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Manhattan Sugar (From Manhattan Book 1)

Page 17

by V. Theia

  His dirty talk rocketed me forward.

  He pumped and pumped.

  Unrushed strokes, and then he cupped around my throat, turning my head to fix his mouth to mine. It was a kiss that ignored logic and reason and became everything about our wants and needs.

  Gray’s mouth was something I needed.

  The want to have this man made me see all the stars.

  On and on Gray never went easy on me. He gave me the inches I’d asked for and then some, until all of him was buried to the hilt and when he let go with a hoarse, rusty grunt of my name, his pleasure pulsed hard enough to coat my inner thighs.

  When my orgasm descended it almost broke me in half. He railed every spasm out of me until my vision blinked out. I had a vague memory of chanting Gray’s name and other nonsensical words as he folded down over me, thrusting one last time, his face buried into my neck.

  We held on to each other like disaster victims.

  I felt wrecked.

  Well fucked and soothed once more.

  He dropped necklace kisses around my nape. “Who owns this shuddering well satisfied-pussy?” I was made up of stardust and orgasms at this point. I would have given him the nuclear codes if I had them. “You, Grayson.” I panted as he ever so slowly began pulling out of me. I jerked with both pain and pleasure. Gray’s fingers replaced his cock, first fondling my outrageously-sensitive mound right before he pushed them into me to keep his pleasure on the inside of me.

  The act was both indecent and heart stuttering.

  “There we go, that wasn’t so hard to say, was it?”

  He had no idea how difficult it was to give any part of myself away.

  Once back on my feet he, like a gentleman, fixed the shirt, rebuttoning the ones popped open. He dropped a kiss to my mouth with his eyes lust-filled.

  “I love seeing you wearing my things.”

  His sex-laced voice didn’t make me jump so much as give me an all-over body shimmer starting from my hair down to my painted toes and I unconsciously cuddled into him.

  “I’ll go through your closet and pick out pants and tie for me to wear too,” I joked, only for Gray to grunt and palm the crease between my thigh and butt cheeks. The skin was overly erogenous, and I had to step away or find myself bent over something again and really, I needed to have some upper hand in this thing somewhere without acting like a horny cat in heat every minute of the day.

  “Come into work with me today.” He said handing me my lukewarm coffee. Before I could sip or answer, his mouth swooped, kissing deeper with the flat of his tongue stroking mine as he set my world on fucking fire.

  We’d spent two nights now getting to know what the other one enjoyed.

  Gray loved kissing.

  He didn’t just love it, he loved it.

  So, when I tipped my head back and moaned around his tongue, vibrating our mouths, he kissed me a little more frantic in exploration.

  Gray’s groan trembled through me at an alarming speed considering how quickly he’d just pleasured me. Both hands fell to my butt, tugging me hard against him. My fingers roved his neck and face.

  Each kiss shared was uniquely brand new.

  His renewed hardness dug into my belly and sought my heat like he was a missile and me the enemy. I didn’t try to stop him, if anything I went up on my toes to better access all Gray with my fingers driven into his hair. The friction was hot enough to start a kitchen fire. Kissing, breathless, we became a stolen moment in the new set of time we’re made for ourselves.

  I didn’t care to understand it, or it would scare the pants off me.

  I just understood that we were a desperate embrace.

  A beating heart with two mouths and four arms.

  Breathing heavily, he touched his brow to mine, his mouth slightly open at the edge of my vision. I slid a hand free and touched his pouty bottom lip.

  “Come to work with me, India. I don’t want to spend all day without you.”

  I found myself nodding. I didn’t want to go all day without him either.

  He grinned and rubbed his thumb over my wet mouth.

  We showered together… may have fooled around a little with the hand soap and his cock. I found the upper hand I’d lost, and it was in the shower giving Gray the best hand job of his life while he pleaded for me to don’t fucking stop, don’t ever fucking stop, baby.

  Spoiler alert; I didn’t.

  Not until I made the rock star pop over my fingers.


  Ahh. So that’s what that emotion felt like. I hadn’t known until now.

  Two things I learned quickly entering Gray’s modern-styled building; he had a gorgeous Starbucks-worthy coffee station I wanted to road test each coffee pod and women of all ages fawned over him like he was the second cousin of Jesus Christ.

  Seriously, I was standing right here, with my hand tucked inside Gray’s and he even introduced me as his girlfriend … only a tiny swoon for that … and women were giving him the come fuck me eyes.

  Jealousy. There was a powerful word.

  Oh, what fresh hell was this?

  It bothered me that I was bothered.

  Never had the green-eyed monster attacked me. I’d been on the other end with jealous lovers, but me? Not once. One swish of his secretary’s fantastic ass in her A-lined knee length, burgundy skirt and I was fuming for the blatant way she smiled and called him Mister Ellison all breathy like a she-slut in heat. I recognized her unrequited attraction to him.

  I wouldn’t be that woman who pissed a mark around her man.

  I wouldn’t be that woman who—

  “Hey, Grayson baby. Show me your office?” I purred seductively loud enough several people heard. I swished my blond hair and cocked a hip letting whoever was spying know we wouldn’t be looking at potted plants once we were behind those double doors.

  Yep. I was that woman.

  No wonder he looked at me with equal parts lust and confusion since it was the first time I uttered the B word.

  “Don’t even say it,” I said once he’d closed us in the office.

  I was pathetic, pitiful, weak and—Gray pinned me against the door with a thump using just his hips and kissed the ever-loving hell out of my mouth, rubbing his tongue against mine until I became boneless.

  “That was sexy.” He groaned forehead to forehead.

  My pulse accelerated with the hardness he rubbed into my belly.

  When I managed to slide out from under him, I took a sweeping breath to calm myself. Thankfully Gray was a gentleman and didn’t poke fun at my jealousy. He did say he’d bring me to work again though. “I’ll just see to a few things, and then we can get out of here. Is there anything you want to do with the rest of the day?”

  I really wanted to dive into redecorating his apartment if I were honest. Not that it wasn’t nice. It was gorgeous for a bachelor, it just needed life breathing into it.

  “Lunch. You need to feed me. Then maybe we can wander around the city for a while?”

  He smiled and motioned me over to sit while he got to work.

  He worked. And he was sexy as hell doing it.

  I took pictures of his hands, his thick wrists, the side of his face and the sweep of his charcoal hair with the light dusting of salt throughout and I posted them to Instagram. They got hit with likes immediately.

  My popular sugar daddy.

  Lunch was at an Italian bistro that served bread and oil right there on the table. I let Gray do the ordering to see how he’d cope. You wouldn’t believe how some men crumbled with the responsibility of ordering food.

  The boy did good. I smiled to myself sipping a sparkling mandarin water.

  “Baby, keep looking at me like that and we’re leaving.”

  I didn’t realize I’d fallen into daydreaming mode staring across at him while we waited for our food.

  I grinned with closed lips and flipped my gaze from his mouth up to his eyes. “What? I like looking at the way you lick your lips knowing where
they were this morning and last night and yesterday.”

  Gray inhaled hard enough to suck the table cloth then exhaled a small growl, throwing down his napkin. “That’s it, we’re going.”

  I giggled, garnering attention from other tables. “Relax, Sugar D. I need feeding before I deal with you again so soon.” His patient glance blistered me hot enough to take my breath as he drummed fingers on the table top.

  He appealed more than food, but my belly told me it was time to eat.

  But after a few bites, and Gray’s distracting seared glances from under his thick boy-lashes I couldn’t have chewed another bite.

  Maybe sensing my changing mood or he caught the way I eyed him up and down, he threw down some money, far too much for the few morsels we ate, and took my hand.

  “Hold it in for a second, India.” He said seriously, and I giggled following at his side.

  His driver appeared at the back door ready to open for us.

  “Go grab yourself something to eat, Joe.” Gray told him and almost shoved me into the back seat before I could hear what driver-Joe replied.

  The door closed behind us with a click and thank god for tinted windows as my pulse sped up and clattered along my throat. “Giving me that look in public…” he about growled, shrugging out of his jacket. “I’m not a fucking robot who won’t react to it, India.”

  Holy shit. Gray Ellison was going to car-sex me up.

  Gray glanced out of the window. We weren’t parked on a quiet street and I was sure we were in front of a meter. Sex on a time limit. Jesus, my body went into spasms, reaching for him he knocked my hand away. “Clothes off, India. Be quick about it.”

  I wasn’t gonna lie and say I didn’t enjoy him bossing me around in that roguish voice of his. Because I did. Too damn much.

  Picture it; backseat of a Bentley. Me naked as the day I slid into the world and Gray with only his pants unzipped, gaped wide open.

  My head was about to explode.

  I climbed onto his lap, making sure to glide up on his stiffness until he hissed. Gray got a hold of my butt to fix me in place.

  “Fucking outside of a restaurant. See what you’ve reduced me to,” he groaned helping me to sit down on him.

  My head went back, a moan rattled my throat. “I know. I know. I’m sorry.” This man had the strangest ability to knock me off kilter in the best way. It wasn’t panic mode, it was all pleasure. He treated me with such care and attention. With respect and I didn’t want to think about the L word, not yet, even though I think his gaze gave him away as he helped me ride him.

  “So beautiful,” He groaned. His eyes didn’t leave my face.

  Slow. Gentle. Easy.

  We steamed up the windows. Gray made a harsh noise in the back of his throat—something animal-like, warm and lovely. He kissed me tenderly like we were making love in his bed.

  We came together.

  Gray’s face pressed into my chest and my hands clasped in his hair. It was a moment within a moment and I didn’t want to come down from the ceiling.

  “Best,” pant. “Lunch.” pant. “Ever,” I said breathlessly letting out a short laugh and found Gray’s ready mouth to kiss a second later. “But now can we go home for some cereal?” He chuckled, giving me one of his sinful just-got-laid grins.

  “Do you do this a lot?” I said once back in my clothes. I looked like a sexed-up mess. And felt great about it.

  Gray texted Joe to let him know he could come back.

  As if Joe wouldn’t have the first clue what we’d been doing…. “Take off to fuck in cars.” I clarified.

  “Never, baby-girl. Only with you.”

  Over a giant bowl of Cap’n Crunch back at the apartment, I spent an exorbitant amount of Gray’s money online ordering special piece décor items at his prompting when I told him my vision for each room.

  The rock star had rocked my literal world in more ways than one.

  I felt like the least I could do was put my flair for décor into his home.

  But, holy shit. Rich folk and their money. I felt guilty the more I ordered but told myself it was for the greater good. And it was hella fun. My one-click finger was broken.

  Gray helped me undress that night when he found me curled up half-asleep on the couch with my laptop on my knee. We brushed our teeth together, he used the toilet while I put on my eye cream and then we climbed into his big bed and I crawled into the middle where we met. I found my place under his arm and his thick, hairy thigh went over mine, his cock nestled into my belly.

  After all that, and so much making out in the dark until my teeth, lips and hair were numb, he kissed the side of my neck with a little chuff of air. “You are so beautiful when you’re happy, baby-girl.”

  I hummed. “I had a nice day, Grayson.”

  I fell to sleep with the lull of his trailing fingers on my spine.

  The thing about happiness is; there’s always something to remind you of reality just around the corner.

  “Okay, ma. I’ll be over soon.”

  “Problem?” Asked Gray pulling on a T-shirt over his magnificent torso and I was too distracted with my head elsewhere to even enjoy the view.

  It was the weekend and we had plans to celebrate living together for a week by having a picnic in Central Park and going for a boat ride. It was such a cheesy date and something I’d never done before. I was excited to walk holding his hand being cheesy together.

  “No…I don’t know.” I sighed looking for my purse. “I think we might have to cancel, I don’t know how long it’ll take, sorry, Gray.” Tearing open a door I spat a curse nearly breaking a newly manicured nail in my haste to check in the second hall closet, digging through boots and totes. Gray caught me by the arm, drew my back into his chest, his arms folding in around me. “Calm down, baby. What is it you’re looking for?”

  “My stupid purse.” I huffed. “It has my subway card and wallet.”

  “You’re not taking the fucking subway. We’ll go in the car.”

  There he went being fucking selfless and kind again, but I couldn’t allow him to upturn his life to deal with the mess of mine all the time.

  “I can go by myself, no point both of us wasting a day.”

  “Finish getting dressed, I’ll find your purse.” He kissed the side of my head and let me out of his arms. “Breathe, India. Was your mom upset?”

  “No, she just sounded agitated and that’s three steps away from her having a meltdown.” Stabbed with disappointment for our lost date then a double hit of guilt a second later because I’d do anything for my mom and she needed me

  I knew her loneliness got the better of her sometimes. I’ve tried with countless conversations to get her back in the community again, her refusal was steadfast.

  Swift and harsh the bubble of helpless anger came unbidden.

  Was this always going to be my fucking life?

  Was this the only destiny I had to look forward to?

  And like any anger, I took it out on the wrong person as Gray stroked my back. I flinched away from him. “I’ll go on my own,” I snapped. “This is my crap.” Trying to get around him, he stopped me with his hand on my wrist. “What’s wrong?”

  The longer I took getting to mom, the likelihood of her being in a state weighed on me. “Nothing.”


  I rounded on him, my irritation erupted out of every pore, and I hated myself for it “Jesus Christ. I said nothing, Gray, okay? Fucking nothing.”

  He got in my way and stopped me from leaving. And that only made me worse. I wasn’t used to people seeing me less than perfectly put together both inside and out and I was … ashamed, which resulted in my being pissed off.

  Not his fault. Not his fault at all.

  Using his hips, he held me against the wall, my hands caught in one of his held above my head.

  I was trapped.

  And boiling under my skin.

  Unsure if it was lust or pissed off. Maybe a mixture of both.

/>   “Why are you so angry?” Piercing gray eyes captured easily as he’d pressed me into the wall.

  Not even an elevated measure in his voice which was just maddening.

  Didn’t the man have an emotion other than calm and collected?

  God, that pissed me off.

  I grunted and tried to buck him off me, which only resulted in us both groaning together when his thickness pressed into the softness of my belly.

  “Get off me.” I hissed tersely.

  “I’m not on you. I’m against you. Remember last night when I crawled into our bed.” Our. The word pinballed around my head, my heart gathered speed and panic rallied the troops ready for me to freak my fuck out right there in the hallway where I hadn’t even had time to put on my shoes when I had the brilliant idea to leave.

  No such luck with road runner here.

  I glared up and had the infuriating thought to move the sweep of hair falling over his eyes.

  “And I woke you by prying your legs open, so I could lie on top of you?” He continued, “that was me on you, baby-girl.”

  “Fuck your semantics. Get off me now.”

  “When you tell me why you’re suddenly angry.”

  His thumb worked the skin of my wrist and whatever voodoo magic it wielded it somehow slowed my breathing.

  “I’m always angry. Didn’t you know that? I’m always fucking angry, Gray. Doing this same crap over and over makes me angry.”

  If I cried now I’d hate myself.

  This was why I didn’t do relationships. They always wanted more out of me than I had to offer.

  If I gave Gray what he wanted I’d be left empty and have no reserves for these fucked up days where I needed my strength more than ever.

  The look on his face was one of understanding.

  He was the most understanding man I’d ever known and why did that make me even madder?

  Half of me still expected him to turn around and say “Ahh, changed my mind, Bye, India.”

  “Sweetheart, why are you angry?”

  His hold loosened an inch. I stayed right there. My arms fell as I glared.

  “Why can’t you just be a regular guy who doesn’t give a fuck what I do and only care when he’s next getting his dick wet? A regular guy would have let me walk out that door to deal with my crap, not harpooned me to the wall with his giant fucking bulge.”


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