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The Journey Home

Page 23

by Lee Carroll

  Slowly, he realized that all the light, the décor, and the focus of the architecture was dedicated to honoring the center of the oval sanctuary. There were grand staircases at the edges of the great oval, but they only led to balconies that overlooked and focused on the center of the room. Mike concentrated on the room. The center of the grand chamber was heavy with the golden fog, but there WAS something else there as well. Mike started forward, realizing that he was certainly approaching the end of his journey.

  As he moved toward the center of the area of golden fog, he realized that the shrine was far larger then he had originally thought. All the gold and the deceptive design lent itself to tricking the space perception of the human eye. He walked toward the center and found that it was taking him far longer than it should have. Finally, he was only a few feet from the focal point. He stopped. What was there? Something solid was inside the cloak of fog. Another structure?

  He was almost at the center when an astounding burst of energy hit him. Mike was suddenly on his knees! A sense of incredible sacredness and sanctity had descended upon him with a power that demanded he kneel. He was breathless, and his eyes were cast down so as not to violate some unspoken, sacred protocol. His body was starting to shake with a feeling of amazing vibration that could only have come from the presence of God. This was it! He was approaching the final door to heaven—and home? Perhaps, there would be no angel. And yet all the other angels had told him that he was about to meet the grandest entity of them all. Mike felt that there was an awesome presence here, the anointed and miraculous presence of God itself! He was having a hard time breathing.

  Mike lifted his eyes and saw the fog clearing. He remained on his knees but sat up straighter to watch what was taking place. The clearing fog revealed a large, golden blocklike structure. Further clearing showed that the block had steps cut into it. A stairway led upward. Was the door to home at the top of the stairs? The energy was growing very intense, and Mike didn’t feel worthy of being there. There are times when a human knows his place, and no matter what Mike had been through, he didn’t measure up to the sanctity and grandeur of what was before him. He was at the portal to heaven itself and felt like a rubber doll. He felt immobilized by the power of Spirit and the resplendence of God. He knew that just a few steps away was something far more powerful than anything he had ever imagined—something so potently loving and spectacular in its beauty that it represented creation itself!

  Mike felt himself laboring for oxygen, but he kept his head up. He had to see it. Now, he knew that indeed there was an entity yet to meet—the grandest one of all, they had said. Indeed, it must be so. What stupendous angelic creature could bring this energy? He hoped he could survive the intensity of the vibration long enough to meet it. Even if the next moments vaporized him in some burst of heavenly multidimensional light, he had to see it! He remembered the stories of what had happened to those who had touched the Ark of the Covenant in Jewish history. They had vanished in a burst of vapor due to the fact that they had touched God. He felt that this could happen to him, too, if the energy of the moment increased much more. His cells felt as if they were going to burst. All of them were trying to celebrate at the same time! He had a feeling of expansion from within. Mike was beginning to be afraid—not for his life, but afraid that he would not get to see the entity that belonged in this last unbelievable house. The fog continued to lift.

  The ornamented, golden block with stairs cut into it became clearer. It wasn’t just a block; it was a throne! Ornate, radiant beyond words, superbly built, and as gold as anything could be, it seemed to glow with its own sacredness. The angel must be sitting on it. Who could it be?

  Now, Mike suddenly found himself sobbing! His biology was bursting apart inside with the grandness of this holy energy, and he felt waves of gratitude and love pour from his heart. He simply could not control his emotions. The energy upon him was thick, and he knew that the golden entity he was expecting was indeed coming down the steps. The greatest angel of them all was about to emerge from the golden fog that hid the top of the throne. It was actually coming—he knew it! Perhaps he was about to meet the guardian to the doorway to home, the one he had wanted to meet all along—the one that knew everything!

  Mike was a basket case. He didn’t want to be seen like this. He wanted to be strong, but he couldn’t even stand up. He wanted the golden one to know that he had passed the tests and had slain the giant, but he couldn’t even speak. He felt childlike and unable to control his emotions. His chest heaved with gratitude and honor—and lack of oxygen. Mike’s head was starting to hurt. Who was this approaching that carried such power? What entity in the Universe represented the God force in such a dramatic manner?

  “Fear not, Michael Thomas of Pure Intent. You have been expected,” said the great angel whose torso had dimly come into view as it descended the stairs. The voice—it was familiar! Who was it?

  The voice, although carrying with it a sacredness of the highest order, was quiet and peaceful. The entity who was approaching was perhaps the highest of them all, yet the meeting began in a quiet manner—unassuming, with a message of reassuring safety. Despite the message, Mike could not adequately use his voice at the moment. He was still too moved to speak, and the seeming assault on his emotional state wasn’t getting any better. He continued to watch as he grasped his chest with his hand, covering his heart so that it would not burst out of his body in anticipation of the golden master of love, who was now speaking to him. He didn’t want to miss this and hoped he wouldn’t pass out. His sight was beginning to blur.

  The magnificent, heavenly angel came floating down the carved glistening-gold steps, slowly approaching the kneeling and shaking Michael Thomas. Even in his rapturous state, Michael wondered about the seeming dichotomy of stairs for an entity that didn’t need them.

  Michael saw the great, glowing body first; the head of the golden one remained above him enveloped in the golden fog. The angel paused, its face still out of sight. Mike saw that it was huge, bigger than all the others he had met. The golden hue of its garments was so brilliant that the folds seemed to be electric. He could see the bottom of the wings now. He knew there would be wings! They vibrated like 10,000 butterflies, but without sound. Mike was certain that when the head came into view, there would be a magnificent halo—such was the consecrated feeling of this great creature.

  It wasn’t that Mike was becoming used to this energy, but he realized that something was happening to him as the angel paused. He was being given a gift, and he knew it. A bubble of soft, white light was forming around him, caressing him and creating feelings of peacefulness within him. Mike breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that he couldn’t have taken much more of that divine energy! Slowly, he started breathing normally as he now sat on the floor. The emotional wash of overwhelming love became a wash of peace, and he slowly recovered his normal human balance. Ten minutes passed, and the angel remained stationary. Mike was growing stronger and knew that the angel had created a place for him, protected by this bubble of light, where his vibration could exist next to the Godly vibration of a stupendous creature from heaven itself. Finally, he spoke, but did not get up.

  “Thank you, great golden angel.” Mike took a deep breath. “I am not afraid.”

  “I know exactly what you are feeling, Michael, and indeed you are not afraid.” The angel still didn’t move. Michael was trying to place the voice. It had the same kind of peaceful energy that White’s had, and it tended to soothe Mike’s very soul when he heard it. The voice was big, filling the entire space around him, yet quiet at the same time. He knew he had heard it before, but where? In what other area in this great spiritual place had he heard it? When he knew he could speak again, he did.

  “Do I know you, great sacred one?” Mike inquired softly and reverently.

  “Oh, yes,” replied the partially exposed giant angel. “We know each other well.” The majesty of the voice was powerful, filled with glory and splendor. Mike did
n’t understand, but he also didn’t push the subject. The situation was thick with protocol and ceremony. It was better to sit and be spoken to in this energy, and Mike honored the difference in vibration between them. Now the angel spoke again.

  “Our entire time in this house, Michael Thomas, will last not more than a few moments. It will be filled with revelation and great purpose. The vibrational difference between us is so great that we cannot sustain the meeting for long—but long enough.”

  Long enough for what? Mike thought. The angel continued, and the glorious strains of its voice again softened the very molecules in Mike’s body as they fell on his ears and were absorbed by his internal biology.

  “Michael Thomas of Pure Intent, do you love God?”

  Mike’s cells buzzed with action. That question again! Chills of realization raced up his spine. He had felt that White was the last one required to ask this, but he had been wrong. Here it was being asked again. This was it! His cells were all trying to speak again at the same time. Tell him YES! they pleaded. Perhaps the answer he would give to the golden one would be his passport through the door home. This was the last time the question would be asked, and the most important time. He wanted this moment to be profound. Mike paused but couldn’t think of an eloquent answer. His mind was empty of anything but honor to be in such a place, before such a Godly entity.

  “Yes, I do.” His voice was honest and pure. It didn’t shake.

  “And Michael Thomas of Pure Intent,” the wonderful voice continued from the invisible face in the dancing fog, “Do you wish to view the face of God? The one you profess to love?” Michael was frozen by the possibilities suggested by these holy words. What did this mean? What was the revelation? Where was this going? Again his cells demanded that Mike say yes. He answered automatically and simply.

  “Yes, I do.” His voice shook this time, and he knew the angel had heard it.

  “Then, Michael Thomas of Pure Intent,” said the angel as he was starting to move down the stairs, “behold the face of God, the one you have told us that you loved—eight times.”

  The shimmering magnificence of the most sacred of all entities closed in on Michael Thomas. Even with the protection bubble he had been given, Mike felt the energy level increase as the entity once again began to emerge from the thick golden fog and move down the steps of the golden stairway to the level that Mike was on. The entity was so large that part of the fog clung to him as he descended. When he finally stood before Mike, the fog was still gradually clearing around his face, as he again spoke.

  “Get up, Michael. You need to stand for this.”

  Michael knew something profound was coming. He slowly arose on shaky legs and searched the clearing fog with his eyes and his mind at full alert, staring at the place where the face would emerge. Finally it did, and Michael Thomas of Pure Intent—the human who had seen just about everything on his path, who had faced the beast and slain it, who had made his transition better than any other human had in this great spiritual place—became as jelly in the revelation that ensued. Astonishment filled his teary eyes. Understanding teetered within his logical and spiritual mind as he tried to sort out what he was viewing and what it could mean. His emotions were suspended, unable to process the information that his eyes were suddenly revealing to him. His legs became weak, and he went down involuntarily on his knees for the second time in this sacred chamber of ornate gold.

  The face of the great spiritual entity that had descended the chiseled stairs in the great golden throne was the face of Michael Thomas! There was no illusion here. It belonged to the angel. It WAS the angel. The angel was Michael!

  “Therefore, as you love God, so it is that you love me.” The gold one knew Mike wasn’t really listening. His mind was still confounded. Overwhelming shock had filled every cell, and Mike was still trying to sort it out. What did this mean? Was it real? The angel continued. Mike sat motionless on the floor, still unable to take it all in. “Time for another gift, Michael.” The angel’s voice continued to be calming and reassuring, sending peace and understanding into Mike’s very being. “I give you the gift of discernment, Michael, as you listen to my explanation.”

  Mike’s mind started to clear. He again realized that the angel was giving him direct conscious help with his own understanding. This time it would be to clear his mind of human predisposition and bias. The angel again spoke.

  “There is something within each human that dramatically fights to the last logical synapse of brain matter to keep from believing that it is anything other than human, Michael.” The angel smiled, and Mike again seemingly saw himself in the mirror, smiling to himself. The voice was his own, but he had not recognized it. The only time humans hear their own voice accurately is on tape—which he had, but only a few times. He needed to hear what the angel was saying, and now his mind was clearing to allow for it. The angel continued.

  “I AM your higher self, Michael Thomas, the part of God that resides in you as you walk the planet Earth. This is your last revelation and lesson before you continue to your goal. This is the last hurdle of information for you to absorb. It is the highest and most potent truth for all humanity—the one that is the best hidden and hardest to accept.”

  The angel was fascinating to hear, but Mike found him very distracting to watch now, because he had Mike’s face! Still, Mike was absorbed by the information and desired to learn what it meant. He had to go forward. He had to know more. The angel moved slightly and floated to one side, revealing more of the upper portion of where it had previously stood on the carved-out staircase. It continued.

  “This is the golden “House of Self-Worth,” Michael. Nothing will stop you in your enlightened journey faster than a feeling that you don’t deserve it. Therefore, we chose to reveal to you who you really are. You are part of me, Michael. We are an angel of the highest order, like all humans are. We are the ones who have chosen to visit planet Earth, go through the trials of human life, and raise the planet’s vibration by our journey’s lessons and experience. We are the ones who can make a difference for all humanity as well as the Universe. Believe me, Michael Thomas, what you did on Earth made great changes in other areas.”

  “But I didn’t stay!” Mike blurted out what was on his mind, hearing this information and again feeling that he had surrendered early. “And I didn’t learn anything!”

  “It doesn’t matter, Michael,” stated the angel. “It’s the intent to make the journey, and the original agreement to participate in the sacrifice that is honored so greatly. Just your presence on the planet is honorable and correct. Didn’t you realize this? Did you ever hear the story of the prodigal son? It’s told in every culture, you know.”

  Mike knew the story, but he hadn’t applied it to this situation. He remembered that the son in the story was loved and welcomed by the father, even though he hadn’t honored the family’s ways. The angel moved again as it continued the explanation.

  “Michael, the other angels loved you so much! Didn’t you wonder what you had done to deserve such a thing? Now, you know. We—you and I—are an elite group. We are among those highly loved and honored who have elected to come to Earth, live in a lower biology, and have that fact hidden from us. YOU are actually a piece of God, walking the planet in lesson for the sake of a grander purpose, and you get to view that piece before you now.”

  Michael was awed by it all. He thought back over the past few weeks. The family and contracts he had learned about in the House of Violet he found amazing. The family revealed to him in the House of Red was astounding! But now, the revelation that he, the human Michael Thomas, was actually among the highest angels of all? And the other humans, also? Could he really be so grand?

  “Yes, you are, Michael. Yes, WE are! It is now time for you to understand and realize that you deserved to come to earth. You planned to come and actually stood in line! You are honored among entities for what you have done, and you are worthy now to move into the next phase. As you have professed t
o love God so many times through your journey, SO IT IS, THEREFORE, THAT YOU MUST ALSO LOVE YOURSELF! Think about this, Michael Thomas, for its truth must change your perspective and the very essence of your human purpose.”

  Mike was now far more alert to the information, since the angel had given the gift of calming and discernment to him. He was clear. This was indeed hard information to digest. The angel continued to speak.

  “The final step now—and would have been had you continued on Earth—will be to absorb this partnership. Know that it is real! Feel the worthiness and divinity of your humanness. Know that you are actually a sacred entity of heaven itself. Feel the fact that you belong here and are eternal! Own the badge of gold that it gives to you, Michael Thomas.”

  Mike had a flashback from his time in the white house, when White had shown him the vision of Mary in the hospital. He now remembered something that had remained hidden from his mind. White had uttered words that were meaningless until now. The angel had said that Mary had accepted the golden one!

  “Did Mary know about you?” Mike had to ask.

  “Mary knew about her own higher self, Michael, if that’s what you mean. She was partnering with her higher self the whole time you observed her. That is what you felt. She knew who she was. She knew about the golden room and the golden throne. She knew she was sacred and that she deserved to be on Earth. She owned her sacredness.”

  Again, Michael was in awe of Mary, this small woman who had shown him so much, and he had never even known her.

  “Oh, she knows you, Mike,” said the golden one.

  “She does? How?”

  “Just as all of us know each other,” the angel replied. “She was very aware that her gift to her father that day was having profound effects on others. Her intuition told her so. She even knew she was being watched. She, like you now, had all the gifts and tools and maps within her, and also the golden gift of divine discernment that I am passing to you. Such is the power of an enlightened human on Earth.”


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