Crystal Muse

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Crystal Muse Page 20

by Heather Askinosie

  To get out of a creative slump, the best thing you can do is begin creating something—anything. Start with baby steps. Don’t expect to go from 0 to 10 within hours; the process takes time!

  The next ritual will inspire your inner child to come back and play. The Creative Spirit Stick you’ll design in this ritual will be a visual representation of the playful creativity that lives within you. While you’re collecting the treasures to decorate your stick, you’ll have time for inner reflection. Each item will require you to decide if it resonates with who you are right now. Keep note—or, if you’re like Timmi, make a list—of what attracts you for your stick. These items will represent a reinvented version of your creative self.

  Always remember there’s no wrong or right way to do this ritual. The most important part is to have fun, try something new, and listen to your heart. Then whenever your to-do list threatens to take up all your time, the Creative Spirit Stick will remind you to embrace your inner child again.




  It’s up to you. How long will you allow yourself to play?

  You’re about to embark on a creative treasure hunt to collect items to decorate your Creative Spirit Stick. The sky’s the limit; the most important thing is to take your time and not rush the process. Make sure everything you choose has meaning. For one person, a seashell might represent coming out of their shell, while to someone else, it might represent gourmet dishes with shellfish. Maybe you received a gift with the perfect ribbon that you can wrap around your spirit stick.

  Let yourself be playful, and let finding the materials be an adventure that gets your creative juices flowing again.



  1 wood stick that’s roughly 12" long and at least 1" in diameter. The wood stick acts as a physical symbol of your creative self. The energy of wood is foundational, thus giving your creativity a solid foundation. If you don’t live in an area where sticks are readily available, visit a local craft store. (You may need to remove the bark from your stick in order to allow your embellishments to adhere to it.)

  6 stones that represent the colors of the rainbow—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Tapping into these rainbow colors can awaken the childlike wonder within your soul.

  Red is for passion. Pick a red-toned crystal such as Red Jasper or Garnet to reclaim energy and action.

  Orange is for creativity. Pick an orange-toned crystal such as Carnelian or Sunstone to ignite enthusiasm and joy.

  Yellow is for happiness. Pick a yellow-toned crystal such as Pyrite or Yellow Jasper for light and opportunity.

  Green is for harmony. Pick a green-toned crystal such as Malachite or Aventurine for love and opening the heart.

  Blue is for communication. Pick a blue-toned crystal such as Sodalite or Lapis Lazuli for self-expression and truth.

  Purple is for intuition. Pick a purple-toned crystal such as Amethyst or Fluorite for spiritual growth and transformation.

  1 glue gun and several glue sticks

  1 pair of scissors

  Any additional materials to make your stick feel as colorful, playful, and creative as you wish, such as yarn, additional crystals, bells, ribbon, raffia, thread, fabric, dried flowers, or seashells.

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Hold the 6 stones (and any others you added) in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of connection, creativity, and inspiration. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  We like to place the crystals in the order of the colors of the rainbow, and glue them starting at the bottom of the stick. If you’d like to follow this, start at the bottom, glue the red crystal, followed by the orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple crystals. Gluing the crystals in a row is just a suggestion, of course. You can glue them anywhere you want—there are no rules!

  Decorate the stick with any remaining materials you like.

  When you’ve completed your Creative Spirit Stick, connect with it by placing it in a space where you’ll journal, paint, garden, work, and so on. Remember that your stick was made with your creative energy, and it holds that energy for you to tap into whenever you need it. Trust yourself! Your creative spirit is always within you, waiting for you.





  COLOR: Mostly orange or red and can have hints of brown, gray, and white

  ORIGIN: Canada, India, Norway, Russia, and the U.S.

  HISTORY AND LORE: Just as the Sun brings life to all living things on Earth, Sunstone will breathe life into your creative spirit. Sunstone promotes energy, vitality, and creativity. A Native American legend says that Sunstone came from the blood of a great warrior who was wounded by an arrow. The warrior’s blood, which gave Sunstone its shade of red, carried his spirit into the stone. In Viking culture, Sunstone acted as a compass. Sunstone was placed on a ship’s mast to point voyages and spirits in the right direction.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: The effervescent energy of Sunstone is inspiring. This stone nourishes the sacral chakra, encouraging confidence, power, and leadership. Freed from self-doubt, your creativity will flourish.

  “Creativity for me is driven by nature. Each season reveals a new crop of ingredients or what can be deemed a fresh palette for me to create. Mother Nature is the inspiration in my kitchen.”


  celebrity chef and television personality





  “The true concept of destiny is ultimately vibrating and broadcasting the biggest, most compassionate version of yourself.”


  senior Kundalini Yoga teacher and founder of RA MA Institute, TV, and Records


  Over 20 years ago, I stumbled upon a book about crystals and chakras and was so inspired that I called the author and asked if she would meet with me. To my surprise, she said, “Yes!” I booked a ticket for Hawaii the next day, and my journey with the crystals officially began.

  Once I arrived at her home, the scent of plumeria flowers filled the air. I was lulled by the palm trees swaying in the wind. She led me to a healing room and instructed me to lie down on a thick mat on the floor. One of the first things she told me was how important it was that I go visit Pele, the legendary volcano goddess whose home is in the craters of Kilauea. Since Pele holds the essence of the Big Island, she told me it was important that I physically experience her energy by walking on the volcano.

  The more I learned about Pele, the more I became intrigued by her energy. Some people consider Pele to be a Hawaiian myth, but many believe she’s real. She’s a goddess of the Earth who destroys with her molten lava flames to make room for the creation of new life. Her presence is mesmerizing and unpredictable. She might be active and visible one day, but quiet the next.

  After the author explained Pele’s energy, she said, “I’m now going to lay crystals on and around your body so that you can feel Pele’s healing energy of transformation, which can create a new beginning in your life.” I remember this moment so clearly. Within seconds, I felt my body travel deeper and deeper into the core of the Earth. It felt as if I was rooted, grounded, and nurtured all a
t the same time, as if Mother Earth was cradling me in her arms.

  After some time, the foundation underneath my body was uprooted, and a surge of energy went through my spine. I was now energetically above my body, no longer enclosed within my physical form. It was like I was floating in space on a giant crystal. I had transmuted into a streaming multidimensional beam of light expanding into the universe.

  An hour passed. When I opened my eyes, I knew that a doorway had been opened for me to access another dimension—one that existed beyond time and space. I would never look at my life the same way again. An entire universe existed beyond what my physical eyes could see. Yet, at the same time, I knew this universe also resided within me; it was just a matter of accessing it.

  For years I continued my studies of ancient healing modalities with various kahunas on the islands.

  When we first began working on this book, Timmi and I decided to take another journey to Hawaii together. Years ago, at the beginning of our business, we had promised ourselves that we would do one thing every year to learn something new about the world of wellness and spirituality. For the book, we wanted to make sure we were on the cutting edge of the crystal world, so we traveled back to Hawaii to reconnect to the islands’ magical energy.

  Some say each of the seven Hawaiian Islands corresponds to one of the seven chakras in the body. Our initial plan was to visit three specific islands that would help us reconnect to a peaceful mind, a relaxed body, a warm heart, and the spirit of aloha. To reignite the flame within our physical bodies, we would go to the Big Island—the island of fire, transformation, and new life. It’s linked with the first, or root, chakra, which is associated with security, survival, and everything solid in life (home, body, and the ground we walk on).

  The second stop would be Molokai to reconnect to the spirit of love. This island is considered to be the heart of Hawaii and is linked to the fourth, or heart, chakra. The third and final stop would be Kauai, the oldest island, which is connected to insight and intuition. It’s linked to the sixth, or third eye, chakra and is a place to clear and expand the mind.

  We’ve often heard that the islands either embrace you or kick you out. If you respect them, tap into Mother Nature, and stay open to receiving their messages of synchronicity, you’ll be guided on a life-changing, magical journey. We were about to find out if that theory was true.



  From the moment we stepped foot on the Big Island, we felt the vital life force that permeated the land. It was alive! We heard a strong message that we’d be able to reconnect with our true nature as we tapped into the healing power of Mother Nature.

  To reground and reconnect with our physical bodies, we decided to drive around the entire island, stopping at sacred sites along the way. The Big Island isn’t called “big” for nothing, so we had long stretches of uninterrupted time between each stop to clear our minds and reclaim our inner stability. During this time, we allowed ourselves the space to rediscover what we each needed in order to let go, heal, and thrive.

  As we drove farther and farther into the island, the scenery looked like another planet, morphing from lush greenery to large areas of uninhabited parcels of land, to barren lava, to forests full of tropical rainstorms. Then suddenly the Sun would burst through the clouds to reveal white sandy beaches.

  I had an abrupt realization that how quickly these conditions changed was a metaphor for life. Traveling around the Big Island, it became crystal clear how easy it is to stay stuck in our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. The truth is, all we have is the moment of now. Whether we like it or not, we have to continually adapt to different climates and scenery.

  At some point, we’d been driving for so long that my mind started to unwind, and a game of hide-and-seek began. In the silence of the drive, I came face-to-face with the part of myself who wanted to seek the truth of who I really was, as well as the part of me who wanted to hide from my shadow side.

  The hours passed and the scenery continued to change. Questions started to fill my mind. Why do I hold on to these limiting beliefs of shame, guilt, and worry? Why do I choose to stay hurt and harbor resentment against those in my past who I once considered good friends, work associates, and old lovers? How can this serve me in any way?

  Sure, every hurtful situation could easily be justified in my mind, but the other person had already moved on. Why hadn’t I? By holding on to the resentment, I was the only one who was continuing to be hurt. And worst of all, those dark emotions were energetically stored in my physical body. Talk about an energy suck and emotional downer!

  When we got out of the car to walk on the beautiful Big Island, the majesty of the Earth made me realize how insignificant those resentments were. Now was the time to let them go, and Hawaii offered the perfect practice for us—Ho‘oponopono, which means “to make right.”

  I had already discovered this ancient practice of reconciliation and forgiveness when I visited Hawaii years earlier and was introduced to a Hawaiian medicine woman named Nahi Guzman. Ho‘oponopono is a practice to clean up and correct any problems in your life. As we forgive others, we also forgive ourselves.

  Nahi would do Ho‘oponopono for me whenever I visited her in person. Back in California, she would work on Timmi or me via phone. Oftentimes she would clear the air between us or within our business.

  When she passed away, I felt that a piece of Hawaii had left my heart. I never stopped missing Nahi, but I stopped doing Ho‘oponopono. And because of that, I had forgotten how important it is to forgive ourselves and others in order to heal the physical energy of the body.

  That day on the Big Island with Timmi, I remembered. We gathered our crystals, grounded into the land, and did Ho‘oponopono. When we were finished, we felt lighter, happier, and limitless.




  11 minutes daily for 7 consecutive days

  In today’s fast-paced society, we are constantly bombarded by information. It has never been more important to remain grounded than it is right now.

  When you’re grounded, centered, balanced, and connected with the Earth’s energy, it’s easier to stay collected no matter what happens. A strong foundation is characteristic of a balanced first, or root, chakra which is the base of all your chakras and sets the groundwork for the other six.

  In order to gain the benefits of Ho‘oponopono, it’s important to be grounded into the energy of the Earth so that you feel supported. In its simplest form, Ho‘oponopono is a self-healing practice of taking full responsibility for everything in your life—good and bad—and working toward making it right. It’s a continual process of personal development that focuses on four aspects: feeling sorry, forgiveness, thankfulness, and love.

  This ritual will help you ground into the rooted energy of the first chakra and take full ownership of what isn’t working in your life. By allowing yourself the time and space to forgive yourself and others, you reclaim your power and open the door to a new beginning.



  2 Black Onyx stones to release unwanted energies

  2 Red Jasper stones for stability and nurturing

  1 Smoky Quartz stone to ground and let go

  1 Shungite stone to neutralize any energy that’s released throughout the duration of the ritual

  1 small abalone shell to bring calming and healing energy

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Hold the crystals in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy
and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of forgiveness, gratitude, and love. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Lie down in a comfortable position, flat on your back. You may need to have someone help you place the crystals on your body. Place the crystals in a downward-facing triangular-shaped grid over your pelvic area, where your first chakra is located. A triangle is a symbol that connects the mind, body, and spirit, and a downward-facing triangle represents the power of the divine feminine.

  Place the 2 Black Onyx stones at the inside of each hipbone on your lower stomach, creating the two top corners of the triangle.

  Place the Smoky Quartz stone in between the Black Onyx stones to finish the top edge of the triangle.

  Place the Shungite stone on top of your pubic bone to form the lower point of the triangle.

  Place the 2 Red Jasper stones between the Shungite and the Black Onyx to finish off the remaining two sides.

  Place the small abalone shell in the center of the triangle.

  Keep the crystals on your body for a minimum of 11 minutes, as you think about what you want to release and “make right” in your life.

  Use words from the traditional Ho‘oponopono practice. As you say: “I’m sorry”—you acknowledge whatever you’ve attracted into your life and take full responsibility for it.

  “Please forgive me”—you ask for forgiveness for anything you have knowingly or unknowingly done to others or to yourself.

  “Thank you”—you express thanks for the experiences that allowed you the opportunity to learn and grow.


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