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Out of Time (Lovers in Time Series, Book 1): Time Travel Romance

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by Marilyn Campbell

"One of my last requests in prison was that they leave my hair intact. But instead of being electrocuted, I'm alive, being chauffeured around in a sports car by a beautiful woman and we're going to a ballgame tomorrow night. I really don't give a damn what you do to my hair."

  From the stadium, she drove to Grant Park. They both stayed alert for any sign of the silver Toyota but she seemed to have successfully lost their tail for the moment.

  * * *

  "You didn't warn me that she's an ex-race car driver!" Evan Dillard complained to his client.

  "That doesn't sound like her. Are you sure he wasn't the one driving?"

  "I can tell the difference between a man and a woman."

  "Did you learn anything worthwhile?"

  "Depends on what you call worthwhile," the private investigator replied. "You said they were lovers but I didn't see anything that confirmed that. Based on lights going on and off last night, I'd say they slept in separate rooms. And all the time I watched them today, I only saw him take her hand once and that was more like to get her attention. No kissy-face like new lovers usually do."

  "Do you have a theory?"

  "Yeah. You said she's famous and has money. I think she's hired herself a bodyguard. I definitely recognized an attitude of protection and surveillance about him."

  The client laughed out loud. Kelly wouldn't hire a bodyguard even if she knew someone was stalking her. She treasured her privacy too much. She and this Duke fellow had made sure he believed they were lovers but if that were the case, why separate bedrooms? And if her houseguest wasn't a bodyguard or a new lover, what was he to her? Once that question was answered, he could figure out how to get him out of the way.

  Still, it would be much better for him if the man was a bodyguard. "I think you're wrong about him being a bodyguard but in case you're not, isn't there some way you could verify that?"

  "Sure. I could show his picture around. See if he's local. If he's a pro, he should have prints on file somewhere. It wouldn't be too hard to pick up a set off her car and look for a match."

  "Good. Do that. And keep following them. I want to know who Duke McCoy is and what he's doing with Kelly. She's very vulnerable right now and I wouldn't want anything to happen to her."

  Unless I'm the man doing it.

  Chapter 11

  "I swear I'm not making this up! People were lined up on both sides of the street, watching this guy in a girl's majorette outfit do cartwheels down the center line with cars whizzing by him on both sides and every time he turns, the little skirt flops down and he's got this red ribbon tied around his pr—uh, privates."

  "Stop!" Kelly pleaded, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. "I've got to catch my breath."

  "But I haven't told you my elephant story yet."

  "Don't you dare," she said wagging a finger at him. "Eat your high cholesterol dinner before it gets cold."

  As she watched him heap a chunk of butter and a spoonful of sour cream on his baked potato, she decided she couldn't remember the last time she'd laughed so hard or so long. It had all started when they were watching the monkeys in the zoo and Jack was reminded of a funny story he had covered back in Detroit when he first started out as a cub reporter. The more she laughed at his stories, the more outrageous they got. At least half a dozen times she asked his permission to incorporate one of his tales in her book.

  She glanced at her watch to make sure they were still on schedule. Knowing what was coming later, she had kept Jack moving from the Cyclorama, through the zoo and on to dinner. They were in a moderately priced restaurant that she chose because it was only a few minutes from Stone Mountain. All he'd insisted on was a place where he could order a rare steak.

  In the back of her mind, she still wondered about the man in the silver Toyota but that concern was pretty much shoved aside by thoughts of what a good time she'd had with Jack all day. She was fairly sure she had never met a man with whom she had so much in common. From their chosen careers to their love of baseball and zoos, they could have been hatched from one mold.

  And they say opposites attract!

  Of course, she'd probably get tired of being around someone who thought like she did all the time and liked all the things she did. It would probably be too much of a good thing. Perhaps, if he wasn't quite so handsome or charming or funny, if he had a few flaws, his perfection might not get on her nerves right away. Perhaps if he wasn't quite so considerate of her feelings.

  But he was the poster boy of consideration. Not once did he bring up her change of heart about their relationship. Not once did he do a single thing that could be called flirtatious. He had accepted her decision and that was that. They were friends. Friends who had everything in common. Friends whose physical attraction to each other almost set the bed on fire last night.

  "Are you feeling all right?" Jack asked.

  She blinked at him. "Yes, why?"

  "Your face got very flushed a second ago. I was worried that something didn't agree with you."

  She shook her head, shrugged and took a sip of iced tea. Something wasn't agreeing with her all right but it wasn't the food. It was a little something called celibacy. She wondered what he'd say if she told him that. It was easy to blame her wanton behavior last night on too much wine. What could she blame it on today? Too much laughter?

  When the waiter brought the check and Kelly automatically handed him her card, Jack's expression darkened. "Do you have any idea how much money you've spent today?" He snorted. "Today? How about, since I landed in your lap."

  She ignored the sensation triggered by his reference to her lap. "I told you, it's not a problem."

  "Well, it's beginning to feel like a problem to me. I need to find a way to start paying you back."

  She clucked her tongue at him. "That's ridiculous. Change places with me for a minute. What if I landed in your—on your doorstep instead? Wouldn't you do as much for me?"

  "Yes, I would do as much for you. But can you honestly say you wouldn't feel at all obligated to pay me back in any way?"

  "Of course, well, I mean, I would... Okay, you win. We'll figure out a way for you to pay me back. How fast can you type?"

  He chuckled. "At least as fast as you can think up the sentences."

  "That's it then. You can be my stenographer slash research assistant, at a rate of pay... commensurate with your living expenses." She unlocked the Camaro's doors with the remote on her key ring.

  "Have you ever hired a stenographer slash research assistant before?" he asked with a skeptical look as he got into the passenger's side.

  "No but I did refer to you as my assistant when I made the appointment with Reid O'Neill's secretary. Besides, I always thought it would be nice to have one."

  "Not good enough. Keep thinking."

  "Are you a neat painter? I wouldn't mind changing the colors in my townhouse."

  "And when would I do this job? While you're sticking your nose into everyone's business in Charming?"

  "Oh. Okay, so I'll keep thinking."

  She was still thinking when they pulled into the parking area for Stone Mountain and noticed how full it was. She had hoped it wouldn't be too crowded but it was a clear summer night and obviously a lot of people had had the same idea she had.

  "Now you get to see why I brought the quilt."

  As soon as he caught sight of the enormous carvings on the stone wall, he stopped walking. "Good God. It's incredible!"

  She gave him a nudge. "As they say, 'you ain't seen nuttin' yet.' Come help me find an empty spot on the grass." Not long after they were settled, the show began. Symphonic music poured over them as brilliant beams of colored light danced in the air.

  "How are they doing that?" Jack asked in utter amazement.

  "Laser beams and computer technology. There's a whole industry developed around special effects like this. Just watch."

  And he did, with his mouth agape most of the time. The truth was, Kelly didn't really know how they made it look like the horses
were galloping or how it appeared that Jefferson Davis' chiseled mouth formed words. She thought it was more wondrous not knowing how the magic worked.

  She had experienced this magic several times in the past, whenever someone from out of town was visiting, but tonight, seeing it through Jack's eyes, made it seem brand new for her as well. Without stopping to analyze her actions, she reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear.

  He glanced at her and she smiled. That was all it took, a touch and a smile and everything changed again.

  Wordlessly, he shifted position so that she was seated in front of him between his thighs. As he wrapped his arms around her, she relaxed against his chest... and sighed with utter contentment.

  They remained that way, gazing up at the stars, long after the show ended and most of the audience dispersed. The only people left were lovers, savoring a few more minutes of wonderment. As if the laser beams had illuminated a dark spot in her mind, Kelly made a monumental decision.

  None of the reasons for keeping Jack at arm's length were practical. The only important thing was that she had never before experienced the sort of passion he roused in her and there might not be another opportunity in the future. He could disappear at any moment. Rather than worrying about having a broken heart, she needed to worry about how regretful she would feel if she didn't enjoy the time they were miraculously granted right now. She wanted, no, she needed to know what it felt like to be with Jack completely, without worries about the future. She just had to figure out how to explain her second complete change of mind without embarrassing herself.

  She closed her eyes and saw them as they were for a few minutes last night, totally absorbed in each other's pleasure and knew, no matter what happened tomorrow, it would be worth the risk. When she suggested it was time to leave, she sensed his reluctance and understood. After all, they had enjoyed a delightful day together and, as far as he knew, it was now over. If she told him of her decision, she was certain it would cheer him up again only she wasn't all that certain they'd make it out of the park without getting arrested. Just thinking about what they would soon be doing had her insides quivering.

  They were both quiet on the drive back to her townhouse but for her it was the only way she could keep from blurting out what was on her mind. She made one quick stop at a drugstore along the way, telling him only that she was out of aspirin. Under the circumstances, even secretly buying condoms felt like foreplay.

  As they entered her neighborhood, he suggested she drive around the block to see if their tail had returned ahead of them. The drive had taken so long already, the last thing she wanted to do was cruise the area but she knew it was the smart thing to do. Since they couldn't see the man or his car, they were able to put him out of their minds for the night.

  When they came to a stop in her driveway, Jack asked, "Do I need to apologize for something?"

  "Why would you think that?"

  "I had a great time today. I thought you did too but you seemed to have tensed up and—did I misread a signal back there? I wouldn't have held you if I thought—"

  She pressed her finger to his lips. "Hush. If I hadn't wanted you to hold me, I would have told you. If I seemed tense on the way home, it was only because I was thinking."

  "Do I want to know about what?"

  "I believe so."

  His concerned expression softened a bit but he was clearly waiting to hear the rest before relaxing completely.

  She shifted her body toward him and gathered her courage. "I've come up with the perfect way you can work off what you owe me."

  Jack leaned back and frowned. "You were thinking about my payback? I was hoping we'd be talking about sex."

  "We are. When I woke up this morning, the old, virginal me took over and insisted it would be wrong to have sex with a virtual stranger. But I've been repeatedly told celibacy is detrimental to my creativity, especially with what I write. And I now realize I was being ridiculously old-fashioned about needing an emotional commitment to enjoy sex. The bottom line is, we have no way of knowing how long you'll be here so you can't make me any promises, even if you fell madly in love with me. However, I think we like each other and we have a lot in common, plus the physical attraction is... well, I've decided that's more than enough."

  He leaned toward her for a kiss but retreated again. "Wait a minute. I just remembered how that paragraph started. Are you suggesting I pay you back with sex? By... servicing you... like a gigolo?"

  Now it was her turn to frown. "Well, that makes it sound..."


  She couldn't clearly see his expression but he sounded amused. "I'm trying to be practical. I don't know the going rate—"

  His burst of laughter cut her off. "Practical? Is that author-speak for coming up with an excuse to do what you want to do without feeling guilty about it? You know very well how much I want to have sex with you, so it's actually im-practical for you to think you'd have to pay me for it."

  She was somewhat relieved that the shadows in the car prevented him from seeing how hot her cheeks were. "I didn't realize... I'm so stupid..." As quickly as possible, she got out of the car and rushed to the front door but, while she struggled with her keys, he caught up with her.

  Covering her trembling hand with his, he helped her get the door unlocked and they went inside together.

  "C'mon, Kelly," he said softly, drawing her into his embrace. "I wasn't laughing at you... directly. I laughed because what you suggested was funny. Think about it from my point of view."

  Kelly sighed, took a deep breath, then looked up at him with a sheepish expression. "You were right. It was an excuse for what I really wanted to do. I should have just been honest."

  He kissed the tip of her nose. "Yes, you should have. But I probably shouldn't have laughed. Was the part about celibacy blocking your creativity true?"

  She nodded. "Darren, my agent, insisted that was my problem. Even offered to set me up with a pro stud. I guess that's where I got the idea. I know, I was being stupid."

  He grasped her shoulders. "Stop saying that. I've seen stupid up close and you are as far from stupid as a person can get. In fact, I think your agent had a good idea. Since I never earned money by having sex, I can't claim to be a professional, but I'm certainly not an amateur. I think, with a little extra effort, I could manage to, uh, stir up your creative juices."

  She felt herself blush but decided to say what she was thinking anyway. "Extra effort is hardly necessary."

  He gave her another kiss on the nose for that. "Still. If I accept your proposition, I will feel obligated to perform outside of the box, pun intended. That is, if you're willing to get a little... creative with me."

  She arched one eyebrow. "You do recall my admission of limited experience."

  He grinned. "Yes, I do. For what I have in mind the only thing you'll need is imagination, and I know you have plenty of that. I just have one question. Are you absolutely sure?"

  She met his gaze and smiled shyly. "Absolutely. No more mind-changing on my part. I promise." She closed the distance between their mouths as an exclamation point. The kiss quickly turned from a confirmation to a demand. Now that she had declared her intention, she didn't want to wait another second to experience it. She lured his tongue into her mouth and sucked on it as a prelude to everything else she wanted to do to him.

  When her hand moved to the button of his jeans, Jack broke the kiss and gasped. "Upstairs?"

  "Too far." No longer needing to hide her desire, her hands franticly moved over him, pulling up his t-shirt, desperate to touch bare flesh. The need to absorb every part of him into every part of her was overwhelming. She had never wanted anything in her life as much as she wanted this.

  Quickly catching up, he yanked off his shirt and then hers. The rest of their clothes were stripped in between bouts of desperately hungry kisses. Only when they'd progressed from standing to lying on the carpet with every inch of his body pressed against hers did Kelly realize sh
e'd left the condoms in the car. "Damn!"

  Jack instantly released the breast he was groping. "Did I hurt you?"

  "No-o-o," she whined. "I bought condoms at the drug store and left them in the car."

  He chuckled. "Such a practical lady. But I don't need a condom for what comes next. Again, pun intended."

  As he nudged her onto her back and positioned himself between her legs, she wondered if it was going to feel anything like it had in her dream. But once his mouth and hands moved from thoroughly caressing her breasts to directly arousing her sex, she had her answer. The sensations he'd triggered in her dream paled before the real thing. She didn't know exactly what he was doing down there but he had her entire body trembling in seconds and quaking mere seconds after that. It was powerful, incredible, and over much too soon. She wanted more and she wanted it immediately.

  But then she remembered the condoms were still in the car. Which helped her remember Jack had been just as horny as she was, maybe more. She urged him up, over her body and felt the evidence of his restraint against her thigh as she kissed him hard on the mouth. "That was... wonderful. Thank you."

  He chuckled. "But not nearly enough, right?" He quickly rolled onto his back with her on top of him. "Straddle me."

  "We can't—"

  "Shhh. Trust me."

  She obediently straddled his hips and as soon as his erection was nestled into her dampness, Jack nudged her hips back and forth.

  "Oh," she sounded as she continued the slow, sensual slide.

  "You seem surprised," he said curiously.

  "Will was more interested in—" Kelly gasped as a particularly sensitive spot got stroked.

  Jack prodded, "Will was more interested in..."

  "I don't want to talk about Will. I'm enjoying this too much."

  "But part of what we're doing is slowing things down. We could talk about the weather, or baseball. But I'd rather hear about how Will failed you as a sex partner... so I can better spark your creativity... as agreed."

  She wanted to laugh but she found that spot again and figured out how to control it. "Um, he, uh, tended to limit our interactions to in-and-out of the box... pun intended."


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