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Heat Flash

Page 12

by Taylor Anne

  “Hey, it’s okay. It’s just me.”

  Kendall relaxed a little as the familiar man strode into the living room carrying a pizza box, napkins, and two beers.

  Sleepily she rubbed her eyes, silently relieved that he hadn’t left, after all. “How long have I been out?”

  Mason set the hot pizza on the coffee table before handing her a bottle of beer. Their fingers barely touched when she took the drink, but that brief contact sent tingles up her arm, straight to her belly. Sitting next to her, Mason tucked the blanket around her legs. “Hours. I figured it was best not to wake you.”

  Her stomach chose that moment to rumble, revealing the fact that she hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. Breakfast with a very handsome, masculine man.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled as he handed her a slice of her favorite pizza. Pepperoni with extra cheese.

  “Thank Domino’s, they deliver.”

  They ate in silence, the air around them thick with an unidentifiable emotion. Unidentifiable until she caught a glimpse of Mason’s eyes locked on her mouth as she licked tomato sauce from her fingers. Kendall slowly lowered her hand and grasped the napkin on her lap. She sought out his gaze, but instead of looking at her, Mason stood abruptly and picked up their trash, disappearing into the kitchen. When he made his way back, he carried another round of drinks. She took the bottle he offered, toying with the label, avoiding his gaze. He plopped down on the sofa next to her. Not so close that their bodies touched, but close enough she could feel the heat emanating from him.

  “Ken, I’m sorry about—”

  “No,” she held up a halting hand. Her voice rose sharply. “I really don’t want to talk about it right now.”

  “Let me explain.”

  “Look, I get it. You don’t do relationships. Fine. I can handle a one night stand just as well as the next woman.” She stood, looking down at him. “I do appreciate you staying here, for now. I really don’t want to be alone after what’s happened. I feel safe with you, Mason. But this is strictly business. Once this is over, you can go back to your place, and I’ll stay here in mine. Until then, stay out of my way. Now, I have work to catch up on.”

  His brow furrowed, and his mouth opened, but no words came out. Kendall stalked to her office and tried, unsuccessfully, to concentrate on spreadsheets and calculations, and not the man sitting in her living room. After two hours of staring at pages and the computer screen, she gave up and went to bed.

  When not working for clients, Kendall kept busy by devoting her free time to pulling together the final plans for her Mom and Dad’s anniversary party. Maybe after the party she would stay in Baton Rouge for a few days. That would give the cops and FBI time to catch her stalker.


  Over the next few days, Mason and Kendall settled into a companionable routine. They both worked during the day. Her from her home office; Mason from the kitchen table. On the few occasions he had to get out to do some leg work on a case, either Mandy, Connie, or Bobby conveniently stopped by for a visit. Kendall knew Mason called them ahead of time, but neither of them brought it up for discussion.

  During this time, the only evidence that anything was wrong in her life was the constant hang-up calls. Every day. Every night. No matter who answered the phone, Mason or herself, it was the same thing, over and over again. No words, no laughter. Only an open line before the stalker clicked off, seconds before a trace could be secured.

  In the evenings, Mason cooked supper for them, or he stopped for take-out on his way home. He cleaned the kitchen, giving her time to take her bath, finish work, whatever she needed to do. He was a generous, unselfish man. Or, he was doing some serious sucking up for his earlier actions. Whatever. Their night of lovemaking was not discussed, as if it never happened.

  Kendall’s life ran a little bit easier not having to worry about daily activities. And, truth be told, it was comforting having a man in the house. But by the end of the week, she couldn’t continue being selfish and taking time for herself while he cleaned the dishes.

  “Go take your bath,” he said after they polished off the roast and gravy he prepared that afternoon.

  “Here, let me do that.” She wasn’t used to someone handling chores and helping her out. Kendall tried taking a plate out of his hands, and was startled when he let go of the plate and gently wrapped his hands around her wrists. With very little effort, he pulled her closer. His hand barely skimmed the outer edge of her breast. Tingles shot through her body, hardening her nipples. Glancing down, she noticed the only thing keeping her breasts from rubbing against his chest was the red dinner plate, and their hands wrapped around that plate. Her breath came in quick bursts, while her stomach did somersaults.

  The pulse at his neck beat erratically, much like her own. His lips parted slightly, his warm breath coming out in short, uneven spurts. Kendall dared to look up, meeting the blue depths of his eyes. Big mistake. The fire there scorched. Pure desire etched his features.

  The air escaping between her lips formed a single word. “Mason.”

  He inhaled deeply, obviously fighting for control. His hands fell away from Kendall’s wrists then he took the plate out of her hands. He turned to the sink. His jaw clenched before he spoke, enunciating each word firmly, “Go take your bath.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The Reeds’ anniversary party was a huge success. Thankfully, all the activity kept Kendall distracted enough so she didn’t think about her stalker. What did occupy her mind was tormenting thoughts from four years ago. The hotel and restaurant her mom chose for the anniversary party was the same one they were at the night Mason rejected her. So far tonight, she had done a good job of avoiding him, not wanting to face him while those memories were rolling around in her mind.

  Mason cornered her after dinner, a determined gleam in his blue eyes. “We need to talk.”

  They headed toward the balcony for a little privacy and a brief respite from the music. Kendall’s parents stopped them before they could exit the room. Whatever Mason wanted to say to her would have to wait a little longer. Kendall’s entire family huddled together at one end of the bar, talking and laughing. Reminiscing about ‘the good ole days’.

  A sparkle shimmered in Mrs. Reeds’ eye as she looked at Mason, then back at her youngest daughter. Kendall knew her mother would read too much into the situation. Even back in high school, her mom said they would make the perfect couple. Ha! Well, Kendall would burst her bubble later, this was her mom’s night to be happy. And if thinking Mason and Kendall were a couple made her happy, that would be fine. For a while.

  “Mason, we’re so glad you could make it. It’s been too long since we’ve seen you.” Mrs. Reed stood on tip toe so she could place a kiss on his cheek.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Reed. Sorry I was late getting here.” He made quick eye contact with Bobby. “Had a few things I had to handle while I had some free time.” Kendall was probably the only one who caught the exchange between the two men.

  No one had mentioned the stalker incidents to the Reeds. Everyone agreed there was no reason to alarm them. Kendall’s mom would freak, and her dad would insist on going to New Orleans to help solve the case. Once a detective, always a detective. That was the motto he lived by. Even now, retired, he volunteered his time with the Sheriff’s department as well as the FBI. It was in his blood. That trait had flowed down to his children as well. Bobby lived the life of a detective. Mason, being such a big part of the family growing up, was influenced by Mr. Reed’s choices. He lived and breathed the FBI life. Even Mandy’s husband had been a detective, until a drug-bust gone wrong took his life in the line of duty.

  Mr. Reed’s robust voice rang out above the band. “Kids, we’re going to enjoy that big screen TV you gave us. Thanks. And thanks for having someone set it up at the house. That would’ve been a monster to try and handle alone.” He wrapped his arm around his wife and squeezed her waist. The loving gestures between her parents always comforted Kendall. Made her long
for that closeness for herself with a significant other.

  “You’re welcome,” Bobby, Mandy, Mason and Kendall chimed in at the same time. Mason had insisted on contributing to the gift, saying he thought of the Reeds as his own parents.

  God Gave Me You by Blake Shelton began playing. Connie tugged Bobby toward the dance floor. She waved her hand, indicating everyone should join them. Kendall’s mom and dad wasted no time taking the hint. Their cousin, Sam, grabbed Mandy’s hand and pulled her into his arms.

  Mason looked at Kendall with those piercing blue eyes. He extended his hand toward her. So much for avoiding him. The thought of being in his arms, close to his body during a slow dance caused her head to spin. She could say no, couldn’t she?

  “What the hell,” she muttered, grabbing his arm and joining the other couples. A flicker of a smile crossed his face.

  On the dance floor, he wrapped one arm around Kendall’s waist and gently placed the other around her neck. His fingers toyed with the tendrils of hair at her neckline before using the barest pressure to urge her closer. This was a mistake. His tall, sexy body wrapped around hers. Her insides warmed, her skin tingled from head to toe. And when he spoke in that low, sandpaper voice, it was all Kendall could do not to melt.

  “Why have you been avoiding me?” he whispered into her ear.

  “I, um, don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve been busy with the party.” That was an outright lie. The hotel staff had done wonders handling the details for the party. They didn’t need anyone’s help.

  “Right.” For a few minutes they danced in silence. Hell, words weren’t necessary with his hands running up and down her back and arms. He gently tugged her closer against his body, softly singing the words to the song in her ear. Her arms and legs sizzled with excitement. The rush of the moment had her head swimming with desire.

  When the song came to an end, she was ready to make her escape. Get away so she could breathe. Wrong. Mason held her against his body as another slow song began. “Stay.”

  One word, and her heart twisted.

  She tilted her head to sneak a view of his face. Her breath quickened. He was staring at her with a primitive expression, eyes smoldering. The butterflies in her stomach were throwing some sort of party, sending quivers all over. She could stay here forever and get lost in his embrace. Time for a change of pace. “Mason, thanks for staying with me and working on the case. I know y’all will catch this maniac soon.”

  “Let’s not talk about that tonight.” Slowly, his head lowered. Her heart skipped a beat as his lips timidly brushed against hers. He deepened the kiss as a soft growl sounded in her ear. Damn, she realized that satisfying moan came from deep inside her. That was all the encouragement Mason needed to part her lips and explore her mouth with his tongue.

  She leaned into him, savoring the remains of wine on his lips. Her hands around his neck played with the hair touching his collar. She hungrily kissed him.

  After enjoying his sweet taste, Kendall pulled back. His eyes held hers. The intensity of his gaze scorched. Blazing eyes revealed heat, lust, want, need, and something else she couldn’t quite identify. She stiffened in his embrace. Air. She needed air before she suffocated.

  Kendall backed out of his arms. “I’m sorry. I...I need some fresh air.”

  “Ken, wait. We need to talk.” His plea barely registered as she rushed away, leaving him standing alone on the dance floor.

  Without another word, Kendall made her way to the balcony for a few minutes of solitude. That few minutes turned into fifteen. Then thirty. What was happening between her and Mason? His feelings for her seem to be strong and genuine until they start getting too close. Then he backs away. Shuts her out. Why? What did she keep doing that pushed him away?

  The one night they shared together was a taste of heaven for her. She wouldn’t believe it didn’t mean anything more to him than just the two of them having sex. They connected on a level that went way beyond physical touch. Their bodies, minds, souls, and thoughts worked together and molded into one. He was the type of man that would give of himself like that every time he made love to his woman.

  Since that night, Mason had taken every precaution against touching her or getting too close to her, except in public places where there was no danger of him expressing his true desires. Was it because they both knew the slightest touch would have them falling back into bed together, or because he had second thoughts about what had happened? Neither of them braved the words to discuss it.

  All these years she longed for him. Wanted what he could provide. And now she had a taste of all he could give her. She wanted to open herself fully to him, but was unwilling because of the fear of rejection. So now, did she really want to pursue a relationship with him? Were her feelings genuine, or did they stem from taking comfort in his protection? Why did her heart call out to him?


  He drove by her house for the third time tonight, this time stopping at the edge of her driveway. All the lights were out, and the neighborhood was quiet as usual. She wasn’t here, and she wasn’t at the detective boyfriend’s either. He knew that for a fact because he had just come from that side of town. His place was shut up as tight as this one. He snorted in disgust. They were probably out together. Fucking in the backseat of a car somewhere.

  Fumbling on the seat for his cell phone, he picked it up and dialed her home number one more time. Nothing. The call didn’t even roll to her answering machine.

  “Dammit.” He ran his hands through his hair.

  Not to be deterred, he punched in the number for her cell. This call went straight to voicemail. He hit the End button and tossed the phone back onto the seat of his truck. Where the hell was the woman, and why wasn’t she answering her phone? Didn’t she get his message last time that he expected her to answer anytime he called? It was not an option. The bitch thought she was above him; that was the problem. She thought that she had a hand over him since she knew where the money was. She was probably spending it all on herself. Or her boyfriend.

  Well, he would have to teach her a lesson. First, he wanted the money for himself. It was rightfully his, not hers. Second, he would have her. His skin itched every time he imagined her body against his. Hot, sweaty, horny. Of course, she would try to push him away, but that wouldn’t stop him. He would show her things she probably thought only existed in porn movies.

  Laughter filled the darkened space inside the truck. “Yeah, bitch, you’ll get it all. I’ll make you scream for more.”


  Kendall took another sip of her wine and shook her head. No answers came, only more questions. Deciding to slip back into the party before her curious family came looking for her, Kendall entered through the balcony door, heading toward the restroom to freshen up a bit.

  Turning down the hallway, she had a clear view of the hotel lobby, and Mason standing toe to toe with a woman Kendall didn’t recognize. She couldn’t see the woman’s face, but her long black hair curled over Mason’s hands. He pulled the woman into his arms. His head bent toward hers. Kendall’s stomach knotted. Not wanting to witness anymore, she bolted for the restroom, fighting back the bile in her throat.

  Kendall ran up to the room she and Mandy were sharing. She grabbed her purse and the keys to Mandy’s car. She had to get out of this place before she crumpled. She couldn’t believe it. She hadn’t been gone more than thirty or forty minutes before Mason was all over another woman. She was such a jerk to believe he had any real feelings for her.

  Fighting tears, Kendall stepped into the empty elevator and punched the button for the garage level. The doors opened, letting in the sweltering night air. She brushed past an elderly couple, then hurried to the safety of Mandy’s car.

  As soon as she drove away from the hotel, she dug her cell phone out of her purse and dialed Mandy’s number. When it went to voicemail, Kendall rattled off a quick, message. Surely, her sister would understand.


n searched the dance floor, the lobby, even waited next to the ladies’ room. Kendall was nowhere to be found. Not wanting her night to be disturbed by prank calls, he had convinced her to leave her cell phone in the hotel room earlier. He tried calling it anyway. It went straight to voicemail. Dammit.

  She ran off the dance floor before he had a chance to tell her his good news. He knew she would be happy for him. She was the one who always said he should give love a chance. She had been right. Now where did she disappear to?

  Rounding the corner after checking the balcony for the third time, Mason collided with Mandy. “Whoa, what’s the hurry?” Placing his hand on her shoulders, he halted her quickened pace.

  “Mason, she’s gone.” Her breath rushed in and out of her lungs. A frantic, high-pitched edge laced her voice.

  “Kendall?” God, if something had happened to her... “Slow down.” He led Mandy toward the water fountain in the center of the lobby, away from the noise and laughter of the party. “Talk to me, what happened?”

  “I never heard my phone. I told Marks I would call him sometime tonight, so I stepped out to do that. That’s when I noticed the message light blinking. It’s Kendall.” She punched a few buttons and handed him her phone.

  Kendall’s voice came through, crying and broken. “Sis, sorry to leave you in a bind,’ll have...catch a ride home with Bobby and Connie tomorrow. Can you believe... I saw him, kissing another woman.” A brief pause, then her strangled voice continued. “I’m on my...way home. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Make something up to tell mom and dad. I just... I really need to be alone right now.” The phone went silent. Mason let out a string of curses.

  Mandy’s hands shook as she took the phone back. Her wary eyes pleaded with him. “She’s so upset.”


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