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Fang Chronicles: Mandy's Story

Page 9

by Suzie Ivy

  Mandy took Sonora’s hand. “I’m sorry we’re imposing on you. Honey insisted, but I know it’s rude to just come over.”

  Sonora’s lips tilted in a soft smile. “You’re always welcome, but I’m curious…” She looked back and forth between Honey and Mandy. “—why didn’t you make the meal you planned earlier?” Without waiting for an answer, Sonora continued, “Come in and sit down so I can get some food in my son’s stomach. He’s grumpy when he hasn’t eaten, which I’m sure you’ve discovered.”

  The alpha sat waiting at the head of the table with a steady glare. Honey took the chair across from him after pulling out one for Mandy.

  The Kodiak’s voice boomed through the room. “Your she-wolf needs to do her duty and take care of you.”

  Honey placed his hand on Mandy’s leg and squeezed gently.

  It didn’t stop her. “I’m sorry for being remiss, but even if it kills me, I will do my duty and teach your son manners.” She glanced into her new alpha’s eyes then quickly looked away.

  The Kodiak’s face reddened and he turned to his son, completely ignoring Mandy. “She needs to be gagged.”

  Honey shook his head. “If I thought it would help, I’d give it a try.” He ignored his mate’s quick intake of breath and continued, “She was raised in a different environment and by a different set of rules. I think we need to be lenient and give her a chance to adjust.” He turned slightly and winked at Mandy. “We, too, must adjust and learn to accept some of what she has to offer our clan.” Honey’s firm voice held no disrespect for his alpha.

  The Kodiak’s eyes shifted slowly from his son and settled on Mandy. “Tell me, small wolf-child, what do you have to offer my clan?” His voice continued to vibrate off the walls.

  Mandy smiled and Honey sucked in air wondering if they would be kicked out before they ate dinner.

  She winked back at Honey. “I’m learning. Give me a week or two and I’ll be more able to answer your question. I thank you and Sonora for having us over tonight. I hope to return the favor sometime this next week.”

  The Kodiak grunted and then looked to his own mate as she walked into the room carrying a huge steaming platter of pot roast complete with potatoes and vegetables. She sat the dish to her mate’s right then walked back into the kitchen and returned with a large bowl filled with rolls. The Kodiak didn’t wait for Sonora to sit and began scooping out a hefty portion. When he finished, he handed the platter to Honey. Honey filled his plate and then passed the platter to Mandy. Both men were eating their food at an incredible rate even before Mandy finished dishing up a helping on her own.

  Honey noticed his mother give Mandy a quick nod and slight smile before they started eating. Besides the sounds of silverware clatter, silence rained throughout the room. After Honey and The Kodiak took second helpings finishing off every scrap of food on the table, Sonora stood and began picking up their plates.

  “I’ll clean up a little and be back with the pie. Mandy would you mind helping me?”

  Honey stared at his mate, unsure of what she would do.

  “Of course I can help. The meal was wonderful. Thank you for providing dinner for us at the last moment.” She followed Sonora from the room while carrying an armful of dirty dishes.

  His father’s low growl turned Honey’s attention from his mate’s charming backside. “Your mate will cause havoc with our clan. I’m counting on you to control her.”

  Honey couldn’t help his inward shutter. Controlling Mandy was impossible, and he was sure it wouldn’t be long before his father discovered just that. But, for now, he needed to pacify The Kodiak so Mandy had time to win over some members of the clan.

  “My mate will do her duty and I will handle her.” Honey stared his father in the eye and realized since bringing Mandy home it was easier to do. He purposefully lowered his gaze and kept that little tidbit to himself.

  “See that she does,” The Kodiak said.

  Honey bristled and decided to change the subject. “Has there been any news about the cats?”

  His father allowed the subject change. “The northern cats are staying low and appear to want nothing to do with the coming war. The southern cats are congregating south of the border. They continue their systematic killing of the females, but word’s out and many are making their way to Nicolas and his new pack. It places Marcus and his clan in a dangerous predicament, but the wolves and their vamps have sworn to protect the females seeking sanctuary.”

  “And the bears?” Honey pushed his alpha’s boundaries by asking, but he now had a personal interest.

  The Kodiak grunted but answered, “Dmitri will make the call and we will follow his lead like we have always done.” His eyes drilled into Honey’s. “Do you understand this?”

  Honey didn’t blink. “I understand perfectly.” He knew it wouldn’t matter what Dmitri decided. Honey was fighting with the wolves, if they would have him.

  His father gave a low grunt, closing the conversation. Immediately following the alpha’s non-verbal queue, Mandy and Sonora entered the room with apple pie and plates. His mate seemed more relaxed; they ate dessert with the men mostly quiet while Mandy and his mother carried on a conversation about gardens and planting. Honey had no idea Mandy knew how to do either, so it was nice to learn a few additional tidbits about his mate.

  He felt relief when she helped clear the dishes. Quickly after, Honey felt he’d pressed his luck enough and took her home. They walked into the cabin and as much as he tried not to, his eyes kept zeroing in on the package waiting on the table. Mandy walked around the front of the cabin straightening up and ignored him until he finally left the room with a low grumble and entered the bedroom. He removed his shirt and several minutes later, Mandy came in holding the package that was driving him crazy.

  She gave him what he was discovering was her wicked smile when she was up to no good. “Do you want to see what’s inside?” Her voice held a sing-song quality.

  Not good.

  Honey looked at the package then nonchalantly threw out, “If I must.”

  Her eyes actually twinkled. “This will help us conceive a child.”

  His eyebrows lifted.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  While in the kitchen with Sonora, Honey’s mother had explained to Mandy that her surprise package would drive him crazy. She also advised Mandy not to wait too long before giving it to him or she’d have a very grumpy mate on her hands. With the bears’ legends of fierceness, Mandy thought it funny that their curiosity tended to get the better of them.

  When they entered their cabin after dinner, she had noticed Honey’s eyes stray to the package. She knew he wanted to see what was inside, but her he-bear was too stubborn to ask.

  She carried the plainly wrapped box into the bedroom and handed it over. He may have acted like he didn’t care, but he didn’t hesitate as his large fingers tore into the paper. Once he cast aside the wrapping, he quickly opened the lid. His fingers froze as he looked up at his mate. “What the hell?” Then he lifted the top item from the box.

  Mandy watched as what she bought dawned on her perplexed mate. His face turned pink, and she couldn’t help but giggle. “I thought we could try a little role playing and you could give me your promised spanking to see if I like it.”

  The blue uniform shirt, complete with a shiny badge, hung from Honey’s hands as he looked into the box and saw the white nurse’s uniform. Mandy watched as pink turned to red and his cheeks actually flame.

  “I. Am. Not. Wearing. This.”

  His strong reaction had no impact whatsoever on Mandy. She suspected he would be ornery about her plans. She reached into the box for the little white cap and placed it on her head. The white uniform came out next and she held it up in front of her body. It was short… very short, and zipped up the front, though the zipper stopped at mid-breast level, leaving a very low cut v- neckline. Her eyelids swept up and down a few times and her voice dropped. “You know you want to.” She almost laughed out lo
ud at the look on her mate’s face, but managed to contain herself while continuing to hold up her costume.

  The loud growl he gave after looking down at the last item in the box, a pair of pink-fur-lined handcuffs, didn’t scare her. Neither did his rumbling shout, “This. Is. Not. Happening!”


  Mandy walked out of the closet with her hair pinned up in a loose bun, nurse’s cap secured in place, and her pert breasts practically falling out of the top. The hem of the dress showed a peekaboo display of white panties. Honey shook his head wondering what he ever did to deserve his exasperating but sexy as hell mate. She walked closer, keeping her sultry gaze locked on him. Then, she slowly pulled the edges of the blue cop shirt together across his chest, securing each button. The damn thing was tight, and he felt more heat travel up his face as the stretchy material gloved his muscles.

  “I’m a naughty nurse and in need of a spanking.” The sultry words were whispered against his neck as soon as she put the last button into the adjoining hole.

  He gulped, growled, and then grabbed her hips, jerking her forward. “You will be the death of me.”

  Her low, sexy laugh didn’t help. “But, you will die a very happy bear. Now it’s time to play.”

  “I don’t know how to play,” he grumbled.

  “I’ll show you,” she whispered.

  And she did. After several minutes, his embarrassment fled and he enjoyed the game… maybe too much. He followed her lead and had to admit the entire stupid scene turned him on; he was eventually able to ad lib his part.

  “The law states too much cleavage deserves proper punishment.”

  Her hands went to her small but protruding breasts, trying to cover them. “But, officer, this was all they gave me to wear and I had to work or I wouldn’t be able to make the payment on my new convertible.”

  “You drove to work in this uniform with the top down and we’ve had complaints from everyone in town.”

  Her hands lowered slightly and pushed her breasts together. “About these?”

  Honey’s eyes almost bulged from his head and he had to clear his throat before he could speak again. “Yes, those are criminal.” His voice cracked on the last word. “Turn around and place your hands behind your back.”

  “But, officer, I don’t want to go to jail. Maybe I could make a trade?” She pushed her hands up a little and a nipple peeked out.

  Heat traveled straight to Honey’s groin. “Bribing an officer will only make your punishment last longer.”

  “Oh, pooh, if you insist.” She released her breasts, turned, placed her hands behind her back, and bent over slightly. Her panties were nothing but a string of lace between her ass cheeks, and Honey almost stopped the game and took her then and there. With shaking hands, he somehow managed to secure the handcuffs. He leaned forward, his hot breath gliding over her neck and whispered, “The law now allows corporal punishment and baby… you’ve earned a very red bottom.”

  “Oh, please, officer, don’t spank me. I’m sorry and will never wear a tight uniform again.”

  God he hoped that wasn’t true. “Too late. When you break the law, you pay the fine.”

  He walked her around the bed then sat down at the end. “You can make this hard or easy on yourself.”

  The little teasing actress managed to slip a lone tear from her eye and it flowed down her cheek. If it wasn’t for the slight grin at the corner of her pouting lips, he would have been concerned. Without another word, he pulled her over his lap then shimmied up the tight material of the skirt so her entire bottom showed. He held one hand against her lower back to combat her squirming hips, which were driving him crazy; he rubbed his other palm against the soft white globes of her cheeks.

  Her body continued to wiggle against his hard erection and caused his vocal cords to croak, “It’s time to pay for your crimes.” He lifted his hand and brought it down none to softly against her right cheek, and for some reason felt deep satisfaction when she yelped.

  The crash of the newly replaced front door didn’t register quickly enough to either of them. Honey didn’t have time to come to his feet when Brandt appeared in their bedroom doorway. His shout rocked the entire cabin. “I’ll kill you, you son of a bitch.”

  “No mate, I get to kill the motherfucker first. That’s my sister.” Emily’s yell was almost as loud.

  Mandy, with hands still cuffed behind her back, rolled to the floor.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Honey had no time to do more than try to reach for Mandy when a furious she-wolf, in human form, tackled him backward against the bed. Grabbing Emily’s hands to stop her pummeling was nearly impossible, and she managed to get a nice left hook to his nose.

  “Stop, you crazy fool. Don’t hurt him, he’s my mate,” Mandy screamed.

  “Not for long,” Brandt said. Honey took his eyes off Emily and saw Mandy picked up from the floor by Brandt.

  Another punch to his nose was his reward for disregarding Mandy’s sister. He heard a loud oomph, saw Brandt bend double, and then his armless mate jumped on Emily’s back, pushing her tightly into Honey’s chest.

  “A wolf sandwich. How tasty.” Dmitri’s laughter rang out from the bedroom doorway.

  “You said she wasn’t here.” Brandt’s angry words came through on a groan.

  “She wasn’t the last time you asked.” The vampire looked at the three struggling people on the bed. “If you’re able to stand up straight,” he looked at Brandt, “I think we should probably get this situation under control and then talk about what’s happened.”

  “I challenge,” Brandt ground out.

  “No, damn it, I challenge,” came a muffled voice from the bed. “Get off me you crazy she-wolf,” Emily demanded.

  “I will if you stop hurting my mate.” Mandy had her teeth in her sister’s shirt and her legs locked tightly around Emily’s hips.

  Honey heard a squeal as Dmitri plucked Mandy from on top of Emily and then Brandt grabbed his own mate. Honey tried to stop the flow of blood from his nose as he stood beside the bed.

  “What the hell are you wearing?” Dmitri’s lips twitched as he took in Mandy’s white uniform and then Honey’s skintight police shirt. But before Honey could answer, he continued, “You’re fired from the club. This picture will be permanently scarred into my brain.”

  “You’re not helping,” Honey grumbled angrily.

  Dmitri ignored the unhappy bear and smirked. “Please tell me you have handcuff keys.” He held Mandy’s shoulders.

  “They’re somewhere in the box,” she said with obvious exasperation. “This was our best chance at making a baby and you spoiled it.” She glared at her sister and then Brandt.

  Honey tried to hold in his fury as he made his request. “My liege, if you would please remove everyone from the room, my mate and I will dress appropriately and explain what’s going on.” Honey’s eyes glared daggers around the room.

  “Dress in whatever you like, you’re still a dead bear when all is said and done.” Rage poured from Emily’s eyes.

  Brandt shook his head and then managed to lead Emily from the room as the vampire released Mandy and walked toward the door. Dmitri gave a look over his shoulder at Mandy. “I don’t know how we stayed entertained before you came along, wolf.”

  She cast the vampire a sullen look—breasts hanging out, hair in disarray, and her mate shooting daggers at his liege from behind her. “Your clan was much too stodgy and needed a dose of wolf.”

  “You could be right.” The door closed softly behind him.

  Honey’s steady growl filled the room and then he looked at his mate. Her teeth worried her lower lip, which began to tremble as her eyes filled with tears. His anger, embarrassment, and knowledge of his pending death faded away. He walked to the box that had been tossed to the floor before all the fun started, and removed the handcuff keys. Two of them hung from a key ring, which he twirled around his finger. “You, my dear, will pay for this with a little more than a re
d ass.”

  He watched her quivering lips curve up into a small smile and a bit of snarky she-wolf attitude came back into her voice. “If everyone would leave us alone, we might be able to accomplish a child or two. Having sex with you seems to be a public experience.” She actually stomped her foot at the end of her recitation.

  “I promise this is the last time. I’m buying a new door and affixing a metal bar or two on the inside. No one is coming through that door again without permission.” He placed a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose. “Now turn around and let me get you out of those cuffs.”

  When she turned, even with everything going on, he couldn’t help admiring her backside. If he wasn’t dead before the night ended, he would get another chance to run his hands over her milky flesh. His earlier plan was only to swat each cheek once and then remove her nurse’s uniform. He unlocked and removed the cuffs before turning her around and massaging her wrists. Her lips continued to tremble slightly. Without conscious thought, he ignored the angry shouts coming from the other room and deeply kissed his mate. He pulled away. “You will be the death of me, but not tonight.” He breathed the words across her lips.

  “I love you, Honey.” Her small tongue came out and licked his lower lip.

  A growl traveled up his chest as his mouth lowered to hers.

  Dressed appropriately, blood cleaned from Honey’s face, and holding hands, they left the room five minutes later. Brandt, Emily, and Dmitri sat at the table. Honey walked to the laundry room, grabbed an extra chair and placed it next to him for Mandy. He sat down facing his death squad, but Mandy didn’t take the chair he offered; she very nonchalantly plopped herself down on his lap. He noticed her sister’s evil glare.

  Before he could stop Mandy, not that anyone ever could, she spurted out, “I ordered the feral cage, stole tranquilizers from the clinic, drugged Honey, kidnapped him, and took him to the old cabin on Nicolas’ property. After holding him captive, Honey finally consented to be my mate.” She looked back and forth between her sister and Brandt and with steal conviction continued, “If you want to be part of my life then you need to accept that I am mated and more than capable of taking care of myself. We plan on children and it would be a shame to keep them from the wolf pack. I also want to be part of my nephew’s life, but I’m willing to give that up if you touch one hair on my mate’s head ever again.” She glared back just as intently at her sister.


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