The Journey Home

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The Journey Home Page 9

by Lee Carroll

  “When you have finished with the seventh house,” Orange smiled, “there will be full understanding.”

  Mike understood only a portion of what Orange was saying, but he was beginning to get the picture. Much like the rotting food explanation, he realized that he could carry nothing of the old Mike to the place called home. He lamented the loss and still felt somewhat betrayed by his angel friends because they had not been more specific. But he was starting to see the metamorphosis that was being asked of him, and he also realized that he had now been given two suggestions along the way; one by Blue not to take food, and one by Orange to leave his baggage. In both cases, he had ignored the advice, and both times it had gotten him into trouble.

  Michael vowed to himself to start listening closer to what the angels along the way told him. This was a strange place with multiple-dimensional facets, and he realized that HE had the biological information, and the ANGELS had the spiritual information. If he would listen more and assume less, his journey would be far smoother. Even if he didn’t yet understand all the language and many of the concepts, he still had to trust the angels’ overview of a land they knew, and yet he had to do the work of traversing the path himself.

  “Orange!” Michael wanted to get the angel’s attention. “Why are there storms here?”

  “Michael Thomas of Pure Intent, I will give you still another answer that is true, but that you will not understand.” Orange retreated to the mouth of the cave, turned, and delivered the answer. “When the human is not here, there are no storms.” Orange was right. Mike had no idea why that should be. Mike stood up to ask about the dark thing that he had seen chasing him...and realized that Orange was gone!

  “Good-bye, again, my brightly colored orange friend,” said Mike to the vacant space where the Orange Spirit had been a moment before. For the first time, there was a response to his farewell. In his mind, he clearly heard the voice of Orange, soothing and loving and wise.

  “It is when you realize why we never say good-bye that you will know you are part of our dimension.” More confusing talk, thought Mike—but somehow comforting.

  Mike used the fire that Orange had somehow provided to warm himself and dry his clothes, which he removed and laid on rocks next to the warm blaze. He noticed that the armor and shield had suffered no damage as he carefully laid the pieces next to his clothes. Gradually, he fell into a slumber, not knowing if it was day or night outside, and slept several hours. The storm continued for a while but had totally cleared up by the time Michael awakened.

  Michael peered out of the cave and could see that it was now dusk of the same day. He had slept the afternoon away during the remainder of the storm and was now feeling energetic. Slowly and cautiously, he assembled his battle gear, put it on as he had been told, lifted the map bag over his neck, and stepped into the roadway. All seemed so peaceful! He looked backward but could sense no danger, nor could he detect any wisp of a dark shape scurrying to hide behind a rock or tree. Mike felt good!

  Even though it was almost dark, Mike felt that the next house would present itself shortly, and he was right. He strode off down the path with another house just out of sight over a hill. He felt light! Both hands were free, and without the bags there was no irritating clanking of his battle gear. He almost forgot he had it on. His step was nimble. Michael Thomas had accepted his physical loss as being appropriate for his journey and had put the experience behind him. He practiced seeing the photos of his parents in his mind and was rewarded with full memory. He still felt their love, and he had all the feelings he used to experience when gazing at their photos. Orange was right. What was really his was in his mind. It was all he really needed.

  SEVERAL HUNDRED YARDS behind, a revolting dark green shape was recovering from a painful experience. Each time IT moved, there was a painful reminder of the burn it had received. IT didn’t know it, but that wound would never heal. IT was perplexed, but still determined to thwart Michael Thomas’s path. As if life itself were in the balance, IT knew that even if IT had to completely sacrifice itself in battle, there would come a time soon where Michael Thomas would look into ITs searing red eyes, feel ITs hot breath, and know what ultimate fear was, before he could take another step toward home.


  The Third House

  Mike paused at the footpath before he entered the third house. This one had a sign on the lawn that read, “House of Biology.” The entire house and the sign were all one hue, just as the other houses had been. This cottage-style structure was a beautiful Kelly green that seemed to blend in with the surrounding natural color of the luxurious grass and trees, tempered by the subdued lighting of dusk. Mike knew that he was about to meet still another angel who would undoubtedly become his friend. He took stock of where he had been so far and guessed correctly that the first two houses had both been preparation oriented, helping him prepare for his journey. Now came the beginning of substance and training. After what he had been through so far, this had to be easier, Mike thought.

  As he approached the house, an enormous green angel stepped out on the porch, watched him approach, and gave Mike the standard salutation.

  “Greetings, Michael Thomas of Pure Intent!” This angel, whom Mike would automatically call Green, seemed especially stout and filled with mirth. Mike felt that all the angels had a great humorous streak in them, but Green always seemed to be smiling. The angel looked Mike up and down and winked.

  “Nice sword!”

  “Good evening to you, Green,” Mike replied, ignoring the comment about the sword. I’ll bet he did that just to make me feel more comfortable about carrying something so seemingly out of place in this spiritual quest, thought Mike.

  “Nope,” replied the angel, reading Mike’s thoughts. “Not all swords are as grand as the one you have. I know. I see a lot of them.”

  “What makes the difference?” Mike asked.

  “We named you for a reason, Michael. Your intent is indeed pure, and your heart literally rings with your quest. Your tools therefore reflect something that all such as I can see. Please, come in.” Mike followed Green into the house, continuing the conversation.

  “Does that make me different?—special?—better?”

  “It makes your potential huge, Michael! Remember that as a human you have choice. We never grade humans or compartmentalize them. We view each of you as a level of energy potential.”

  “Potential for what?”

  “Change!” exclaimed Green.


  Green stopped and faced Mike. They had just passed through a number of small, green rooms and were now in what seemed to be the entrance to another of Mike’s temporary quarters. The angel spoke softly and with a tremendous sense of patience and honor for the human he was standing before.

  “Why are you here, Michael Thomas?”

  “To allow for my journey home,” Mike stated quickly and honestly.

  “And what must you do to allow for that?” The angel was creating a space for Mike to define his current situation.

  “Travel on the road of seven houses?”

  “And?” Green wanted more.

  “Become a different dimensional being?” Mike sheepishly parroted what he remembered Orange had told him. Green smiled broadly and spoke.

  “Eventually, Michael of Pure Intent, you will actually understand some of the words and concepts you are reflecting now. Did Orange tell you that?” Mike knew he’d been found out.

  “Yes, he did. I really don’t know what it means yet.”

  “I know,” mused the large green one. “So—back to the question. What are you doing about getting home?”

  “Changing!” Mike stated triumphantly.

  “Why?” Green asked. Now the question had gone full circle, and Mike was about to answer his own inquiry.

  “I can’t go there unless I change?” stated Mike quizzically.

  “Exactly! The journey home has several parts, my human friend. First, there is intent
to go. Next, there is preparation. This is always followed by self-discovery, and understanding that the changes you must undergo are necessary for you to get there. You are already feeling that. And, finally, you study how things work so you will be able to be comfortable with the overview. Opening that final door marked ‘home’ is like a graduation, Michael. There is nothing like it!”

  This was the very first time an angel had begun to discuss the goal and the final door. Mike was very excited.

  “Tell me more about what to expect, Green.” This is what Mike was really interested in—the final goal—what to expect when he opened that door.

  “When you initially asked, you defined it yourself,” Green answered.

  “When was that?” Mike didn’t remember.

  “When you first asked for this journey,” answered Green.

  Mike suddenly remembered the conversation that had started all this, with the great white faceless one, when he was asked to describe home.

  “You know about that?” Mike was shocked.

  “We are all part of the family, Michael.” Green glided into the room where Mike was to stay. “This should all look familiar to you,” said Green.

  Mike looked around. It was much the same as the other houses and was extremely inviting for rest and sleep. He smelled the meal that was already prepared in the adjacent room.

  “There are also clothes this time, Michael.” The angel pointed toward the closet.

  Mike suddenly realized what a sight he must be, with blood and dried mud on his torn clothes, a product of the life-threatening storm he had just experienced. Mike looked into the area where Green had pointed. There indeed were clothes! He took a closer look and discovered fine traveling clothes just his size, and a grand green robe. He turned to ask Green how his exact size was known, but Green was nowhere to be seen. Mike smiled to himself and spoke out loud, knowing that Green would hear him.

  “Good night, my green angelic friend. See you in the morning.”

  Mike ate and slept soundly that night until about 5 A.M., when he was visited by a nightmare. In his dream, he again saw the horrible dark thing approaching during his helplessness in the storm. He again felt the forewarning that his life was about to be ended by this menace, and he was terrified. He awoke with a start, sweating profusely. Green was standing by the bed!

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Do you guys ever sleep?” asked Mike rubbing his eyes.

  “Of course not.”

  “It isn’t even light outside yet!” Mike still felt weary from the seeming lack of sleep and the frightening dream.

  “Get used to it in the House of Biology, Michael Thomas.” Green smiled again and continued to stand there. “I will be here each morning at 5:30 to begin the lessons. Before we are finished, you will understand all about sleep patterns and biological energy—and bad dreams.”

  “You know my dreams?” Mike was amazed.

  “Michael, you still don’t realize our connection to you. We know all about you, and we honor your process greatly!” Green took a few steps back from the bed and gestured for Mike to get ready and join him. Mike felt a bit shy.

  “Green, I’m not wearing clothes.”

  “That’s how you are going to start the lessons, Michael. Don’t be shy. Put on the green robe that’s in the closet.”

  Mike did as he was asked and went into the next room to enjoy his breakfast. Green was like an attentive dog! He sat with Mike and watched everything he ate, but he said nothing. This was the first time any angelic teacher had shown him this kind of attention. Something was different.

  After the meal, Green led Mike to a special teaching area. The other houses had all been enormous, with large rooms and high ceilings. In this one, all the rooms were small, and most of the teaching took place in only one of them. Green started right in. He asked Mike to take off his robe.

  “Michael Thomas of Pure Intent—point to your enlightenment.”

  “I don’t understand,” said Mike.

  “Where is your pure intent? Where is your love? Where is that part of you that knows God?” Green was intent, and continued, “Go ahead; point to that part of your biology that has those attributes.”

  Mike didn’t have to think very hard about this. He now understood that Green, who was not human, wanted Mike to show him where in his body those values were present.

  “Some are here.” Mike pointed to his forehead. “And some are here.”Mike placed the palm of his hand over his chest. “That is where I sense what you are asking.”

  “Wrong!” stated Green in a loud voice that startled Mike. “Care to try again?”

  Slowly Mike began a tour of his body, asking Green if it should be here or there as he continued to point. Each time Green gave a negative answer.

  “I give up, Green,” said Mike, exasperated after having pointed to almost every part he had. “Where is it?”

  “Let me tell you a joke, Michael Thomas. Then you may try again.”

  Mike thought this was very funny. Here he was—naked with a green angel in a land that really didn’t exist in his former life—and the angel was about to tell a joke!Who would ever believe this?Was this a great place or what?

  “Once there was a man who felt very enlightened,” Green began, enjoying every minute of this joke-telling experience. “When the man felt he had reached a level of enlightenment to continue on his journey, he found a taxi.” Green smiled broadly and paused, looking for Michael’s reaction to an angel’s knowledge of the word taxi. Mike didn’t give Green the satisfaction of expressing the surprise that he wanted, suppressing his sudden desire to laugh. Mike smirked a bit. Green continued anyway.

  “When the man found the taxi, he stuck his head into the window and said to the driver, ‘I’m ready. Let’s go!’ The driver, in reaction to the instruction, immediately took off in the direction the man wanted—taking only the man’s head with him!” Green was very funny in his storytelling and again looked at Mike for a reaction. Mike was deadpan and looked at Green, turning his head to the side and twisting his face into an expression that said— “And?” Green got to the punch line.

  “Blessed is the man who places his whole body into the taxi before announcing that he is ready to go!” Green was proud of his storytelling, despite Mike’s obviously stifled reaction, and he gloated in the silence that followed.

  “Don’t quit your day job,” Mike announced, barely containing his desire to laugh out loud at this funny angel’s antics. “So what exactly does your joke mean, Green?”

  “Michael Thomas of Pure Intent, each and every cell of your human body contains a consciousness that knows about God. Each cell therefore has the potential for enlightenment, love, and the pursuit of vibratory change. Here, let me show you.”With that, Green did something that shocked and dismayed Mike. He quickly approached, and with a lightning move, he stomped on Mike’s toe!

  “OW!” yelled Mike in disgust at such a violation of trust. “What is that about?” Mike’s toe was throbbing with pain. He grabbed it and tried to soothe it, as any human would, hopping around on the floor in the process. “That hurt!” Mike shouted at Green. The toe was turning red, then black. “That hurt a lot! I think you broke it!”

  “What hurts, Michael?” asked Green casually as he watched Mike move around the room while grimacing at every step.

  “My toe, you slime-colored sadist!” Mike didn’t know what he was saying, but he was angry. Green was unaffected by Mike’s outburst and came closer to him.

  “Stay away!” said Mike, holding out his hands defensively. “I don’t want to sample another angelic foot massage, or your idea of sole therapy. Don’t come any closer!”

  “What hurts, Michael?” Green asked again, also stating, “It’s not your toe.”

  “It’s not?” Mike asked incredulously as he found himself on the floor in the lotus position, blowing on his foot, trying not to tip over. “Then you tell me, your Holy greenness. What is it that hurts?” Mike was being
sarcastic, but the angel didn’t mind.

  “WE do, Michael,” Green stated. “Every cell in your body is feeling your discomfort right now. Say it, Michael: Say, ‘WE HURT.’” Mike did as he was told.

  “WE hurt,” he repeated not too enthusiastically.

  “Do you give permission for a healing?” Green inquired.

  “Yes.” Mike was interested now.

  “State your permission,” stated Green.

  “I give you permission to heal my toe,” said Mike.

  “WRONG!” stated Green in another loud voice. Mike didn’t need a map to get this one right. He tried again.

  “I give you permission to heal,” Mike paused. “WE—er—I mean, US.” Green was still unsatisfied, and said so.

  “Michael, give permission for the event, don’t give ME permission to do it.” Mike thought about this and rephrased his statement.

  “I give permission for this healing. WE hurt, and WE will all benefit from this cure.”

  “And so it is!” shouted an enthusiastic Green, as he clapped his hands in glee. “You have it correct, Michael Thomas of Pure Intent! You have just healed your toe!”

  Almost immediately, Mike’s toe stopped throbbing. The redness turned a healthy pink, and his entire body felt relief from the pain. Green came closer, and this time Mike did not ask him to stop.

  “Michael, do you know what just happened?” Green’s voice was soft and gentle.

  “I think I do, but I need you to elaborate.” Mike was feeling weak from the lesson. The pain had exhausted him. Green continued.

  “I will never again cause you pain, my dear friend. You have my promise. From now on, you will learn from experiences other than pain. What you just learned was that the pain of the one part affects the many. It was a community experience. You feel tired now, don’t you? If this experience had just involved your toe, why then would your entire countenance feel the effect? Why was there anger? Did your toe shout at me? No. Your entire body shouted at me! Your toe knew of the pain, but all of you participated. The toe was the source of the problem, but I guarantee that all the cells knew of the event. The same is true of joy, pleasure, passion, and the inner pride of truth. Each cell feels everything and has an awareness of the whole.” Green paused for effect. “So it is with spiritual enlightenment and a Godly quest.”


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