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The Journey Home Page 10

by Lee Carroll

  “Then where exactly is my enlightenment, Green?” Mike wanted a straight answer this time, without jokes or toe-stompings.

  “It resides equally in each cell of your body, Michael Thomas. Each and every cell has a consciousness of the whole. Each cell absolutely knows about the others. Each one participates in the vibration of the complete human.” Green was quiet a moment, then turned for emphasis and sat down and faced Mike. “Your time here will be to learn the characteristics of vibrational increase. Before we can begin, you must accept yourself as a group of cells that all know everything—not as a bunch of parts.”

  “I think I can do that.” Michael spoke with serious intent.

  “So do I.” Green smiled his great big smile and got up from his sitting position. “Are you ready?” Still smarting from the toe experience, Mike felt himself involuntarily brought to his feet from the floor as he replied.

  “Yes, sir.”

  The next few hours were filled with instructions about human anatomy and health. Not the medical kind of training, but advice about plain living and practical applications for good health. There seemed to be a constant stream of profound information about everything! What to eat, how to have energy, when to exercise and why—and how to know when it should be done. All through the lessons, Green constantly expressed concern that Mike understand the “WE” of his being. Mike was beginning to feel as if he wasn’t allowed to have parts, and Green agreed with him.

  Mike slept extremely well that night and had no more nightmares. In the morning, Green was again at his bed and watched him eat breakfast. This time Green began to explain about each type of food that Mike was eating. Green didn’t seem to care what Mike ate from his magnificent selection, but gave a tour of each food group as Mike chewed away, trying to remember everything that Green was saying.

  In the days that followed, Mike began an exercise program. On certain days, Green required him to again put on his battle dress so as not to forget what it felt like. Those were the days Mike enjoyed best. He didn’t realize how much he had missed his sword, shield, and armor until he placed it on his body and again marveled at how well it fit.

  Green instructed Mike on food, plants, herbs, and how the body balanced itself naturally. Mike marveled at how the cells worked together as if they somehow “knew” something that Mike did not. It was all so wonderful! Green told Mike that there was a fine magnetic polarity for each organ and for each cell. Again, the cells all “knew” what it was, and by themselves worked to achieve perfect balance. When in balance, each cell could rejuvenate itself perfectly, and Mike learned how the body renewed itself constantly. Finally, he asked Green a funny question.

  “It seems that my cells—I mean, WE—are very smart when it comes to balancing the biology. How is it that I am seemingly in the dark in the process? Can’t I contribute something to the situation?My mind really doesn’t have the knowledge that the cells do.Where do I, as Mike, come in?”

  “Funny you should ask, Michael Thomas of Pure Intent!” Green emphasized the pure intent part, and Mike knew what was coming.

  Green continued, “Your body only needs you to honor it with proper intake, environmental wisdom, and maintenance, and it will do the rest. So far you have learned how to make it comfortable, feed it properly, and give it physical practice. Your systems are happy and busy without you doing anything else. Now, it’s time for you to understand the test of your spirit, for you have something to give your body that it could never do for itself. Do you know what that is?”

  Mike thought he did.

  “Yes, I do, Green.” Mike was feeling healthier than he had ever been in his life. He wasn’t ashamed of his nakedness anymore, especially in front of Green, who admired the slow changes in Mike’s appearance and told him so. Green was like a loving father who was also a world-class trainer. “It’s time for me to make a choice,” Mike blurted out.

  Green almost exploded with glee. “Never before has a human realized this in such a short time!”

  Mike understood that he had finally said something right and was amazed at Green’s reaction. The angelic presence shot around the room, showing off for the first time its ability to defy gravity and change shape. Mike might have been afraid if it hadn’t been that the show was exclusively for him. When Green calmed down, he again came and stood in front of Mike. He looked like his green angelic self again, but he was still wide-eyed with merriment.

  He smiled and said, “Michael Thomas of Pure Intent, what is your choice?”

  “I choose to use the new gifts of Spirit and increase my vibration.” Again Mike knew he had spoken correctly. Green backed up a few paces as if to allow Mike’s increased wisdom to swell around him. Green was obviously impressed.

  “So it shall be this very day, Michael Thomas!” Green exclaimed. “You got it right. The thing that your cells cannot do is use the piece of God you carry with you that has the power to choose to enlighten itself. Only your spirit can do that, and although only your spirit can make the choice, each cell will know that you gave permission. Just like when your toe hurt, your spirit knew it. So it is that when you ask for a higher vibration, your toe will know it. The WE-ness of you is celebrating right now, Michael. They all know what you have given intent for. It’s time you retired.”

  It had been a grand day, and Mike was beginning to feel that he was understanding more about spiritual matters. Evidently what he had done was very special. Green told him on the way to the bedchamber that Mike had given intent for a sacred pursuit—the first of many that Mike would have to ask for. Each time it was appropriate to move to another level, Mike was told that the biology would have to be balanced, with permission given. Green was proud of Mike and was treating him with even more respect than usual. When he came to the door of the bedchamber, Green asked Mike again to face him.

  “Michael Thomas of Pure Intent, normally I just disappear now and come back in the morning. You know the routine. I am here to tell you that I love you dearly. The attributes of a vibrational change have consequences that you must learn about and get used to. I told you that I would not hurt you, and I will not. Everything to follow will unfold at a pace you control. Any hurt you feel will be from you. Nothing will ever be the same for you. This night you will go to bed as one kind of human, but tomorrow you will be another—with all the tests and properties that go with a vibrational shift.”

  Green looked at Mike a very long time, and Mike felt the amazing sense of honor that Green had for him. Mike knew this was different. He longed to ask Green to elaborate. What’s different? Will I know tomorrow? What’s tomorrow’s lesson? Tell me now!

  Mike didn’t ask any of these things, and Green pretended he could not hear Mike. Instead, Green slowly backed out of the room—a very unusual procedure for Green. Something was changing, and Mike had an ominous feeling about it all. He spoke out loud to the walls.

  “I guess I have to expect something fairly drastic in order to move across the veil toward home.” Mike sat on the bed. “Perhaps I will even become an angel before I get there. I might even turn a special color!” Mike almost laughed at the thought of this, and as before, he expected to hear a retort from one of the listening angels, but there was only silence. Something inside him was already starting to change. He felt a vibration in the pit of his stomach. He was having chills. He knew he had to get to bed.

  Mike did not sleep well that night. He found himself wishing it were 5:30, for he realized that he missed and needed Green. He felt suddenly insecure. Each time he fell asleep, he had the same dream. IT was there, glaring at him, and each time the gruesome thing caught him, it destroyed him! As he was being dismembered, he awoke in a pool of sweat and anxiety—hearing his own screams abruptly cut off, then absolute silence. When he got back to sleep, he’d have the dream again. How many times could he be killed? Five? Six? It seemed endless. His death was repeated over and over, each time a bit differently. Each time his dream seemed more vivid. Finally, he couldn’t take it any
more and began sobbing. He continued this, realizing that he was emptying his very soul into the pillow. He could not remember feeling such deep sorrow in his life! Even his parents’ deaths hadn’t caused such an emotional drain. He wept loudly, his weeping became wailing, and Mike was out of control.

  Mike cried for himself and for his parents. He cried for lost love and for lost opportunity. He felt IT had killed him, and Mike finally cried for his own death. He convulsed with sorrow, and could not stop the upheavals of his body in its search for new areas of hurt to ponder and react to.

  Mike finally slumbered a few hours in deep exhaustion before he awoke. Something was wrong. It was almost light out. Where was Green? Why had he been allowed to oversleep? Mike arose and instantly felt the pain in his stomach muscles from the night of gut-wrenching, convulsive crying. He held his side.

  “Boy, do WE hurt!” he heard himself say to his body.

  Mike went into the room normally reserved for his meals. There was no food. He put on his green robe and began to search for Green. He noticed that the rooms he was familiar with had somehow begun to turn a brownish green—or was that just the light? Speaking of light, it seemed to be failing. Where was Green?What’s happening here?

  “Green, where are you?” No response.

  Mike toured the house, but he didn’t find the angel anywhere. Finally, hungry and tired, Mike sat down alone in the room where Green had lectured him many times. He was puzzled and felt a blackness begin to overtake him that was very uncharacteristic of his journey. He recognized it. It was the same depression that he had experienced for so long in Los Angeles, before all this had begun to happen.

  “What’s happening?” Mike wondered aloud. There was only silence. “Where is everyone? Blue? Orange? Green? Hey guys, I need you!” Silence.

  Mike realized that his depression was starting to take over his personality. It wouldn’t be long before he was in that same hole where he didn’t care about anything or anyone. He refused to let that happen.

  “Okay, guys, if you won’t help me, then I’ll do it the hard way!” Whatever that meant. Mike was grasping at straws for a reaction from anyone! He went back to his bedchamber and looked around. When he opened his closet, he remembered the map! Perhaps it would give him some insight. It always did when something went wrong in this odd spiritual “current” land. Mike easily found the scroll and unrolled it.

  Mike wasn’t prepared for what he saw. He stared in disbelief and slowly put away the map. He got back into bed, robe and all, and pulled the covers up around him. It was only one in the afternoon. Mike didn’t care. He stared at the wall.

  On the parchment where the “YOU ARE HERE” indicator always was, there was only a black smudge—no words. There were no markings on it. The map was dead. It had lost its magic.

  Had IT invaded the house and actually killed Mike during the night? Had Mike experienced dreams, or reality, during his sleep? Had IT also killed the angels? How could all this be? Mike was fighting depression and blackness. He tried to make sense of it all and stretched his mind, trying to remember anything that Green said that would explain this. In the approaching black haze of his consciousness, Mike remembered Green telling him: “Any pain from now on will be from you. Nothing will ever be the same; I love you dearly.” Had this been Green’s good-bye? Mike again remembered what the great white one had said at the beginning: “Everything is not as it seems....” Mike had to hang on. He believed in God, and this was all a trick—a test!

  Mike did the only thing he could think of. He got up and put on his armor. It didn’t feel good. It was heavier than he remembered, and the sword felt stupid. He didn’t care. Mike wore it with pride, and spoke aloud.

  “Nothing will defeat my spirit! I claim victory over my depression!”

  Nothing. Silence. Empty words. No feeling of love or honor, or that anyone, or anything, cared about Michael Thomas. This land was completely empty. Michael Thomas was the only one there.

  Mike was fighting for his very sanity. He would not give up! He went to the learning room and took his place in full battle dress in the student’s chair. There he stayed until the sun went down, waiting and watching in the absolute silence of a land without sound. Even then, he continued to sit there, alert and waiting. He didn’t know what to expect, but he would not give in to the darkness of the depression that he had conquered so completely before he entered this beautiful land.

  Finally, in the darkened room he dozed off. His sleep was not fitful this time. He was beginning to create peace where peace had not been before. His power to do so was beginning to show. As he slept, his sword gently oscillated and “sang” to itself, responding to the new vibratory rate of the precious human who owned it—but Michael Thomas was unaware of it. His shield glowed slightly, reacting to a new set of instructions from a changing biology—but Michael Thomas was unaware of it. His armor kept him warm, replying to spiritual instructions from a newly awakened source within Michael’s DNA—but Michael Thomas was unaware of it. All the cells in Michael Thomas’s body were being changed, and the metamorphosis was almost complete. Mike slept very well indeed.

  THINGS WERE DIFFERENT when Michael woke up in the morning. He was still in the chair that he had spent the night in, but it was somehow brighter and more cheerful in the room. He arose and tested his mind. Odd that his first thought was not to see if he was still alone, but instead if HE was okay. The depression was gone! Mike realized that he was wearing his battle dress, but somehow he didn’t even feel it. As he briskly walked toward the area where food had previously been served in order to see if he was going to starve again that day, he was greeted halfway by the wonderful aroma of a fine breakfast. Mike knew all was going to be well again.

  Mike ate like he had never eaten before. He was famished, almost ravenous in his attack upon the meal before him. He reveled in his feeling of well-being. He found himself singing out loud—with his mouth full!

  “Mom should see me now!” Mike mused aloud, egg yolk dripping from the corner of his mouth. “She would be so ashamed at my manners.”

  “She is actually very proud of you, Mike.” Green was standing in the doorway. “We all are.”

  Mike stood up in respect for his green friend. He was overjoyed to see the angel.

  “Green!” Mike yelled in delight. “I wondered if I had lost you. Please, come and sit with me!” Mike sat back down and continued eating.

  The large angel moved to the table and sat before Mike, but waited for Mike to speak first. He knew that his friend must have dozens of questions about what had happened the day before, but Green wanted to see when he would ask. There was silence while Mike continued eating and humming at the same time, smiling foolishly and looking at Green with sparkling eyes. Green took it all in, scanning Michael’s body, obviously noticing the battle dress. He couldn’t contain himself any longer.

  “Nice sword,” said the smirking green one.

  Mike burst out laughing at the remark, remembering that this was Green’s first remark to him when he had arrived. Food spewed everywhere, and the great green one joined Mike in his laughter. They embraced for the first time, hugging each other affectionately. It was the first time Mike had been allowed to touch any of the angels of the land, but he knew intuitively that it was somehow appropriate now. Neither could stop laughing. Michael found himself actually dancing with the great green angel to the music of his very soul, trudging on bagels and other delightful breads that were knocked off the table during the ruckus. He realized that now there would be pieces of blueberry muffin stuck between his toes. The room was a mess, but he didn’t care.

  Mike’s chest was still heaving from the exertion and hilarity as he again sat down, trying to recover from his joyful antics. He finally spoke to Green, who stood before him.

  “I knew you would come back, you know.”

  “How did you know?”

  “Because you told me you loved me.”

  “I do,” replied Green, smiling aga
in. Mike took another bite of the now decimated meal before him. He paused.

  “Can my mother and father really see me, Green?” This was the most important question to him. He remembered Green’s comment when he had entered the room a few moments ago.

  “It is a measure of your new awareness that you ask this question first, Michael Thomas of Pure Intent. Sometimes the angels of the land take wagers about which question will be asked first after the challenge of the change. The one that is normally asked, you have not yet voiced. We have been together again in this room for some time—yet you have still not asked it. Instead, you ask about your parents. Truly, I stand before a special human being!”

  Mike wasn’t certain, but he thought that Green was getting emotional—if that was possible for an angel. There was a pause until Green spoke again.

  “Yes, Michael Thomas, your parents can see you, and they are indeed proud.” Green waited for more questions.

  Mike thought about what Green had said. He spoke again. “I think I know what yesterday was all about.”

  Green cocked his head to one side. “Really? Tell me, then.” Green was all ears. Normally, at this point in a human’s lessons in the House of Biology, the angel spent all his time trying to explain to a puzzled human where in the world everyone had gone the day before and the reason for the horrible, lonely journey into apparent blackness of spirit.

  “I’ve changed, Green, just like you said I would. I feel different. I feel...” Mike paused for a moment. “...WE feel empowered. I have an awareness about you, Green, that I did not have before. You have somehow moved from being my teacher into a role of—” Mike thought about the right word, but paused a bit too long. Green interrupted him.


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