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Her Real Alpha

Page 22

by Sherie Keys

  Veronica planted her hands on either side of his head and made him open his eyes and look at her.

  "Kyle..." she purred. He was breathless and panting with need. "Yes?" he asked, trying to focus on her.

  "Do you want me?" she asked in a hot whisper, her eyes locked on his.

  "With everything in me." He smiled at her and lifted his chin to kiss her, but she pulled back a little and rubbed her bare breasts on his chest. He gasped.

  "Kyle, if you want me, you need to do one little tiny thing for me..." she said in a whisper as she continued to rub herself hard on his erection, her panties wet from her body and sticking to him slightly, making him desperate with need for release in her.

  "What is it?" he asked, thinking that she would ask him for a sexual favor, perhaps she wanted him to fill her with his tongue, or play with her in some certain way.

  "If you want the rest of me, you need to give me what I want,” she whispered firmly as she looked into his eyes, all lit as if with green fire.

  "What can I do for you?" he asked breathlessly. "What do you need?" He grinned in anticipation.

  She looked at him seriously, stopping her gyration on the outside of his erection and demanding his attention. "If you want to go further and stick that in me, you're going to need to buy me a yacht. I want a yacht just like McKenna's, but better. I want one bigger than hers, and better than hers. So give that to me, and then I'll give you... this..." she said, rubbing against the outside of him a few more times, driving home his aching need for her so that he was almost in pain.

  "A... what?" he snapped his eyes open and looked at her. "If I want you to sleep with me, I have to buy you a yacht that's bigger than McKenna's? Did I understand you correctly?" he asked growing more serious with each word as the fog of passion lifted from him slightly.

  "Oh, look who's a smart boy. That's exactly what I mean." She leaned her body close to his and smiled almost venomously at him. "You want this bad, don't you Kyle? I know you do. Just buy me a boat..." she reached down and began to stroke his erection hard again, "and I'll give you what you want."

  He felt sick to his stomach. It was worse than what he imagined being with a hooker would be like. He pushed her off him until she fell back beside him on the couch, her eyes wide and her pride significantly pinched.

  "Get off me." He stood up painfully and pulled his clothes back on, fastening them swiftly and then turning halfway to look at her. "Don't ever try to use me like that again. You're my wife. You either sleep with me because you want me and you love me, or you leave me the hell alone." He took two steps and then looked back at her again.

  "If you want a yacht, go get a job and buy one for yourself. I'm not buying you a yacht; not now, not ever." He turned away from her and walked out of the room to his bedroom where, because of her coldness, he could now be alone and recover from her scheming ploy.


  Kyle couldn't remember the last time he was so tense. Veronica's little game had tied him up in knots and driven him to the very edge of frustration. The next morning he felt it all through his body, and he called the spa to make an appointment.

  "This is Hannah, may I help you?"

  "I would like to make an appointment with Brandy for today, if at all possible. This is Kyle Jamison. Normally I come to see her on Fridays, but I need to get in as soon as possible, if she has any openings," he requested with a hopeful voice.

  Hannah looked through the calendar. "Well, actually she is all booked up today, but if you like, I can put you in as her last appointment and she can close with you tonight. Would that work?" she asked.

  "Do you need to check with her first before you do that?" he asked in concern, not wanting to keep her there later than she needed to be.

  "I own the spa, Mr. Jamison. I make her hours. She'll be fine taking one more appointment tonight. You’ve been one of our best customers for a long time now, and we want to be sure we take good care of you. Please come in for her last appointment tonight,” she repeated.

  He frowned, but decided to take it. He needed to get in and see her so she could undo the tension his wife had put him through.

  "Alright. I'll take it." he said in gratitude. "Thank you for finding an opening for me."

  "Of course, Mr. Jamison. We are so glad to have you here and want to take excellent care of you." She thanked him and hung up, and then she sent a text to Brandy to let her know that she'd be staying later with Mr. Jamison, but that she would be making an extra commission on the job for doing it.

  Brandy looked at her phone and was surprised to hear that she would be working late. She was a little annoyed with Hannah for not checking with her first to ensure her availability, especially since she was using all of her free time to fix her grades, but on the other hand, it was an unexpected visit with Kyle and she always looked forward to those.

  She got into work and went through all of her clients, and was slightly distracted with all of them, wondering why Kyle would come in on any day other than a Friday. Her answer came when he showed up for his appointment looking more irritated than she had ever seen him, and she knew right away that something was wrong.

  "Kyle! I was so surprised that Hannah had you booked for tonight. You never come in when it's not a Friday. What's going on? You don't look like everything is alright." She reached her hand out to his arm as he came into her room and patted his shoulder in a light attempt at comfort.

  His frown softened and he looked at her in relief. "I just need to get in here under your capable hands to undo some damage done last night,” he said shortly, and she could hear that there was more to it than what he was telling her.

  Minutes later, he was face down on the table as usual and she came in, looking at him with a worried expression.

  "Hey Kyle? What if you let me choose your oil today,” she suggested in a kind voice.

  "I'd love that."

  She looked carefully at all of her oils, chose a sandalwood and a musk, mixed them together and the aroma gave her a heady feeling. She began to rub it on his shoulders and he sighed.

  "That smells so good. It's exactly what I needed," he told her in a softer voice. She smiled and continued to rub, and somehow as the oil wafted over both of them, she began to feel the butterflies in her dance again, and she made her strokes on his body a little longer and deeper than normal, moving her hands more slowly over his skin as she manipulated him.

  "What happened that made you this tense? I’ve never seen your muscles this tight before."

  He sighed. Normally he wouldn't let her in too deep into his private life, but he really had no one else to vent to; no one to share deep and personal thoughts and insight, and he trusted her. "It's my wife. Veronica. She and I aren't very close."

  "I'm sorry to hear that," Brandy said, not really sure how sorry she was to hear it.

  He continued. "She and I don't have intimate relations. We haven't in a long time. She doesn't even sleep in the same bedroom as me anymore."

  Brandy was shocked to hear it. Any woman lucky enough to be married to a man like Kyle Jamison should be dragging him into their bedroom every chance she got.

  "How long has it been for you?"

  He sighed. "Over two years. We don't even kiss. Nothing. It's just a marriage of convenience right now."

  Brandy's mouth fell open as her hands worked deeper on his body. "Two years? How in the world do you deal with that?"

  He shrugged. "I just focus on work and everything else I can find to keep my mind off of it. Well, last night when I got home, she came in and seduced me. She hasn't touched me in a couple of years, and suddenly she was all over me. She was kissing me, rubbing her body on mine, coming on to me so strong; and then she stops and tells me that her best friend has just bought a yacht, and if I want her to screw me, I have to go buy her a bigger and better yacht than her friend just got.

  “I was horrified and I kicked her off me and left her alone after that." He grumbled in disgust and Brandy just gasp
ed in shock.

  "That's horrible! How could she treat you like that?" She was so angry for him. She didn't realize it as she was doing it, but her fingers on his skin began to pinch and pull at his skin a little more, she rubbed deeper and more softly, she let her fingertips trail over him, she used more of the oil blend that she had made. As her hands moved over every part of his back, he grew more and more aroused by her, until when she asked him to roll over, he declined at first and she told him he had to so she could finish his massage.

  He rolled over and she saw that he had a massive erection that could not be hidden beneath the thin material that covered him. She gasped. She had learned about it in school and knew that it could happen, but it hadn't ever happened to her with any customer, and now that it was happening, it was happening with Kyle. She was embarrassed for him.

  She continued to massage him, and as she moved around his erection, rubbing his stomach and hips and thighs, his breath began to grow short and soft sighs elicited from him. He kept his eyes closed, but she could see how much her touch turned him on, and she could understand fully why it was that her touch turned him on so much.

  Brandy couldn't believe it had been so long since he'd been with a woman. Her fingers drifted lightly over the skin around his arousal and it only served to make him harder and want her more. His breath was short and he finally could not hold back his thoughts or needs anymore.

  "Brandy...." he breathed her name.

  She heard her name on his lips in that voice and it drew a heat to her belly and tightened the muscles there.

  "What is it?" she asked, beginning to withdraw her hands. "Did I hurt you?" she asked in concern, not quite knowing what to do next for him.

  "No," he said in a husky voice. "I wish..." he moaned softly as her fingers moved smoothly over him, "I wish that your services included much more than just a massage on part of my body." He drew a deep breath. "I'd certainly be willing to pay you quite a bit more than what you earn now if you did. I'd compensate you. I'd make it well worth your while."

  He opened his eyes and looked at her. She had stopped rubbing and she stood frozen over him, her hands resting on his inner thigh as she looked down at him.

  "At least ten times what you make right now,” he said with a strained voice as his eyes pleaded with hers in desperate need.

  She stared at him in shock.

  He continued. "It's just that I trust you. I... I trust you more than I trust any other woman I know. You're safe; you know me...:” He wanted to continue to try to win her over to the ideas going through his mind right then, but he saw the shock in her eyes and stopped.

  He looked away from her. "I guess I said too much, right? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to assume..." he said in shame.

  "Kyle, it's not like that between us. You are married and this is my job. Those are two things that we can't see past. We have to focus on them."

  "Right, my sham of a marriage and your part time job," He teased sadly.

  "I'm sorry that I asked you and brought it up at all. This should be easy between us, just like it always has been. Forgive me, please, Brandy. I wouldn't insult you for the whole wide world."

  She turned her face toward the area of his thigh where she was massaging. "It's okay, I understand. I really do. You've been in such a difficult place for so long; I know how lonely that must be. I understand why you have asked, and to be honest, I'm flattered. I just think we need to keep our relationship a working one,” she told him honestly.

  He agreed whole-heartedly with her and then changed the subject, and before too long, they were talking about other things and his erection had gone away, and they pretended that his arousal and their conversation had not happened.

  He gave her his usual goodbye and though things felt slightly different between them, it wasn't awkward. They had rounded a strange corner in their friendship, but nothing that either of them couldn't handle.

  She closed up the spa and went home, only to discover an eviction notice on her door. Her landlord had finally had enough of her being late with the rent and had given her an ultimatum. Either pay the money or get out. She had ten days to get caught up. There was no way she was going to be able to do that. She wept bitterly on her sofa and longed for the days when all of the hardest decisions in her life had nothing to do with how each of them would directly affect her future.

  She looked at the letter and read the words over and over. Ten days, or evict the premises, it said. There was no way for her to come up with money like that, not even if she borrowed it from family. She wouldn't ever do that, but something had to be done.

  Brandy walked into the bathroom, washed her face and hands and sat back down with the letter, wracking her brain.

  She thought back to what Kyle had said to her earlier... ten times as much. That's what he'd said. She looked at the amount on the letter. She could do it once and pay off her back rent. Even one time, and she would no longer be behind.

  She closed her eyes and imagined sleeping with him, her body underneath his, him moving inside of her, and it stole her breath away. She had three more days until Friday. She was going to wait to talk to him, but it was beginning to look like he was her only option if she wanted to keep her dignity, and keep her home. She said she would give herself three days to think about it, but in reality, it only took one.

  When Friday came around, she was ready. She knew she was willing and ready to do it, and when he walked into her room at the spa, she could feel a palpable difference between them.

  She didn't say much to him outside of greeting him as she always did. He undressed and lay down on the table, his back up to her. She began his massage, and this time, as she touched him, she let her fingers convey all of the heated energy inside her, and she let them drift and move over him in a much more amorous way.

  Kyle was silent until she turned him over, and then she saw that he was thick with another erection again.

  "I don't know what it is about you,” he said, trying to make light of it.

  She took a deep breath and slid her hand up his thigh to within a breath of his arousal, and then she spoke in a soft voice.

  "Kyle..." she said, just above a whisper.

  He looked at her and both of their hearts began to pound. "I've given some serious thought to what you said before. To the offer that you made to me."

  He looked at her in surprise. "You have?" he asked, not expecting that from her at all.

  "I have," she answered him. She drew a deep breath. "What if I took you up on it? Would you still want that?" she asked, not sure how to say it to him. His gaze on her was steady. "Yes, I would absolutely still want it," he told her.

  In the next moment, neither one of them could believe her brazen move.

  She slid her fingers over his body and touched his arousal, moving the tips of her fingers up and down the shaft of it, massaging it and making him close his eyes and gasp loudly.

  His hand moved to hers in a moment and he held his hand over hers as she stroked him, shyly at first and then with increasing need.

  "Touch me..." he whispered hoarsely. “Please... "

  She closed her fingers tightly around him and began to massage his erection in earnest, and he began to move with her hand, arching himself against it. The move by him, the inherent need in him for contact and release, and for her, ignited her and turned her on, and she began to move her fingers more swiftly. Then she surprised herself and him, bent over him and ran the tip of her tongue around his tip, and he moaned hungrily in desire.

  Her mouth closed fully around him and she began to suck on him with determination, as he slipped his fingers into her hair and pull her mouth further down on him, moving into her mouth with his rhythmic swaying. He groaned in pleasure, but then as he became more and more excited, he pushed her head back and sat up anxiously.

  She stood up and looked at him in surprise. "What is it?" she asked him, worried she might have gone too far.

  "I need more. So much more of yo
u." He slipped his hands around her face and pulled her to him, kissing her mouth softly at first, exploring it, tasting it and feeling it against his own.

  He felt like the desert in a monsoon rain, after a century of drought. As soon as his tongue touched hers, and his mouth engulfed her mouth, she knew that the crush she had on him had been founded on a chemistry she could never have measured.

  All the time they had spent together, all of the massages, all of the touching, all of the talking and laughing and sharing all came together and she felt as if she had been torched with a bonfire that was engulfing her from the inside.

  He moved his mouth from hers down her neck to her chest, where he hesitated only a moment to look at her and say, "Make love with me... please...."

  "Yes!" she whispered in need to him. "Yes... please..." she echoed him, and in moments, his hands were moving over her clothes, peeling them off her and dropping them onto the floor. He stared at her body as it came to light before him; her full rounded breasts and solid dark nipples straining out for his touch, her little belly and the curve of her hips, which were just the right arc leading down to her long legs.


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