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Crystal Muse

Page 10

by Heather Askinosie

  Timmi, on the other hand, felt great. She had purged her past and released her fears, leaving her with that “top of the world” feeling. She frequently turned to me on the plane, teasing me about being a baby and telling me I needed to get over it.

  When I arrived home, my family was waiting for me to celebrate Mother’s Day. I quickly hugged my mom, immediately ran to the bathroom, and then went to bed. Not only did I feel physically horrible, I also felt guilty because I couldn’t celebrate Mother’s Day with my mom and kids. Obviously, I wasn’t winning any Mother (or Daughter) of the Year awards.

  Timmi headed over to her mom’s house for the family Mother’s Day dinner. Unlike me, who was having an intense physical reaction to the purging of emotions, Timmi was holding everything together . . . or so she thought.

  She walked into the house, feeling better than she had felt in years. “Hey, everyone! Happy Mother’s Day!” she said. As they sat down at the dinner table, Timmi asked her husband, Jim, if he had remembered to pick up the gift for her grandma. When he apologized for forgetting, in the blink of an eye, Timmi transformed from Gandhi to a self-righteous brat.

  In front of everyone, she rolled her eyes and remarked, “Of course you did. I should have known this would happen. I should have just taken care of it myself. Then it would have been done right.”

  Timmi’s mom, Terry, looked at her in complete shock and horror. “Well, Jim was taking care of your kids while you were off being ‘spiritually enlightened’ in Mexico. Maybe you should give him a break.”

  As dinner progressed, the emotions built. Every little thing bugged Timmi, from the clinking of the forks to the way people breathed, to the “non-spiritual” conversations around the table. Her head started pounding. Why am I here? I feel terrible, she thought.

  Then the gift exchange began. At a breaking point, Timmi turned to her mom and said, “I have the perfect gift for you. This book has helped me to become compassionate, loving, and gracious. I think you would really benefit from this.”

  Terry looked Timmi in the eyes and said, “You should really follow through with the things you read.”

  Timmi’s jaw hit the ground. “Excuse me?!” Her mom repeated herself. The whole room went silent.

  “I do!” Timmi screamed. “I’m on a spiritual path!” She proceeded to flip off her mother and exclaimed, “Fuck off!” in front of everyone. Then she stormed out, leaving her mom and family in disbelief on Mother’s Day. Yes, the Temazcal purge had finally hit her and hit her hard.

  Seventeen hours later, after some much-needed rest, Timmi awoke horrified by her uncharacteristic episode the night before. She called me and confessed what had happened with her mom. She felt physically ill from the guilt. I couldn’t believe Timmi had acted that way—it was so unlike her. I suggested she get off the phone and send her mom the biggest, most beautiful bouquet of flowers with a simple note that read, “I’m sorry. I love you, Mom.”



  Being on a spiritual path is not all unicorns and rainbows. It stops you in your tracks and kicks you in the ass when you least expect it. You have ups, but then you have downs. You aren’t blissed out all the time. Why? Because as you become clearer, you see the truth. This clarity doesn’t always make life easier. It forces you to be honest with yourself and take ownership of what you’ve created. It’s as if every step forward takes you into the unknown, and when you turn around to walk back into the safety of your comfort zone, there’s no longer a door to get back in. You’re forced to move forward, knowing the old way no longer exists.

  After our intense breakdown came our breakthrough. We realized that we already held within us all the necessary tools to be spiritually and financially successful. Instead of relying on others to solve our problems, we had to take responsibility and solve them ourselves. By shifting our perspective, we were able to see our financial debt as an opportunity to grow, rather than viewing it as a burden. This awareness changed our business from that day forward, and a huge breakthrough did happen, clearing the path for a new beginning: David Beckham was spotted in public wearing our jewelry only days after we returned. The image went viral, catapulting our business to new levels.

  Maybe there was some wisdom to the shaman’s blessing, strategically placing the bamboo, having the Amethyst hold the space for abundance, and purging our fears?

  Trust us, there was!



  One of the biggest lessons we learned from our trip is that when you stir up energy with deep healing work, it’s vital that you give yourself enough time to process it. You may need to temporarily retreat in order to come back into balance. Obviously, Timmi and I were not ourselves when we returned. We missed that very important step of getting grounded before reentering our everyday lives.

  On the spiritual path, it’s easy to become enchanted by new ideas and heart-opening ways to tap into the “real you.” But as the real you emerges, remember that not everyone around you is going through the same transformation. This doesn’t mean that you need to avoid or leave people who aren’t in your new frequency. It simply means you need to be patient with yourself and know that you’re in a time of change and healing. As you become more connected to your truth, you’ll know which mind and heart space you’re in. You will also know if it’s time to take action or to retreat.

  Smoky Quartz




  COLOR: Light to dark smoky gray and brown

  ORIGIN: Found in many locations, including Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, Scotland, and the U.S.

  HISTORY AND LORE: When Smoky Quartz enters a room, it (metaphorically) opens all the windows and lets in all the light. It clears the dust. With its deep brown tint, Smoky Quartz has been used in mourning jewelry since the 16th century, and was especially popular in Victorian-era Britain.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: If something no longer serves you, Smoky Quartz gives you the clarity to let it go. Working with Smoky Quartz helps you to overcome negative emotions like stress, fear, anger, jealousy, and even feelings of depression. It’s often referred to as a “mood elevator” stone. Smoky Quartz is a gemstone that connects you to the energies of the Earth, helping you to keep both feet on the ground and remain balanced in any situation. It’s an ideal crystal to be used in grounding, centering, and stabilizing energies, but it also aids in removing negative energy from your body. It’s a wonderful tool for clearing the mind during any meditation practice and is one of the best crystals to use with the root chakra.



  TIME FRAME: 3 to 5 minutes daily or as needed

  A spiritual awakening isn’t a quick fix. It isn’t something anyone else can do for you or that you can wrap up in a few days. The process can take years. It isn’t about the final destination because, in reality, there is no final destination. As the saying goes, “It’s about the journey,” and what you learn about yourself along the way. This ritual will help you become balanced and grounded back into the Earth when everything else in your life feels as if it’s spinning out of control.



  2 Hematite spheres that fit into the palms of your hands for grounding, balance, and focus

  1 Smoky Quartz crystal for centering and stabilizing energies

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage


  Ideally, this ritual should be done outside with bare feet on the Earth. If this isn’t an option, you can do it indoors. The most important thing is that you do it! This is definitely a simple ritual that can be done daily.


  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Hold the crystals in your hands, close your eyes, a
nd take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of becoming balanced, grounded, and aligned with the Earth’s energy. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Stand with your feet slightly parted and firmly planted on the ground. (If it’s more comfortable, you can sit in a chair with your feet firmly on the ground.)

  Place the Smoky Quartz between your feet, and hold the Hematite spheres in your hands.

  Take 3 deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth.

  With each exhalation, move your awareness to your first chakra (located at your tailbone). Silently say, I am grounding my energy into the core of the Earth.

  Visualize a white ball of light spinning within your body between your hips. See this light expanding, filling your first chakra. Visualize this light traveling from your hips down to your knees and to your feet.

  Visualize a thick cord—a few inches in diameter—filled with light and growing from the sole of each foot, traveling down to the core of the Earth. See the cords from your feet become one as they dive deeper and deeper into the crystal core of the Earth.

  See the cords rooting into this crystal core, and allow yourself to feel centered and connected. Release all your fears, burdens, anger, and unresolved issues into the light, propelling them down the cord into the Earth.

  Inhale deeply. Starting at the core of the Earth, see the intertwined cord fill with white light. Visualize the light traveling back up the cord, separating into two balls of light as the cord splits into two and enters the soles of your feet.

  Visualize the two balls moving up to your knees and rejoining at your first chakra.

  As you finish your visualization, gently open your eyes. You are now grounded.





  COLOR: Blue green

  ORIGIN: Found in many locations, including Australia, England, Israel, Mexico, the U.S., and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

  HISTORY AND LORE: Chrysocolla was the original chill pill. This crystal has been helping people embrace their “inner mellow” since the time of Cleopatra. Named by the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus, Chrysocolla translates to “gold glue.” It was often used by ancient Egyptians in jewelry soldering to bond with gold, hence its name. Cleopatra was said to wear Chrysocolla everywhere because of its calming, feminine power.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: This crystal connects to the heart and throat chakras to promote balanced, thoughtful communication and tranquility. If you need to seriously destress, calm your nerves with the soothing blue energy of Chrysocolla. It works well to eliminate tensions in the home, or in an end-of-the-day purifying bath.



  TIME FRAME: 40 days

  From Stonehenge to the Egyptian pyramids, many sacred stone structures have been built throughout history. Native Americans constructed sacred medicine wheels, laying stones on the Earth in a specific arrangement. Medicine wheels are used in rituals for healing, introspection, celebration, enlightenment, meditation, and prayer. They’re believed to create movement and change.

  This ritual will teach you how to construct your own crystal medicine wheel, which will act as an overview of the ebb and flow of life. The act of placing each crystal in your wheel is symbolic of the phases, cycles, and lessons we all have in life. This medicine wheel will take you through the cycles of life, where you have to break down to break through so that you can grow and begin again. Then the cycle starts over, playing out differently every time. Each crystal will reveal a unique message for you as you travel around the wheel.

  As each of us becomes more aware of this cycle of life and we start to heal ourselves, we realize how vital it is to heal the energy of the Earth. We are one with the Earth.



  A space that’s at least 20" x 20"

  A pinch of tobacco as an offering to the Great Spirit

  Crystal Medicine Wheel Diagram

  Crystal Medicine Wheel Stone Placement and Meaning chart

  A blue pen—blue is the color of truth. It’s believed that you’re more likely to retain information when you write it in blue ink.

  A journal

  The 36 stones listed in the chart

  1 Clear Quartz point to activate your crystal grid

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage

  Crystal Medicine Wheel Diagram

  Crystal Medicine Wheel Stone Placement and Meaning


  1 Clear Quartz point or cluster Clarity, gratitude, and connecting to the Divine

  2 Chrysocolla Patience and self-reflection

  3 Citrine Life purpose and yang energy

  4 Moonstone Internal rhythms and yin energy

  5 Petrified Wood Grounding and stability

  6 Malachite Purification and transformation

  7 Pyrite Manifestation, vitality, and taking action

  8 Indigo Gabbro Transformation, emergence, and rites of passage

  9 Tree Agate Earth element—centered and rooted

  10 Selenite Air element—higher consciousness and spiritual awakening

  11 Ocean Jasper Water element—fluidity and change

  12 Mookaite Fire Element—forgiveness and letting go

  13 Clear Quartz Clarity and amplification

  14 Hematite Rest and relaxation

  15 Blue Apatite Healing and truth

  16 Sunstone Fearlessness and courage

  17 Chrysocolla Inner balance and perseverance

  18 Moss Agate Connection with nature and consistency

  19 Carnelian Bonding, ancestors, family, and relationships

  20 Garnet Passion and inner power

  21 Amethyst Rationality and practicality

  22 Bloodstone Conquering your fears and shadow side

  23 Malachite Igniting change and versatility

  24 Obsidian Perceiving and mirroring the feelings of others

  25 Shungite Healing and detoxifying your mind, body, and spirit

  26 Aventurine Self-love, joy, and positivity

  27 Quartz Purity and clarity

  28 Sodalite Spontaneity and openness

  29 Jade Abundance and wisdom

  30 Labradorite Truth and illumination

  31 Fluorite Growth and healthy boundaries

  32 Blue Lace Agate Trust and expression

  33 Rose Quartz Unconditional love and acceptance

  34 Black Tourmaline Focus and knowledge

  35 Dumortierite Meditation, empowerment, and self-reflection

  36 Tiger’s Eye Strength and endurance



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Place all your stones where you’ll be constructing your medicine wheel and sit in front of them. Close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of healing, awareness, and love. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Go outside and make an offering to the Earth. An offering is an important way to give back to Mother Earth for all that she gives to us. Take the tobacco in one hand, and raise the offering to the sky while saying, “This is an offering to the sky. Thank you for the air that we breathe.”

  Touch the tobacco to the ground, and release it there, saying, “Thank you for providing us a home that we can live upon.”

  Now you’re ready to create your medicine wheel in your space! Set up your medicine
wheel in the area you have designated so that it won’t be disturbed for 40 days. The purpose of this ritual is reflection, growth, and clarity—and these things take time.

  Refer to the Crystal Medicine Wheel Diagram and Crystal Medicine Wheel Stone Placement and Meaning chart for guidance in placing your crystals while creating your medicine wheel. Don’t rush the process. Take time to feel the energy of each stone as you place it in the appropriate space.

  Once you’ve finished placing all the stones, activate your crystal grid with the Clear Quartz point. Starting from the outside with the Tree Agate, use the point to draw an invisible line between the stones to energetically connect them to one another. Think of it as “connecting the dots” like when you were a kid. After you finish, take a moment to gaze at your beautiful creation.

  When you’re ready, quietly sit in front of your medicine wheel with your eyes closed. Take 3 long, deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth.

  On day 1, spend time focusing on stone 1, which is Quartz. It symbolizes clarity, gratitude, and connection to the divine. What do these words mean to you in your life right now? Think of what you can shift to invite more of these energies into your life.

  After you’ve answered these questions in your head, write them down in your journal. Take some time to write out concrete ideas—a game plan—as to how you’re going to make these changes happen.

  Repeat steps 8 through 10 with a different stone every day until on day 36, you’ve made it all the way around your crystal medicine wheel.

  On day 37, look at your notes from days 1 through 10. What did you write about these aspects? Do you need to add anything to your action plan? What wisdom did you extract from the experience?

  On day 38, do the same with days 11 through 20.

  On day 39, do the same with days 21 through 30.


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