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Heat Flash

Page 17

by Taylor Anne

  A sound at the door caught Kendall’s attention. She turned as Marks entered the house, gun drawn. His gaze took in the scene, and he holstered his gun. He grinned. “Let me guess, he fell down.”

  “Yeah, something like that.” Mason thrust the limp body toward Marks.

  Marks looked at Kendall. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Be right back.” Marks shoved Foster out the door.

  Kendall moved back to the sofa, dropped onto it, overwhelmed. Her living room was in shambles. Throw pillows were scattered on the floor. The vase and candles, normally neatly situated on the coffee table, were now halfway across the room, next to the upturned table. The air was filled with the rank aroma of stale cigarette smoke and sweat. The whole atmosphere had an eerie tension to it.

  Mason was barely breathing hard. His black T-shirt was un-tucked from his jeans. His black hair was rumpled. The man looked sexy as hell. And, he was striding toward Kendall with a fire in his eyes.

  In less than a second, he was at her side. “You okay?” he asked softly, running gentle hands over practically every inch of her face and body. Gone was the anger she witnessed a few minutes ago. In its place was a caring, compassionate man.

  Fatigue overwhelmed her, and she collapsed against his solid chest. “I’m okay now, but I was so scared. Oh Mason.” Her voice cracked. The emotions that she held in earlier rocked out of her, racking her body with sobs.

  Mason hugged her tight against his chest. “I was scared too. But it’s going to be fine now, Ken. It’s all over.”

  “What happened? I thought y’all were following Foster out of town. You left this morning, and I thought... You said… I thought you were gone for good.” She was rambling but couldn’t stop herself. She couldn’t follow a thought all the way through. Her voice was weak, barely above a whisper.

  “I’m sorry about this morning.” He softly kissed her lips before continuing. “Marks had a tip that Foster was running.”

  “But he was here. What went wrong?”

  He tried to kiss Kendall again, but this time she dodged his touch. The things he said this morning still hurt.

  “Marks had a positive ID on Foster’s truck. We knew we had to catch him before he hit the interstate. So we rushed out of here hot on his trail. Johnson arrived here just as I was leaving the house, so I knew you were in good hands. Unfortunately Foster was one step ahead of us. We stopped the truck. But Foster wasn’t in it. He had paid some punk to make sure the truck was seen and to dodge the police as long as he could. Foster must’ve been hiding around here the whole time. When the opportunity came up, he jumped Johnson and stabbed him.”

  “Oh my gosh. Is he going to be okay?”

  “He was still alive, and the medics were on their way to him. I hope he’s okay. When I realized it wasn’t Foster in the truck I hauled ass back here. I tried calling you and Johnson. Neither of you answered so I knew something bad was happening. I called for backup to meet me here, but I got here before they did and I wasn’t waiting. I used the spare key to unlock the back door. I walked in and saw him on top of you. I swear, when he touched you, I lost it.” He shook his head. She could reach out and touch the pain and anguish on his face. “You know the rest.” He rubbed her arms, but his efforts to soothe her were rubbing her the wrong way.

  “So, all those things you said this morning... about us…”

  “All bullshit. This Foster crap had me in such turmoil, I couldn’t think straight. But when I saw you in here with that creep, I realized I have to have you in my life. ”

  He tweaked her nose and grinned. Did he think that made everything okay? He circled her neck with his hand. The same hand that could’ve so easily killed a man minutes ago. Kendall shivered at the thought, and pulled away from him.

  “I need to be alone. Please go.”

  His mouth dropped open, his eyebrow shot up. “What’s wrong? I’m not leaving you alone. Ever.”

  She shook her head. Every time they got a chance as a couple, something threw a curve into that idea. It would be easier for her to give up on any hopes of having a real relationship with him. Her resolve to keep all men out of her life pressed to the front of her mind.

  “No, just go. And get your things out of the guest bedroom.”

  Marks chose that moment to walk back in. “Foster’s on his way to the station for booking.” He took one look at Kendall and asked, “Everything okay here?”

  Mason bit out, “Everything’s fine. Let’s wrap this up and move on.”

  “I need to get a few more pictures and take Kendall’s statement first. I’m sure she’d rather do that here than go downtown.”

  She nodded her head in agreement.

  While Mason and Marks talked, Kendall took the opportunity to call Mandy. She said Marks had already phoned her and she was now pulling up outside. She was in Kendall’s living room before Kendall hung up the phone. Mandy rushed toward her sister, only to be halted by Mason.

  “Mason, let go of me. I need to see my sister.”

  “Hold on one minute. Marks needs to finish getting her statement. Let’s wait in the kitchen.”

  Kendall nodded to Mandy to go ahead, she was okay. She watched as her sister and Mason stepped out of sight, into the kitchen. Kendall managed to finish giving her statement to Marks. When they were done, Marks gave her a big hug and promised that now things were going to be fine.

  “Thanks, Marks. Finally, I can get my life back to normal.” Whether or not that normal included Mason, she wasn’t yet sure.

  “Mason, let’s go.” Marks’ shout brought Mason and Mandy back into the living room. Mandy rushed to her side.

  Mason stopped at the door before he and Marks left. He didn’t speak, just sought out her gaze. Their eyes locked. His expression was closed, unreadable. Kendall turned away.

  “Come on Mandy, let’s get out of here.” She didn’t know where, she just knew she had to get some air.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Tom lost his life. Kendall lost her job. A maniac stalked her. Mason appointed himself as her guardian angel. That was more like dealing with the devil himself. Betrayed by his callous actions and words, Kendall vowed to reign in her feelings for him and let him go.

  Kendall and Mandy spent the next several hours at Cajun Roy’s.

  Roy’s fried shrimp was delectable, as always. The flour battered crust, seasoned to perfection, almost melted in her mouth, even around the tears that threatened to fall. The Riesling wine complimented the sweet taste of the seafood while giving Kendall the courage she needed to put men where they belonged. At the bottom of her to-do list.

  Layla, Kendall’s trusted friend and owner of the restaurant, took a few minutes out of her busy night to sit with the two women. “Kendall, honey, I know you’re hurt and confused right now, but keep your head up. Stay strong.”

  If anyone knew about being strong, it was this woman. She raised a daughter on her own and took over her family’s restaurant when both her parents were killed in a car accident. Kendall’s turmoil felt insignificant next to the struggles her friend had to overcome in her life.

  Kendall squeezed her hand. “I just need a little time to get my strength back.”

  “Well, you take the time you need. Everything will work out, you’ll see.” Layla motioned to a waitress then stood up, hugging Kendall and Mandy. “I have to run. I’m here if you need anything.”

  “Thanks Layla. Go crack that whip.”

  “You know I will,” she threw over her shoulder. Laughter erupted from the table. Layla was one tough cookie.

  Always consoling, always positive, Mandy encouraged her sister not to make any quick decisions she would later regret. “Kendall, trust me. Things will work themselves out.”

  “How can you say that? The only man I have ever loved used me.”

  “You don’t get it do you, sis? The man you love saved your life today. There’s no telling what Foster would’ve done to you.” Her voice cracked. �
��Mason did what he had to do. Cut him a little slack.”

  The chirp of her cell phone distracted Kendall for the fourth time that evening. “Geez, doesn’t he ever give up.” Like the other three times before, she pushed the reject button, sending the call straight to voicemail. Not surprisingly, a minute later, the vibration in her hand alerted her there was another message.

  “At least talk to him. Hear him out.” Mandy handed the waitress cash and dropped a tip on the table. They ambled out into the early evening. Finally, a little crispness filled the air, pushing away the mugginess of summer.

  The soft fingers of dusk lowered on the skyline as Mandy pulled up onto the curb next to Kendall’s driveway. Kendall was looking down into her purse, busy digging for her keys. She gave her sister a quick peck on the cheek, then stepped out of the car. Mandy muttered, “Bye. Talk to you tomorrow.” A smile crept across her face as she drove off, leaving Kendall standing on the curb staring after her. Her sister’s petite arm jutted out of the car window, madly waving goodbye. Confused at the sudden rush, Kendall waved goodbye and turned to walk up the driveway. She stopped dead in her tracks. Her gut clenched at the sight of the familiar Tahoe parked next to her Rogue. Mason.

  Her vision swam. She couldn’t think straight. This man betrayed her, deserted her, almost killed a man in her house, and left her emotions out in the open. Kendall eased the unlocked front door open. The turmoil from earlier in the day was gone. Her overturned coffee table now stood on four legs, books and candles placed where she normally kept them. The couch that always sat in front of the kitchen counter now stood against the opposite wall, next to the fireplace in anticipation of an early winter fire. Everything was rearranged, giving the room a different, but welcoming, feel.

  She roamed around, running her fingers over the end tables, the fresh sheen of furniture polish coating them. Candles burned on every table. She inhaled slowly, letting the heady scent of cinnamon comfort her.

  Baffled, she turned in search of Mason. He had to be here somewhere. “Mason, where are—“

  He emerged from the guest bedroom, carrying his worn duffel bag. He stopped in the doorway and leaned his back against the wall. He didn’t speak, didn’t make a move. Just stood there, silently watching her.

  Blue jeans, un-tucked T-shirt, and barefoot. His dark hair was mussed and slightly damp like he had just gotten out of the shower. Kendall sucked in a quick breath. Damn, why did he have to redefine sexy? Her heart melted at the sight of him, standing there so sure of himself. Her vow to live her life without a man, without Mason, was slowly going down the drain.

  “Hey, you.”

  “Hey. Wha- why did you rearrange my furniture?”

  “If you don’t like it I’ll put it back. But I figured if things were moved around, it wouldn’t remind you so much of what happened.” His dark eyes never faltered from hers.

  “Oh.” He did all this so she wouldn’t be reminded of Foster. He was always thinking of her needs. A thrill pulsed through her veins. She moved further into the center of the room, needing to keep a little distance between them. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” He still didn’t budge. His piercing eyes and sure stance were a little unnerving. The man had more confidence than anyone she knew.

  Kendall eyed the bag in his hand. “I see you came to get your stuff.”

  “Yeah, you said to get it out of the guest room.”

  “I did.” She didn’t realize she was rubbing at her throat until she followed Mason’s gaze. Her hands stilled. “I, uh, I think it’s best we go our separate ways.”

  A heavy thumping noise startled her. She flinched until she realized it was only the duffel bag hitting the floor. Mason eased away from the wall. With a gleam in his eye and lips twitching into a smile, he approached and went down on one knee in front of her. That crooked, sexy, devilish grin lit his face. He gently took her left hand, kissed it, and gazed deep into her eyes.

  “I’ve walked away from you, and hurt you, for the last time. I promise.” He cradled her hands in his.

  She pulled away from him and stomped to the guest room door. Bending down, she picked up his bag and turned around only to collide with his solid chest. “Here, take your bag...out of the room...just go...”

  Kendall’s fingers burned as they brushed against his rough skin. Taking the bag out of her hands, he turned away. He stopped next to the front door. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized he was one step away from walking out the door. She took a tentative step into the middle of the living room, her eyes darting from his face to the bag held firmly in his hand. He was going to leave. She knew deep in her heart, if he walked out this time, there would be no turning back. She would have no one except herself to blame for sending him away. She couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t speak.

  “Do you want me to go?” The tightness of his voice surprised her.


  “Say it, and I’ll walk away. It’s not what I want, but if it makes you happy, I’ll go.”

  Words caught in her throat. “Mason.” She didn’t even realize she had uttered his name.

  It only took a second for him to make up his mind. Breezing past Kendall, he dropped his duffel just inside her bedroom door. “There, it’s out of the guest room.” In the next instant, he was towering over her. “Kendall, I love you with all my heart, and I don’t want to live my life without you in it. You’re everything to me. Marry me.”

  “No, you’ll just leave me again. You don’t do commitments. And you’re talking marriage? Really?” She turned from him so he wouldn’t see the indecision tearing at her. Could she believe what he was saying? Dare she allow herself the peace of trusting him? Her heart said yes, but her mind had to be certain.

  Standing behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist. A tingle of awareness shot through her body as he snuggled her next to his chest. She looked down to where his hands met, just below her belly button. The light reflected off something shiny. A ring? Her legs turned to jelly, but somehow she managed to stay standing.

  Mason’s warm breath tickled her ear. “Ken. Kendall, I’m not going anywhere. The day of your parents’ party, I realized you are my life. I wanted to give you this ring that night.” He ran his hand up her arms to her shoulders. With the barest of pressure, he gently turned her so they were face-to-face. Nose-to-nose. “I never made a commitment to any woman. It was always you I wanted. Please, do me the honor of being my wife. I love you.”


  He went down on one knee and smiled that damn irresistible smile of his. “I’m going to keep asking until I’m satisfied with your answer.” This time he placed the solitaire on her finger. “Kendall Reed, will you marry me?”

  Tears flowed freely down her cheeks. Happy tears for the first time in a long time. The love reflected in his eyes confirmed he was here to stay. Forever. “I love you too, Mason. Yes,” Kendall breathed. “Yes, I will marry you.”

  “And just so we’re clear on one thing. This is all personal.” He sealed his promise with a kiss.


  Five months later

  “Hurry. In here.” Mason laughed as he pulled Kendall into an empty closet at the community center. “Ten minutes, and then you can go back to the reception.” He pushed the door shut behind them and braced his arms around her, trapping her between the door and his tuxedo-clad body. His eyes glazed over as he lowered his head to hers for a long, slow kiss.

  When they finally came up for air, Kendall cradled his face in her hands. “Everything was beautiful. Thank you for giving me the wedding of my dreams.”

  “Anything for my beautiful bride. I will always do everything in my power to keep you happy. And safe.”

  Her soul warmed at the depth of emotion in Mason’s voice. Two weeks earlier, they attended Foster’s hearing. He broke down and admitted his wrongdoing. The investigation uncovered lists of names of people Foster and Tom stole money from. The police discovered bank accou
nt numbers of their many overseas accounts.

  Foster admitted to every prank he pulled while stalking Kendall. Before sentencing he turned toward her in the courtroom and mumbled, “I’m sorry for everything.” Kendall didn’t know if anyone else bought the apology, but she damn sure didn’t. Nothing about his tone or posture indicated he was sincere.

  Although many years would pass before he saw the outside world, the judge’s sentence was not the maximum Foster deserved. As he was led from the courtroom, his gaze caught Kendall’s. He sneered just before breaking into a bout of hysterical laughter. Her blood ran cold.

  Mason pulled her back into the present with another soul-thrilling kiss before they went back to mingle with their guests.

  “Kendall and Mason, such a beautiful wedding. We are so happy for you two.” Julia hugged her son and daughter-in-law, tears filling her eyes. “And you look lovely in that dress. It suits you perfectly.”

  Mr. Hernandez stood back and watched the interaction between Julia and Mason. A smile crossed his face.

  “Thanks, Ms. Black.” Kendall ran her hands over the smooth satin. Her client, Edith, had insisted Kendall let her help find her dress. She stocked several in her boutique, but they searched online until they found the perfect one. “We’re glad you could make it.” Kendall stepped back to hug Mr. Hernandez.

  “I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.” Julia grabbed Mason’s hand and held tightly. “Congratulations, son.”

  “Thanks Julia. I mean, Mother.” Mason bent and placed a kiss on her cheek before Julia and her date turned to leave.

  Kendall took hold of her brother’s arm as he walked up to them. “Hey, Bobby, where’s Mandy? I want to thank her for the decorating. She did a beautiful job.”

  Bobby shrugged his shoulders. “Last I saw her she was dancing with Marks.”


  “Mandy dancing with Marks—”

  Mason and Kendall exclaimed in disbelief at the same time.

  Connie and Layla walked up at that moment. Connie walked into her husband’s embrace. “Actually.” She smiled. “I saw them sneaking out the back door like teenagers about five minutes ago. Together.”


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