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Angel's Mission

Page 15

by Pamela J. Nerren

  Angel smiled to herself and turned away from Kevin’s mouth to rain kisses across his shoulder. Out of the corner of her eye, she spied Juan and hesitated. She’d been so caught up in the feel of Kevin’s body that she’d temporarily forgotten the other man was there. He had moved to sit on the old dead log and was in the process of unfastening his pants. His gun, now forgotten, sat on the log next to him. He was more preoccupied with himself than with the two of them. It was time to put her plan into action.

  Slowly, she sat up and whispered, “Open your eyes, Kevin.”

  When Kevin opened his eyes, she smiled down at him. “Are you ready for me, Kevin?” she said aloud in Spanish. He couldn’t even begin to form an answer as he watched her face. She leaned closer and whispered, “I need you to sit up.” He looked confused. “I need you to sit up and put your arms around me…please.”

  Kevin clearly didn’t understand, but he was more than willing to comply with anything she wanted. Obediently, he sat up and put his arms around her, pulled her close. Angel wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered in his ear, “Stay right there.”

  * * *

  Kevin could stand it no longer. He’d followed her lead, letting her have complete control and she was seducing him without mercy. He wanted to bury himself inside her and never let go. Grabbing her hips, he arched his back and pulled her closer to his ever-building erection, the frustration in his primal groan echoing under the canopy.

  He sucked in his breath and bit his lip when she began to move on top of him, sliding seductively over him but not far enough to let him enter her. Man, what was she doing to him? This is torture! Repeatedly, she teased him with the possibility of enveloping him, the possibility of sweet release. Doesn’t she know she’s driving me mad?

  With the next stroke, Kevin jerked slightly, and he entered her. He felt, rather than heard her gasp of surprise as he slid inside her body. The sensations of having her fully sheathed on him drove every rational thought out of his mind.

  A primitive groan exploded from his lungs. Trembling, he held her tight against him, waiting for the tension to ease slightly. He wasn’t ready to lose control—not yet. He wanted to take her with him. He looked into her bewildered face. Pleasure warred with guilt, both wanting control, but neither of them giving up their hold on her. As much as he wanted to continue, he knew he couldn’t do that to her. “It’s okay, Angel,” he said shakily. “We can stop whenever you want.”

  She shook her head, unsure what to do. Juan eyed them curiously. “He may kill us,” she whispered.

  “Right now, he wants a show. It’s okay, Angel. Just slide up enough to let me pull out.”

  She moved away slowly, until only the tip of him was left inside her. She watched his face as he took a steadying breath and closed his eyes, waiting for their separation to be complete. She hesitated, still unsure of what to do. Her legs trembled slightly with the strain. She chanced a look at Juan, slowly masturbating. She knew what she had to do. She reluctantly closed her eyes and pushed her hips back onto Kevin’s.

  Kevin’s eyes flew open. Angel rocked back and forth, pacing herself, slowly and deliberately. For several minutes, she tuned everything else out. She needed to concentrate if she was going to make this work. Reluctantly, she gathered her wits about her.

  Pulling Kevin closer, she slowly slid the gun from her pocket. Then—


  Kevin and Angel jumped at the sound, instinctively pulling each other closer. Still breathing heavily, they turned in unison to see what had made the sound. Juan’s eyes rolled back, and he fell face first onto the ground a few feet from them. Seconds later a footstep sounded, and the mystery slowly came forward to reveal itself from behind a huge vine-covered tree.

  Max Freemont propped his foot on the log and grinned at the two half-dressed lovers. He placed one end of the baseball bat in his right hand on the log next to him and leaned on it. “Well, well, well, fancy meeting you here, Angelina.”

  Struggling to catch her breath, Angel tried to speak. “Max?”

  Max picked up the bat and took a small practice swing with it. “Don’t mind me. I’m just getting in a little batting practice.”

  Kevin looked at Angel. “You know him?”

  She nodded. “Kevin, meet Max Freemont. One of the most persistent paparazzi you’ll ever meet.”

  Max acknowledged the introduction with a nod before his gaze went to Angel’s still heaving, partially exposed chest. Kevin pulled her closer, trying to cover more of her nakedness with his body.

  “If you don’t mind, we could use a little privacy?” he asked irritably.

  Max smiled broadly and took a step back, putting the bat over his shoulder. “Sure thing, just, ah…let me take the trash out first.”

  Max stepped over the log, leaned the bat up against it, and pulled a roll of duct tape out of his jacket pocket. He promptly pulled Juan’s hands behind his back and wrapped the tape firmly around his wrists several times. The gunman groaned in response. When he had Juan’s hands secured, Max picked up the gun, tucked it into the front of his waistband, and pulled the semiconscious man up onto his knees.

  He grinned sheepishly at the intertwined couple still on the blanket. “Take your time. I’ll, ah, I’ll mind the kiddies for you.”

  Max picked up the bat and hauled the half-conscious criminal to his feet and back out of the jungle. Juan attempted to protest his captivity by pulling away, but Max gave him a quick pop on the head with the bat. Juan sank to his knees and groaned. Max snatched him to his feet again and headed back to the road.

  Kevin and Angel sat there, both bewildered as they watched Max and their former captor disappear. The surrounding jungle grew quiet again.

  * * *

  The last few days had been nerve-racking for Max. The thugs had accosted him while he was photographing Angel and Kevin from behind an old shed back at the Villa Mendoza Dental Clinic several days ago. They had taken his camera, pulled out the memory card, and thrown Max along with his camera into the van while muttering something about having no evidence of their involvement.

  When they’d brought the children into the mix yesterday, Max had felt a sense of desperation like nothing he had ever encountered before. Especially when he’d overheard his captors mention a child sex ring they planned to sell the children to. Hearing the little girl say Angelina’s name as she’d cut the tape off his wrist spurred him to move quickly. He removed the tape from the boy’s wrist and told both children to stay put before heading in the jungle. Now, moments later he stood on the hilltop, watching for Kevin and Angel.

  “Here they come! Here they come!” the little girl shouted in Spanish pointing eagerly. Kevin and Angel slowly trekked up the hillside together. Hand in hand, the two of them made their way back to the outhouse where the trio stood waiting for them. The children jumped up and down excitedly.

  The little girl took off and ran into Angel’s arms. Angel let go of Kevin’s hand and picked her up. Hugging her fiercely, Angel was unable to stop the tears that ran unheeded down her face. Angelita’s brother, who appeared to be about eight years old, ran up to Kevin, talking a blue streak. Pulling on his arm, he dragged Kevin the rest of the way up the hill.

  When Angel reached them, she put the little girl down next to Kevin. “Wait here, okay?” The little girl nodded and joined her brother, who was still talking nonstop. “I, ah…I never thought I’d say this, but, I’m glad to see you, Max.”

  She looked so sad when she spoke that Max didn’t know how to react. He nodded and gave her an unsure smile. “I’m glad to see you too, Angelina. I never knew being inconspicuous could get me into this much trouble.”

  Angel shook her head, her face full of despair and regret. “I’m sorry. I knew Dr. Conner was a real letch, but I never would have thought that…” She covered her mouth with her hand as her voice broke and tears started to spill down her cheeks once again.

  Max put a cautious arm around her shoulders.

“Thank you, Max.” She reached up to hug him.

  Max hesitated for a tiny moment before putting both arms around her, hugging her tightly. If she hadn’t sent the little girl back with the knife, God only knew what might have happened to them. He rubbed her back softly. “There, there now. After all, you did save us first. Turnabout is fair play, you know.”

  She released her hold on him and stepped back to wipe her tears away. “Uh, Max, you’re not going to write about this, are you? I mean, what happened in the jungle just now?”

  Max leaned a little closer. “Darling, if I were to be so crass as to write a piece on the princess of virtue having a forced romp with a dashingly handsome actor that she’d met only a week ago, in the middle of this godforsaken jungle and at gunpoint no less, whom on earth would believe me?”

  Angel bit her bottom lip. “You’ve got a point.”

  “It might make for a good fiction novel someday perhaps.” Max looked over at the gunman. “Besides, we’ve got bigger problems to worry about.”

  Angel nodded and looked at Kevin. She knew Max wasn’t talking about Kevin, but her mind traveled to him anyway. What were they going to do now?

  Max noticed her glance. “You could do me a favor though, to ensure my silence.”

  “What?” she asked suspiciously.

  “I’d love to have an exclusive on your wedding.” Max smiled as he handed her a card with his private number and jogged off, eager to flag down the only passing truck they had seen on the road all morning.


  Kevin, Angel, and Max spent the remainder of the evening talking with the local authorities, trying to put together and explain the events of the last few days. The children hovered as close to Max as the officers would let them, still afraid the bad men would return to steal them away.

  At last, after hours of intense interrogation, Angel pleaded with them until she was finally allowed to make a phone call to check on her children. When she reached Miranda and Tomás at the hotel, the conversation was short and to the point. Minutes later, the captain took a brief and apparently unwelcome phone call. After he hung up the phone, they were then ordered to sit in the hallway outside the captain’s office under the watchful eye of one of his men. Angel waited patiently, tucked securely in Kevin’s embrace, while the children played games with Max.

  Suddenly, a distinguished older Hispanic gentleman in an Armani suit stalked into the building and swept past them and into the captain’s office, slamming the door behind him. The officer guarding them grimaced. Shifting from foot to foot, he waited for the yelling in the room behind him to stop.

  Minutes later, the gentleman came out of the office with the captain following. He stopped in front of the group in the hall, addressing Angel in well-rehearsed English, “Señora Meeker, I presume?”

  “Yes.” Angel stood.

  Kevin and Max stood and stepped closer.

  The gentleman smiled warmly. “I would like to thank you for your cooperation. The children’s parents have been found, and they are on their way here as we speak.”

  Angel let out a sigh of relief and turned to tell the children in Spanish, “Your parents will be here soon.” She turned back to the gentleman and shook his hand. “I can’t thank you enough.”

  “You’re very welcome,” he replied. Still holding her hand, he winked at her and leaned forward to whisper to her, “Tell Miranda, Uncle Ramon says hello.”

  She gave him a conspiratorial grin. “Yes, sir, I’ll do that.”

  Kevin stepped forward. “That’s great, sir, but, what about us? How long are they going to keep us here?”

  Uncle Ramon turned to glare at the young captain behind him. When the captain gave a reluctant nod, Uncle Ramon turned back to the group in front of him. “You are free to go. Your stories have been verified and a warrant made out for the arrest of Dr. Conner.” He gave the captain another fierce glance. “They will pick him up tonight at the airport in Cancún.”

  When the captain nodded, Angel hugged Kevin fiercely, almost collapsing with relief when a young couple ran into the room.

  “Angelita! Luis!” came a shout.

  “Mama, Papa!” The children ran to their parents, throwing their tiny arms around them. The four of them were talking so fast even Angel couldn’t keep up with what was being said. The mother came over to her, holding her daughter tightly to her side, and behind her, their father followed close behind with his son. “You are Angelina?” she asked.

  Angel nodded.

  With tears in her eyes, the woman hugged her tightly. Angel put her arms around the young mother and held her as she trembled. Finally, the woman stepped back and gave Angel a grateful smile. “Thank you. My daughter says you are a hero. You freed them from the bad men.”

  Angel shook her head gently and reached out to touch the young girl’s cheek. “No, ma’am. I just gave her a knife.”

  It was already dark when the somber group finally arrived in Mexico City, and it felt strange to Angel to be riding in the van once again. They stopped to drop Max off at a hotel. Kevin and Max stood outside the van talking, and Angel looked around the van one more time. There had been so much violence connected to it in such a short time it was hard for her to remember how many mission trips it had taken her on over the years. Thank God it had been cleaned before they left the police station. Max had insisted on it.

  Angel stared sightlessly out the front window as Kevin climbed back into the van and started the engine. He hesitated briefly, then took her cold fingers in his. “Angel?”

  She turned to him, her lips trembling with unspent emotion, feeling wary, confused. She nodded slightly. “I’m okay.”

  Kevin put the van in gear, and Angel turned again to stare into the night.

  At the hotel, he gathered their luggage, and together they headed inside. Angel, still somewhat shaken, held tightly to him, one of his arms firmly around her shoulders. As they headed over to the counter, the elevator doors opened and Miranda came running out to hug Angel. “Thank God you’re safe! I’ve been so worried! Are you all right?”

  Tears flooded both their eyes, and Angel held tight to her friend. “Yeah, we’re okay.”

  Miranda leaned back, studying her friend’s face, searching for the truth. “Are you sure?”

  Angel nodded and reached for Kevin’s hand. “Are the girls okay?”

  “Yes, they’re fine. They’re asleep. Tomás is upstairs with them.”

  Angel nodded wearily and turned to Kevin. “Good. We’d better get to sleep too if we’re going to make that appointment in the morning.”

  He gave her a worried look. “Angel, I think they would understand if you postponed your appointment.”

  She shook her head adamantly. “No. Nina’s illness is in the last stages. Death isn’t going to wait for us. We have to do this now.”

  He nodded briefly. “Whatever you say, sweetheart,”

  Miranda tried to hide her smile. “Say, Kevin, our suite has a nice big sofa bed if you don’t mind sharing with the rest of us. That is, if it’s okay with you, Angel?”

  Angel looked from one to the other, not sure what to do. She wasn’t ready to let Kevin go just yet, although she knew the day might come when she had to. They still barely knew each other. Once he found out she had money—lots of money—that would probably be the end of any relationship. Maybe she should just love him as much as she could for as long as she could?

  She gave them a weary nod. “I think that’s a great idea.”

  Kevin smiled. “Me too.”

  Angel awoke with a gasp. She’d been dreaming. Nightmares seemed to be the order of the day today. Strange hands came at her, reaching for her, the sound of gunfire, blood trickling down the center of the gunman’s chest, then Kevin’s chest while he gasped for air. She looked around the room, trying to get her bearings and let out a small sob of relief. She could have lost him today, forever.

  The clock told her she hadn’t been asleep for long. No more than an hour. It w
as only midnight. She looked around the dark, empty room and wondered about Kevin. Was he asleep, or was the horror of their day getting to him too? She slipped out of her bed and tiptoed into the living room, wrapping her arms around her bare shoulders to ward off the cold chill. She’d better make sure he was okay.

  As she slipped into the room, the full moon came out from behind the clouds, and the moonlight filtering in through the window allowed her enough light to see him. He looked so serene, his chest rising and falling peacefully as he slept. She turned around and headed back to her room.

  “What’s the matter, sweetheart?” he asked quietly.

  She stopped and turned to face him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

  He leaned up on one elbow. “You didn’t. I can’t sleep either.”

  Feeling somewhat restless, she stepped closer to him, her voice serious. “Kevin, I…I’m sorry about today. If I’d had any idea that Dr. Conner…” She shook her head remorsefully. “Well, he never would have been working with the foundation.”

  “Honey, it’s not your fault. There’s no way any of us could have known what he was capable of.” He looked away for a second, deep in thought. “I’m sorry too.”

  “For what?” she asked.

  He sat up a little farther in the bed, watching her face carefully as he spoke. “For what happened in the jungle. I know you weren’t ready for things to go that far.”

  She looked down at the floor. “No, I wasn’t.” She sat in the chair next to him, curling her legs under her nightgown. “But if it had to happen, I’m glad it was with you.”

  “Me too,” he murmured. “Are you okay?”


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