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Double Down: A Bedlam Butchers MC Romance (The Motorcycle Clubs Book 12)

Page 7

by Dixon, Ruby

  He became a problem. And he’s my problem, and I haven’t figured out what the fuck to do about it.

  I’m still pondering it that Friday night, when we head to the Meat Locker. Friday nights with the Butchers are always interesting. We run Friday Night Fights, an illegal fight club that MCs from hundreds of miles around show up at to swap drugs, swap women, and swap fists. It makes the Butchers a pretty penny, but it also allows us to observe some mighty fine fighting and lets us run the prospects through the grinder.

  You don’t become a Butcher if you can’t take your punches, that’s for damn sure.

  There’s a prospect who calls himself Epic that I’ve had my eye on for a bit. He’s a cocky little bastard, but that doesn’t bother me none. He’s also eager and a scrappy fighter, and has shown a good head in a throw down. Doesn’t get rattled by anything we’ve thrown at him yet, so I’m curious to see him fight tonight. Maybe if he looks good in the ring, I’ll suggest a job or two for him. Then maybe a patch. Lock needs a ride partner, after all. A lonely Butcher makes everyone too goddamn nervous.

  Shy looks pretty tonight, though. We’re all in our cuts and as men, it doesn’t matter what the fuck we look like as long as we have our colors. But Shy? She’s looking sexy and sweet all at once. Her jeans are tight and she’s wearing a cut-off shirt that shows her flat belly and her hair’s up in a ponytail that makes her look innocent and young…if it wasn’t for the lush ruby-red mouth she’s painted on herself that makes me think of dragging my dick between her lips.

  And tonight, instead of looking frightened, she looks fiercely determined to have a good time. Beast passes her a beer as we hit the refreshment table and she takes a long pull from it.

  “Thirsty?” I tease, because the sight of her sucking down a beer is goddamn adorable.

  “Just preparing myself,” she says, and continues chugging the beer until she finishes it. Then she gives a dainty belch and tosses the bottle away.

  “Preparing yourself for what?” Beast asks, but she only shrugs her shoulders. She’s not saying. He casts me a look and I shrug, too. Like I know what she’s thinking.

  We take our drinks to our seats ringside. The matches are set up in a boxing ring, and the area’s damn crowded with cuts of every color for three states around. There’s a lot of guys but not a lot of women, and the few that are wandering around are either Butchers’ old ladies or a few club asses that are working the room as conscripted waitresses. Nearby, I see Kitty in Domino’s lap, his hand down the front of her pants while Gem stands and talks business to the prez of one of the Arizona clubs. The fights won’t start for another fifteen or so, which leaves us plenty of time to socialize.

  If I was in the mood for that sort of thing, I might do just that. But I’m content to sit ringside and pull Shy against me. Beast sits on her other side, massive arms crossed over his chest. He looks like he’s ready to bust a few heads, but then again, he always kinda looks like that.

  “Hey bro,” Epic says, bounding up to us. He’s wearing trunks and his wrists are wrapped like this is some goddamn MMA tv fight.

  I give him a dismissive look. “Oh, I’m sorry, were you patched in when my back was turned? Cuz you ain’t my bro yet, buddy.”

  Epic just gives me a goofy grin and ignores the fact that I’ve put him back in his place. That’s why the guy doesn’t bug me. He’s like a big happy puppy with a mean right hook. He lifts his fists and jabs at the air. “I’m fighting tonight. Random draw. You wanna jump in? I bet I could kick your ass.”

  “Son, I would mop the floor with you,” I tell him, and I feel Shy chuckle against me. We shoot the shit for a bit, tossing barbs back and forth. He claims he’s learned some new moves. I insult his moves, his skills, and even his mom. He takes it all with a laugh and a new insult, which makes me think he’d get along just fine with Lock. Lock’s a totally mellow guy who could probably calm this hyper little shit down.

  “Hey, Muscle,” calls Gem. He nods at both me and Beast, and we get up and head over. Shy stays in place to hold our seats. We talk with him for a minute, and I mention Epic’s eagerness. It’s never a bad thing when someone’s ready to bash heads all in the name of the club. We talk about Epic’s prospective future with the club for a moment more, and then I hear the screech of metal folding chairs.

  “GIRL FIGHT,” someone yells with glee, and I turn around just in time to see Shy fling herself at Mouth, fist raised.

  She plants a good one on Mouth’s face, and then Mouth screams, and the place erupts in chaos.

  “What the fuck,” Beast asks, and I charge forward to go rescue our girl. Shy’s tiny and soft, and I’m afraid she’s going to get hurt.

  But when I push my way through the crowd, I see it’s Mouth that needs saving. Our tiny Shy is on top of her, pounding the snot out of her with a small fist while Mouth cries and blubbers underneath her.

  “Save it for the ring, babe,” I say, pulling Shy off of Mouth. Shy flails, a snarl escaping her, and when I pull her off, she’s got a ponytail in her hand. I stare at it dumbly before realizing it’s a hair piece.

  “Fuck that bitch,” Shy says in her high voice. “Mess with the bull, you get the horns!” And she tries to leap out of my arms at Mouth again.

  I’m stunned at the change. Stunned…and okay, my dick’s totally hard.

  I laugh.

  I keep laughing as Shy flings Mouth’s hair down on the floor and snarls another curse at her. Everyone’s cheering at our Shy-girl, though, and even Beast just shakes his head, a hint of a smile on his ugly mug. A line of blood escapes Shy’s nose, and I realize she might have been hit by Mouth after all.

  “Come on, Shy-girl,” I tell her, carrying her flailing, angry form in my arms to one of the back rooms amidst the cheers and catcalls of the fight club attendees. “Let’s get you fixed up.”

  “I was winning,” she declares, pounding a fist against my shoulder. “Let me go finish it.”

  “Oh, you finished it,” I say, amused. “But now I need to see to your face.”

  I take her in one of the locker rooms and set her down on a bench. Her nose is red like a cherry, and the blood’s running down her face. I grab a towel and press it to her nostrils as gently as I can. “Hold that there while I get some ice for you.”

  I return with a bucket of ice and a few more towels, and as I do, she looks at me. “My hands hurt.” But she sounds proud of the fact and shows me her bruised, swelling knuckles. “I totally knocked her down.”

  “You did,” I agree, wrapping some ice in a towel and setting it on one small hand. I can’t stop smiling. “Wanna say why?”

  “She was talking shit again,” Shy says, her voice muffled from the towel she’s still holding to her nose. “And people were listening. And I realized that if I never spoke up, people would think she was right. They’d just go on thinking I was a coward and I’m not that girl anymore. Maybe I was once, but I don’t want to be her anymore. And I realized that she was trying to push me out of the club and I was letting her. I don’t want anyone taking my happiness away from me. I don’t want to be that old, scared girl. So I figured it was time to lay down the law. Let her know how things are going to be.” She peeks up at me through her lashes. “Did I fuck up?”

  I’m stunned by her words.

  I don’t want to be that old, scared girl.

  I don’t want anyone taking my happiness away from me.

  I figured it was time to lay down the law. Let her know how things are going to be.

  How can Shy see things so clearly when I’ve had such trouble with them? She’s absolutely right. I’m letting my past run my life. I’m letting it take my happiness away. And I don’t want to be that old scared person anymore either. She took charge of her life and showed the world she’s a force to be reckoned with, and I’m so fucking proud of her I could burst.

  Maybe it’s time I do the same. I lift her hand to my mouth and kiss her knuckles. “You know what, baby? You didn’t fuck up at all. You did just

  And she beams at me like I’ve given her a present. But I didn’t. If anything, I’m the one that’s receiving a gift, here. It’s the gift of clarity.

  Because I know what I have to do. And I’m not going to let anyone - even my own past self - fuck up my happiness.

  • • •

  The rest of the evening passes in a blur. Shy’s bought a dozen beers from proud onlookers, and every time I turn around, she’s chatting with a few of the other women. It’s like now they know she won’t take any shit, she’s all right in their books. She and Kitty laugh and whisper together a bit, and I see her befriending a few of the other old ladies, too. She’s taken charge of her life and I couldn’t be damn prouder.

  Epic wins his fight. Of course he does. It just inflates his ego, which means I’ll have to pop it in the ring soon enough. I’m the most arrogant son of a bitch in the Bedlam Butchers and his ass needs to remember that. But I’m proud of the kid. Maybe he’ll be good enough to wear colors in a few months. Only time will tell.

  By the time we head home, though, I’m starting to feel like my head is in the right space again. I pull Shy onto my bike behind me and we cruise all the way home. Her hands run over my chest and thighs as I drive, and I can tell she’s horny. It’s probably a mix of adrenaline and booze, but it’s clear our girl wants to get fucked.

  Which is good, because I want to fuck her. Tonight, no holds barred.

  I’ve barely parked my bike before she’s rubbing my cock through my jeans. “Hurry up,” she purrs. “I want you, Jason.”

  Oh shit, she’s breaking out the real names. She must be damn horny.

  I look over at Beast. “You heard the lady,” he says.

  I sure did. I toss Shy over my shoulder and haul her ass up to bed. She’s laughing and so happy that it makes me happy, too. “You sure sound pleased, Shy-girl.”

  “I am,” she calls out as I toss her down on the bed. “Everything’s perfect. I don’t care that my nose hurts and my knuckles hurt and I pulled some girl’s stupid ponytail off and I’m probably going to puke my guts up in the morning,” she says dreamily. “I don’t care that I’m unemployed. Everything’s perfect.”

  “We’ll employ you,” I tell her. “You can be our assistant.”

  Her eyes light up and she sits up in bed, then starts rubbing my cock as I undress. “Ooo, I like assisting.”

  “Damn,” I say, glancing over my shoulder at Beast as he enters the room. “She is fucking ready to go.”

  “So ready,” she breathes. “I want both of you. Get the lube, because we’re going to celebrate tonight in my pussy.”

  I laugh. Drunk Shy is pretty wild. “I’ll get the lube,” I tell her, grabbing my pants just before she can slam the fabric down my legs.

  “Hurry,” she insists, and buries her face in Beast’s jeans-clad crotch instead. My buddy doesn’t push her away, though. Instead, he strokes her hair and lets her rub up against his cock, watching her nuzzle it.

  And okay, I’m only fucking human. I watch that sight for a bit too, because it’s fucking sexy. Then I head to the bathroom, grab lube and condoms, and return.

  When I get back, she’s got Beast’s pants undone and she’s working his cock with her mouth. Goddamn. I’m envious of my buddy and fascinated at the same time, watching her small mouth spread wide to take his dick. Her hand slides between her legs and she begins to rub herself through her jeans.

  Can’t have none of that. “Get undressed, Shy-girl. His dick’ll wait a few minutes,” I tell her.

  She pouts, but she undresses. Her arms get caught in her bra, which is kind of hilarious. We help her finish undressing since she’s been helping us out, and then we’re all naked and Shy’s running her hand down my chest and back to nuzzling Beast’s massive dick. “I want you both,” she says breathlessly and reaches for my cock. She squeezes it in her hand and then licks Beast again. “Cal in my ass and you in my pussy, Jason.”

  My eyebrows go up. Normally we do it the other way around, because Beast is, well, a beast, and Shy is small. But apparently alcohol has made her brave, and we’ve got lube, and fuck it, why not. So I sit down on the bed next to her and slide my hand between her legs, fingers going to her pussy.

  She’s fucking soaked already. “Goddamn, girl, you are turned on, aren’t you?”

  “I am,” she breathes, and her hips hitch against my hand. She leans against me and then her mouth is on mine, her tongue flicking against my tongue.

  I lay back and roll the condom on my cock while she kisses down my chest. Out of the corner of my eye, Beast is putting a condom on his cock, too. When it’s on, I pull Shy-girl over me, and she straddles me. I push into her and as I do, I feel her cunt contract around me. Holy fuck. She cannot be orgasming already.

  But Shy moans and plays with her little tits as she leans back, and I thrust into her again. If she’s not coming already, she’s on the verge, and we’ve barely touched her. She’s a hot little thing, our girl. Damn, I love that. I love her, too. I feel the sudden need to tell her and I pull her down against me, kissing her mouth as I drive into her pussy. “Love you, Shy-girl,” I murmur.

  “Love you, too, Jason,” she breathes. My balls tighten at the sound of my name on her lips, but I’m gonna keep control until Beast can join the party. So I stroke into her again and pull her forward. My hands go to her ass and I spread her cheeks for him.

  “And Beast?” I demand.

  “I love Cal, too. I love both of you.”

  She squeals when he squirts a bit of lube between her cheeks, and then her squeals turn to moans as he massages a finger into her bottom. I can feel her pussy clenching around me each time he pushes deep, and her whole body reacts. My hands stroke up and down her back, over and over again. His face looks determined as he pushes a second finger into her, and she rocks back against him, sinking down further on his hand and on my dick. “I’m ready,” she tells him, panting. “Please. I want both of you. I want us to come together.”

  That’s gonna be a neat trick, I think to myself, but maybe we can do it after all. She feels like she’s ready to come at any moment, and I’m pretty close myself. We just need to bring Beast in and make sure he gets his nut when we do. Ride partners ride together, and all that.

  Beast drags a hand down Shy’s front and pins her against him, holding her in place. “I’m gonna fuck your ass now,” he growls into her ear, and I can feel the ripples in her cunt.

  “She likes that,” I tell him. “Keep talking dirty to her. I can feel it.”

  He does, too. As he pushes slowly into her ass, he holds her against him and tells her all kinds of filthy, lewd things that make me wonder where he’s been keeping all this shit. Boy’s got a creative streak. And Shy’s just getting wetter and wetter, her pussy sucking me deep. We’re barely moving, because we need to make sure we’re all three completely joined. Then the fun can begin.

  I feel something hard pushing up against my cock inside Shy. That has to be Beast. We’re stretched so tight around her I can feel his dick against mine. I’m…not sure how I feel about this. “Think I’m getting to know you a bit too well, brother,” I say to him.

  His face looks tense and he gives Shy’s small breast a squeeze and then nuzzles her neck. “How you feeling, baby?”

  “Feels so good,” she breathes, and rocks her hips in a little circular motion that makes everything shift. I can’t stop the moan rising from my throat. If I don’t drive into her pretty soon, I’m gonna fucking explode with the need.

  “I’m gonna start pumping in you,” Beast says. “Muscle too. And you tell us if it’s too much.”

  “Not too much,” she declares, her hands on my stomach. “I want all of it. All of you.”

  I put a hand on her hip to grip her and stroke. She gasps, and I hear Beast suck in a breath too. We all felt that one.

  “Your turn, buddy,” I tell him, and I hold still so he can pump into her. We have to be careful with our fragile girl, because the last
thing we want to do is hurt her. I caress her beautiful little breasts as Beast slowly pulls back and then pushes deep again, and I feel him move inside her. He nods at me, and then we set up a slow, careful rhythm. I stroke, then he strokes, and before long, we’re both pumping into our girl.

  Shy’s moaning like she’s about to come apart, and I know just how she feels. Her fingernails dig into my stomach, and my hand’s holding one of her tits, Beast’s holding the other, and we’re being so damn careful with each stroke. To my surprise, she rises up and starts to push back against us, increasing the intensity of each stroke. Her thighs flex against mine, and then it seems like we’re all three losing control, pushing hard into her. I squeeze her tit and she cries out, and I want her to come. Want her to clench around my cock like a fist, because that’s what I need to come, too. So I keep fucking her, grunting with every stroke, feeling Beast slide inside her ass as a counterstroke.

  And I push a thumb between her slick pussy lips and search for her clit to give it a little tickle.

  Her entire body seizes up then, and she gives an incoherent cry.

  There it is. Shy’s thighs jerk and tighten against mine, and then I feel her pussy squeezing my cock and it’s so tight we all should explode and burst into flames. I stroke into her a few more times, and she keeps quaking and crying out our names.

  Then I fucking lose control, my balls tightening and I slam into her and bust my load.

  “Cal,” she cries, reaching behind her for Beast. “Cal, now. Need you too.”

  He buries his face in her neck and gives another surge, and then I feel his big body tremble, and he’s coming as well.

  And goddamn, it’s really damn good between us. It really is.

  Slowly, as our twined orgasms unwind, Beast pulls out of her ass, and I leave her pussy. We dispose of condoms, get wet towels to clean up, and by the time Shy’s tucked into bed between us, she’s snoring softly from the beer. I snort with amusement at that. I should be tired, but I’m not. I’m pretty fucking wired at the moment.


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