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Taking Passion by Storm

Page 4

by Ravenna Tate

  Unless he was hurt. That was the other possibility that had been running through Addison’s mind since hearing about Dixon’s disappearance. He might be in a cave but not able to move. In which case, he might die of thirst or starvation before they could find him.

  Either way, Nadine would have a traumatic event in her life to face within a few days, and although Addison would be there with her when they found her father, it wouldn’t be right to use that discovery for his own needs. He’d be the worst shit in the world to do that. No. He had to keep his damn hormones under control for now. She made that nearly impossible, but he’d have to step up and do it anyway.


  Nadine wasn’t sure she could handle it when, an hour later, the clouds built quickly again. This time, there was a shelter close by, but just as they all reached it, the clouds dissipated.

  “False alarm,” said Gina.

  The group laughed nervously as they all watched the sun emerge from behind the clouds, just as if it had been there all morning. Nadine shook her head. “That’s insane.”

  “This is how it is up here all the time now,” said Addison, giving her hand a squeeze.

  “How do you stand it? It’s like walking on edge every second.”

  He grinned and nodded. “Yes. Exactly.”

  She couldn’t imagine doing this all the time, for days or weeks on end. This was what her father had been doing for seven years now. This horrible wind noise, the odd feel to the air, and the clouds that looked like something out of a horror movie, then disappeared as if someone had simply flipped a switch.

  Every single day, all day long. How did anyone stay sane up here?

  She watched Addison walk along, his head held high and his entire demeanor radiating confidence. He didn’t look the least bit afraid. None of them did. As they made their way toward the bunker, they talked about the items they’d found over the years, and occasionally Gina would stop to show them something on the radar.

  It took another fifteen minutes to reach the bunker, and Nadine’s entire body ached by then. The Storm Troopers, with the exception of George, were at the bunker waiting for them. Merrill gave Nadine a big hug, and she was thrilled to see him again. He had a smile that crinkled up the skin around his eyes and made it appear that he was squinting into the sun. That’s what she had always remembered about him.

  “Your dad talks about you all the time, you know. He is so proud of everything you’ve accomplished.”

  Nadine didn’t think she’d accomplished much of anything compared to her father, or to anyone in this group, but she smiled and thanked Merrill anyway. Alesia Gonzales couldn’t have been much older than she was, but her eyes held a maturity and confidence that Nadine wished she felt inside.

  “I met your father once,” she said, “and we talked for hours about tropical storm formation. It’s still his passion, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. It always has been, from as far back as I can remember.”

  Alesia gave her a serious look. “We’re going to find him, Nadine. He’s the most resourceful person anyone in this group has never met. He didn’t let that storm take him.”

  She had to swallow against the sudden lump in her throat. “Thank you. I hope you’re right.”

  The bunker was far larger than she’d been picturing, and it had plenty of bathrooms, which was like finding nirvana right now. After the group who had arrived took care of their more immediate needs, Gina showed Nadine where they had computers in case any of them wanted to check email or do research.

  The Wi-Fi signal in the bunker was too weak to access her email on her phone, and she could have used a cable to plug it into the modem, but instead she logged into her email on one of the computers, only to see if her mother had written her back. She had not.

  While the group caught up with one another and went into the kitchen area to make a meal they could share, Addison took her aside into one of the bedrooms. It looked like she’d always pictured a convent bedroom. Drab walls, single mattress on a metal frame, table, chair, and mirror hanging on the wall. No windows, of course.

  The bathroom was barely large enough to turn around in. She was surprised to find the rooms even had private baths. The bedrooms were all in a row, and she didn’t imagine the walls were very thick. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to sleep here, and almost regretted asking to come on this mission.

  “How are you holding up?” he asked gently.

  She hadn’t been alone with him for any length of time since Saturday morning in her apartment, and an overwhelming nostalgia for her home and job washed over her. She had to keep it together for her father’s sake. She couldn’t simply sit around and wait for someone to find him. “I’m fine.”

  He raised his brows. “That’s it? You’re fine? Nothing else to say?”

  “It’s a bit overwhelming.” She cut her gaze toward the closed door. “Won’t they be looking for us?”


  “They’re making food.”

  “Cold sandwiches and warmed up soup. It can wait a few moments. George won’t be here for a couple of days at least, and we promised we’d wait for him, so we have plenty of time.” Addison sat down on the cot and patted the space next to him. “Have a seat. Let’s talk for a while. I’m worried about you.”

  She eyed the bed. There was no place else to sit, and if she didn’t do as he asked and stay to talk he’d think it was odd. She wasn’t prepared to explain why she was reluctant to be alone in a bedroom with a man. Not under these circumstances.

  Nadine sat next to him. He’d worn jeans and a t-shirt under his ski gear, which most of them had done, but on him it looked better than on any of the others. “Why are you worried about me?”

  “Because you’re so quiet.”

  “Wishing you hadn’t agreed to let me come?”

  He shook his head. “No, not at all, but the others might wonder if my agreeing to this was a wise move. Please tell me what’s going through your head. I want to reassure you if I can, or answer any questions you have.”

  “That cave run was a bit disconcerting.”

  “Of course it was. We all feel the same way every time, I assure you.”

  “You do?” That surprised her.

  “Yes. Absolutely. We know each time up here could be our last. It might not show, but we’re not as foolhardy as you probably think. We love the challenge of being up here, but we respect what the storms can do. That’s why we seek shelter instead of trying to outrun them.”

  He thought her hesitation right now was because of what they’d experienced on the surface. It would be easy to let him continue along that line of thinking, but she didn’t want to become the subject of gossip that would make him look bad among his procurement teams or any of the Storm Troopers. “It’s not only the storms.”

  “I suppose all this must be awkward for you. Being holed up in a bunker with strangers. We know each other so well, but you just met everyone today. Well, except me of course, but it’s not like you and I have had extensive conversations all these years.”

  That, too, would be an easy way out of this. To let him believe she was so quiet because she was with people she’d only just met. “I know Merrill, too.”


  “But overall you’re right. I’m the new kid on the block.”

  He nodded several times. “I realize that. I’ll be sure to make an effort to include you.”

  “Thank you.” She had to set him straight. They might be on the surface for weeks, and she couldn’t keep allowing this kind of awkward conversation to go on. It was already making her feel guilty, and the longer it went on, the worse she’d feel.

  She hadn’t stopped thinking about spilling her guts to him since Saturday, so there must be a damn good reason why she felt compelled to do so. It was time to tell him what had happened to her, and she’d just have to deal with the consequences.

  Chapter Five

  Nadine realized that she couldn’t hear the group in
the other part of the bunker. Maybe she’d been wrong about the walls here? She and Addison were isolated. What if no one could hear them, no matter what they said or did in this room?

  As soon as that thought took shape, she let the erotic images of making love to him surface. Almost immediately, panic tried to overwhelm her, but she pushed it down. Addison would never hurt her. His longtime friendship with her father assured that. Plus, he wasn’t that kind of a man. Sure, he dated around, but that didn’t make him a rotten person who would take advantage of a woman.

  When he reached up and brushed a strand of hair from her face, she tried not to flinch, but it happened before she could stop it. She knew her reaction stemmed from the direction her thoughts had taken, not because she hadn’t enjoyed him touching her, but he didn’t know that. The hurt and confusion on his face mirrored the look he’d given her Saturday morning.

  “I have to keep reminding myself that you’re Dixon’s daughter.” His voice was soft but so damn sexy it took her by surprise, as did his cryptic remark. “I suppose this is the worst possible time to tell you this, but I have to say it. The longer I hold it in, the worse it’ll be, and we might be on the surface for weeks. I need to get this out.”

  A shiver ran down her spine as she realized his words eerily echoed her own decision only moments ago.

  “Nadine … shit. Please don’t be upset with me for saying this.”

  What the hell was he about to tell her? It couldn’t be any worse than the secret she’d been holding inside for four years. “I won’t be. Just say it.”

  “Okay. I’ve always had a thing for you. Ever since you were legal.”

  Holy shit.

  “Um, let me rephrase that so it doesn’t sound creepy. I didn’t lust after you when you were a kid. That’s not what I mean.”

  She swallowed hard and nodded because her voice seemed to have disappeared.

  “I kept it to myself for your father’s sake. I don’t mean because he told me to stay away once you were out of high school. He doesn’t know I still feel this way. I mean out of respect for him. Otherwise I would have asked you out again, and I would have kept asking you out until you said yes.”

  She was stunned into silence. He looked so expectant, so unsure of her reaction, and she realized what an effort telling her that must have been for him. But the muscles in her mouth simply would not move.

  “I know. Don’t say it. I’m a giant shit for telling you all this now. I don’t even know why I did. You just looked so … I don’t know. Vulnerable, I guess, and lost. I had this overwhelming need to protect you, and I realized you had a right to know how I feel.”

  “Addison, I…” She what? How on earth could she tell him this now, after what he’d just confessed? But if not now, when? He had to know.

  He brushed a finger along her hair, and she let out a shaky breath. The mere act of touching her again sent her hormones racing. She had to get this out so he could stop thinking he’d done something wrong. She wanted him, but Nadine knew she had a shitload of mental work to do before she could ever reach that stage. She wasn’t even sure she could reach it. She hadn’t tried in four years.

  This sure as hell wasn’t the right time to find out, was it?

  He cupped her face, and this time she gasped softly. “It’s all right. You don’t have to say anything if you aren’t comfortable doing so. It’s enough to see that look in your eyes.”

  What look? Shit. Time to speak. It’s now or never.

  Nadine took a deep breath. She didn’t think about what she was going to say. She merely let the words come out. “Addison, I think you’re the most drop-dead gorgeous man I’ve ever seen.” All true. “Under better circumstances, it wouldn’t matter if I was my father’s daughter.” True again. Now for the hard part. “I have to be honest, though.” He won’t like this. “I don’t want to be just one more woman who makes the gossip columns with you.”

  Coward. Talk about taking the easy way out.

  He shook his head. “I don’t want that either. I swear it. I was like that. I admit I was, but I’m not that man anymore.”

  And there goes your last defense. Karma, baby. Serves you right.

  “I know that’s hard to believe. I’ve played around for far too long, but no more. It’s not what I want.”

  She hadn’t been expecting him to say that, but hearing it sent a thrill through her. “What do you want?” she whispered.

  He gave her such a look of longing that she nearly cried. This was so normal. It was what she’d hoped for and had never been able to let happen. Even so, the images that popped into her head suddenly weren’t of Addison. They were of that man.

  Would he understand the way she’d kept him at a distance when she told him? Maybe he knew someone who could finally help her deal with this in a real way? In a way that would allow her natural instincts to take over, instead of this hesitation and uncertainty.

  She watched his full lips that begged to be kissed, and then her gaze drifted over to that damn sexy stubble on his chin. He was probably an amazing kisser. He’d certainly had enough practice. Would that mouth on hers make her forget, or would it only make things worse?

  He moved one hand off her face to brush his index finger along her lips, as if reading her mind. His lips curled up at the corners. “What do I want? I want you, Nadine. Only you.”

  Nadine’s pulse raced as he bent his head to kiss her. She held her breath, determined to let this happen so she could find out whether it was possible to react to a kiss from a seductive man in a normal way.

  Just before his mouth touched hers, the door burst open and Lee stood there with a knowing grin on his face. Shit. God only knew what they’d all been saying about her and Addison. “Hey … um … lunch is ready.”

  Addison gave her a quick look of regret, and then he took her hand. She rose with him, waited until Lee turned around, and then squeezed his hand. He glanced down at her and opened his mouth as if to say something, but she beat him to it, whispering so Lee didn’t hear her.

  “There’s something I have to tell you as soon as possible. It’s very important.”

  He frowned. “All right. Do you want to tell me now?”

  “No. I don’t want any speculation among your friends.”

  A shadow of pain crossed his face. “Are you seeing someone? Oh, God. I’m such an ass. It never occurred to me. I assumed—”

  “No.” She cut him off. “I’m not seeing anyone. It’s nothing like that.”

  The look of relief on his face almost forced up a smile.

  “Okay. We’ll talk after we eat then. Agreed?”

  She sighed. “Yes. Thank you.” It would be okay. She’d tell him, and everything would work out.


  Addison wasn’t hungry now, but he ate anyway. It wouldn’t do him any good not to keep up his strength. He and Merrill were the oldest ones on this team, aside from George who was older than any of them. Addison suspected George could run circles around all of them combined.

  As he ate, he watched Nadine carefully. Lee kept glancing toward her with the same stupid grin on his face. Addison would need to do something about that. Nadine felt awkward enough, that much was obvious. She didn’t need to be teased for speculation on top of it.He was the one who had nearly kissed her, not the other way around. This was his fault. He’d have to be careful. The walls were thick in the bunker, but if anything happened between him and Nadine, everyone would know about it regardless.

  There were no secrets on these missions. They lived in quarters that were too close for that, when they had quarters at all. More often than not, they were in sleeping bags on the floor of a cave or in one of the shelters. When they slept, that was.

  He was out of his fucking mind to be contemplating something like this, but the words had come tumbling out before his filters kicked in. This woman had an effect on him that was unlike anything he’d experienced before. He was incapable of rational thought when he was this close to her. />
  So stay away from her.

  Right. Like that would be so fucking easy now, after what he’d told her.

  “Nadine, what was it like growing up with a father who’s a genius?” Alesia sounded genuinely interested, and Addison was grateful. She was one of the youngest Storm Troopers in the country, but she held her own and was fearless.

  “I never got away with not doing my homework.”

  The others laughed, and Addison smiled. Nadine adored her father, and he loved her fiercely. That was enough reason to stay away from her. He respected Dixon, and Nadine needed her dad. They had to find him. They simply had to.

  “How is it you didn’t end up in the same field?” asked Suzanne. “I’d have thought he wouldn’t give you much choice.”

  She shook her head. “He wasn’t like that at all. This is his passion, but he always encouraged me to do what made my heart sing. That’s how he phrased it. Do what makes your heart sing.”

  “What makes your heart sing?” asked Addison. He held his breath as he watched the emotions cross her face. What was rumbling underneath the surface? Did it have something to do with what she wanted to tell him? She was in pain, but from what? What the hell had happened to this girl?

  “I don’t think I’ve figured it out yet.”

  “You have plenty of time. Maybe this adventure will reveal something to you?”

  Merrill cleared his throat loudly, and it was at that point Addison realized how sexually provocative his comment sounded, especially in light of what Lee had come across earlier. He thought about saying something else, but realized that would only make him look guilty. Instead he simply waited for Nadine to speak, hoping she hadn’t interpreted his comment the same way Merrill had.

  “I can’t see myself doing what you all do. I was terrified up there when that storm came up so suddenly.”


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