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The Triple Package

Page 40

by Amy Chua

  black students at, 6, 41–42

  Hass, Aaron, 189, 190, 192

  Hatch, Orrin, 31, 136

  Hebrew Union College, 139

  Hedâyat, Sâdeq, 91

  Heder, Jon, 33

  Heller, Joseph, 152

  Hemingway, Ernest, 162, 163

  Henry V, King, 121, 122

  Heritage Foundation, 209

  Hinduism, 102

  Hispanic and Latino Americans, 2, 6, 39, 40, 58, 68–69, 79, 87, 100, 194

  Cuban, see Cuban Americans; Cuban Exiles

  Cubans’ sense of distinctness from, 68–69, 156

  elite schools and, 172

  self-esteem of, 112

  upward mobility and, 168

  Hitler, Adolf, 154

  Hollywood, 54

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr., 7

  Holocaust, 63, 154

  children of survivors of, 188–93

  Hosseini, Khaled, 223

  Hostetler, John, 182

  House at Sugar Beach, The (Cooper), 80

  House of Sand and Fog, 92

  housing bubble, 217–18

  Hsieh, Tony, 48, 127–28

  Huang, Kai, 49

  Huang, Sirena, 47

  Huguenots, 20, 186

  human capital, 87

  humility, 181–82

  Huntsman, Jon, Jr., 31

  Huntsman, Jon, Sr., 32

  Huntsman Corporation, 5

  Icahn, Carl, 52

  Igbo people, 9, 81

  Iger, Robert, 51, 54

  immigrant selection, 169, 170–71

  impulse control, 10–11, 23, 117–44

  America and, 142–44, 197, 200, 203–6, 208–9, 214–18, 221–24

  Amish and, 119, 180–81

  Appalachia and, 177–80

  Asian Americans and, 133, 173

  Chinese Americans and, 120, 125–31, 132, 142

  Chinese tradition of, 220

  Holocaust survivors’ children and, 189–90

  Indian Americans and, 131, 132

  Jews and, 20, 138–42, 197

  live-in-the-moment message and, 1, 2, 10, 27, 143–44, 204, 205, 207–9, 214, 224

  marshmallow test and, 23, 118, 179, 218

  Mormons and, 134–37, 186–87

  research on, 23, 117–19, 179

  self-esteem movement and, 214

  in Stoicism, 120

  superiority complex and, 15–16, 17, 120

  transference to other areas of life, 133–34

  underside of, 17, 18, 147–51


  Hinduism in, 102

  Institutes of Technology in, 170

  social hierarchy in, 95–98

  Indian Americans, 7, 9, 14, 45, 47–51, 53, 57–58, 95n–96n

  and breaking out of Triple Package, 197

  caste and, 9, 96–97, 99, 101

  Hinduism and, 102

  immigrant selection criteria and, 170–71

  impulse control and, 131, 132

  insecurity and, 50, 95–102

  out-marrying and, 158

  prejudice against, 99

  superiority complex and, 95, 97–99, 101–2

  individualism, 202, 203

  industrial accidents, 179

  innovation, 222–24

  Innovator’s Dilemma, The (Christensen), 32

  insecurity, 9–10, 20, 85–115, 159, 163, 182, 195

  America and, 200–203, 208–12, 214, 215, 218, 220–21

  in Americans, Tocqueville’s observation of, 27, 85–86, 202–3

  Amish and, 182–83

  Appalachia and, 175

  Asian Americans and, 13, 110–11, 173

  of capitalism, 202

  Chinese Americans and, 50, 123–24

  Cuban Exiles and, 87–89

  drive and, 15, 17

  family and, 86, 106–114, 115

  fear and, 86, 104–6, 153–55, 195

  Holocaust survivors’ children and, 190–91, 193

  Indian Americans and, 50, 95–102

  of individualism, 202

  Iranian Americans and, 89–95

  Jews and, 104–8, 109, 153–55, 195–96, 197

  Lebanese Americans and, 112–14

  Mormons and, 187

  Protestantism and, 184–85

  scorn-based, 86, 87–104, 114

  self-esteem movement and, 213

  studies on, 23

  underside of, 17, 18, 151–55

  superiority complex and, 1, 10, 11–14, 15, 17, 114, 124

  welfare and, 209

  Intel Science Talent Search, 46, 193

  intermarriage, 20, 158, 196

  International Tchaikovsky Competition, 46

  IQ, 169, 171–72, 186, 194, 291n

  Jews and, 194

  Iran, 90, 91, 94

  Iranian Americans, 7, 12, 55–58

  academic achievement and, 56, 95

  insecurity and, 89–95

  Persian culture and, 94–95

  prejudice and animus against, 92–93

  status and, 92, 93–94

  Iranian superiority complex, 72, 90–92

  Islamic Revolution, 92, 93

  Israel, 154, 195

  Ivy League, 7, 41, 47–48, 170

  Jackson, Jesse, 77

  Jackson, Samuel L., 77

  Jacobs, Joseph L., 112–14

  Jamaica, 6, 43

  James, Henry, 202

  James, Josh, 31

  James, William, 212–13


  China and, 121, 122, 123, 158

  imperial, 219

  Japanese Americans, 57

  family honor and, 110

  Jazz Singer, The, 152–53

  Jefferson, Thomas, 200, 201–2, 203, 205, 206, 208

  Jeffs, Rulon, 34

  Jennings, Ken, 33

  Jeopardy!, 33

  JetBlue, 5, 31, 137

  “Jewish Genius” (Murray), 63

  Jews, 7, 17n, 20, 50, 51–55, 57–58, 72, 78, 88, 193–97

  academic achievement and, 13, 20, 24–26, 193–96

  anti-Semitism and, 12, 15, 54–55, 61, 138, 141–42, 154, 194n

  Ashkenazi, 194n

  authority questioned by, 151, 152

  bar and bat mitzvahs of, 139, 142

  chip on the shoulder and, 12

  Disraeli on, 15

  family and parenting among, 106–8, 109, 140–41, 142, 151–53

  Holocaust and, see Holocaust

  impulse control and, 20, 138–42, 197

  income of, 7–8, 53

  insecurity and, 104–8, 109, 153–55, 195–96, 197

  IQ and, 194

  Israel and, 154, 195

  music practice and, 141, 161

  out-marrying and, 158, 196

  poverty and, 53

  Sabbath and, 139–40

  superiority complex and, 9, 60–64, 194, 195, 197

  Syrian, 24

  Triple Package pathologies of, 151–55

  Jindal, Bobby, 49

  Jobs, Steve, 22, 223

  Jordan, Michael, 117

  Judaism, 62, 64, 138, 151

  orthodox, 139, 142

  Reform, 139

  Juilliard School of Music, 46, 127, 129

  Jung, Andrea, 123

  Kafka, Franz, 105, 119–20

  Kahn, Louis, 53

  Kaling, Mindy, 164

  Kant, Immanuel, 138, 142

  Kazin, Alfred, 12, 13

  Keister, Lisa, 33

  Kellogg, 38

  Kennedy, Paul, 123
  Khosla, Vinod, 49

  Kimball, Spencer, 25

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 77, 78

  Kiryas Joel, 26

  Kleiner Perkins, 49

  Kodak, 32

  Koh, Jennifer, 47

  Korean Americans, 7

  academic achievement and, 13, 110, 131

  family honor and, 110

  parenting among, 131, 132

  Kovner, Bruce, 52

  Krugman, Paul, 54

  Kwon, Yul, 104

  Lahiri, Jhumpa, 98

  Lala, Nupur, 47

  Landers, Ann, 53

  Latino Americans, see Hispanic and Latino Americans

  Lauren, Ralph, 51

  Lebanese Americans, 7, 20, 55–58

  insecurity and, 112–14

  Lebanon, 113

  Lee, Ang, 160–64

  Lee, Jennifer, 79

  Lee, Noah, 47

  Lee, Spike, 77, 162

  Leonidas I, 89

  Lewis, Jerry, 52

  Lewis and Clark expedition, 201

  Li, Jin, 147

  liberal principles, 9, 11

  Liberia, 6, 80, 82

  Liebeskind, Daniel, 53

  Lim, Phillip, 148

  Lin, Alfred, 49

  Lin, Jeremy, 103, 124–25, 164

  Lord & Taylor, 32

  Los Angeles, Calif., 171

  Los Angeles Times, 54

  Louie, Vivian, 110, 128, 129

  Lufthansa, 32

  Lynton, Michael, 54

  Madison, James, 206

  Madison Square Garden, 5, 32, 137

  Mad Men, 195

  Madoff, Bernie, 165

  Mailer, Norman, 12, 163

  Majd, Hooman, 90–91

  Malcolm X, 43, 77

  Mao Zedong, 123

  Marielitos, 36n, 40

  Maronites, 112–13

  marriage out of the group, 20, 158, 196

  Marriott, J. W., 31–32

  Marriott International, 5, 32

  Marriott School of Management, 33

  Marshall, Thurgood, 77

  marshmallow test, 23, 118, 179, 218

  Martin County sludge spill, 179

  Marx Brothers, 52

  Massad, Alex, 113–14

  Massey, Douglas, 41

  Math Olympiad, 193

  Mauss, Armand, 136–37

  May, Elaine, 106

  Mehta, Ved, 97

  Meier, Richard, 53

  Melville, Herman, 201

  Mendelssohn, Felix, 61

  Mendelssohn, Moses, 61

  Mendes, Eva, 39

  Menendez, Robert, 39

  methamphetamine addiction, 175

  Mexican Americans, 170, 207

  Meyer, Barry, 54

  Meyer, Stephenie (author of Twilight series), 33, 137

  Miami, Fla., 6, 37, 39, 71, 88

  Midler, Bette, 52

  millennials, 216

  Miller, Arthur, 108

  Min, Anchee, 125

  mining, 178

  Mischel, Walter, 118

  Miss Manners, 53

  Mobasher, Mohsen, 93

  Mobil Oil, 114

  Mondrian, Piet, 223

  Mongols, 121

  Montgomery Ward, 114

  Moonves, Leslie, 54

  Mormons, 5, 14, 30–36, 52, 105, 169, 181, 186–88

  afterlife and, 66

  Book of Mormon and, 25, 30

  and breaking out of Triple Package, 197

  Christianity and, 64–65, 136

  education and, 25

  Family Home Evening and, 187

  fundamentalist, 34–35, 188

  impulse control and, 134–37, 186–87

  insecurity and, 187

  LDS Church, 5, 30–31, 34–36, 134, 136–37, 156–58

  missions of, 16, 66, 134–35, 158, 186, 187

  morality and, 66–67

  original sin rejected by, 66

  persecution of, 64, 136

  polygamy and, 67, 136, 187, 188

  separatist Utah phase of, 187

  superiority complex and, 8, 16, 64–68, 136, 156–58, 186–87

  women’s status among, 156–58

  Word of Wisdom and, 187, 188

  Morrison, Toni, 77, 156

  Mosaic law, 138

  Movado Group, 38

  Mukherjee, Siddhartha, 49–50, 97

  Murray, Charles, 63

  Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban, 71

  musical training:

  Asian Americans and, 46–47, 126–28, 129, 164

  Jews and, 141, 161

  My Beloved World (Sotomayor), 221

  NAACP Legal Defense Fund, 172

  Naked and the Dead, The (Mailer), 163

  Napoleon Dynamite, 33

  narcissism, 213n, 216

  national security, 220

  National Study of Youth and Religion, 134

  Native Americans, 207

  Nazi Germany, 9, 63, 189, 219

  see also Holocaust

  Neeleman, David, 31, 137

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 96

  New Cubans, 36n, 40

  Newsweek International, 49

  New York, 102

  New Yorker, 32, 49

  New York Knicks, 32, 103

  New York Times, 46, 53–54, 163

  Nichols, Mike, 106

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 12, 182

  Nigerian Americans, 6–7, 9, 42–45, 58

  parenting among, 132

  superiority complex and, 81–82

  Niña, 122

  9/11 attacks, 93, 99, 101, 220

  Nixon, Richard, 31

  Nobel Prize, 7, 54, 159–60, 162, 196

  nobility, English, 83

  Nooyi, Indra, 49

  North Korea, 17n

  Notes on Virginia (Jefferson), 201–2

  Notorious B.I.G., 73

  Novick, Peter, 63

  Obama, Barack, 219

  Obama, Michelle, 164

  O’Brien, John, 177

  Obstacles Welcome (de la Vega), 38

  Odyssey (Homer), 112

  Oppenheimer, Robert, 55

  Oxycontin, 178

  Owsley County, Ky., 169, 175

  Palestine, 156

  parents, see family, parents

  Passage from Home (Rosenfeld), 108

  Penn, Kal, 164

  People Magazine, 104

  PepsiCo, 49

  Pérez, Lisandro, 69

  Persia, Persians, 8, 89–91, 94–95, 121, 156

  Pew Research Center, 6n, 45, 124, 129–30, 167, 168

  Phillips Exeter Academy, 170

  Philo, 138

  Phoenicians, 112

  Physics Olympiad, 193

  Picasso, Pablo, 223

  Pixar Studios, 32

  Podhoretz, Norman, 12

  politics, 216–17

  Pollack, Kenneth, 90

  Poor Richard’s Almanack (Franklin), 203

  Portnoy’s Complaint (Roth), 107

  poverty, 18–19, 169

  in Appalachia, 169, 174, 175, 178

  black, 44, 74–75

  escape from, 167–68, 173; see also upward mobility

  Jewish, 53

  Powell, Colin, 43

  Powers, Nicholas, 74–75

  Prager, Dennis, 104–5, 155

  PricewaterhouseCoopers, 32

  Princeton University, 47, 110, 222

  Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The (Weber), 8, 184

  Protestants, 8, 31, 53,
136, 184–86, 207

  Psychology of Self-Esteem, The (Branden), 212

  public-interest careers, 164–65

  Pulitzer Prize, 7, 52, 162

  Puritans, 26, 137, 184, 186, 201, 203, 204, 207

  Purkayastha, Bandana, 100

  Raghavan, Anita, 100

  Rand, Ayn, 212

  Rape of Nanjing, 158

  Ravitz, Martha, 107

  Raynal, Guillaume, 201

  Redneck Manifesto (Goad), 176

  Reformation, 184

  Reid, Harry, 31

  resentment, 12, 87, 89

  resource curse, 178

  Rise of Asian Americans, The, 45

  Roberts, B. H., 66

  Robinson, James, 17n

  Rollins, Kevin, 32

  Romans, 112

  Romney, George, 31

  Romney, Mitt, 31, 136

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 209

  Rosenfeld, Isaac, 108

  Ross School of Business, 32

  Roth, Philip, 64, 107, 108, 195

  Roubini, Nouriel, 218

  Roy, Arundhati, 97

  Rubio, Marco, 39, 109

  Sacks, Lord, 63

  Samburg, Andy, 52

  Sam’s Club, 5, 32

  Sandler, Adam, 52

  Saramago, José, 61

  Sawyer, Diane, 174

  Sayles, Peter, 88

  Schachter, Stanley, 25

  Schell, Orville, 220

  Schumpeter, Joseph, 208

  Schwartz, Delmore, 12

  scorn, 86, 87–104, 114

  Cuban Exiles and, 87–89

  East Asian Americans and, 103–4

  Indian Americans and, 95–102

  Iranian Americans and, 89–95

  SCP Worldwide, 32

  Sears, Roebuck, 5, 32


  national, 220

  see also insecurity

  Seidenberg, Ivan, 51

  Seinfeld, Jerry, 52

  self-esteem, 10, 112, 114, 115, 212–14, 220

  academic performance and, 111–12, 213n

  of Asian Americans, 111–12, 151, 213n

  self-worth, external measures of, 160

  Sen, Amartya, 97

  Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey), 32

  Shaheen, Bill, 57

  Shaheen, Jeanne, 57

  Shahs of Sunset, 55–56, 94

  Shelby, Ann, 176

  Shie, Emily, 47

  Shiller, Robert, 211, 218

  Shulchan Aruch, 138, 139

  Silicon Valley, 49, 210

  Silverman, Sarah, 52

  Simons, Jim, 52

  Skullcandy, 5, 32

  SkyWest Airlines, 32

  slavery, 17, 19, 73, 74, 75, 76, 202, 207

  Slim, Carlos, 56

  Sloan, Harry, 54

  Smalls, Biggie, 73

  Smith, Daniel, 105

  Smith, Joseph, 30, 64–65, 67, 136

  social capital, 87

  Social Security, 209

  Socrates, 7

  Solomon, Robert, 89

  Somalia, 43

  Soros, George, 154


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