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Angel's Mission

Page 11

by Pamela J. Nerren

  The crowd pleaded again. “Come on, Angel!

  She laughed and put both her hands up to try to dissuade them again as they clapped and cheered her on. “You can’t possibly be that desperate,” she joked.

  There was another round of encouragement from the crowd, making her look at Kevin for help. Instead, he gave her a challenging look. “Afraid?”

  She threw his challenge back at him. “I will if you will.”

  He smiled. “You’re on.”

  The crowd started in again, and she gave up. “All right, all right, what do you want to hear?”

  “Why don’t you sing Patsy Cline’s ‘Crazy’?” Teresa was the first to answer.

  A round of applause went up in the room.

  “Okay, “Crazy” it is.” She took the stage and picked up the microphone.

  “This ought to be interesting.” Kevin crossed his arms over his chest and waited for her to begin. Diego put on the music, and Angel began to sing.

  * * *

  Crazy, I’m crazy for feeling so lonely,

  I’m Crazy, Crazy for feeling so blue,

  I knew you’d love me as long as you wanted,

  And then someday you’d leave me for somebody new.

  * * *

  Angel stepped off the stage and strolled into the crowd, swaying to the music and singing to some of the locals, working her way around the room.

  * * *

  Worry, why do I let myself worry,

  Wondering what in the world did I do?

  Oh, crazy for thinking that my love could hold you.

  * * *

  Angel started back towards the stage through the crowd.

  * * *

  I’m crazy for trying and crazy for crying,

  And I’m crazy for loving you.

  * * *

  She took center stage as she finished.

  * * *

  I’m crazy for trying and crazy for crying,

  And I’m crazy for loving you.

  * * *

  The entire crowd applauded and cheered except for Kevin. He stood there in complete bewilderment. She can sing! His Angel could really sing! He hadn’t expected that. He stood there in awe, watching her bow to her audience. Then she sauntered to him and handed him the microphone. “Do you think you can top that?”

  For a couple of seconds, he paused. Then he smiled, took the microphone, and walked over to a couple of the locals who had brought their own instruments. He took his notebook out of his pocket and showed them what was written on the paper there. After explaining what he wanted, he borrowed a guitar, and the three of them took the stage.

  Someone brought Angel a chair and placed it directly in front of the trio, now tuning up their guitars and the violin and preparing to play. She thanked them and sat as Kevin adjusted the microphone and spoke to the crowd. “This song is a little something I threw together in the last few days.” He looked straight at Angel when he spoke again. “I hope you like it. It’s called “Angelina”.”

  Several oohs and ahs came from the audience, and Angel blushed. Then the room fell quiet when Kevin began to play the guitar and sing.

  * * *

  You look in the mirror,

  But you don’t like what you see,

  Whoever it is you think you are today,

  That’s not who you want to be,

  * * *

  The grass is looking greener,

  In that field across the road,

  You lifted all that weight today,

  Time has come to ease your load,

  Let me ease your load,

  * * *

  Tilt your head back Angelina,

  Close your eyes and drift away,

  You’ve done everything that you can do,

  To save the world today,

  * * *

  Don’t you tell me, where you’re going,

  Baby, I don’t need to know,

  Just as soon as you are ready, Angelina,

  I’m coming with you when you go,

  I’m coming with you when you go,

  I’m coming with you when you go,

  * * *

  You hang up the phone,

  But you don’t like what you heard,

  They all tell you that they love you,

  But you don’t believe a single word,

  * * *

  You’re sick from all that plastic,

  And that one last piece of cake,

  You were feeling so elastic,

  Now you feel like you could break,

  Girl I won’t let you break.

  * * *

  Tilt your head back Angelina,

  Close your eyes and drift away,

  You’ve done everything that you can do,

  To save the world today,

  Don’t you tell me, where you’re going,

  Baby I don’t need to know,

  Just as soon as you are ready, Angelina,

  I’m coming with you when you go,

  I’m coming with you when you go,

  I’m coming with you when you go,

  * * *

  Ooo, you were dancing in the kitchen,

  When you thought I was in bed,

  With some imaginary partner,

  To some slow song in your head,

  * * *

  And the light shown through your dress,

  From the refrigerator moon,

  And I dreamed I was your dancer,

  And I dreamed this was the tune,

  * * *

  Tilt your head back Angelina,

  Close your eyes and drift away,

  You’ve done everything that you can do,

  To save the world today,

  Don’t you tell me, where you’re going,

  Baby I don’t need to know,

  Just as soon as you are ready, Angelina,

  I’m coming with you when you go,

  I’m coming with you when you go,

  I’m coming with you when you go

  * * *

  When the song was finished, the entire room, including Kevin, waited for a reaction from Angel…any reaction. He could see her hands shaking, tears in her eyes.

  Slowly, she stood, and Kevin handed the guitar to one of the guys. He stepped off the stage and stood in front of her. She looked terrified. “Are you in love with me?” she asked shakily.

  He looked her in the eyes. “Yes. Yes, I am,” he whispered.

  Without saying a word, she turned and ran from the room. Kevin stood there, frustrated and confused, running his fingers through his hair. That certainly wasn’t the reaction he expected.

  Diego took the stage. “Let’s give Kevin a round of applause.”

  The crowd gave him a slow standing ovation, and he walked uncertainly back to his table and sat, unsure what to do now. Diego was announcing the next singer when Luisa came up to Kevin. “I think I can help you.” When he turned to her with bewildered eyes, she smiled. “It’s okay. Come with me.”

  He followed her into the kitchen and leaned his hip against the counter. “Luisa, what just happened in there? Did I do something wrong?”

  Luisa shook her head, rummaging around in the kitchen. “No, Kevin, you did everything right.”

  Curious, he watched her pack a basket with food and supplies. “Then why did she run? I thought she might be happy or excited or, or...” He sighed. “Or maybe even angry, but instead she ran away.”

  “You don’t understand, Kevin. You have given her something she never thought she would have.”

  “What’s that?”

  Luisa walked over to him and took his face in both of her hands. “You saw her.”

  Kevin looked even more confused.

  “I don’t mean her physical body. I mean you looked inside and saw who she really is, what she’s really passionate about. You saw her.”

  He smiled. “I did, didn’t I?”

  She laughed. “Yes, you did. Now take this and go to her.”

  He kissed Luisa
’s forehead and took the basket she gave him. “Thanks, Luisa. I owe you one.”

  “De nada. Now go.”

  He went. Minutes later, he shuffled his feet in the hallway outside Angel’s bedroom. What if she wouldn’t talk to him? Then what would he do? His heart pounded as he took a deep breath and knocked on her bedroom door. When she stepped out into the hall, he was afraid to speak for a moment. Has she had been crying? She looked so fragile and delicate standing there in front of him in her silky pink gown and robe that he wanted to touch her—to try to ease the hurt he felt he had somehow caused, but he was so afraid she would run away again. Instead, he spoke softly to her. “Hi, I brought you something. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Is that a picnic basket?”

  He gave her a half-smile. “Yeah, I thought we might have a little picnic. Just you and me, right here in the living room, if that’s okay.”

  “I…” She looked about to refuse. Had she been so shaken up by the idea of him falling in love with her?

  She couldn’t keep the emotion out of her voice. “I, ah, I wanted to tell you…” She paused for a moment and cleared her throat. “Thank you, Kevin. Your song is…” Blushing profusely, she looked around, obviously trying to grasp the words to describe what she felt. Once she found them, she looked him in the eye. “Breathtaking. It’s the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m glad you liked it,” he said softly, taking a tentative step towards her. “How about it, Angel? Will you come with me?”

  She eyed Kevin standing there in his neat jeans and white dress shirt and looked down at her robe. “Let me change. I think I’m a little underdressed.”

  His eyes lit up, and he set the basket down at her feet. “Wait right here.” He took off down the hall, pausing at the doorway to his bedroom. “Don’t move.”

  A couple of minutes later, Kevin rushed back down the hall, wearing a pair of bright orange boxer briefs, a short navy-blue terrycloth robe, unbelted and hanging open with a pair of fuzzy yellow house slippers that were made to look like ducks. Angel couldn’t help but laugh.

  He tried to look indignant. “What? You don’t like this? These were Christmas presents from my niece and nephew.”

  “You look adorable.”

  He picked up the picnic basket and held his arm out for her. She only hesitated for a second before she took it and let him lead her into the living room.

  He placed the basket on the coffee table and sat on the sofa, patting the seat next to him. Once she was seated, he pulled the basket over and opened it up. “Let’s see what we’ve got here. There are some sandwiches, cheese and crackers, fresh strawberries, and, wow, a very nice bottle of wine.”

  Angel made a face. “If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather drink water.”

  “I thought you liked wine?”

  “Sometimes, but not tonight. I think I need to keep a clear head.”

  Kevin threw both his hands up in mock disgust. “I knew it. The outfit was just too much for you, wasn’t it? Don’t tell me, the ducks did the trick, right? I knew that was overkill, but I really thought I could pull it off.”

  She giggled. “Actually, your ducks are perfect.”

  He put the wine back in the basket. “Okay, water it is.”

  Angel pulled the paper plates, napkins, and forks out of the basket and filled their plates while Kevin retrieved two bottles of water from the refrigerator.

  For the next few minutes, they shared their meal and made small talk about the clinic. She had begun to relax when there was a lull in the conversation and Kevin turned to her. “You were right, you know.” He placed his plate on the coffee table and sat back to look at her.

  She set her plate down next to his. “About what?”

  He leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees, and looked down at the floor. “I don’t like to talk about myself. Once people find out what I do for a living, they aren’t interested in me anymore, but my profession and what I can do for them with it.”

  “You mean people like me?”

  That brought him up short. “No, I don’t mean that at all.” He studied her curiously. “Why would you think that?”

  “Because I put you on the spot and pushed you into working with us this week.” Before she looked away, Kevin saw the shimmer of tears.

  “Angel, look at me.” When she didn’t move, he took her by the shoulders and turned her towards him. Taking her chin in his hand, he gently tilted her face up to his. “Without a doubt, I can promise you that I don’t regret one minute of one single day ever since I met you. I’m glad I came here.”

  She smiled through her tears. “Me too.”

  He leaned in closer and caressed her cheek. He desperately wanted to kiss her. For a fraction of a second, he thought he might get his wish as she started to lean in to him. But then she backed away. He took a deep, frustrated breath and let it out, to turn to her calmly and quietly. “Angel, are you ever gonna let me kiss you?”

  Slowly she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, barely grazing the corner of his lips. When she backed away, he looked her in the eye. “No, Angel, I mean really kiss you. Like a man kisses the woman he loves.”

  Angel paled. She opened and closed her mouth as if seeking the right words, but about what, Kevin didn’t know. Then it seemed inspiration struck her. “Would you like to see something beautiful?”

  He was caught completely off guard. “What?”

  She took his hand. “Just close your eyes and I’ll show you something beautiful. Please?” she begged.

  Apparently, she still needed a little breathing room. Kevin was disappointed, but he gave her a warm smile. “Now how can I say no to an offer like that?”

  When he closed his eyes, she took him by the hand and led him across the room to the overstuffed chair, by the feel of it. He peeped; she put one of the pillows on the floor in front of it.

  “Sit right here on this pillow. Keep your eyes closed.”

  “Okay.” He felt his way down. When he was seated, she climbed into the chair behind him. He felt the warmth of her soft, silky legs on either side of his chest. She leaned down to wrap both arms around his shoulders and whisper into his ear, “You can look now.”

  When Kevin opened his eyes, he was looking straight out of the picture window. On the horizon, the moon rising over the distant mountaintops gave them a surreal, mystical glow. The light and shadows cascading over the land created a depth and beauty rarely seen in Los Angeles. She was right. It was beautiful—more than beautiful. He turned to look at her, and the wonder and amazement in her face completely captured his attention. If only everyone can see the world through her eyes.

  She caught him staring at her. “You scare me, you know.”

  “I do?”

  She looked back out at the mountains and nodded. “Yeah.”


  “Because…I’m crazy about you.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  She shook her head. “My judgment hasn’t always been the best. Sometimes people like me for the wrong reasons too. Sometimes it’s hard for me to trust people’s motives.”

  “I can’t imagine anybody not liking you, for any reason.”

  “That’s a pretty smooth answer.”

  He gave her an earnest smile. “That’s an honest answer.”

  “Wow, an honest answer. You’re very creative.”

  His smile broadened. “What can I say? You’ve forced me into uncharted territory.”

  She chuckled softly. “Okay, let me try for another one. Kevin, what exactly do you do for a living?”

  He looked down at the floor and thought for a minute. Do I dare tell her the truth? Would that ruin the relationship I’m trying to build with her? He looked back at her and reluctantly answered her question. “I’m an actor, a director, and a folk singer. My brother and I have a band, and we record and play gigs together when I’m not working on a movie.”

r look of surprise said it all. That wasn’t the answer she’d been expecting. Then she gave him a serious look. “Well, it’d obvious that you can sing, and you’ve done a great job directing the staff and locals ever since we got here but, I don’t know. How about that acting? Are you any good at it?”

  He chuckled. “I do okay.”

  “Hmm...” She studied him thoughtfully. “Can I ask one more question?”

  “Okay, shoot.”

  “Why me?” she asked.

  “What do you mean, why you?”

  “I mean, why me? You’re funny, attractive, well spoken…women have to be crawling out of the woodwork wanting to date you. Why would you want to date a thirty-seven-year-old, single mother of three and possibly more—from Podunk, Mississippi?”

  Kevin turned away from her and mouthed Podunk to himself. Then he sprang into action.

  Angel jerked back and pressed her shoulders into the overstuffed chair when he jumped up. He turned around on his knees and put a hand on each side of her chair, his arms and hips effectively trapping her where she sat. “Are you kidding me?” he exploded. “You have got to be the most fascinating woman I’ve ever met in my life! I’ve watched you with the dolphins, your children, your patients, everybody you meet! You’re fun to be with, amazing on a dance floor; you’re kind, generous to a fault. Angel, you don’t just talk about making the world a better place; you get out and do it! I feel more admiration for you…” He stopped for a moment to catch his breath. “Than anyone else I know,” he finished softly.

  He waited, watching for her reaction. Both fear and longing were in her eyes, and he was afraid fear might win out. How could he make her understand how much she meant to him? Then the answer came to him. Tell her! Tell her I love her.

  He turned back to look at her. “Angel, I love you. God help me, I don’t know how it happened, but I do. I love you. Nobody’s ever gotten to me the way you do. I don’t dare even think about what will happen after this week is over because I…I just can’t imagine waking up without you close by.” He paused, watching her reaction.


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