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Ronin's Bondmate: Zarronian Warriors 4

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by Mardi Maxwell

  Krystali enchantress Belle of the House of Arlyn stands accused of spying and has been banished from her community. The truth would exonerate her but she doesn’t dare tell it. As an enchantress she can provide for herself except when it comes to defense. For that she needs a worthy warrior.

  Zarronian warrior Ronin Hughson recognized Belle as his mate the moment he saw her. Eager to bond, he approached her and was immediately put off by her behavior. After consulting with the starship’s doctor, he believes Krystali will produce a kinder mate for him. In the meantime, he feels drawn to protect the spoiled enchantress.

  Belle makes sure he knows she doesn’t want him anywhere near her. Ronin makes sure she knows he’s the only warrior willing to protect her. Resigned to traveling together, they try to ignore each other but Ronin’s mating fever and Belle’s troubles set them up for a destiny they can’t avoid.


  Zarronian Warriors 4


  Mardi Maxwell

  Table of Contents

  Book Description

  Title Page



  Glossary of Terms:

  Zarronian Time Terms:

  Zarronian language:

  Krystali language:

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  About the Author

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  More Books by Mardi Maxwell

  Published by Mardi Maxwell

  Copyright © 2016 by Mardi Maxwell

  All cover art © Copyright 2016 by Mardi Maxwell

  Artwork by Harris Channing,,

  Formatting by Anessa Books

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission by the author.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Since the beginning of time the fierce and relentless Zarronian warriors have been the guardians of the Xenti galaxy. When the Wrothians invaded the Xenti, the Zarronians met the challenge. After annuals of fighting the Wrothian leader, Selik ad-San, looked for another way to defeat the Zarronians. When he discovered that the warriors carried a mating fever and had to bond with one of their own females by age thirty-two or die, he attacked Zarronia with a deadly virus designed to kill the females.

  Enraged and grief stricken by the deaths of their bondmates, daughters, and sisters, the Zarronians planned a final, ruthless battle. After the loss of many warriors they defeated the Wrothians but allowed two damaged Wrothian worldships to escape.

  The Zarronians returned home believing they would soon be extinct. Eventually their will to survive rose and they began searching for compatible females. They were unsuccessful until an old journal was found in which the warrior admitted that he’d bonded with a Wrothian female. With this knowledge they began searching for the Wrothians and found them on Zhang. There were enough Wrothian females to save the lives of the older wHe looked at her, one brow cockedarriors but the need for more compatible females continued.

  Unfortunately, the drug they’d used to help control their fever combined with bonding with the Wrothian females had changed their DNA. Now, there were six levels of mating. The first four levels depended on the female’s DNA. The fifth depended on both the male’s and female’s DNA and eventually compatible females at this level were found on Earth. Level six was rare and believed to be a death sentence as there were no known level six females.

  When a level six warrior crashed on an unknown planet a female saved his life by bonding with him. The Krystali females are powerful enchantresses who can conjure items from the natural elements. Now for the first time in Zarronian history the warriors found themselves in the unenviable position of having to prove they were worthy mates.

  Glossary of Terms:

  Zarronian Time Terms:

  Nano-unit: second

  Micro-unit: minute (80 nano-units in a micro-unit)

  Unit: hour (80 micro-units in a unit)

  Cycle: day (30 units in a cycle)

  Moon phase: month (Forty cycles in a moon phase)

  Annual: year (twelve moon phases in an annual)

  Sun rising: dawn

  Sun zenith: noon

  Darkening: midnight

  Birth cycle: birthday

  Moon rising: evening

  Zarronian language:

  Female: a woman

  Kourtisan: a mistress

  Male: a warrior usually, sometimes other males

  Bond: the act of a warrior sharing his mating fever with a female

  Bondmate: a female who has accepted a warrior's fever

  Mate: a bondmates' warrior

  Saber-cat: a large ferocious cat-like creature, bronze fur with bluish-green eyes

  Stinkgoat: a stinky goat-like creature. It produces pungent milk and cheese

  Versnake: a small colorful snake, aggressive and deadly

  Wolfen: a huge wolf-like animal, black fur with purple eyes

  Tor: Zarronian god

  Krystali language:

  Krystali: Skye's home planet; has two continents, Cymerryn and Edyn.

  Edyn: smaller continent on Krystali; home of Skye.

  Cymerryn: large continent on Krystali; home of the evil warriors.

  Tundra: small frozen planet that orbits Krystali.

  White krystal: used as weapons or to create useful objects such as shelters.

  Dark krystal: deadly weapon conjured only by a krystal enchantress.

  Krystal healer: female who can heal but can't conjure krystal.

  Krystal conjurer: female who can conjure white krystal and heal white krystal injuries.

  Krystal enchantress: rare female healer who can conjure white and dark krystal and heal both.

  Krystal warrior: the mate of a Krystal conjurer.

  Dark krystal warrior: the mate of a krystal enchantress

  Farg: fuck

  Fargen: fucking

  Groaners: indigenous people on Tundra

  Chameleon wolf: large amber-eyed predator that blends in with its surroundings

  Chapter One

  Ronin Hughson shoved his way through the crowd of hostile Krystali warriors and their enchantresses. With his pack hooked over his shoulder, and freedom just a meter away, he hesitated before moving another step closer to the exit. The battle that was about to begin was one he had every intention of missing. A rarity for a Zarronian warrior who had spent his life fighting and searching for his mate.

  Behind him, Bellya of the House of Arlyn, stood in the center of the room. Angry Krystalis surrounded her, determined to deliver the punishment she’d worked so long and hard to earn.

  He told himself to keep going. Don’t look back. Don’t look at her. Don’t—damn, too late. His head swiveled as if he had no control over it.

  She stood alone, surrounded but in no way defenseless. Zarronian warriors were taught to protect females and she was quite a sight. Tall and curvaceous with long dark wavy hair and soft brown eyes. Plump lips made for kissing and hips a warrior could hold o
nto during the most intense moments of passion. But her beauty was an illusion that disguised a loathsome personality.

  Her chin was up, and her expression dared the crowd to do their worst. He abhorred her arrogance, but he couldn’t help but admire her bravado. He took another step toward freedom then with a curse he turned back. Honor forced him to stay.

  Whether he liked it or not the blasted female was his mate!

  The moment he’d seen her he’d known she was the one female in the universe who could save him. The joy, relief and excitement he’d felt had been overwhelming until he’d actually met her. She’d been rude and obnoxious and had treated him like a saber cat’s scat.

  He’d made allowances for her. Even told himself she was young and inexperienced. That they’d just gotten off to a bad start and he needed to go slowly with her. But after spending more time with her, he knew she was the last female he wanted as a mate.

  He had six moon phases before his mating fever blazed out of control and killed him. Bonding with Bellya would save him, but he’d rather choose a warriors’ death in battle. Ironically, either choice would have him fighting for his life.

  Disappointed that he’d finally met his mate and she was so wrong for him, he’d spoken to one of the starship’s doctors. Borg Veeson had advised him to wait a while. Suggesting that there was a possibility that Krystali would provide another female for him.

  In an effort to find her, he’d traveled from one fighting unit to another, meeting hundreds of Krystali females. None had caught his attention, or raised his fever a single degree. Discouraged, he’d returned to Bellya’s encampment.

  Now, as he looked around he hoped another Zarronian warrior would step forward to protect her. Most of them weren’t paying attention to what was going on. The few who were appeared to do so only out of curiosity.

  Cursing them, he watched as the crowd closed in around her. She, of course, appeared bored and put out by the entire proceedings. An attitude that increased the tension in the room. It also amplified the rage of the people around her who were ready for a bit of well-earned revenge.

  Sighing, he moved to within a few meters of her, preparing himself to rescue her.

  His movement drew her attention and for a moment their eyes met. Hers hardened as she gave him a disdainful get lost look then turned her back on him. Growling with anger, he clenched his hands to keep from reaching out and pulling her over his knee. Swatting her delectable bottom would be one of the advantages of mating with her. Perhaps the only one.

  He looked past her and found her brother, Taryq, watching the proceedings. If he stood up for her, he’d be ostracized from the village along with her. If he didn’t step forward and protect her, his honor would be questioned. The situation was a dilemma for any male but especially for a brother who cared about a younger sibling. Even if she was a powerful, although rude, enchantress.

  Ronin caught Taryq’s attention and signaled that he’d watch over her. Taryq acknowledged him with a subtle nod before he stepped back and placed his arm around his mate, Elyna.

  A moment later, the crowd parted and the enchantress Skye stepped forward. “One person in this room overheard a private conversation between me and my mate, Soren of the Zarronians. That person learned that I’d claimed him without his full consent. For this crime, I was called before the Krystali Kouncil and my power to conjure krystal was taken from me.” Skye pointed at Bellya. “The traitor is you, Bellya. Do you deny that you passed the information to your mother, Arlyn of the House of Arlyn?”

  Belle moved closer to Skye. “Why should I deny it? You broke the law and you deserve to be punished."

  ""You were also present during the plan for the attack on the raider’s camp where your mother has taken refuge. Even the Krystali Kouncil is aware of Arlyn’s betrayal.” She produced a shard of white krystal and held it out. “The Kouncil has returned part of my powers to me because of your mother’s betrayal.” With a look of pity, she said, “All here know you told Arlyn our plans to attack.”

  Belle turned quickly, her long cloak flying out around her. With a questioning gesture she asked the nearby healers, conjurers and enchantresses, "This is a lie. How could I have contacted my mother? How could I have betrayed you?"

  "You're a known traitor," Skye said pulling Belle’s attention back to her.

  "I reported a crime that you committed. That doesn't make me a traitor," Belle said. "There were five people at the meeting. Perhaps Falyn betrayed us. Or, her mate, Korbyn."

  A screech of rage came from the crowd and Ronin recognized Falyn as she started toward Bellya. Her mate, Korbyn, held her back while Taryq stepped forward.

  "That's enough, Belle,” Taryq said. “I've suspected for a long time that you've been spying on us for our mother. Now I'm sure of it."

  Belle glared at Taryq and pushed him away then her expression changed to one of spite. “My mother is on the Kouncil. She won’t allow you to harm me.”

  Skye laughed. “Your mother is on the run with our enemy, the Crimerryns. She can’t protect you now. If you have anything to say in your defense speak now.”

  Belle sent Skye a spiteful look. “You have no evidence to prove that I betrayed you. When the Kouncil hears about this they’ll break the bond with your mate. Then I’ll claim him.”

  Angry shouts came from the crowd.

  Skye laughed then called for quiet. “You’d have to have his consent first and he’d wouldn’t have you as a gift.” Skye’s expression changed to one of pity. “Bellya of the House of Arlyn, you are cast out. None in the sisterhood will acknowledge your existence until you confess and accept your final punishment."

  Belle glared at the warriors around her. “Are you going to allow the enchantresses to do this without objecting? What will you do when they accuse one of your mates of a crime and they cast her out?”

  Instead of answering her the people stepped back and formed a path to the exit. Ronin hesitated for a moment then stepped to the middle and blocked it.

  # # #

  Belle stared at Skye as she pulled up the hood of her cloak, straightened her shoulders and turned toward the door. Head down, she hurried toward the exit, and crashed into a hard body. Large hands wrapped around her arms and gently steadied her. Looking up she found Ronin staring down at her. His light green eyes that usually gleamed with humor were solemn. When his hand came toward her she tried to jerk away from him.

  “Be still,” he said then fastened her cloak at the neck before he addressed the Krystalis.

  “Bellya is an enchantress. She needs the care of her family to sustain her energy and create krystal for her needs. How will she do this if she’s cast out?”

  Taryq stepped forward. “I’m allowed to visit her but only long enough to maintain her life.”

  “We’re still in enemy territory,” Ronin said. “She’ll need protection.”

  “No Krystali warrior will protect an outcast," Taryq said.

  “I’m Zarronian,” Ronin said. “I’ll protect her.”

  “No. I don’t want you,” Belle said.

  Ronin laughed. “Of course you do.” When her face reddened with rage and she opened her mouth to curse him, he added, “Unless you’d rather be captured by the raiders, raped, tortured and killed.” He waited for an answer then gave her an arrogant grin when she remained silent. “I guess that’s settled. Don’t go far. I’ll be very displeased if I have to search for you.”

  Belle snorted. “You’d never find me.”

  Ronin brushed a lock of hair away from her cheek. “Your beauty has made you arrogant, but when it comes to looks I’ve got you beat.” He smiled then tapped her perfect nose.

  “Bastard,” she hissed, her eyes narrowed and glinting with anger.

  He chuckled and walked away. Caring for the curvaceous beauty might turn out to be more entertaining than he’d thought.

  # # #

  Belle glared at his back then escaped through the door. As soon as she stepped outside the soun
d of a mournful howl reached her. She listened for a moment, determining the direction it came from and hurried toward it.

  The howling stopped just before she entered a small clearing at the edge of the large encampment. A large beast with black fur and golden eyes sat on its haunches on top of a boulder. It turned its head in her direction then dropped to its belly and whined.

  She hurried to the creature, wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her fingers in the thick fur. “Poor, Razz. You feel my pain don’t you?”

  Razz butted his head against her.

  She scratched him behind his ears then held his huge head in her hands and looked into his amber eyes. “We’ll be okay. Won’t we baby?”

  He butted her again then yawned, showing long razor-sharp teeth before he jumped down and circled her.

  She sat down on the ground and he lay down beside her, resting his head on her lap. His tail wrapped around her feet, the tip flicking back and forth. As it moved over the light-colored material of her cloak and the black leather of her boots it changed color. Gradually, his body transformed from head to tail until it blended into the surroundings. Only his eyes gave away his presence.

  “It’s just the two of us now.” She ruffled the fur on his back and closed her eyes. Tears of fear and hurt escaped anyway. She’d finally gotten what she’d worked so hard to achieve. So, why was she crying?

  She’d known since she was fifteen that her mother was using her to spy on her friends. At that time, she’d tried to block Arlyn from hearing and seeing everything she experienced. For her efforts, she’d received a painful and debilitating punishment. She’d also learned how weak her own powers were compared to her mother’s.

  While she’d recovered she’d come up with a plan to protect her friends, including her best friend, Skye. Gradually, she’d changed and made herself into a distasteful copy of Arlyn. Her friends had done the rest when one by one they’d shunned her. The experience had been painful but at least she’d been the only one who’d suffered.


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