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Her Real Alpha

Page 10

by Sherie Keys

  Caleb wasn’t as vocal as I was so it took me by surprise when he grunted and I felt his warm release emptying inside of me. He kept thrusting into me though and soon my own orgasm swept me up into a rush of sensation.

  After that, Caleb slid out of me and actually went and got a damp washcloth to clean me up, which had that warm chest effect on me. Then he climbed into bed with me and we cuddled up to watch some TV and both fell asleep.

  Caleb woke me up with soft kisses along my collar and my eyes fluttered open and met his light brown gaze.

  “Good morning beautiful,” he said and gave me his signature charming smile.

  I couldn’t help but compare him to Hunter at that moment. The morning after Hunter and I had sex, he ordered me to make him breakfast, whereas Caleb was calling me beautiful. I smiled at him and then kissed him softly on the lips.

  “Morning,” I murmured and then stretched. That’s when I smelled breakfast, mostly bacon and I sat up with a huge smile on my face. “Did you make breakfast?” I asked and he looked at me a bit bashfully.

  “No, I ordered it, but it’s good either way,” Caleb promised and I didn’t even mind.

  “I’m starving,” I said and then I got up and stretched. Caleb watched me appreciatively and I glanced around the spacious room. “Where’s the bathroom?” I asked and he pointed me in the right direction.

  I took a quick shower and got dressed in the same clothes from the night before, but I went commando and then went out to the kitchen to have breakfast.

  Caleb had gotten dressed too and it sounded like he was on a business call. When he saw me though, he quickly ended the call and walked over to the breakfast bar where he had the food set up.

  “So I ordered us Long Island’s best pancakes and of course bacon and some eggs,” he said and I took an empty plate to take a couple of pancakes and some bacon. I knew a guy like Caleb had to eat lots of protein to keep up with his figure.

  “You’re kind of quiet, are you not a morning person?” he asked me once we were both seated and eating.

  “Not really a morning person, and also I think I drank too many beers last night,” I said and Caleb nodded in understanding.

  “I have some Advil if you want?”

  I shook my head and took a bite of the pancake, which was admittedly pretty amazing.

  “I think after I eat I’ll be good to go,” I said and Caleb nodded.

  After we had breakfast Caleb drove me back home; he had to go into work so he said goodbye with a kiss and then I was home alone. I sighed heavily as I walked into my bedroom. Now I was officially dating two guys at once and I had sex with both of them. What was I doing? What was I going to do? I knew I had to talk to my brother and Peter about my dilemma, maybe they could help.



  “Caleb, where are all the clothes I buy for you?”

  Clary sounded exasperated as she tried to navigate through my closet. I had wished her good luck because I hardly kept my closet organized. It didn’t help that it was a walk in closet equipped with enough shelves and drawers and hanger space that nothing had to be lost.

  “With all the money you have, Caleb, you can hire a cleaning lady to organize your freaking closet. How do you find anything in there?”

  Clary emerged with a bunch of clothes in her arms and I was impressed she had come out with anything at all.

  “I usually just buy new clothes often,” I said.

  “That explains so much. If Mom saw this, she’d have a coronary and then recover just to let you have it about this closet.” Clary kept on complaining, just like Mom would, as she walked over to my bed and dumped the clothes onto it. “Okay, we have an hour before this thing starts, so you’re going to model all of these clothes for me so I can see which outfit is the best.” She ordered me over to the bed and then handed me an outfit to put on.

  “Is this cocktail party formal?” I asked her and she shook her head.

  “No, it’s being held on the roof of some new chic hotel on Madison, we just have to look sexy,” Clary explained and I laughed.

  “Alright, I’m just going to follow your lead with all of this,” I said and she rolled her eyes at me.

  “Caleb I’m telling you, about half of the people at this party you’ve consulted about the stock market. You have to introduce me to them,” she said and I hopped on one leg as I pulled on a pair of jeans over my boxers.

  I kind of felt like her own personal Ken doll at the moment. Clary was already dressed in a silver dress made by some Italian designer. It was about knee length and showed off her back, but it wasn’t form fitting.

  She also had on a pair of killer silver and white heels with red bottoms. Her hair was all done up in an alluring, but sophisticated ponytail.

  “You know what, I don’t know if we should go out with you looking all…” I gestured to her outfit and she smirked at me.

  “I’m older than you so you can’t go all big brother on me. Now chop chop, let’s see that shirt and this jacket with those pants.”

  Clary had me change into about twelve different outfits until she settled on a light khaki colored cocktail suit with a white shirt and checkered white and chocolate colored tie. She even told me which socks and shoes to wear to match it all.

  “Oh and do your hair all disheveled and whatnot,” Clary said as I went into my bathroom to spray a little cologne.

  I stifled my sigh and did as she said. Then I walked back out into the bedroom so she could approve. Finally, we were on our way to her cocktail party and she gave me the list of names of people who she knew I knew that would be at the party.

  “Alright, alright, Clary, I got it,” I finally said as we pulled up to the hotel to have the car valeted.

  “Alright, I’m sorry, I don’t want you to not have fun, but just…you know,” Clary said and I rolled my eyes as I got out of the car and walked around to take her arm. I loved my sister, but she could be too overbearing sometimes. “You know I love you right?” she asked me and I snorted and cracked a reluctant smile.

  “Yes, and I love you, but don’t go into this party too keyed up in hopes of making connections or contacts. Some of these big name fashion people are also business men and women, they’ll know when someone is too eager,” I said and Clary nodded as she considered what I said.

  “Okay, okay, well, maybe we should get drinks first when we get there,” she said and I laughed.

  We made our way to the roof and I had to admit that Clary was right about everyone dressed impressively at the party. I almost had to squint with the amount of attractive people present.

  “Are you sure this isn’t just a model party?” I asked and Clary shook her head as she glanced around the roof full of people.

  I felt like this was like one of those scenes in a movie that portrayed New York City as a place filled with beautiful people completely carefree and privileged.

  Both Clary and I spotted the bar at the same time and we walked right over.

  “It’s just that certain modeling agencies get invited and automatically their models are allowed to come, it’s how we’re allowed to be here actually. It’s primarily a designer party though,” Clary said and I nodded and then ordered a scotch from the bartender and got Clary a martini.

  “Caleb Caldwell?” I turned around to see a man who looked vaguely familiar. I noticed my sister stiffen slightly next to me and I figured that this guy must be important on some level.

  “Peter Rucci, you advised me on a couple of stocks I was thinking about investing in, you saved me a lot of money in the long run,” he said and smiled at me warmly.

  “Yes, I remember, it’s good to see you again Mr. Rucci. I’m glad you didn’t buy into those penny stocks,” I said and he chuckled.

  “Yeah, it could’ve been a disaster, you were right,” he said and then his eyes drifted over to my sister and I glanced at her; she seemed like she wanted to be introduced to this guy so I did.

  “Clary Caldwe
ll huh? I think I heard about you from the summer fashion show?” I think Clary was a little surprised to find out that Rucci knew about her.

  “I was one of the models, how did you hear about me?” she asked and Rucci chuckled as if he were about to launch into a funny story.

  I glanced over my sister’s shoulder as I was picking up the drink the bartender had left in front of me and I caught a glimpse of very familiar curly black hair.

  I excused myself and then walked through the party in search of Melanie. I wouldn’t be too surprised if she were at the gala. After I dropped her off Friday morning, we hadn’t talked, not that I didn’t text her or anything. I felt like maybe she was dodging me a little bit. I walked around the party, but didn’t see her or anyone with curly hair for that matter, maybe I was losing my mind a little bit.

  I returned to the bar and saw Clary sitting alone and I went to rescue her.

  “Where did you go?” she asked me and I made a vague comment about seeing someone.

  “So what does Rucci do, did you get an in with him?” I asked her and she nodded, her eyes alight with excitement.

  “He works at Catwalk magazine, he’s one of their chief editors, it’s basically as big as Vogue. He recognized me from the fashion show because one of the designers back stage had a meltdown and I basically picked up her slack in dressing the models for her label,” Clary said.

  “Wow, you should have a lot of connections from that alone,” I said and she shook her head a little sadly.

  “It was hush hush because her reputation was on the line, only the people behind the curtain knew what was going on, and I still walked,” Clary said.

  “Is she here?” I asked and Clary shrugged.

  “I don’t know; we haven’t made any rounds yet. Come on.”

  Clary stood up from her seat at the bar and we walked around the party. I did recognize a few people that I consulted and I made sure that Clary was introduced to the people she seemed interested in. She had been talking to one designer when I caught a real glimpse of Melanie. She was talking to some guy with brown hair who was doing nothing but making her laugh. I excused myself from Clary again and went to go and talk to Melanie.

  “Now go before people think we’re together,” I overheard the guy say before I touched Melanie’s arm. They both looked at me and Melanie registered surprise before she said anything.

  “Caleb! Hi,” she said with a wide smile and she leaned towards me to kiss me on the cheek.

  She looked fantastic, wearing a cream colored form fitting dress that had sleeves and showed off her cleavage tastefully with a long cut in the front; the dress stopped just under her knees and still showed off her legs, as she was wearing black and silver heels with red bottoms, exactly like the black version of my sister’s shoes.

  “Hey, you look great,” I said and she waved away the compliment as if she just grabbed that dress and those shoes out of the back of her closet somewhere.

  “Caleb, this is my good friend Peter, I think I told you about him before,” she said and I shook Peter’s hand.

  I was almost relieved, she said she had a best friend named Peter, but often when women had male best friends they always ended up married or something like that.

  “My brother is here, too,” she said and then I was properly relieved; she hadn’t come to the party with just the Peter guy.

  “Nice to meet you, Mel was just telling Joe and I about you,” Peter said with a polite smile and I hoped it was all good things she told them.

  “Excuse me, Caleb, there’s someone you know that I really need you to introduce me to,” Clary came out of nowhere and cut into our conversation.

  Peter’s eyes went directly to Clary and I literally watched the guy turn on his charm.

  “Hi, I’m Peter,” he introduced himself to Clary and she noticed him for the first time and smiled politely.

  “Ah, Clary, this is Melanie and her good friend Peter. Mel and I dated a couple of times. And this is my sister Clary,” I made introductions and Clary looked at me in obvious surprise.

  “Oh wow, it’s nice to meet you Melanie, Caleb hardly tells his own family about the girls he dates,” she said and I rolled my eyes.

  Melanie laughed while Clary looked at me as if I owed her every detail later.

  “Oh, that’s okay, Caleb and I have only been on a couple of dates so far,” she said and Clary nodded again and did that thing she usually does when she meets someone new. She subtly checks out what they’re wearing because if they have style then they are, ‘one up on the rest of society.’

  “Oh, I love your shoes! Look, I have them in white,” Clary pointed to her feet and the two had a girl moment. Peter and I gave each other the same knowing look.

  “Ah, so Clary, can I introduce you to the guy you know I know a little later, I kind of wanted to talk to Melanie for a second,” I interjected on their fashion talk. Melanie was probably Clary’s new favorite person because she was talking in Clary’s lingo and all.

  “Oh, sure, but don’t hide her for too long,” Clary said and Melanie promised her that they’d continue their talk later. Peter got his chance with Clary as I took Melanie’s arm and led her away.

  “So did you crash this party or were you Peter’s plus one?” I asked her and she rolled her eyes.

  “Why is everyone so worried about me and Peter?” She sighed and I quirked an eyebrow at her.

  “Everyone?” I asked her and she just shook her head dismissively. “I texted you today…?” I added and Melanie looked up at me as if she were at a loss for words. “Look Mel, I know we haven’t agreed to be like exclusive or anything and it’s too early for that, but I really like you and I know we have a good time together. I really want a shot with you,” I said honestly and she looked up at me apologetically.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to dodge you today, Caleb, I do like you, too, and you’re right, we have a good time together,” Melanie said, she seemed like she wanted to say more, but she didn’t.

  “So…we’re good?” I asked and Melanie nodded.

  “Yeah, of course,” she said and I relaxed a little.

  “Good, I don’t like to beg,” I said and Melanie laughed, but I looked at her in all seriousness and she sobered a little.

  “I’m sorry, you’ll never have to beg again, Caleb,” she said and I bent down to press a kiss to her lips, which she returned willingly. “How about I ask you out; we can go for brunch on Sunday,” Melanie asked and I smiled.

  “That sounds great,” I said and she smiled at me almost in relief. “You know that was my plan all along, to get you to ask me out this time,” I said and Melanie laughed.

  “That was a very diabolical plan, sir,” Melanie said and I smirked then shrugged.

  “You’re an extremely beautiful woman, if I didn’t use diabolical plans to keep you interested, you’d get away from me,” I said and Melanie smirked at me fondly.

  “How can I resist dating James Dean?” she teased and I laughed loudly. At that precise moment Clary found us and piped in on the last bit of our conversation that she heard.

  “Oh, Dean is very popular with the ladies,” Clary said and I rolled my eyes and Melanie laughed.

  “There you guys are! I’ve been looking all over for you.” A blonde guy who looked vaguely like Melanie walked up to us and I realized that Peter had followed Clary over to us.

  “Oh, Joe! Look who we ran into, this is Caleb, and his sister Clary.” Melanie introduced us to her brother and we all made small talk for a while.

  It seemed like Peter and Clary hit it off and I wasn’t exactly sure how I felt about that. After a while, our little group broke off again and I pretty much stayed with Melanie precisely so other men wouldn’t go up to her or anything.

  Eventually, Clary stole her away from me and I was forced to mingle with other people. By that time, word had gone around that a stock broker was at the party and then the event felt kind of like work and I was ready to go.

“Alright, I think I’ve seen and met everyone I came here to see and meet.” Clary met me by the bar and looped her arm through mine.

  “Including someone you didn’t come here to see,” I said and Clary smiled secretly.

  “Peter is nice and really funny,” Clary said and I made a nauseous face at her and she punched my arm.

  “Well, as long as he isn’t secretly in love with Melanie, I’m happy,” I said as Clary and I started walking towards the roof exit. I looked around for Melanie and her group, but I didn’t see them and didn’t get to say goodbye.

  “Speaking of, why didn’t you tell me you were dating someone new?” Clary asked and I shrugged.


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