Crystal Muse

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Crystal Muse Page 19

by Heather Askinosie

  At the end of the 11 minutes, snuff out the candle, and drink the water from the jar. It has been charged with the energy of the Full Moon and the Sun.

  Disassemble the altar within 3 days of the Full Moon. Return any altar elements you can to the Earth—such as scattering them in a park. Bring your crystals back inside to an area you’ll see daily to remind you that you’re one with the cosmos. All other items, such as the candle, can be used again for the next Full Moon.

  Repeat this ritual as often as you’d like to remain in alignment with the Full Moon each month.





  COLOR: Green and pink

  ORIGIN: Brazil, South Africa, and the U.S.

  HISTORY AND LORE: Give your third eye 20/20 vision with the energy of Unakite. Named after the Unaka Mountains of North Carolina where it was first discovered, it is thought to assist in meditation by encouraging a sense of presence. It is also thought to release energies of the past, especially those that are toxic.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: Free yourself of the negative energy of past mistakes or hurt, and live in a moment of tranquil understanding. Unakite will guide you to find your place of grounded power. It enhances your energy field by dissipating negative forces. Unakite is especially recommended for those attempting to move on from emotional pain, and for pregnant women trying to establish a connection with their baby. This crystal is helpful for anyone hoping to amplify their present spirituality.

  “The moon drives your deepest feelings, the fine-tuning of your character, your instinct and intuition, your emotions and your reactions.”


  astrologer and author





  “Creativity is simply an expression of the self—the highest self that is, the part of us that is pure Source energy. And since we are all born as the physical embodiment of this, not only is creativity our birthright—but we are born to create.”


  journalist and founder of The Numinous

  I STARTED DESIGNING CRYSTAL JEWELRY IN THE YEAR 2000, AND MY FIRST NECKLACE COLLECTION WAS TO BE BASED ON NUMEROLOGY. I collected hundreds of strands of gemstones from all over the world. The first time I saw them all lined up together, I was amazed. Each strand glistened with light, energy, and beauty. I couldn’t wait to get started.

  But every time I tried to create a pattern, I stopped. The crystals were astonishing, but my designs were lacking vision and creativity. I knew I wasn’t “in the zone.” I kept trying to push through my creative blocks. Surely, something would emerge if I just kept at it, right?

  Well, not exactly.

  After endless hours with nothing to show for my best efforts, it was clear that my inner creative child had left the building. I was on my own. Did I mention I had a looming deadline hanging over my head? If I finished the collection on time, there was a chance that one of my pieces would be featured in a national fashion magazine. This was a huge opportunity. Our business was still very new, and Energy Muse was one of the only companies designing crystal energy jewelry at the time. Getting the magazine exposure would give us a large platform to introduce crystal energy to the mainstream. But I had absolutely nothing done—nothing.

  I was getting desperate. I needed to act fast. There was only one thing left to do—immerse myself in orange. (The color orange inspires creative energy.) I ran to my room, threw on an orange T-shirt, put on Carnelian earrings and a Sunstone necklace, threw a Tangerine Quartz point in my pocket, and screamed, “Creativity, I demand you come back to me right now!”

  Orange must have gone on a playdate with my inner child, because nothing but silence filled the room. There were no bursts of inspiration or sudden visions of beauty. There was only more and more . . . nothing. Until finally I heard the tiniest, saddest voice in the room—mine—tell me the truth: My creativity took orders from no one. And she wouldn’t be back until she was good and ready.

  The truth hit me hard. My eyes filled with water and tears rolled down my cheeks. I lay on the floor in a fetal position and blubbered like a baby. How had I lost my muse? We had a perfect relationship, once. I had always felt the most alive when my creativity and I were in sync. It was magic to feel her life force pumping through my veins, opening my heart, and aligning me to the cosmos. When we were together, everything was fun, silly, and playful. Together, we had unlimited possibilities.

  But now something was off. I was vibrating at a different level from my creativity. Time was running out. How was I going to produce amazing, magical, powerful, magazine-worthy designs on my own?

  As my tears dried and the reality of the situation set in, I accepted that my creativity was denying me entrance into her magical chamber. She’d abandoned me in my greatest time of need.

  I smoothed down my orange T-shirt, rearranged my stones, and stood. I’d have to create the necklace alone.

  And then it hit me. It takes two to tango. For as much as my creativity had abandoned me, so had I abandoned her.

  I grabbed the hundreds of strands of crystals and placed them carefully into an open box. I made them a promise: From this moment forward, they would come with me wherever I went. If this relationship was going to work, we needed to spend more time together. We had to become each other’s priority. Together, my beads and I attended dinner parties, went to the grocery store, sweated it out in yoga class, and slept together (you know, side by side).

  As my deadline loomed closer, something finally started to break open between us. The more I interacted with the crystals, the more they interacted with me. I realized that I had forgotten how many layers there were to them, how different they looked depending on the light or environment. Instead of being angry with them, I started remembering why I had fallen in love with them in the first place.

  And then one day, I heard, “Combine the Larimar crystals with Labradorite, and add some pearls.” I jumped. Did I just hear what I think I did? Wary of questioning the voice further, I slipped my hand into the box and gently lifted out the beads. To my astonishment, I started creating patterns. Gorgeous, beautiful, magical patterns! Within 15 minutes, my first design was done. It was perfect—it felt energetically balanced and complete.

  My heart sang. I promised my creativity that I would never take her for granted again. I made my deadline without a second to spare. The numerology collection was a huge success, and the necklace named Seven was featured in Elle magazine.

  Perhaps you too have felt your creativity pull away. Maybe, like me, you’ve even felt abandoned by her. If so, then this chapter is for you.



  By carrying around the box of beads, I solidified the connection between my creativity, my heart, and the crystals. We were in sync once again. I came to realize that I was the one who had locked her out. I had been so mentally focused on my deadline that I had temporarily suffocated her. I was no longer creating from my heart. The moment I stopped having fun with my creativity, I could no longer hear her. It wasn’t that she left me, it was that I had shut her out.

  I also learned that everything has its own time. Pushing harder to make things happen can sometimes take you farther from where you need to be. It was only when I changed my strategy and got out of my own way that I was able to open the path for my muse to return. Without the deadline, I might have quit designing the numerology series altogether and moved on to something else. In hindsight, the deadline was my biggest blessing. It forced me to be uncomfortable and confront myself. I always had the choice to quit, but I knew that surge and euphoria of being in the creative flow, and I wanted it back. I wanted me back.

  Creativity encourages the human spirit to look further into the possibilities that reside within. Crystals have the ability to do the same. Each on
e has its own story to tell. Within its walls are the messages and wisdom of the Earth. The way to tap into that wisdom is through silence. By breathing deeply and placing two crystals on your body with the intention of fully opening yourself to the energy of love, you’ll be granted access into a magical place of creativity. In the silence, you can hear the inner voice of your heart. This voice knows you better than the voice in your mind.

  The crystals taught me to reconnect not only with the energy and wisdom of the Earth, but to reconnect to my heart. The minute I did that, the floodgates opened.




  11 minutes daily for 7 consecutive days

  Your heart always leads you in the right direction. How will you know? You will be filled with renewed passion, inspiration, and bliss. This ritual will reconnect you to your inner child, who likes to play, get messy, and feel the creative love.



  1 Carnelian heart for creativity, passion, and joy

  1 Rose Quartz heart for opening the heart to unconditional love

  1 journal

  Your favorite pen

  A timer

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Hold the crystals in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of creativity, heart connection, and imagination. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  When you go to bed, lie down, and place the Carnelian over your sacral chakra (your lower abdomen to navel area) and the Rose Quartz over your heart.

  Keep the crystals on your body for a minimum of 6 minutes. The number 6 is the number of love and connects with the heart.

  As you rest in stillness with your crystals, ask your heart to guide you to receive creative and inspirational messages. When you find the connection between your creativity and heart, that’s where the magic happens.

  After you’ve finished, place the crystals under your pillow, and allow the energies they hold to work as you sleep.

  When you awaken in the morning, grab your crystals, journal, and pen, and find a comfortable spot with a flat surface where you can write in your journal.

  Place the Rose Quartz heart next to your journal.

  Hold the Carnelian heart in your non writing hand, and set the timer for 5 minutes.

  Begin writing. Allow all the messages that were downloaded during the night to be put on paper. Even if some of the messages seem silly, don’t discount them, as they may lead you to another creative idea.

  Repeat steps 3 to 10 for 7 consecutive days.





  COLOR: Reddish orange

  ORIGIN: Found in many locations around the world, including Brazil, Madagascar, and India

  HISTORY AND LORE: Carnelian is the life of the party. This crystal is all about vibrancy—from its color to its energy. If you feel trapped or bored within your mind space, Carnelian is the energy you will want to invite inside. The ancient Egyptians wore these blood-colored gems to add vitality and life to their otherwise lacking garments.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: Creative juices seem to flow more easily with this crystal, known for empowering passion. Whether you need to boost your sex life, work life, or creative life, Carnelian will inject you with a surge of vitality. Use it when your self-esteem or confidence is being tested. This stone activates the sacral chakra for sex and creativity. It will encourage you to connect with your basic instincts. This is the perfect crystal for people who work in creative fields and need a punch of brave, motivational energy.



  Timmi and I have completely different creative processes. I have a hard time creating with too much structure, while she thrives on structure. I’m the yin to her yang (or maybe it’s the other way around).

  Timmi is a multitasker; her motto in life is, “Get it done.” Just when you think she’s checking e-mail or listening to an audio book, she’ll jump into a conversation happening in the next room.

  Timmi is also a list maker. When I finished the numerology collection and showed her the new necklaces, she was excited about the design but even more excited that I had made the deadline. (I always make it in the nick of time, but that stresses her out.)

  Immediately Timmi started to make a list of more things to do. Without even looking up at me, she said, “There’s so much to do now that the collection’s finished. I want to make sure everything gets done.” This was when her creative process began.

  “It’s my way of bringing creative structure and organization into my life,” Timmi will say. Not surprisingly, I’m just the opposite. Writing too many lists hinders my process, and I lose my creative flow. The combination of our creative processes creates the perfect synergy, and the end result is better than we could ever achieve individually.

  The ritual that follows will do for you what Timmi and I do for each other—get you out of your comfort zone so you can get out of your own way.




  However long it takes to get you out of your box!

  It’s normal to want to stay in your comfort zone. It’s the perfect place for you to feel safe, content, and secure. But staying in that comfort zone really does put you in a box and smothers your creative potential. Boxes are small and restrictive; they prevent you from growing and expanding.

  If you long for more creativity, ask yourself, Am I living my life constrained in a box? If the answer is yes, this is your wake-up call. It’s time to mentally, physically, and emotionally leave your comfort zone behind so you can enter into a new space of creative brilliance. The act of physically cutting open a box reprograms your mind so that you can access the limitless possibilities of the universe.



  1 box—a shoe box, cereal box, or cracker box (any type of box will do)

  1 pair of scissors

  1 black marker

  1 Clear Quartz point for growth, expansion, and unlimited creative potential

  1 gold metallic pen that can be used to write on your crystal

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your designated space, and cleanse your crystal.

  Use your scissors to cut the box open until it’s completely flat and you can see the whole interior.

  Using the black marker, write all over the inside of your box with words, phrases, and pictures that represent your fears, regrets, limiting thoughts, or anything you feel holds you back from reaching your creative potential.

  When you’ve written everything you want to include, tear up the box, and throw it away. By throwing away the box, you energetically release your self-imposed limitations and make space for the creativity you desire.

  Hold the Clear Quartz point in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command this crystal to hold the intention of creativity, inspiration, and expansion. I release any limitations that surround me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Using the gold metallic pen, write words on each side of the Clear Quartz point t
hat represent what you wish to expand, create, or shift into. This programs your point to hold these energies for you as you make your shift.

  Place your Clear Quartz point on a table next to your bed, and allow its energy to work with you as you sleep. Every morning when you wake up, you’ll see it and be reminded to live your life expanding outside the box.



  Every year, Timmi and I work with kids in the local community. We volunteer to teach art classes where we show the students how to make gemstone bracelets. Because children learn about earth science in elementary school, they’re usually familiar with the mineral world. Many of them can identify the stones by color, mineral content, and even the region where they’re found.

  Every time we start a class, we ring a Tibetan singing bell. Often without being prompted, the kids will immediately sit in meditation position—legs crossed, hands on knees, palms up. (Well, it is California!)

  We always bring in a large variety of beads and let the students choose whatever they want for their bracelets. There are no guidelines. When everyone’s finished, we have them sit in a circle, where they will each stand and show off their creations. We encourage the children to give each other positive feedback. This process allows them to see that one idea (a bead bracelet) can be interpreted in many different ways. It also gives everyone a safe, judgment-free environment, allowing them the freedom to have fun and be creative.

  These classes are some of our most rewarding events every year. They remind us of what it was like when we were kids, creating with no boundaries, simply guided by our hearts. We didn’t care so much then about the end result or even what anybody else thought.

  We’ve heard it said that “the creative adult is the child who survived.” But sometimes even for the creative adult, the daily responsibilities of life force the creative spirit into hiding. As adults, we can simply fail to see the value of the inner child. We need to recapture that childlike sense of innocence and wonder. But how?


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