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Fang Chronicles: Mandy's Story

Page 6

by Suzie Ivy

  Honey went to find his mate.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Punching him was probably not a good idea, but Mandy wanted Honey to pay for making her appear foolish. She managed to hang onto her indignation until he stood in the bedroom doorway. Looking up from where she sat on the end of the bed, she took in his damaged face. Blood ran from his nose, he had a bad cut on his cheekbone, and his eyes were beyond puffy. The mating instinct took over, but he held out his palm when she approached. “My head hurts, I can barely see, and I don’t need any more bruises… kindly stay on the other side of the room.” His rumbling growl was pathetic.

  She changed direction and went into the bathroom, grabbing a towel and dampening it in the sink. She walked back into the room where he continued to block the door to the front room. “Sit down on the bed so I can clean you up.” Her disgruntlement came through loud and clear..

  “Should I trust you?”

  He really looked pathetic. “Yes. You’re my mate and I think you need a little TLC.”

  “That’s exactly what I need.” He gave her a devilish grin. “And then afterward I need a little TLS.” He walked to the bed and sat in the spot she pointed to.

  Tipping his face up, she gently ran the wet cloth over his wounds. “I hate to ask what TLS is, but I think it could be something I need to know.”

  His dark eyes suddenly blazed. “It’s tender loving sex. Ow.” She pressed the towel a little harder into the cut on his cheek.

  “I think you need stitches.”

  “I need a vampire. I think my jaw is broken.”

  “Will he come?”

  Dmitri’s voice entered her head. “Yes, he will come.”

  Honey answered. “Thank you, my liege. Whenever you’re available.”

  “I’m available now.” Dmitri flashed into their bedroom.

  “I heard your voice.” Mandy jumped a little with excitement.

  “And I see your beautiful body, my lady.” His captivating eyes traveled to her jiggling breasts. “It would be very ungentlemanly of me to give your mate proof that your endowments affect me. Vampires are not as free with nudity as beastkind.”

  A loud grumble came from Honey’s throat. Mandy decided to act outside of her normal craziness and quickly walked to the closet. She grabbed one of Honey’s t-shirts and slipped it over her head.

  Stepping out of the closet, she admired Honey, his neck tilted to the side, while Dmitri snacked. Honey’s eyes opened and traveled the length of her body. The t-shirt only went as far as her upper thighs and sizzling awareness zinged between them.

  Dmitri pulled away. “She’s far tastier than you.” He disappeared and didn’t see Honey’s fist fly through thin air, but Mandy heard the vampire’s words in her mind. “Newly mated pairs are fun to torment.”


  The vampire’s laughter faded and Honey put his arms out. Mandy flung herself into his embrace. With the swelling around his eyes decreasing, he gave a nod to the center of the bed. “Would you like to join me?” He guaranteed his success by placing small kisses along her throat.

  “Do you think I’m fertile now?”

  Honey tossed her on the bed and moved up between her legs. His nose traveled to the juncture of her thighs and he inhaled. Peering up, he smiled. “I don’t believe so, but I could use some more practice.”

  Instead of laughing, her expression became serious. “Do I embarrass you?”

  He thought for a moment, wondering how to answer. His tone lowered a notch, “I’m really so perfect that your question doesn’t justify an answer.” One corner of his lips tilted into a lopsided grin. “Of course, I was only talking about my physique. My mental stability is in woeful need of TLS and then I’ll give you a final answer.”

  She couldn’t stop her giggles. “I’ve read the word ‘woeful’ in my historical romance novels. I forget how elderly you are.”

  He tickled her for a moment, but then her laughing cries turned to moans of pleasure.


  Though he was tired, he lay beside his mate watching her sleep. She’d managed to hold her own with The Kodiak, and his mother accepted her as soon as she smelled their mating scent. Honey watched Mandy’s chest rise and fall, loving the soft pout of her lips while she slept, but his brow creased in thought. He didn’t know if they could create a child. Things were all well and good for Nicolas and Zenya, but bears had more difficulty producing children. No one was quite sure why, but even with humans at the other end of the equation, pregnancies were rare. He closed his eyes and decided to worry about life in a few hours.


  “Wake up, sleepyhead. I want you to show me around.”

  His eyes cracked open and peered up at her smiling face. “I thought you’d want to stay in bed all day.” His voice conveyed his desire to do just that.

  “No, silly, we can come back to bed later. I want to look around, but didn’t know if I should do it without you.”

  She shouldn’t. His clan needed a few days to settle into having a wolf among them. Seldom were other beastkind brought to the bears’ mountain home. They handled all business in the city. He didn’t think any of his clan would seriously hurt her, but Mandy had a way of attracting disaster and he needed to keep her close. Their mating would make the transition of having her here easier, and also her quirky and daring behavior would have an impact. Bears were known for their unpredictability and quick rages. They understood the tendency and Mandy had it in spades. “Beast or human?” he grumbled to his impatient mate.

  “Human for now, but maybe we can change later. My wolf needs a run. Do bears feel the longing to run?”

  Honey smiled crookedly. “We are lazy creatures and only like running in short spurts. There’s a juvenile bear that might keep you company.”

  She didn’t look pleased. “How old is this juvenile?”

  “Around eight or so.”

  She threw a pillow his way and he laughed. “Petreous will love having another child to play with, and I don’t want you around any males.” He allowed a low rumble to come through so she knew he meant business. Their new mate bond made him incredibly jealous.

  “You don’t say?” Mandy tried to snatch another pillow, but Honey grabbed her instead and rolled so she was underneath him. Her stubborn look softened as he continued to stare down. He leaned slightly away and ran one finger across her nipple. Her eyes grew larger, but before she had a chance to respond, he rolled out of bed. Her dissatisfied groan made him smile.

  “I need food. Get up and fix me something, mate.”

  “Arrrgh. Why can’t you… cook for me?” She batted her eyelashes and thrust out her pert breasts.

  His eyes swept over her delectable body, but then his stomach rumbled. “I’d do it once, but I promise you’ll never ask again.”

  “You can’t cook!” Shock flashed in her eyes.

  “I haven’t had a lot of practice.”

  “Then how do you eat?”

  “My mother.” He actually felt heat traveling over his cheeks. Mandy had a way of keeping him off balance. His life had been simple before she came along. He thought about his long hours at Dmitri’s nightclub. Simple, but boring... he’d knock a few heads, look scary, and watch humans have a good time. He’d occasionally take a lone female up on her sexual offer, but afterward life returned to boring.

  Mandy’s voice broke into his thoughts, “Over three hundred years old and you let your mother cook for you? I can teach you.”

  “What if you cook for me while I do manly things?” He put a growl in his voice.

  Her laughter rang out. “I’ll help you with manly things if you help me cook.”

  He shook his head... she just didn’t conform to what he expected in a mate, but she’d learn. “I’ll take a lesson or two, but it’ll go better with you dressed.”

  Mandy looked down at herself and then back at him. “Dancing while cooking is more comfortable when my boobs are contained, so I’ll give in.”

’ll help, but I’m not dancing.” The finality of his words should have intimidated her, but she only smiled.

  “Don’t worry about it, I’ll dance around you.”

  He shook his head. That’s exactly what she’d done since meeting him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  She made eggs, bacon, hash browns, and toast. He peeled and chopped potatoes and buttered the bread when everything else was ready. Mandy took mental lists of the supplies they needed so they could eat at the cabin on occasion.

  “You can order everything on the internet. We have an account in town at the grocery and hardware stores. The women make runs there a couple times a week for pickups.” He took a bite of fluffy eggs.

  “I don’t mind placing an order, but I’ll be working at the club with you so we won’t be here to eat on a regular basis.”

  His eyes shot to hers and very slowly he swallowed before answering. “No.” The harsh word vibrated throughout the room.

  He might not be alpha, but his bear had enough power to make chills run along her arms. She gave him un-intimidated eye contact and spoke just as harshly. “I wasn’t asking.”

  He blinked once then his eyes darkened in anger. “It doesn’t matter. It will not happen.”

  She was not afraid of her mate and gave him a sexy grin. “Is this our first argument?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Since meeting you, it’s been one continuous quarrel. Do you ever do as you’re told?”

  “You sure are cranky and I don’t understand why. I had sex with you and then cooked you a meal.”

  “I believe sex is one of your obligations as my mate and cooking is another.”

  Her fork clattered on her plate and Mandy leapt to her feet. “You did not just say that.” He was the most infuriating man she’d ever met. Maybe male bears treated their mates like second-class citizens, but Mandy was having none of it.

  Very slowly, Honey rose from the table, standing more than a foot taller than her. She tilted her head back in order to keep eye contact, and noticed a tick in his left eye.

  “You will do as you’re told. I can and will tie you to the bed each day when I leave for work. Due to your hair-brained idea of kidnapping me, I’m stuck here. You will cook and clean, but only if I don’t need you in the bedroom for mating practice.” He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her against his hard chest. “We will not have this discussion again.” His mouth came down on hers.

  Mandy was stunned, and because her brain was working overtime, she allowed the kiss and didn’t knee his balls into his stomach. She would show him what it meant to have a wolf for a mate. And, in the meantime, she’d let him continue kissing her, but only because it felt so wonderful.

  He helped her clean up the kitchen without her asking, which proved he wasn’t as callous as he wanted her to believe. They walked hand in hand while he showed her her new home. The weather was beginning to cool, but the day was still lovely. Men nodded their heads at Honey, but never acknowledged her. He growled now and then and turned his body if they approached, not letting a single man close to her. She didn’t see any women and asked Honey why.

  “The women have work to do,” was his clipped response.

  “What about the men?”

  “We work, too. Jobs are assigned by The Kodiak or Dmitri. We also train for contests of strength and defensive tactics.”

  “Don’t the women train?”

  He sighed, obviously sick of Mandy pushing this envelope. “No, the women do not train.”

  “That makes no sense.”

  He looked down his nose. “I’m aware the wolves do things differently, but you are now part of the bear clan. It will take an adjustment period, but soon you will learn our ways. My mother will be happy to guide you. She’s a strong woman, but knows in order to keep harmony within the clan there are certain responsibilities everyone has according to gender.” He gave her a gentle smile. “You will be respected as my mate, but judged by how you benefit the clan in your capacity as a female. Your being wolf will not be an issue after several months.”

  His dictates, his stupidity, and then his final comment about her wolf took her over the top. She stopped in her tracks and gave him a killing glare. “So the bears are little better than cats when it comes to how women are treated?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “The adjustment period will be yours because you’ll be sleeping with one eye open if you even think I’ll do your stupid nineteenth-century bidding.” She took a step closer, tilting her head back further. “You did not mate a bear. You mated a wolf and you need to learn your responsibilities to see I am happy and content. Then and only then will you earn my respect.”

  She saw his hand coming in to grab her, but took a quick leap back. The stupid bear probably thought he would be kissing her again.

  His deep-throated growl only inflamed her temper more. She turned away and started running. She didn’t hear him behind her and after she found herself deep in the woods, she stopped. Of all the insufferable, pig headed, misguided beasts, Honey was her jackass of a mate. She knew she could find her way back to the cabin, so she decided to explore on her own.


  Mandy stopped and looked around. She spun when she heard a laugh behind her. A small child stood slightly behind a tree. The boy looked like a refugee in torn clothes with choppily cut, too long hair and dirt smudges on his face. “Oh, um… hi. Who are you?”

  His small chest swelled. “I am Patreous, son of Tyboll the Terrible.”

  It was such an outlandish way to introduce himself that she had to fight back laughter. “Well Patreous, son of Tyboll the Terrible, I am Mandy, mate to Honey the Hell Spawn. It’s nice to meet you.”

  He looked her up and down. “You’re small for beastkind.”

  “I was thinking the same thing about you,” she quipped back.

  “But I shall grow to be ten times your size and use my paw to swat you like a fly.” Patreous’s hand flew through the air in a swatting motion.

  Mandy rolled her eyes. These darned bears became insufferable at a very early age. “Hell Spawn mentioned you like to run.”

  “My father says you’re just a lowly wolf. I can run much faster than you.”

  Well, apparently Tyboll the Terrible was on the same page as her mate and she shouldn’t be surprised. “Then let’s make a bet. If you can’t beat me back to my cabin, you’ll let me trim your hair.”

  “Stupid woman, of course I shall win. What do I get as my reward?” He looked at her as if she were a flea.

  Mandy held back her frustration at his condescending attitude. He was, after all, only a child. “Homemade chocolate chip cookies.”

  “Do you wish a head start?” Even smaller than her, he managed to appear like he was looking down his nose.

  She decided to take the arrogance out of this pint-sized chauvinist by winning their race. “No. Do you?”

  Mandy fought laughter when his look of superiority turned to disgust. She removed her clothing. Patreous did the same, and then they both shifted. His bear was larger than Mandy’s wolf, but she knew it would be her best advantage.

  “You are a smelly wolf.” The imperious words shot through Mandy’s head.

  “And you are a stinky bear. Why don’t you give the signal to begin the race?”

  He made an obvious sound of bear disgruntlement before his countdown. “Three, two, one.”

  They both took off.

  Mandy wasn’t as familiar with her surroundings and she realized the bear had an advantage. She stretched her legs and stayed a few feet behind Patreous as he led the way home. Finally, they shot out of the trees into a clearing and she put on a burst of speed she’d been holding back. With a giant leap, she landed on the porch and a split second behind her, Patreous made his final jump.

  She shifted and held her side as she tried to keep her breath. “I won,” she said with glee.

  Patreous breathed hard, but stayed in his bear form. “You cheated,” he said into her mind between gu
lping breaths.

  Faked outrage entered her voice. “Why you sniveling cub… I did not cheat.”

  A roar sounded from deep in his chest and Mandy couldn’t help herself. She started laughing.

  The broken cabin door moved aside and Honey came out looking irritated. “I’m afraid to ask what’s going on.” He gave the small bear a pointed stare.

  Patreous moved back off the steps of the porch, his head hanging low. “I’m sorry, Honey the Hell Spawn. I need to go home.”

  Mandy advanced on the young bear. “Now wait just a moment. You must pay your end of the bet and until you do, you’re not going anywhere.”

  At the same time, Honey’s eyes hardened as he glared at Patreous. “What did you call me?”

  The bear’s head dropped further. “Umm… I… I’m sorry, sir.”

  Honey turned hard eyes to his mate, but Mandy smiled without remorse. “He introduced himself as Patreous, Son of Tyboll the Terrible, so I gave you a title, too.” Without missing a beat, she continued, “I beat him back to the cabin, so he gets a haircut.” She turned and gave Patreous a “don’t mess with me” look.

  The bear’s head continued to hang low.

  “Shift, Patreous, and take your punishment like a man.” Honey didn’t sound happy.

  Mandy’s eyes snapped to her mate’s, but he ignored her. When the young boy stood before him, Honey turned without another word and entered the cabin. Mandy looked at Patreous and noticed tears welling in his eyes. Here she was, having fun, and now a young child was upset. “Come on. Your haircut won’t be that bad and you’ll still be stinky after it’s done. I’ll make cookies tomorrow, and if you run with me I’ll let you have some.”

  Patreous didn’t say anything, just shuffled inside behind her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Patreous sat still as Mandy cut his hair and Honey looked on. Crossing his arms, Honey let his mate know his displeasure through eye-speak with every minute that ticked by. She started humming and refused to acknowledge the trouble she caused.


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