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Sweet Surrender

Page 41

by Angel Steel

  It needed to be done. That was the only solution that came to mind. She didn’t need any more stress, but after the way she left in the state she was in, it wasn’t going to help their child. Why couldn’t he have been smart about it and told her something else? At least until after the baby was born. She would forgive him, his gut told him she would. But no, nothing came up when he had to answer her.

  “Goddamn it!” he yelled, kicking the wheelie bin over as he passed it. She shouldn’t have left. If she couldn’t be around him, all she had to do was go over to her place, not leave in her Goddamn car.

  Storming into his house, he ripped the phone off the wall and dialled Chantal’s number. She needed to fix this, and now. He was done. He couldn’t do this anymore. His relationship was way more important to him than all of these lies that were going on.


  “Chantal, we need to talk.”

  “I’m a bit busy right now. Can it—”

  “No, it can’t, Chantal. Skylar left. I can’t keep lying to her anymore. You need to tell the truth about what is going on, or I will when she gets home. I don’t want to lose her again like last time, Chantal.”

  “Ok, calm down. Where did she go?”

  “I have no fucking idea, Chantal. We had an argument, and she jumped in the car and drove off. I knew this would happen, and I bloody didn’t do anything to stop this.”

  “Ok. I’ll give her a call and find out where she went. Then, we can sit down the three of us and talk.”

  “She won’t answer. I’ve already tried. Damn it, Chantal. I don’t want her to walk away from what we have. And I can’t keep doing this to her. I don’t want her to stress too much, but she needs to know.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry for making you promise not to tell her. This is my entire fault. I’ll fix it. Don’t worry. I’ll ring her and ask her to go home and I’ll meet you there in a couple of hours when I am finished what I am doing now, ok.”

  “Sure,” he said and hung up. He hated that she left. Dialling Skylar’s number again, he was upset that she still didn’t answer him. “Skylar, please come back home, baby. I know I fucked up yet again, but there is a perfectly good explanation as to why I didn’t tell you in the first place.”

  He needed to get out there and find her. She wouldn’t have really gone that far, would she? No, she wouldn’t. She only knew so much of the area, so if he stuck to the most known places she would go, he should be able to find her.

  Grabbing his keys, wallet, and phone, he ran towards his truck. He needed to ring Alex and Craig and let them know what was going on; maybe they had an idea exactly where she would have gone. God, he hoped that she was somewhere easy to find.

  Chapter 47

  Chantal tried ringing Skylar several times, but to no avail. She felt guilty about the fact that she had asked Nate to keep her secret from Skylar, and especially Dom. She didn’t want to upset her more than normal with her problems, and she had enough of them on her plate right now.

  Every thirty minutes she rung her, and she had sent so many messages to her—messages saying everything she could to get her to go back home—but nothing came back. No messages, no phone calls. Shit! She didn’t want to do this to her best friend’s relationship with Nate. She really didn’t think it through that much when all this weird shit started to happen. She just wanted to keep it from her until she could figure out the best way to tell her what was going on, without stressing her out any more than normal.

  And then there was the fact that she had to tell Dom what was going on. Well, damn that was definitely going to be the hardest thing to do. He was going to be so freaking pissed at her for keeping it this secret, and not telling him straight away when it first happened. How could she? She was scared shitless, and had no idea what she was doing, let alone how to tell Dom.

  She would have to tell him since Nate knew. That was going to make him mad also, that his best friend knew before he even did. God, she was stupid sometimes. He would have figured out something, anything to sort this whole mess out, but she didn’t want him involved. It was her problem, and she needed to sort it out herself.

  Noticing the time on the clock, she realized she only had two hours left before Dom would be there to pick her up. Her outfit that he had picked out for her would be delivered in an hour. She still had no idea what he had planned; she was nervous and excited all in one.

  Deciding on having a shower to kill the time, she walked into the bathroom, undressed and waited for the temperature to change. When it was perfect, she stepped under it and sighed. The heat from the water relaxed her muscles. All the tension she was holding in her body disappeared down the drain as she stood there.

  She wanted everything perfect for tonight. After washing her hair and body, and shaving the necessary areas, she slipped out of the shower and dried off. Walking into the room, with her towel in her hand, she didn’t know whether she needed to pick any underwear out, since she had no idea of her outfit.

  As she decided how she would style her hair and what shoes she possibly wanted to wear, she heard the doorbell rang. Then seconds later, Nate called to her, “Chan, you have a package.”

  Grinning, she wrapped her gown over her naked body and made her way towards the door. There was a young guy standing there holding a large flat box.

  “Miss Winters?”

  “Yes, that is me.”

  “Can you sign here please?” he asked as he showed her where to sign on the iPad.

  After signing, he handed her the box. “Thank you.”

  He smiled and left. Closing the door behind her, she quickly walked back to her room and sat down on the bed, with the box on her lap.

  When she lifted the lid and shifted the tissue paper to the side, her hand flew to her mouth as she gasped.

  There lay right in the middle of the box, neatly folded, was black leather. Lifting it out, she held it in front of her. A black shiny leather top with a low neckline that tied below the breast, and flared out at the sides. Looking back towards the box again, she noticed more in there.

  There sat the tinniest leather shorts she had ever seen. Placing them on the bed, with the top above them, she realized the shorts tied together at the sides by leather straps of leather. The gloves that came with the outfit were of the same leather but softer, and came up to her elbows.

  The whole outfit was sexy, and seductive in every way. As she glanced over towards the box again, she saw a note attached to the front of the box she hadn’t seen before. Reaching over the items, she pulled the note from the box, and opened it.


  This is your outfit for tonight! Please give me the pleasure of wearing it, cannot wait to see how you look in it! You can wear any footwear you would like, but no panties at all. I want to be able to rip those shorts off you and not worry about any boundaries to what I want most.

  I want your body sore from me fucking it hard and rough. Hearing you call MY name every chance I can make you, which will be often. Your pussy dripping wet, as I know it will be right now. And that beautiful ass of yours will be spanked, hard and often.

  Can’t wait to see you, MY baby girl. Xo


  Well, holy shit! She was wet before she even read the damn letter. After, she was actually dripping for him to do what he had planned. And he actually called her his baby girl, with a kiss and hug at the end. She wiped the tear that leaked from her eye at his words. It was the sweetest, yet most dominating thing anyone had ever sent her.

  She couldn’t wait any longer. Ripping the clothing from her bed, she ran into the bathroom and started dressing. Pulling the top on, she tied it as best as she could, without her babies falling out of it. Then, there was the awkward mission of getting those damn shorts on.

  She had never worn anything like this. Moving towards her bed, she sat there for a good ten minutes figuring out the best way to get them on. Instead of actually untying them completely, she had them as loose as she could, th
en pulled them up. Tying each side off, she was glad she didn’t have to wear underwear, which she wouldn’t have anyways. The leather rubbed where she wanted it the most. When she took a step, the seam lightly stroked over her clit, sending her body into overdrive.

  She was so ready, but one thing that was bothering her was where were they going? Although she freaking loved the outfit he had picked out for her, there was no way she was going out in public with it on.

  Did it really matter though? She would be with Dom the whole time, hopefully. If it didn’t bother him, why did it her? It was only just a little bit, but the idea of anyone other than Dom seeing her in this really revealing outfit kind of had he stomach twisting.

  But if he had picked it out for her and couldn’t wait to see her in it, she would do it. She loved him. Sucking it up, she picked up the gloves and her boots and walked out into the lounge room. She needed to eat something light to settle her stomach down before he got here, which would be in exactly thirty-five minutes.

  She had no clue what he had planned for tonight but she was ready for anything he threw her way, and she meant everything. She would do absolutely anything for the one man that held her heart in his hands.


  Dom stood out front of the house like a randy 18-year-old boy. When he first saw the outfit he picked for her, he had to have it. It was perfect for tonight and matched against his outfit, perfectly. Standing near his truck, he read over the text from her again. She had asked him to pick her up from Nate’s since he would be over at Skylar’s place, and then they wouldn’t see what she was wearing. He laughed at her sheepishness. His intention for tonight was that she would be going home with him, to his house, not here or Skylar’s or even her own.

  Walking up her front stairs, he raised his hand and knocked on the front door. Within seconds, the door flung open, and there she stood, in the leather he had bought her for their special night. She had left her hair down but in some kind of twist. The leather bodice hugged her body like a second skin, and the view of her cleavage made his mouth water. And don’t get him started on the shorts she was wearing.

  “Dominic,” she whispered.

  He inched forward. “My God, Chantal. You look delectable.” His eyes roamed over her body as he said the words. The vision he had of her in the outfit earlier was an understatement to what was standing in front of him now.

  The leather looked as if it was painted on her. The only thing that actually looked real from a distance was the leather straps that were holding the top and shorts together. And the boots she had chosen to finish the outfit off were dark purple, faux leather knee-high boots with a stocking type material that went from the ends of the boots at her knees, straight up high on her thighs.

  Nothing was holding them up besides the thick band around the top of her thigh. Just that alone, made him hard. He wanted to run the tip of his tongue right around the whole band until he ended up at the most precious part of her.

  “Do you have a coat to wear?”

  “Um, I think I do. Let me go and check.”

  He watched as she turned away from him and quickly moved down the hall, heading towards the bedroom. He groaned at the sight of her ass in those tight shorts. He couldn’t wait to rip them off with his teeth, and the thought of her completely bare under them had him re-arranging his throbbing cock in his own leather pants.

  Minutes later she walked out with a knee length coat that met the top of her boots. No one would know what exactly was under that coat, but him, and it was going to be very hard to concentrate with her sitting beside him, like that.

  He lifted up his hand and she placed her delicate one in his, and they walked out the front door, towards his truck. His hand sat in the middle of her back. He loved how her body reacted to his, just by a single touch. Helping her into the passenger side, he walked around to his side and jumped in.

  He didn’t start the truck straight away; he turned in his seat and faced her. “Do you trust me, Chantal?” he asked as he removed her bag from her lap.

  She peeked up at him with those beautiful eyes of hers that he could get lost in. “You know I do, Dominic,” she whispered.

  He pulled out the blindfold he had in his pocket. “I’m going to blindfold you. You won’t know where we are going, until I decide when to take off the mask. Nothing will happen that you don’t want to, baby. You have no idea how it makes me feel that you put your complete trust in me,” he told her as he placed the blindfold over her eyes.

  Her breathing picked up once the blindfold was in place. Her hands fisted beside her thighs as he checked that it wasn’t too tight for her. He knew she was contemplating whether she would remove the mask or not, but she sat there, unmoving, and waited for him.

  He lightly stroked his fingers up her thighs, and her legs fell open, just a little to give him access, but he wasn’t going where she wanted him, not yet.

  “You have no idea how sexy you look right now...blindfolded, wearing leather. All I need is for you to be tied and that would finish off the image.”

  She never said one word. She was slowly starting to learn the ways that he wanted from her.

  “Are you comfortable, baby?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered.

  “We can’t have my girl uncomfortable. Now, I’m not going to tell you where we are going just yet, but once we are there, you are going to enjoy every second of it.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Smiling, she leant against the back of the seat as he started up his truck. The night had finally come. He had wanted it to happen for a very long time, and now that it had finally arrived, he hoped it went as planned and nothing, and he meant nothing, would ruin it for the both of them.

  Tonight he was claiming her for all to see. She didn’t know it yet, and wouldn’t until he removed the blindfold once they were up on that stage, with her strapped to his favourite St Andrew’s Cross. He couldn’t wait to crack his whip that he had made especially for her and only her. It had never touched anyone’s skin, til’ tonight. He was breaking it in, and doing the same with her.

  Chapter 48

  Skylar lost where she was as she was driving around. Nothing around her looked familiar at all. She knew she should not have taken that last turn off. The road was dark, there weren’t many houses on the street, and the lighting was poor—she could barely make out the road that was in front of her. If you could call it a road. Sugar cane grew on side, and there were houses on the other. From what she could make out, half of them looked like they had been abandoned, but she wasn’t going to stop and find out.

  As she turned around the next corner, something ran out in front of her, making her scream and slam on the brakes. Her car pulled to a hard stop, dust covered the back end of her, and her seat belt pulled taut against her body. She should not have driven away from Nate’s place; it was stupid behavior on her part. But she needed to get away, just for a little while.

  The last time she checked the time it was after 6p.m., and she had been gone for over three hours. Maybe it was time to turn around and head back home, where it was safe, compared to wherever she was now. Loosening the belt from around her, she reached over for her bag. As she did, her stomach pulled tight, and pain shot straight down the length of her back. Gasping, she held her stomach; it was getting tighter and tighter. She breathed through the pain, as she remembered from the anti-natal classes both her and Nate attended. Once the pain subsided, she reached for her bag again and pulled out her phone.

  Looking at the screen of her phone, she saw there was only one bar of service, and her battery was almost empty. Noticing the time in the right hand corner, she couldn’t believe that it was after 9p.m. now. How could she have not known that she was out this late? She tried ringing Chantal’s number but it only went to voicemail. Maybe it’s a good idea to go home now, she thought.

  She turned the key in the ignition. The car revved high and stopped. It never turned over. She tried again and got the same thing. Gr
eat, just what she needed. Stuck out in the middle of absolutely nowhere, with minimal service, and the car decided not to work. As she slammed her hand against the steering wheel, another sharp pain shot down her spine, and also across the front of her belly. “Oh God,” she moaned.

  Panting through the pain, she clamped her thighs together, really hoping the baby wasn’t deciding to come at that moment. She needed to get out of where she was, immediately. She hit on Nate’s number and dialled. One ring...two rings...three rings...four rings. “Come on, Nate,” she pleaded. Five rings...six rings. “Shit.” She hung up before it went to his voicemail. She wasn’t going to leave a message for him; she needed to hear his voice, not a recording.

  Undoing her belt, she opened her door and got out. Maybe she just needed to move around just a little. Leaving the door open, she stayed close to her car as she walked the length of it several times. There was a house across the road from her, no lights on. It didn’t exactly look safe enough to go over and ask for help, so she stuck it out and hopefully the car would start after a little bit. Leaning over, she turned the key again, and got the same result.

  “Why me? Of all places, why did you have to stop working here?” she yelled into the wind. She wasn’t exactly dressed for night, wearing only a summer dress she had put on that morning; she didn’t think to grab a coat or something as she left. There wasn’t even a blanket in the back of her car, either. The only thing she could do was sit in the car, hoping the heater would stay on until she could get out of there.

  She tried ringing both Craig and Alex’s phones, but neither of them answered. She needed one of them to answer their phone soon, or she was going to lose it. Dialling Nate’s number again, she counted every ringtone, ready to hang up again, and then he answered.


  “Nate,” she whispered his name.

  “Jesus woman, I have been going out of my mind. You never answered any of my calls.”

  “I’m sorry. I needed time to myself.”


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