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Fang Chronicles: Mandy's Story

Page 13

by Suzie Ivy

His eyes drilled into hers and her breath caught. “Thank the goddess I was far, far away.” He took her hand and brought it to his lips, but then pulled back. “I can smell Dmitri on you. Too bad the vampire can take me out with one swipe of his arm or he’d be nursing a busted nose right now.”

  She tried pulling her hand away. “I’ll go wash up.”

  He kept a tight hold and very carefully ran his tongue over the spot Dmitri kissed, his eyes never leaving hers.

  She could barely speak, but finally managed through her ragged breathing, “You’re doing this on purpose.”

  His eyes completely melted her desire to dance.

  “What? This?” His tongue came out again and glided across her knuckles.

  “We can leave now,” she said in a tiny voice.

  His low laugh sent chills along her skin. “You’re easy. I’ll remember that. If my mate wants to dance, I’ll let her dance… but only with me.”

  She couldn’t help giving him her warmest smile. “Thank you, Honey.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Honey had no idea why, but his mate’s teeth sinking into his earlobe instantly calmed him. When he’d seen her get dressed in the revealing piece of barely there material, he almost tied her to the bed and kept her home. She’d begged him to take her dancing, and her soft, pleading eyes finally did him in, though he knew better. Dmitri pushed Honey’s barely controlled temper when they arrived. Honey realized the vampire did it to see how well Honey could control himself, which wasn’t well, but at least he wasn’t ripping out a human throat… yet. Rufus would slow him down for a few seconds, but Honey also realized Dmitri could have put more than one bouncer on him. Maybe the vampire wasn’t as smart as Honey gave him credit for.

  Their appetizers and drinks arrived. The waitress poured the water into the wineglasses before leaving. They nibbled and drank while listening to the music. Mandy moved closer after her last bite and then he felt her hand travel to his thigh. He placed his larger hand over hers, stopping her progress.

  She scooted a little closer, bumping her hip to his, and spoke loudly in his ear so he could hear over the music, “Where did you learn to dance?”

  “It’s required in order to work at the club.”

  Her eyes grew perplexed. “Why?”

  He couldn’t help his grin. “So the women always have someone to dance with.”

  Mandy’s fingers curved and her nails dug into his thigh. “You dance with the women that visit this club?”

  “When I’m not working as a bouncer.” Payback was more than fair and he could feel her body tense as she thought about what he said.

  “You’re a paid dancer!”

  That made him laugh and he leaned in closer. “You could say that.”

  Mandy took a deep breath and then slowly released the air. “You will dance with no one but me. If you come back to work, it will only be as a bouncer.” She shook his hand off and moved hers to his inner thigh where she applied steady pressure.

  “Yes, mate,” he said with a low rumble, trying not to laugh again. He used his entire upper body, pressing her back against the booth and stopping his lips a hair’s breadth from hers. “Would you like to dance again?”

  She gave him a seductive smile. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  He pulled her from the booth and then looked to Rufus. “Stay close.”

  The techno-mix was good for only one kind of dancing, so Honey let his knees relax when he grabbed Mandy’s hips and pulled her in while moving a leg between hers. She followed his lead and they steamed up the dance floor with hot, sexy moves. One blast of music blended into another and he enjoyed every minute of Mandy’s sighs, laughter, and gasps when she managed to grind her lower body against his.

  He couldn’t help his low growl when he felt the tap on his shoulder. Rufus looked away, so Honey had a good idea who would dare. “Go away, my liege.”

  Mandy laughed into Honey’s eyes, but then turned her attention to the vampire. “I’m sorry, Dmitri, but all my dances are spoken for.”

  Dmitri’s eyes grew intense. “That poses a problem, and Honey owes me a favor.”

  Honey suddenly turned Mandy so her back was to the vampire and Honey could look him fully in the eyes. “I have little control and this is not a good idea.”

  “I can handle you and I’m officially calling in my marker… bear.”

  Honey looked down at Mandy and saw the concern on her face. He turned her toward Dmitri and disengaged. Bending slightly, he kissed her cheek when she started to protest. “Dance with him, but think of me.”

  “Always.” The huskiness in her voice was tinged with anger, but she managed a small smile.

  Honey backed away and then turned and went to their table. He eyed Rufus, but the bear again looked away. He had a feeling Rufus wasn’t sure about getting in between Dmitri and Honey, which made him a smart bear.

  He sat down and glanced at the dance floor. Dmitri touched Mandy’s hand with minimal contact to her hips as he guided her in intricate leg moves. Honey relaxed a fraction as he watched Mandy spin and dip. His liege was pulling Honey’s strings and the damn vampire knew it. He had a wicked streak a mile long and Honey sometimes wondered why Dmitri didn’t settle down. He never even had a steady woman at the club.

  The tempo of the music changed. Dmitri turned Mandy so she faced Honey and then placed his hands on her stomach while whispering something in her ear. Mandy’s eyes grew dreamy and Honey exploded from the booth.


  “Your mate has a room here at the club. Take advantage of it and you won’t be disturbed,” Dmitri whispered.

  Mandy concentrated on Honey and then jumped slightly when he charged from the booth. The vampire gave her a slight push forward and she found herself in Honey’s arms—his rumbling chest against hers and his fingers digging into her skin.

  “He’s playing with you, mate.” She whispered against Honey’s ear, hoping to soothe him.

  “He’s playing with fire.”

  “He says you have a room here?” Her teeth found his earlobe again.

  Honey stopped moving and then released Mandy, though he managed to grab her hand. She tripped along behind him because he walked off the dance floor in long strides, not seeming to care that her heals slowed her down. He took her out of the main club area and down a long hallway. He punched in a security code at the last door, opened it, and then walked in. He turned right and started to pull her up a long narrow stairway.

  “Honey, I can’t keep up.” She struggled until he released her hand.

  He turned, growled deeply, and then picked her up over his shoulder. He took the stairs two at a time. “That damn vampire knew exactly what he was doing.”

  Mandy didn’t dare laugh, because Honey was right. Dmitri had told her what he was up to as soon as Honey returned to the booth. Honey walked down another long hallway then opened a door and entered. The room held a bed and dresser with a door to the side, which was obviously a bathroom. Small, but efficient, if all you needed was a place with a bed, which she landed on when Honey tossed her off his shoulder.

  He unfastened her shoes, threw them against the door, and then slipped his hands under her dress and quickly disposed of her panties. His pants were unzipped and around his legs a second later, and then he buried himself deeply between her thighs.

  “Honey, please,” she managed to moan.

  “Please what?” he said and withdrew, only to thrust forward again.

  She didn’t speak after that. There were no words, and, thank the goddess, no interruptions. She finally cried out while sinking her nails deeply into the skin on his ass, because that’s all she could reach that was bare. He lowered his arms so his body lay fully on hers, and then after two more thrusts, he shouted his completion.

  A few minutes later, he got up from the bed, removed his pants and shirt, turned off the light, and snuggled back in with her. It was impossible to keep her eyes open and with a smile, she fell asleep.

Chapter Thirty-One

  Honey scratched his nose because the ceiling fan ruffled Mandy’s hair and it tickled across his face. It was the middle of the night or very early in the morning and he lay holding her, his nose twitching. His heart froze for a moment and then a grin, unseen in the dark, lit up his face. Dmitri… you damned blood sucker.

  Honey wanted to laugh out loud, but he didn’t take a chance of waking his mate because she’d never get back to sleep. He shut his eyes and managed to fade away until Mandy wiggled from his side and made her way to the bathroom.

  He didn’t have long to wait. The bathroom door burst open and his mate launched herself across his body, delivering kisses over his neck and face.

  “You did it, Honey! You did it!”

  He didn’t need to ask what, because he’d scented her pregnancy when he woke up earlier.

  “Can you smell it? Please tell me you can.”

  He rolled over so Mandy lay beneath him. “Yes, my love, you’re pregnant, but I think you had a little to do with it, too, and maybe a meddling vampire.”

  “How would a meddling vampire have anything to do with me being pregnant?”

  Honey had to laugh at the disgruntled sound of her voice. “He, my love...” He placed a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. “…obviously decided we think too much and have been trying too hard. Last night, neither of us considered the possibility of creating a child and it happened.”

  “I’m giving him the biggest kiss the next time I see him.”

  “I don’t think so,” Honey growled.

  Mandy’s arms wrapped tightly around his back and her next words were breathed into his ear, “Silly bear.”

  He gave a husky laugh before kissing her. When Honey squeezed her breast, she began wiggling to get away, so he stopped, looking down at her in question.

  “We have too much to do today and we need to get started.” Her face showed an eagerness he obviously didn’t understand.


  “Yes, Honey, we need to go shopping, buy things for the baby, and then go and tell your family. The other clans need to be notified that we have successfully mated and preparations need to be made. I plan to carry in wolf form and if I stay that way, my gestation is fifty-nine days and we will be holding our first pup in two months.”

  Honey shook his head in confusion and grumbled, “A pup?”

  She laughed. “I’ve emailed Zenya, and she says it takes an extra day or two, but he or she should turn into a bear cub, too. You need to let me up because we have so much work to do.”

  His grumble was louder this time. “It will be a week before you change to wolf to finish your pregnancy.”

  His words obviously startled her because she stopped struggling to get out of bed. “Why?”

  “This is why.” His hand traveled between her legs and he buried one finger deeply. “And this.” His other hand covered her breast and then he began rolling her nipple. “If I can’t have you for fifty-nine days then you owe me a week… in bed… doing this.”

  She gave a deep sigh as his lips covered hers.


  Mandy rushed through her shower, avoiding Honey’s slippery hands each time he tried to grab her. His frustrated grunts didn’t sway her and she dressed quickly so they could get back to the cabin. Her mate wasn’t happy when she slipped back into her short dress either. “Well… next time I’ll bring some extra clothes and leave them here.”

  She smiled behind his back when he didn’t argue that there would be a next time. He was learning. They made it through the semi-dark and quiet club, but stopped when Dmitri appeared in front of them and blocked their path. Mandy didn’t think and only reacted. She released Honey’s hand and charged the vampire, throwing herself into his arms. “I love you, you crazy vampire.”

  Growls could be heard echoing off the cavernous walls of the club as Dmitri pushed her back with a laugh. “I don’t wish to harm your mate, so you need to behave, sweet Mandy.”

  Honey grabbed her hand and pulled her against his body. “Control yourself, mate.”

  “You’re no fun.” She looked at Dmitri and gave him a huge grin. “I’m pregnant, and we’re heading home so we can prepare.”

  Dmitri’s face broke into a huge grin. “Congratulations. I expect you to name the child after me.”

  “Blood sucker junior,” Honey said under his breath, which caused Dmitri to break out in robust laughter.

  Mandy slapped Honey’s arm, which he continued to clamp around her waist. “Be nice.”

  “I’m trying,” he grumbled.

  Dmitri flashed away with more laughter trailing behind him.

  “I’m surprised he hasn’t gutted you by now,” Mandy said.

  “Up until you came into my life, he didn’t have a reason to.” His arms tightened for a few seconds and then he released her so they could leave.

  They stopped and picked up the mail before returning to their cabin. Mandy carried one of her surprise boxes inside. She knew which specialty order this was and planned to use it before she shifted to wolf for her pregnancy. Honey told her she could order what she wanted for the baby on the internet and she agreed. He left her to attend clan business, so she shifted then ran all the way to Tyboll’s cabin so she could share the news with him and Patreous.

  She managed to refrain from throwing herself into Tyboll’s arms, but she hugged a squirming Patreous to her side and kissed his head.

  “Patreous, come here.” Tyboll didn’t smile at her news.

  Mandy’s heart sank because she thought she’d made progress with the grumbly bear.

  Tyboll took his son’s shoulders and looked down. “A child is a gift. In these times, it’s also a target. Can you protect Mandy and keep her in your sights until the baby comes?”

  “Yes, sir. I will guard her and the cub with my life.” His young voice held fierce determination.

  Tyboll looked at Mandy. “You do not leave your cabin without him unless Honey is by your side. Patreous’ responsibility is to watch over you and give his life, if that’s what it takes to keep you safe. My son will do his duty or die trying.”

  Tears slipped down Mandy’s face. “Thank you, Tyboll. I am honored by your son’s guardianship.” She wiped her eyes and gave a trembling smile. “I need to visit Sonora and give her my news.”

  Tyboll pushed Patreous in Mandy’s direction. “You have a difficult job, son. Watch her closely.” The bear turned and walked back into his cabin.

  Mandy and Patreous sat at Sonora’s table and enjoyed cookies and milk. Sonora laughed and cried, flowing between both reactions during their snack. “You have honored our clan, Mandy. The women are all talking about our training and almost all want to participate and know how to protect ourselves. The Kodiak told the few stubborn he-bears who have protested that it’s an order. There’s grumbling, but the women are behind you.” She started crying again. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a grandmother.”

  Mandy loved Sonora, but she still felt like an outsider. None of the other bears visited her and she had met only a couple of the women. She hoped, after the baby was born, that she would fit into their clan easier. She hated feeling like an outcast.

  She and Patreous left Sonora an hour later, and the small bear followed her home before he returned to his father. She promised to notify him when she next left the cabin without Honey. Patreous gave a solemn nod and then took off.

  Mandy went into the spare bedroom and took notes on what she needed to order.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  One week later…

  Tomorrow his mate would shift to wolf to hasten her pregnancy. Honey would miss their human skin contact, but he agreed that this child needed to arrive sooner rather than later. Nicolas’ pack would arrive the following week and things would get even more interesting.

  Mandy had something in mind for their last evening before she shifted to wolf until the baby arrived. Even though he feared what it was, Honey knew he’d enjoy it in the lon
g run.

  She cooked steaks, potatoes, and bread, and made a large salad. There were two candles glowing on the table and a medium-sized gift box lying to the side. During dinner, his eyes strayed to the box again and again, but Mandy shook her head.

  They cleared the table together and then Honey washed the dishes.

  “Do you think I’m fat?” Mandy asked as she walked up behind him.

  Honey turned and pulled her close, his wet hands soothing her back. “You’re a week pregnant in human form and don’t have an ounce of fat on you.” His hand traveled to her stomach. “Even in wolf form you will only have a small belly while carrying my child. I look forward to snuggling against it.”

  Mandy went up on her tiptoes and kissed him gently then lowered her voice to a husky whisper. “Hurry up, mate, your surprise is waiting.”

  Honey finished the dishes in record time.

  Ten minutes later, he stood in a tight faux-leopard leotard. It covered one pectoral muscle and left the other bare. Unfortunately, Mandy’s covered both her breasts, and he grumbled even more. It was the first time he didn’t bother arguing; he just put the damn thing on.

  “Hi, Tarzan. Me Jane.” She cocked her hip and eyed him up and down.


  “I don’t like big burly men and little ole me is scared.” Her lip actually trembled.

  He stared back in disbelief before realizing this was part of her game.


  She walked a wide berth around him, but stopped when she reached their bedroom door, her hand on the knob. “I have a few other contenders for my attentions waiting, so if you want me, you’ll have to catch me.”

  Honey charged, but she slammed the door behind her. He pulled on the knob, but nothing happened. Looking down at his hand, he realized his crazy she-wolf switched the knob around sometime during the day and now the lock was on the outside. He heard the bars being lifted from off the front door and decided that ordering a bedroom door was worth it. He backed up two feet and then put all his strength against the wood. The door crashed against the wall, but he didn’t stop to see the damage as he burst through the room and out the front door.


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