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Double Down: A Bedlam Butchers MC Romance (The Motorcycle Clubs Book 12)

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by Dixon, Ruby



  • • •

  When you love two men, the stakes are higher.

  I love Beast and Muscle. The two brutal Warlords of the Bedlam Butchers have taken me into their arms and their life. Nothing can ruin my happiness…except the rest of the club. They’re tough, rowdy, and everything I’m not. It’s clear I need to fit in or hit the road, because I can’t make my guys choose between me and the Butchers.

  To make matters worse, cocky, outrageous Muscle has shut down entirely. Something’s bothering him, bringing war flashbacks with it, and it’s threatening to destroy our fragile new relationship.

  One thing’s for sure. I may be down, but I’m definitely not out. And I’ll fight to the death for my men if I have to.


  The Motorcycle Clubs Series

  His Wild Desire by Ella Goode

  Off Limits by Ruby Dixon

  Wanting It All by Kati Wilde

  Her Secret Pleasure by Ella Goode

  Packing Double by Ruby Dixon

  Taking It All by Kati Wilde

  Their Secret Need by Ella Goode

  Double Trouble by Ruby Dixon

  Having It All by Kati Wilde

  Their Fierce Need by Ella Goode

  Betting It All by Kati Wilde

  Double Down by Ruby Dixon

  Coming Next

  Their Lasting Claim by Ella Goode

  Risking It All by Kati Wilde

  Double or Nothing by Ruby Dixon


  Subscribe to the Motorcycle Clubs series newsletter and never miss a new release!

  Chapter One


  There ain’t no party quite like a Bedlam Butchers party. I high five a few of my boys as I head into the Roadhouse, ready for a night of good drinks, quick fucks, and business.

  Tonight, drinks are on me, because I bet on Solo the last Friday Night Fight and he pounded the shit out of one of the Eighty-Eight, which earned me a fat stack of cash. So I’m the big man tonight, and as I enter the bar-slash-restaurant, everyone cheers my name. I put my hands up in the air, accepting the accolades like they expect me to. I’m known ‘round these parts to have a big ego. Goes with my big dick.

  The quick fucks will be courtesy of the woman trailing behind me. Few days ago, my ride partner Beast and I claimed Shy as our property. Never thought of myself as the type to settle down with one woman, but I like Shy. Originally, I just liked that she looked at me as if I’d hung the moon, or that she’d get that look of wonder in her eyes when my dick was deep inside her. Guy gets addicted to shit like that. But underneath that wide-eyed, sweet exterior, she’s a tough little nut, and I like that, too.

  Tonight, though, she’s not looking so tough. In fact, she looks almost scared, which I find a bit amusing. It’s only a damn party, but you’d think she was going to her execution by the expression on her pretty, round face. It’s a wild party - they always are - but I don’t see what the big deal is. Most of the old ladies and property that hang with the Butchers don’t have nicknames, but Shy’s short for ‘Cheyenne’. It suits her, too. She’s a timid little thing, but she sucks a mean dick and she’s loyal as fuck. Which is fucking crude, but I’d sound like a fucking sissy if I said she made me feel things.

  And I ain’t a fucking sissy.

  “You okay, Shy-girl?” I ask as her fingers dig into the belt-loop at the back of my jeans.

  “F-f-fine,” she says, her stutter betraying her. She doesn’t stutter when I’m deep inside her, or when Beast is fucking her. She doesn’t stutter when she mumbles in her sleep. Only when she’s uncomfortable.

  It makes me protective of her, and I pull her forward and loop a possessive arm over her shoulders. Immediately she relaxes against me, her arm going around my waist as we head in. Beast is behind us, a silent, looming partner. I know my buddy well, though. He doesn’t like being the center of attention at these sorts of shindigs, and I do. So I swing forward and high five people as I walk, and let my buddy have my back.

  As usual, there’s a few dumbfuck prospects sitting in our booth. Happens every time there’s a party. Some shit-for-brains sees an empty spot in the otherwise crowded bar and thinks they’ve scored. They don’t realize that it’s empty because it belongs to me and Beast. That it’s reserved for the Warlords of the Butchers, just as sure as if our names were written on the fucking thing.

  So I release Shy and put both of my fists down on my table, gazing at the newcomers. “What the fuck do we have here, boys?”

  The two prospects look at me. Look at my colors. One pales and grabs his beer, getting up. The other stiffens, but he doesn’t get up. There’s always one that’s got too much balls and not enough sense. Usually ends up as one of my brothers, truth be told.

  “Shy, baby, why don’t you tell these two waxers who the fuck this table belongs to?” My tone is conversational. Cheerful. I’m not gonna bust heads. I’m just gonna school a few pricks that need it. People are turning, starting to look in our direction. Good. People need to learn. And it gets eyes on Shy-girl, too, which is also my goal.

  “This table belongs to the club Warlords,” Shy says, and I’m proud that her voice doesn’t stutter a bit. She’s quiet, but her voice carries well enough.

  “And what do warlords do, baby?” I ask.

  “They handle shit when shit goes down,” she responds sweetly. Fuck, she’s cute. I can’t wait to sink my dick into her again.

  “That’s right,” I say, and pat the gun at my waist. Never leave home without it. What Shy isn’t saying - but is implied - is that as Warlords, Beast and I are executioners. Because when shit goes down, heads roll, and I’m perfectly fine with putting a bullet between someone’s eyes for my club. That’s how I show my loyalty.

  The prospects get the hint and get up, and Beast and I sit down. Shy hesitates, clearly not sure who she wants to sit next to. I think our sweet girl still has issues with trying to show favorites. She’s not used to handling two men at once. Then again, she was a virgin when I fucked her, so she’s not used to handling men at all. I solve the problem by taking her arm and dragging her down against my side, tucking her against me. Beast won’t mind. He likes to watch as much as he likes to touch.

  And he knows tonight is about showing off our Shy-girl inasmuch as it’s about business.

  There’s a timing issue, see. Last week, Shy killed her brother Taco, who was one of the Butchers. Granted, the guy had a price on his head because he was snitching, so he was dead anyhow. Shy was supposed to be bait to draw him out, but things got messy (as they always do) and she ended up killing him herself. Beast and I quietly disposed of him and let rumors fly that we took care of it. No one would suspect shy, tiny blonde Cheyenne of killing her abrasive older brother, so we let that roll.

  But with Taco’s old ride partner Lock now temporarily solo and Shy showing up wearing a club property vest, well, people are going to ask questions. So we’ve brought her here to show everyone just how much she belongs to us.

  I loop an arm over her shoulders and nibble on her ear a bit as we wait for someone to bring us drinks. Tonight, the bar’s closed to all patrons except Butchers, and the sweetbutts that hang around are in charge of serving. They’ll pretty much serve up whatever you want —a snort of blow, a quick suck, a beer, it doesn’t matter to them. They’re shitty waitresses, though, because they’re easily distracted. So I take my time, running my lips along the shell of Shy’s small ear. My hand slides under her t
ank-top and I begin to tease one of her breasts with my fingers. She’s built tiny all over, Shy. I usually like ‘em overblown and porny with big fake tits, but there’s something about her vulnerable fragility that does it for me. My cock’s fucking hard as a rock by the time she starts pushing back against me, small, gaspy little cries escaping her throat. Her nipple’s tight under my fingers, so I roll it against my thumb until she moans, a sound that tells me she’s forgetting her surroundings and thinking about me and only me.

  And maybe Beast, who’s watching and probably has an erection, too. She likes it when he watches. She likes it when he participates, too. Doesn’t mind his big ugly mug or his prison record, or the fact that he could snap her like a twig with one wrong move. Shy picked us because we’re scary and we’re mean, and she needed protection.

  But now I think she sticks around because she likes us.

  Someone roller-skates up to the table, just as I’m about to slide my hand down the front of Shy’s panties and into her skirt, to see how wet she is. “You want a drink?” It’s Mouth, the lewdest and crudest of club lays. She’s infamous for her ‘beer for a blow job’ tactic, because she doesn’t like to buy her own drinks.

  “Whisky. Neat. Three of ‘em,” I say. She’s also kinda stupid so orders need to be simple.

  Mouth sniffs and wipes the side of her nose, and I’m guessing she’s high as a kite. “Hey, Muscle. How’s it going?” She smiles at me and sidles a bit closer, ignoring Beast, who she’s fucking terrified of.

  “I’m busy,” I tell her, and push my hand into Shy’s panties anyhow. She’s wet as fuck, which I love. She always gets so wet for us. I look over at Beast and nod. “You bring the toy?”

  “Course I did,” Beast says after a moment and puts a small package on the table. I feel Shy tremble against me, a mixture of anticipation and need.

  “Good. We need to keep our girl busy,” I say, ignoring the newcomer at our table. Far as I’m concerned, it’s only the three of us right now.

  “You want a blow job?” Mouth asks, not taking the hint. She’s looking right at me. “I love your dick. It’s fucking pretty, man.”

  “I’m busy,” I tell her, rubbing my fingers on Shy’s clit. Against me, Shy squirms and gasps, but she’s not pulling away. She’s starting to become used to being touched in public. Least I hope so, because I don’t plan on stopping. “Maybe you should suck Beast’s dick instead.”

  Mouth flinches backward, and a small giggle escapes out of Shy. That pisses her off and she shoots me an ugly look and skates away. She’ll still get our drinks, because she knows what’s good for her. She might be scared of Beast and his Beast-dick but she knows not to fuck with a Butcher.

  The jukebox in the corner of the room blares into an old Aerosmith song, so loud it’s practically drowning out the conversations around us. The joint is filling up, though. Tables are full and it’s so crowded that people are standing around holding drinks instead of sitting. Soon enough, there’ll be a haze of weed smoke in the air and people fucking on (and probably under) tables. That’s fine. The kids can play while the men talk business. We don’t like to throw straight-laced parties anyhow. No better time for fucking than before and after club shit goes down. Domino and Gemini are in their booth, but they’re still in ‘relaxation’ mode, because I can hear their old lady Kitty crying out as she’s getting fucked. Once they’re done playing, we’ll talk. Until then, we have a bit longer to tease Shy-girl.

  People are looking over at us, and I see more curiosity than ugliness, but I know some are going to ask questions. I can see the wheels turning. They see Lock at the bar by himself, and Shy with my hand down her panties, and people start putting one and one together. Beast’s frown is deepening and I wonder if he’s caught threads of a conversation he doesn’t like. The man has wolverine-like hearing.

  “What’s that?” Shy asks, pointing at the small zippered package on the table. Beast cracks a smile.

  “That is your new best friend, Shy-girl,” I tell her, and give her clit one last rub before removing my hand. She makes a small sound of protest, barely audible over the music. I look over at Beast. “You want to do the honors?”

  He lifts his chin in a nod and unzips the package, then reaches in and produces a small remote and an egg-shaped vibrator, both purple. I watch as Shy’s eyes go wide. Now she’s figuring out why we asked her to wear a short skirt tonight. Easier access.

  Beast pats the bench next to him, a silent command. And because Shy-girl loves playing with him as much as she loves playing with me, she immediately goes to his side. But instead of letting her sit down next to him, he taps the table surface. “Put your belly here.”

  She trembles, but she does as he asks. Her knees dig into the booth bench as she leans forward and lays flat on the surface of the table, her breasts pressing against the wood. From here, I have a great view of her tight little ass sticking up in the air, the cut we gave her when we claimed her all bunched up around her waist. It’s the Butchers logo, and her patches say PROPERTY OF MUSCLE AND BEAST so no one else even thinks about touching what’s ours.

  Beast runs a hand over Shy’s ass. She quivers, her eyes closed, but her expression is trusting. She licks her lips, her mouth parting slightly as he hitches her skirt up, and I notice that other people are watching us play. All part of the game. Publicly acknowledging her as our property makes her safer.

  I hear Shy suck in a breath and I watch as her panties come down to mid-thigh. Hell yeah, now we’re getting to the good stuff. Mouth comes back to the table and sets our drinks down and gives us all an interested look. She watches as Beast begins to push his fingers in and out of Shy’s pussy, testing how lubricated she is before he slides in the vibe.

  “Can I join?” Mouth asks.

  Shy’s eyes flick open, and the look of pleasure on her face disappears. Her gaze searches mine, and I know that another person joining in is the last thing she wants. We’re pretty free with relationships in the Bedlam Butchers; kinda have to be when you’re pairing up with ride partners and fucking the same chick. If Shy was into it, I’d be down to see Mouth munching on her pussy. But it’s clear Shy’s not ready for that sort of thing yet, and I’m getting annoyed at how pushy Mouth is.

  I reach over and caress Shy’s lips with my thumb, cupping her chin. It’s a gentle touch, meant to reassure. “Did I say you could join in?” I ask Mouth. “Because I’m pretty sure if I wanted your ass, I would have indicated it.”

  She huffs off again, and I hear her mutter to another waitress. I catch the words ‘chickenshit blonde’ and I know she’s talking about Shy. She wouldn’t dare disparage a Butcher, but telling others that Shy’s too scared to hang? It’s classic backbiting. I can’t exactly come to her rescue because then it would make things into a bigger deal and Shy’d have to prove that she’s not afraid of partying with Butchers…which would probably be more than she could handle.

  And I’m not going to put her in that situation. Let Mouth say what she wants.

  Beast continues working Shy’s pussy with his hand, two fingers sinking in over and over again. When she starts to push her hips against his hand, he slides his fingers free - and I can see them gleaming with her pussy juices. Fuck, that’s hot. My dick feels like an iron bar in my jeans and I want her to come suck me off, but I practice patience. It’s not something I’m great at. Beast is much better at it than me. I’m not used to trying to think about a woman’s pleasure; usually it’s just about me getting my nut. But with Shy, it’s different. I like seeing her expression change from shy arousal to utter mind-blowing need. It makes me want to try harder, to see her go wild.

  I watch as Beast takes the small, egg-shaped vibrator and pushes it into her pussy. Shy’s mouth opens, but no sound comes out. He pops it in and then gives her a light spank between the legs. “All good?”

  She nods and looks at me helplessly.

  “You look good, Shy-girl.” I say as Beast tugs her panties back up. And because I’m an impatien
t sort of fuck, I reach over and snag the remote. “Let’s test these batteries, shall we?”

  There’s a dial on the thing so I click it up a few notches, and she gasps, her fingers digging against the surface of the table.

  “Yep,” I say pleasantly. “Looks like it’s working.”

  Just then, Kitty shows up at our table, looking dazed and freshly-fucked. Her nipples are sticking out through the thin fabric of her shirt and she blinks several times before giving me a dopey smile. “Gem and Dom say head on over.”

  “Got it,” I say, then look at Beast. “Shall we?”

  He nods and tugs on Shy’s hips until she gets off the table. He pulls her in for a quick kiss, and as he does, I flick the knob just to tease her. She wriggles against him, practically pushing his face into her breasts. But he only pats her ass and smooths her skirt back down over her butt. “Go say hello to the other ladies, why don’t you?”

  She gives us both a mute, disappointed look and then slides out of the booth reluctantly. As Beast and I stand to approach Gem and Dom, I offer my buddy the remote. He grins and takes it from me.

  “Fuck me, but I love the element of surprise,” is all he says.

  I smile, but that’s where Beast and I differ. I fucking hate surprises.

  • • •


  I’m not much of a party girl. It’s clear from the wild ruckus in the Roadhouse that wallflowers aren’t expected amongst the Butchers, and I feel a little out of place. If it weren’t for the property patches on my back, I’d be hiding in a corner, waiting for someone to rescue me.

  As it is, I’ve got a vibrator in my pussy and my guys are heading over to talk business with the club presidents. And I’m supposed to go…socialize? Eek. I hold my drink - whisky, yuck - and follow behind Kitty, feeling a bit like a lost puppy. There’s a table full of women off to one side. I guess I need to go hang out with them. When Kitty goes to the bar, I approach the ladies and smile timidly. “Hi.”

  There are three of them there, and an empty space at the table. No one says a thing, even though they’re all looking at me. They’re all at least ten years older than me.


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