Sherlock Holmes and Philosophy
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masculinity, essential; see also gender conventions
mash-up; see also pastiche
masking: see deception
Mass Effect (video game)
“Master Blackmailer, The” (TV episode); see also Brett, Jeremy
Matrix, The (movie)
Matthew, Robert: Japanese Science Fiction
“Mazarin Stone, The Adventure of the,”
McCoy, Dr. “Bones” (character)
McFarlane, John Hector (character)
Meade, Mrs. L.T. (character)
meditation; see also Buddhism; see also Hinduism; see also Krishna
Meiken LASSIE [“Famous Dog Lassie”] (TV series)
Meiken LUPIN no Meisuiri [“The Famous Case of Lupin the Famous Dog”] (book)
Meiken RIN TIN TIN [“Famous Dog Rin Tin Tin”] (TV series)
Meiken ROCKY [“Famous Dog Rocky”] (TV series)
Meitantei DIAMOND [“Famous Detective Diamond”] (TV series)
Meitantei Holmes [“Famous Detective Holmes”] (TV series)
Meitantei JONES [“Famous Detective Jones”] (TV series)
Meitantei POIROT [“Famous Detective Poirot”] (TV series)
Merrilow, Mrs. (character)
de Merville, Violet (character)
Method of Residues
Mikeneko HOLMES (book series)
Mikeneko HOLMES no Suiri [“The Case of Holmes the Tortoiseshell Cat”] (book)
Mikuriya, Kyosuke
Meitantei Holmes [“Famous Detective Holmes”] (movie)
Mill, John Stuart; System of Logic
Millar, Flora (character)
Miller, Russell
Mill’s Methods
Milverton, Charles Augustus (character)
mimicking: see deception
Mink, Louis
“Missing Three-Quarter, The Adventure of the,”
Miyazaki Hayao
Monk, Adrian (character)
Monstrous Regiment of Women, A: see King, Laurie R.
Montaigne, Michel de
Moonstone, The (book)
Moor, The: see King, Laurie R.
Moore, G.E.
moral codes
moral naturalism
moral pluralism
Moran, Colonel Sebastian (character)
Moran, Richard
Morgan, Dexter (character): see Dexter
Moriarty ; as Holmes’s opposite; as Holmes’s parallel; as holographic entity
morphine: see drug use
Morstan, Mary (character)
Mortimer, Dr. (character)
Moulin Rouge! (movie)
Mudgett, Herman Webster
Munro, Effie (character)
Muppets Tonight (TV series)
murder: as used by Baudrillard
Murillo, Don (character): see Henderson, Mr.
Murray, Janet; Hamlet on the Holodeck
“Musgrave Ritual, The,”
Mycroft: see Holmes, Mycroft
Mycroft, William
mystery genre: see genre
Mystery of Cloomber, The
narrative structure: see story structure
Narrative as Virtual Reality (book)
narrative imagination; see also hypothesizing; see also imagination
Natsume Soseki; I Am a Cat
Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind (anime)
“Naval Treaty, The Adventure of the,”
New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The: The Testament of Sherlock Holmes (video game)
New Annotated Sherlock Holmes, The (book)
new lad
Nietzsche, Friedrich; “Antichrist, The,”; The Birth of Tragedy; The Gay Science; Human, All Too Human; Thus Spake Zarathustra
Nightmare: The Birth of Horror (book)
Nolan, Christopher: see Inception
Norberton, Sir Robert (character)
Norman, Donald
“Norwood Builder, The Adventure of the,”
Nozick, Robert; “Love’s Bond,”
Numb3rs (TV series)
Nye, Andrea
Oberstein, Hugo (character)
object, objects; see also things
Oedipus Rex (theatrical play)
Of Grammatology (book)
Oldacre, Jonas (character)
On the Origin of Species (book)
Openshaw, John (character)
Oxford History of Board Games (book)
O’Shaughnessy, Brigid (character)
Paget, Sidney
“Painful Predicament of Sherlock Holmes, The” (theatrical play)
Papandropoulos, Christos
Parfit, Derek; Reasons and Persons
Parlett, David; Oxford History of Board Games
Pascal, Blaise; Pensées
passions; see also emotions
Paul, Jeremy
Peirce, Charles
Pensées (book)
perceived affordance: see affordance
Peters, Holy (character)
Phillimore, James (character)
Philosophical Investigations (book)
Philosophy of Horror, The, or, Paradoxes of the Heart (book)
Picard, Captain Jean–Luc (character)
Picture of Dorian Gray, The (book)
Plato; Apology; Gorgias; Phaedo; Phaedrus; Republic; Symposium
play, a sense of
Pluto (planet)
Poe, Edgar Allan; see also Dupin, C. Auguste
Poirot, Hercule (character)
Poirot (TV series): see Meitantei POIROT
Police Dog IVAN (TV series)
Police Dog KING (TV series)
Pope, Alexander; “Essay on Man, An,”
Popper, Karl R.
possible worlds: see worlds
“Practical Handbook of Bee Culture,”
Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, The (movie)
Problem of Induction; see also reasoning
“Problem of Thor Bridge, The,”
Pulp Fiction (movie)
Pursuers, The (TV series): see Police Dog IVAN
psychopathy: see sociopathy
Pulaski, Dr. Katherine (character)
“Purloined Letter, The” (story); see also Dupin, C. Auguste; see also Poe, Edgar Allan
Queen, Ellery
queer; see also homosexuality
Rabelais and His World (book)
Ramayana, The (writings)
Rathbone, Basil
Raavan (movie)
Real Ghostbusters, The (TV series): see “Elementary My Dear Winston”
reality; virtual
reasoning ; abductive; analytic; backwards; circular; deductive ; inductive; synthetic
Reasons and Persons (book)
“Red Circle, The,”
Red Dawn Redemption (video game)
“Red-Headed League, The,”; TV adaptation
Rediscovering Love (book)
Reichenbach Falls
Reichenbach, Hans
“Reigate Puzzle, The Adventure of the” AKA “The Adventure of the Reigate Squires,”
Remington Steele (TV series)
“Reminiscences of John H. Watson,”
re-mark; see also Derrida, Jacques
repackaging: see deception
Repo! (movie)
“Resident Patient, The Adventure of the,”
Ritchie, Guy; see also Sherlock Holmes
Robb, Graham; Strangers: Homosexual Love
in the Nineteenth Century
Robinson, Bertram Fletcher
Ronder, Mrs. (character)
Ross, Colonel (character)
Rossakoff, Countess Vera (character)
Rowe, Nicholas
Rowlf (comic series)
Roylott, Dr. Grimesby (character)
Rucastle, Mr. and Mrs. (characters)
Run, Joe, Run (TV series): see Ganbare Meiken JOE
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, Mary (character)
Ryan, Marie-Laure; Narrative as Virtual Reality
Saint Augustine: see Augustine
Salen, Katie: Rules of Play
Sand, George
Samkhya; see also Hinduism
Sarasate, Pablo
Saturday Night Live (TV show)
de Saussure, Ferdinand
Scafa, Luciano
“Scandal in Bohemia, A,” ; TV adaptation
Schopenhauer, Arthur
science fiction: see genre
“Science of Deduction, The,”; see also reasoning
Scouting for Boys (book)
Scruton, Roger; Sexual Desire
Searching for Sherlock (movie)
Sebeok, Thomas A.
Secret Weapon, The (movie): see Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
“Second Stain, The Adventure of the,”
“The Secret of Sherlock Holmes” (theatrical play)
Selden (character)
Sergeant Preston of the Yukon (TV series): see Police Dog KING
Seven-Per-Cent Solution, The (book, movie)
Shacklock, Frank
Shadows Over Baker Street (book)
Shakespeare, William; King Henry IV Part I,
Shelley, Mary; Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus (book)
Sheerluck Holmes (character): see Veggie Tales
Sherlock (TV series)
Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels (video game)
Sherlock Holmes (movie)
Sherlock Holmes: A Drama in Four Acts (theatrical play)
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (movie)
Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century (TV series)
Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper (video game)
Sherlock Hound (TV series)
Sherwin, Mordecai
Shield, The (TV series): see Futile Police Badge SHIELD
Shinseinen (magazine)
“Ship in a Bottle” (TV episode)
Shogun Tsunayoshi
“Shoscombe Old Place, The Adventure of,”
Shore, David; see also House
Shreffler, Philip; “Watson’s Weird Tales: Horror in the Sherlockian Canon,”
Sign of the Four, The
“Silver Blaze,”
Simpsons, The (TV series)
Simulacra and Simulation (book)
Sinnett, A.P.: Esoteric Buddhism
Sintonen, Matti
Sita (character)
“Six Napoleons, The Adventure of the,”
Small, Jonathan (character)
Smith, Culverton (character)
Smith, Edgar
Smith, Mrs. (character)
Snoop Zherlock (character nickname)
Snyder, Laura: “Sherlock Holmes: Scientific Detective,”
“Soldier’s Death, A” (serialized story)
“Solitary Cyclist, The Adventure of the,”
Solomon, Robert; “The Virtue of (Erotic) Love,”
Sondergaard, Gale
Sophocles; Oedipus Rex
Spade, Sam (character)
Spaulding, Vincent (character): see Clay, John
“Speckled Band, The Adventure of the,”
Spedding, Adrea (character)
Spider Woman, The (movie)
Spinoza, Baruch; Ethics
Spock, Mr. (character)
Stangerson, Joseph (character)
Stapleton, Jack (character)
Star Trek: movie; TV series; see also Great Battle in Space STAR TREK
Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV series)
Star Trek IV: The Undiscovered Country (movie)
Star Trek X: Nemesis (movie)
Star Wars (movie)
Stearns, Peter; Be a Man! Males in Modern Society
Sterndale, Dr. Leon (character)
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stewart, Matthew: The Courtier and the Heretic
“Stock-Broker’s Clerk, The Adventure of,”
Stonor Case, The (movie)
Story of the Forty-Seven Ronin, The (kabuki play)
story structure; see also narrative imagination
Strand, The (magazine)
Strangers: Homosexual Love in the Nineteenth Century (book)
“Study in Pink, A”: see Sherlock
Strong, Mark
“Studies in the Literature of Sherlock Holmes,”
Studio Ghibli
Study in Scarlet, A ; theatrical play adaptation; TV adaptation; see also “Chizo no Kabe”
St. Clair, Neville (character)
St. Simon, Lord (character)
Superman (character); see also Kent, Clark
Super Smash Bros (video game)
“Sussex Vampire, The Adventure of the,”
Sutherland, Mary (character)
Svensden, Lars: Philosophy of Boredom, The (book)
synthetic reasoning: see reasoning
Takahashi, Makiko: The Development of Japanese Television Broadcasting and Imported Television Programs
Tamamuro Motoko
Tarantino, Quentin; see also Pulp Fiction
Taxi Driver (movie)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV series)
Terebi Anime Damashi (anime)
Testament of Sherlock Holmes, The (video game): see New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The