisses each knuckle. “We’ve stayed in every night for the past thirteen days. And as much as I like your company, I know there are other people who would like to see you before you leave.”

  Flor slides across the seat to be closer to Collin. “Just promise we won’t be out late.” She kisses along his neck up to his ear. A warm, wet tongue enters his ear.

  Collin slams on his brakes and shifts the truck into neutral. He grabs the back of Flor’s neck and pulls her in for a passionate kiss. They’re all tongues and lips. Neither one had wanted this night to come, but it finally did and no matter how they spend it, it won’t give them all the time they want to say good-bye.

  Flor straddles his legs, the steering wheel at her back. She grinds along his growing erection. Her eyes close as they’re lips flutter against each other.

  “Keep doing this and I’m going to take you right here,” he growls into her neck. Her hunger is as insatiable as his. Collin has never met anyone who stirs his cravings the way Flor does. He truly feels he’s met his perfect match. Flor hasn’t made the same declaration, but he knows she feels the way he does, but is just less inclined to express it out loud. The way she moves against him, her tireless approach to lovemaking and the quiet way she reads in his arms. That’s how he knows how much she loves him.

  “We’re only a mile from the ranch. There’s no one around,” she says, her voice deep with desire.

  Flor caresses his cock. She will miss Collin when she leaves. They haven’t spoken about her going away very much, only to discuss when they’ll be able to see each other while she’s on the East Coast. The year will pass quickly she assures herself. Until then, she’s reluctant to make too many promises. She wants him to figure out what he wants once his divorce is final. Naturally, she expects them to be together, but Collin has to have the opportunity to decide his path without considering anyone else’s expectations.

  Collin can’t resist Flor. He barely could before he’d ever kissed her. Any invitation to bury himself inside her is one he’d gladly accept. “You realize that we have to be at Eddie’s soon. There are a lot of people waiting to say good-bye.”

  Flor nods. She’s so addicted to him that she’ll agree to anything right now. He quickly undoes his belt buckle while Flor unfastens his button fly in one fluid move. She lifts her dress to allow his deft fingers to move the thin fabric of her thong to one side.

  Collin’s mouth is on hers while she sinks down over his cock. They moan in unison as he fills her cunt. Flor begins to ride him, her movements limited by the confines of the cab. Her lips part as she tries to call out his name. Again, his lips find hers and they lose themselves in their kiss, his warm tongue playing with hers. She sucks his tongue into her mouth, and he starts to pound into her, their hips colliding, lubricated by her dripping pussy.

  Collin reaches down and starts to rub her clit. With his mouth, he draws down the top of her dress, exposing her hard nipples. He circles one with his tongue then bites softly on the pert flesh. Flor whimpers at the sensations filling her. She’s close now, climbing sweetly along with Collin, the man she feels fortunate to have found in such a special time and place in her life. Only time will tell if he’s the right one for her, but if she believes Poppy and trusts her feelings, then she knows he is.

  She bites down on Collin’s swollen lip, unable to contain her pleasure any longer. It feels too good, too perfect. She’s there now, the rough pad of his thumb stroking her and taking her with him. She’s cries out his name as her orgasm takes over. Collin continues to thrust himself in and out of Flor, prolonging her spiral until he empties himself into her.

  “I thought you changed your mind, bro.” Eddie hugs Collin as soon as he and Flor enter the restaurant.

  “You can’t let your man keep you to himself.” Collin’s friend brings Flor in for a kiss.

  Flor laughs, wondering if he can smell their arousal. She can, and it stirs an unquenchable thirst for Collin who’s standing only inches away from her.

  When she looks around the restaurant, she sees it’s filled with workers from the ranch. “Surprise,” Collin says in her ear.

  Her jaw drops, touched by the sight of all the men she’d worked alongside for the summer. One noticeable absentee is Paco. She hopes Gary and Gecimar will be able to replace him next season.

  Gary and Marjorie approach her first. “You are going to be missed,” Marjorie says, enveloping Flor in a hug.

  Gary clears his throat. He won’t be able to tell her how grateful he is for what she’s done. She had brought his son out of complacency and made for an interesting summer. He especially appreciates the way she handled Poppy’s gift, accepting it graciously while allowing Gary and Gecimar to continue running the ranch as they had been. She expressed a desire to one day work there, provided they would allow it. Of course the young woman knew what they would say, but she was kind enough to show that she respects their input. He reaches out and squeezes her shoulder. “We look forward to when you come home.”

  Home. The word used to fill Flor with dread, but now it fills her with hope and longing for that magical space she’d come to love. It’s a place she will always want to come to.

  Eddie holds up his hands to quiet the crowd. “Flor has been a good friend to everyone here. We will all miss her, some of us more than others.” He pats Collin on the back. Then turning to Flor he says, “You’ve found a home here, one where you are loved. Good luck at school. We will always be here to welcome you with open arms.”

  Flor gulps back tears. “Thank you,”
she chokes out as she hugs Eddie.

  “Cervezas para todos!” Eddie calls out. The crowd erupts into a cheer while Flor circles the room to talk to everyone.

  “Thanks for hosting tonight,” Collin says to Eddie as they watch Flor speak to Gecimar.

  “Nah, bro. I’m happy to do it. Flor’s your woman, and a damn good one.” He pulls on his beer. “You’re gonna be smart about her, right?”

  Collin nods, “Of course.”

  “You know I’m going out of town for a couple of weeks. So you gotta help out my mom if she needs you.”

  “Tell her whatever she needs I’m there.”

  “Thanks, bro. Javi and them offered but you know they’ll just drink all my alcohol and not replace it. She’s got the run of this place. Just check on her at night, ‘kay?”

  “Where you going?” Collin wraps an arm around Flor’s shoulder when she approaches them.

  “I gotta go to Miami. Eliseo, a chef friend I worked with in New York is opening a restaurant down in Miami. He’s stressing hard, man. He’s working for that big-time food family, the Cruz’s.”

  Flor’s ears perk up when she hears the name. One of Poppy’s daughters married a Cruz. Alejandro, maybe? Or maybe she’d heard they each married one of the brothers. She shakes her head, the details fuzzy to her.

  “He needs my help testing out a few things and finalizing the menu for the opening. I figured ‘why not’? Eat some good food, check out some hot chicks, since you took the hottest one here.”

  Flor smiles politely. She wishes Eddie weren’t so forthcoming with his compliments, but she gets it’s just who he is. He disappears into the kitchen leaving Flor and Collin to enjoy her going-away party.

  Chapter 63

  “Let’s not sleep tonight,” Flor says, tossing her sandals on the floor.


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