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Sweet Surrender

Page 19

by Angel Steel

  “Suck,” he ordered the girl. Oh, God! The girl smiled, leaned forward and took him all the way in. His head fell back on his shoulders as his eyes closed. His hips started to move back and forth. The moan the girl let out made him growl. His hands fisted into her hair, pulling her further down his shaft.

  Her own fists clenched on Joey’s shirt. Although it was sexy as hell, watching a guy get sucked off, she didn’t like this one bit. She was not going to stand here and watch some girl do that to him. She needed to leave. As if he knew what was running through her head, his eyes shot open, catching her gaze. She just stared back, shaking her head at him. He slammed his cock into the girl’s mouth. Pumping back and forth, faster and harder. Chantal pushed back against Joey, trying to move them away from the stage.

  “What’s up, Chantal,” Joey whispered.

  “I can’t be here. I can’t watch what is happening up there.” She held back the sob that tried to escape as she heard Dom groan out and guessed he had finally come in the girl’s mouth.

  “Please, I need to go, now.”

  “Ok, babe,” he replied.

  Joey cuddled her to him, and moved towards the front door. She leaned her head into his side, crying to herself. What was he trying to do to her, make her forget about him? Or prove something else to her? She wasn’t going to stick around to find out. As they got closer to the door, she heard her name being called out, and Joey’s step faltered at the sound. “Please keep going,” she whispered.

  Once outside and close to Joey’s truck, he opened her door. Someone’s hand landed on it, stopping her from jumping up into the cab. Spinning around, she was hurt and pissed at what she saw in the club.

  Dom stood there, breathing heavy. Crossing her arms across her chest, she waited for him.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Home.” That was all she said, before she slid into Joey’s truck. Dom didn’t let go of the door. “Let go.” She was not going to be nice. If he could stand there on stage and do what he did, then she was going to be the way she was.

  “No,” he growled.

  Shocked at his words, she faced Joey. Rubbing his hand on the back of his neck, he leaned forward and faced Dom. “Bro, she wants to go home. Can you do as she has asked?”

  Glancing between them, he inquired, “Why are you leaving?” He ignored what Joey said and turned to her. He wasn’t moving.

  “You really want me to answer that.” What the hell did he expect her to do, stand there and watch whatever else he did with some other girl? Like fuck she was! She pulled the door, trying to release it from his grip, but he still held on. Damn it. This was starting to piss her off, bad.

  Not taking his eyes from her, he spoke to Joey. “Go to my place, I’ll be there soon.”

  “I’m not going to your place.” She pivoted in her seat to face Joey. “Take me home, Joey.”

  Dom moved closer to her, placing his hand on her cheek. “Joey will drive you to my place, we need to talk, and now is the time for it to happen.” She shook her head at him, but he continued, “Yes, Chantal. Don’t fight me on this. You won’t like the way I react if you don’t do as you’re told.”

  She gasped at his words. What did that mean? She hated being told what to do, but there was something in his voice, the way he said it, that made her squeeze her thighs together. A promise. She wanted to press his buttons and see just how far she could push him. Maybe she would. Smiling to herself, she quickly bobbed her head up and down, giving him the response he wanted. Let’s see how he will react when I don’t listen to him!

  “Good girl. I will see you soon, Chantal. Joey, are you staying?”

  “Yeah, man. I will be.”

  He closed her door. “Please, do as I asked, Chantal.”

  She couldn’t voice anything. She knew she was not going to go to Dom’s place, that she couldn’t be around him right away after what she had seen. She nodded again, and Dom let go of Joey’s truck and moved back.

  Joey started the engine and reversed out. Turning out of the parking bay, she said, “I want to go home, Joey.” She put her hand up to stop him from saying anything. “I can’t be around him at the moment, after what I saw in there. I can’t deal with him right now,” she mumbled.

  “Are you sure that is smart, Chantal. You saw the look in his eyes, he won’t be happy that you have done this.”

  “I don’t care, Joey. He can do whatever the hell he wants. He can’t stand there and tell me what to do. I just want to go home and sleep, nothing more. Will you stay the night?”

  “Whatever you want, babe. And of course I’ll stay with you, wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but with you.”

  Snuggling closer to Joey, she watched as the lights flashed past his truck. Dom could make all the demands he wanted, but she was not going to listen to any of them. He could stay at the club and do that exact thing to someone else. She did not like being told what to do, or more so ordered what to do. He would just get over it, she hoped, but deep down, she had a feeling that he knew she wouldn’t listen to him. If he knew that, why tell her to go to his house? She wasn’t going there. She wasn’t ready or prepared to hear what he had to say.

  She was going to sleep, and then think about everything tomorrow. She needed a clear head. Being at that club had opened her eyes. Chantal knew they were around, but being inside one herself was completely different.

  She had dreams about being in one of those kinds of clubs, but standing in one tonight, she was unsure whether she wanted more of it, or if it scared the shit out of her. She’d sort it out in the morning, after a long rested sleep, with Joey.


  As Joey’s truck pulled away from him, Dom knew she wasn’t heading towards his place. Fuck! He should have taken her home himself. After seeing Andrew wrap his arms around Chantal, his blood boiled. All he saw was red. If she were claimed, no one would be touching her. He couldn’t watch Andrew have his hands all over her. So the only thing he could do not to think of that, was to have Anna suck him off.

  When Chantal was close to the stage, his eyes caught hers, and he only thought of her mouth on him. He saw the look that passed over her face when she realised what was happening. He hated seeing that, but needed to get the thought out of his head of her being with another mail, especially, Andrew. He was a sick bastard; he never got along with him, or liked what he did with his subs. Every Dom was different, but there was something about Andrew he didn’t like.

  After he had ejaculated into her mouth, he stared at Chantal’s back as she moved towards the front door. He knew she would not have liked what she saw, but he wanted to show here who he was, and what he did. Running after them as they left, he stopped them. They had to have a talk about everything. He wanted to know what she wanted from him, and tell her what he wanted from her.

  There was something special about her. He knew to his soul that she was submissive, but she was going to be hard to crack. She was going to disobey him every chance she had. He grinned to himself. She could try all she wanted, but she would break, eventually.

  He was going to make it clear to her, that she obeyed what he said. It was going to be a fight, but so worth it. His cock was hard—the thought of her doing exactly that, turned him on. Fixing himself up, he turned around and walked back into the club. He knew exactly where she was going, and it wasn’t to his place. He could do everything he wanted at her place, for now. But talking was first. He needed to explain everything to her about the rules as well as how it all worked. This was going to so be interesting.

  Chapter 24

  Once they arrived back at Chantal’s place, all she could think of was sleep. She removed her shoes at the front door and walked down her hallway towards her room. Joey followed her closely behind. Making her way into her bathroom and pulling off her clothing, she slipped into the shower. She washed quickly, not wanting to stay in too long; if she did, her thoughts would go straight to Dominic.

  After wrapping a towel around herself,
she went back into her room. Joey stood to the side of the room, watching her. Standing at her side of the bed, she turned and faced him. “If you don’t want to be here, you can go, Joey.”

  Taking several steps, he stopped when he was right in front of her. “I want to be here, Chan. But you should have listened to what Dom said.”

  “I don’t want to talk about Dom tonight, okay. I just want to sleep,” she said as she yawned.

  “Ok, Chantal. I’ll lay down with you until you’re asleep. I have some invoices I have to go over on my laptop, before I even think of sleep.” He laughed.

  She dropped her towel right in front of him. “Well, I think the invoices can wait,” he said as his eyes roamed over her naked body.

  Pushing on his chest, she giggled. “No. I need sleep, and you have things to do.”

  Pulling the blankets aside, she slid under them. When she was comfortable, Joey joined her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Shuffling closer into his body, she loved the warmth coming from him. She closed off all thoughts about the club tonight, and Dominic. If she thought of him, she would never get any sleep at all. She couldn’t believe that she still thought of him while she was in Joey’s arm. There was something seriously wrong with her, being in one man’s arm and thinking about another.

  “Stop thinking so hard, and go to sleep, Chantal. Work it all out later, okay?”

  “Sure. Thanks for being here with me, Joey.”

  “No thanks needed, baby. I’ll be here whenever you need me. But if you don’t go to sleep now, I won’t be held accountable for what happens next.”

  She giggled again. “Ok. I’m going to sleep. Night, Joey.”

  “Night, baby.” He placed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

  As her eyelids grew heavy, she listened to Joey’s calm breathing and steady heartbeat. His beat was a lullaby to her ears and she succumbed to sleep, right there in his arms.


  Chantal woke hours later to voices coming from the outside of her room. Rolling over, she felt the bed beside her for Joey, but it was empty and cold. Sitting up slightly, she looked around the room. His clothes were still here, same with his bag. Frowning, she thought maybe he was talking to himself or on a phone call with the speaker on. Glancing at her clock, she saw it was 2:34 a.m. Slipping off her bed, she wrapped her gown around her and walked out of her room. As she neared the lounge room, Joey’s voice echoed to her, and there was someone else with him. She could not make out what was being said, but by the sound of it, Joey was not happy.

  Moving closer so she could hear better, the other voice she heard was unexpected at this time in the early morning, let alone in her house. How dare he be in her house after last night? She wasn’t only angry at him but also at Joey for allowing him inside. Rounding the corner, she stormed into the room. They both turned and faced her as she entered.

  “What are you doing here, in my house?” she demanded.

  Raising his eyebrow at her, Dom stood up. “That is not a nice way to greet someone.”

  “I don’t care if it’s not nice. What are you doing in my house?” she asked, again.

  “Well, since I told you to go to my house, and you never did, I came here to you.” He smiled. She wasn’t going to fall for his charm, not this time.

  “I said I was going home to ‘my home’ not yours. And I don’t like being told or ordered what to do, Dominic,” she voiced. “You still didn’t answer my question. What are you doing here?”

  “We need to talk.”

  “Really, about what, Dom? How you stood there on that stage and let some girl suck you off right in front of me? You know what; I don’t want to hear what you have to say. It doesn’t matter to me, you do what you want, Dom. We aren’t together. You need to leave,” she hissed, crossing her arms over her chest.

  He walked up to her. “You shouldn’t have been at that party, Chantal. I wanted to ease you into this. Then, I see Andrew all over you! What the hell did you expect me to do? Stand there and watch him have his hands all over you? He is a sick fuck. You don’t want to get involved with him. Plus, I’m not leaving until we have spoken.”

  “You walked away and left me there with him, Dominic. I didn’t know anyone there besides you and Joey. Joey was the one that came and got me away from him, not you. I’m going back to bed, goodnight.” She stomped out of the room. She did not get very far as she was pulled to a stop and thrown over someone’s shoulder. “Put me down, now!” she screamed, punching their back as hard as she could, but they never let up. Their hand came down hard on her ass, slapping her, and then lingered there.

  “You did not just slap me!” she growled.

  “Yes, I did. And if you keep up acting the way you are, I will do it again,” Dom told her.

  A shiver went through her body at his words. As he carried her back into the lounge room, he placed her down on the couch, “Stay,” he ordered.

  She snorted at his words, and his head shot her way. The look he gave her, thrilled her and scared her at the same time. “Don’t push me on this, Chantal!”

  How the hell was she pushing him, she had no clue. Dom sat down on the sofa in front of her, and Joey sat beside her and placed his arm along the back of the chair. “Since I can’t leave my own bloody lounge room, what do you want to talk about?” she grumbled. This is so ridiculous! How was she stuck here in the same room as Dom, listening to whatever he was going to say, when she could be in her warm soft bed, asleep. But no, she had to wake up and find him in her house, wanting to talk to her.

  “Well?” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

  Dom raised his eyebrow at her words. Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his knees. “One, watch your tone. Two, the reason I am here is about what you saw at the club tonight! And three, I want to discuss something else with you.”

  Watch my tone! Sure, like that is going to happen! Looking from Joey to Dom, she asked, “What about the club?”

  “Do you know what kind of club it was?”

  “Some BDSM club, Rose told me before I saw you,” she answered with a giggle. She really couldn’t help it. She had seen enough to last her a lifetime, with what she had seen last night.

  “Yes, it is. But if you ever see Rose again, address her properly. Do you know what a BDSM club is?”

  Chantal shrugged her shoulders. Dom looked over at Joey, as he did, Joey slid closer to her. That told her that she wasn’t going to like what he was about to tell her.

  “Inquisition is a club for Doms, subs, Dommes, Switches, or anyone that is curious about BDSM. It is a safe place for all these people to enjoy a different kind of pleasure.”

  “Ok,” she whispered.

  “Do you know what all those are, what I just mentioned?”

  “It’s not hard to guess what a sub and Dom are, the others I don’t know of, but I’m sure you’re going to explain it more to me.”

  “Don’t be cocky with me, Chantal. You won’t like the consequences.”

  “Excuse me? I’m being cocky? What about you, Dom? And what are the bloody....”

  “Stop, Chantal!” he growled.

  She shut up straight away and looked to her hands in her lap.


  “See I told you, Dom.” Joey assured.

  She disliked being spoken to like that. Her father had done it all her life, but she still never disrespected anyone who spoke to her in that manner. Well, she tried not to.

  “A Domme is a female mistress, just like what a male Dom is. Most of them prefer to be called Mistress instead. A Switch is someone that goes between being either a Dom or sub, they can be both, but not at the same time.”

  She understood that, but there was more to come, if the hairs on the back of her neck standing up were any indication.

  “As you know by seeing me at the club, I am a Dom. I live by control and controlling others. Not in a bad way, it’s just in me.”

  “How long have you been like this?” The
way she asked, it sounded like he had a disease.

  Rubbing his neck, he answered, “Since I was eighteen years old. I was too controlling in bed one night with a girl and scared her. I heard about a BDSM club and checked it out. Ever since then, I have perfected the control I have, but it is hard some days. ‘Specially being around you,” he mumbled the last part.

  “So that Andrew guy is a Dom, too.”

  “Yes, he is. A sick one at that.” he growled. “He wanted you, Chantal.”

  “Well, I didn’t want him, Dominic. He scared the shit out of me,” she replied, and shivered at the thought of Andrew’s hands on her, again. “What does this all have to do with me?”

  “This is the interesting part. At first I thought you were a switch, but now, you’re not that at all.”

  She straightened up in her chair. “If I’m not that, what am I then?”

  “Submissive.” What! No, I am not!

  She shot out of her seat so quick, that she nearly fell over. Dom moved so suddenly and wrapped his arms around her. She squirmed out of his arms. “That isn’t me.” She moved to leave the room, but Joey was standing there in her way. “Joey?”

  He just shook his head.

  “Yes it is, Chantal. Andrew saw it in you, and so do I, but you keep fighting it. Let it go, and I will catch you, baby,” Dom said as he pushed himself against her backside. She was shocked to feel how hard he was against her ass. Walking her towards her room, his hand slid up towards her breasts, pinching her nipples, as they moved through the door. Joey went to the seat in the corner and sat, as Dom sat her on her bed.

  He kneeled down in front of her. “I need you to listen carefully, ok.” Nodding, she waited for him to continue.

  “We will take this as slow as you want. Joey will be staying so you feel safe, I understand that you want him here, but you should never, ever, feel unsafe when we are together. I would never hurt you. I would rather hurt myself before I did that to you.” His hand slid up her leg, to the top of her thigh. “Since this is all new to you, I will explain a little bit now. How you will address me when we are in this room or mine is, ‘Sir’. The same applies if we were in a club, but that won’t be happening anytime soon. If I ask you a question, or you speak first, you answer with ‘Sir’. Do you understand?”


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