My Kinda Night (Summer Sisters Book 2)

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My Kinda Night (Summer Sisters Book 2) Page 17

by Lacey Black

  Leaning forward, Payton whispers harshly, “And why is Grandpa looking at porn. That can’t be good for his heart.”

  “Oh, fooey. His heart is just peachy. He’s looking up new scenes for us to reenact later tonight after we’ve had our pizza and Fish Oil.”

  A loud smack echoes through the restaurant as Payton’s head lands on the tabletop. “Why must you be so embarrassing?” she groans into the wood.

  “Sex is not embarrassing, dear. And if it is, you’re not doing it right. Maybe this young man can show you how it’s supposed to be done,” Grandma suggests, throwing me a wink.

  I’m riveted in my seat, unable to look away even if I wanted. This tiny spitfire of a woman has me wanting to shy away and hide under the table one minute and laugh until my side hurts the next. I can’t imagine what it was like growing up with her, assuming she has always been this brash and forward. And if the gleam in her eyes is telling, I’d say she has been.

  “Come on, Payton! You gotta play with me!” Bri hollers from the doorway to the game room.

  “I need to go in there. You go home,” she says as she slides out of the booth, giving her grandma a very pointed look. “I don’t trust you not to corrupt Dean.”

  The older woman tsks her disappointment. “I would do no such thing. Dean and I would be capable of having an adult conversation unsupervised.”

  “It’s not Dean I’m worried about,” Payton mumbles.

  “Go play with that darling little girl, Payters. I’m going to take this pizza home before it gets cold. Dean, it was nice meeting you,” she says seconds before I’m pulled into a big hug. The petite little thing is freakishly strong. Just as I go to pull back, I’m startled by a hand grabbing my ass firmly. “Oh, yes. It was very nice to meet you,” Grandma adds with a wink before walking away.

  I stare, wide-eyed and shell-shocked as she walks away.

  “Did she grab your ass?” Payton asks, a mixture of mortification and exasperation.


  “Jeez. I’m so sorry. She has this thing with grabbing butts. She does it all the time to Ryan and has since the first time she met him. She rarely does it to Josh and never to Chris. I think it’s some weird initiation.”

  “I don’t know who all of those guys are, but it’s okay. I can handle an eighty-year-old woman copping a feel on my rear,” I reply with a chuckle.

  “Just wait until she cops a feel on the other side.” Payton’s eyebrow rises. I can tell she’s serious.


  “Well, she’s never actually grabbed it that I know of, but for a while there she was very friendly with Ryan, Jaime’s boyfriend. She’d pull him in close and I swear you could see the moment he realized his junk was practically plastered to her stomach. Grandma just smiled and held on a little longer, though.” I can’t help but laugh. “My family’s weird, Dean. I mean like really, really weird. Are you sure you want to continue this thing?” she asks, motioning between us.

  Stepping forward, I invade her personal space until I can feel the heat of her body and smell the floral scent clinging to her hair. “I’m sure. In fact, I wouldn’t mind continuing a little something else later.” Running my hand down her arm, I feel her shiver in response.

  “Payton!” my daughter yells from the entrance, breaking the spell I find myself in every time Payton is near.

  “Come on. Let’s go play some Pinball before they kick us out for yelling.”

  We barely make it into the game room when Payton’s phone starts to go off. She ignores it at first, joining my daughter at the Pinball machine and manning the left side button to control the bumper. But after the fourth or fifth chime, I can tell she’s worried about something. She grabs her phone from her pocket and swipes the screen.

  I try to focus on my daughter’s game, but I can’t help but watch Payton. Her fingers are moving rapidly and her sweet little mouth is wide open. When she glances up at me, fire dances in her eyes, and I can tell whatever is on her phone doesn’t make her happy.

  “Everything okay?”

  “No. I might kill my grandma.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Five texts.

  Five messages, and all of them are pretty much the same.

  Jaime: You’re having sex!?! Lots of sex???

  Meghan: Who’s the guy?! Heard he’s sexy!

  AJ: You are holding out! I need deets!

  Lexi: Hooker. ;)

  Abby: Yay! Can’t wait to meet him!

  There’s only one explanation for this onslaught of annoying text assault: Grandma. Five bucks says she didn’t even make it out to her car before she sent messages to my sisters. Hell, she probably had Grandpa drive home so she could enact the phone tree. I’m sure by the time our harmless little dinner got around to the last sister, I’m probably married with a baby on the way.

  I blink rapidly, swallowing emotions I can’t even deal with right now. The point is that as the conversation went down the line, I’m sure it was exaggerated immensely. Grandma won’t even care either. She’ll just stand there with her big spoon, stirring and stirring that pot, with a sweet little smile on her face.

  Ornery ol’ woman.

  “Everything okay?” Dean asks beside me, glancing down at my phone.

  “Well, Grandma wasted no time in calling all of my sisters and letting them know she saw us together. So now my sisters are texting, wanting all the dirty details of our sordid love affair.”

  “Are we having one of those? A sordid love affair?”

  Beneath his glasses, his eyes are the brownest I’ve ever seen. They’re dark and stormy and convey something I never expected to want again. But here I am. Staring at the first man I’ve considered something more with. Meeting his daughter today was a shocker. Part of me was ready to throw on my running shoes and take off like the devil was nipping at my heels.

  Instead, I felt drawn to her, to him.

  My life was stalled, but now? Everything is brighter, louder. I’m sure that has something to do with the little girl going to town on the button that controls half of the bumpers on the Pinball game. I’m struck by the look of excitement and fierceness in her matching brown eyes and something in my chest starts to flutter.

  That lump in my throat returns as my heart rate picks up. This thing between us, between Dean and me, can easily turn into something more. I feel it. It causes exhilaration to bubble in my chest, making my heart beat even faster. But just as quickly, fear sets in, wrapping around my entire body like an old worn blanket.

  How long am I going to let that fear control me?

  “Everything okay? You slipped away for a few moments,” Dean says, pulling me out of the trance I was lost in.

  “Yes,” I reply automatically. “I was just thinking about what I’m going to say to my sisters.”

  Dean studies me, and I can see it in his eyes. There’s a look that tells me he doesn’t believe me. He doesn’t call me out on my lie though, instead gives me a quick smile before turning his attention to Brielle. Yeah, I know I should confess what I was thinking about, but I haven’t even come close to coming to terms with the revelation myself, let alone tell Dean that I’m starting to fall for him.

  And I am.


  It’s a startling admission. I may not be able to say everything that’s brewing in my head and in my heart, but I can admit one thing to him. “Yes.”

  “Yes?” he asks, glancing up from the game to give me his full attention.

  “Yes.” I swallow hard. “This might be the start of a sordid love affair.” My words are hushed because of little ears, yet they sound like they’re blasting through a megaphone all the same.

  He smiles at me, one of his full-watt grins that starts slow and ends up lighting up his entire face. The results are the same every time: my panties are wet. “Yeah?” he asks, as if seeking confirmation. Of course I know why. I’ve been back and forth since the moment we met. Push him away, only to grab a ho
ld of him and hold on tight. I’ve turned into one of those women who uses men as toy things.

  Only this isn’t a game to me. I’m legitimately torn between holding him close and running away. I think Dean gets that, gets me, and that’s why he’s not pushing me further than he already has. Convincing me to date him is already something of gargantuan magnitude, so maybe he recognizes my fear and is picking his battles.

  Smart man.

  We help Brielle play and win points on the Pinball machine, but before long, she’s yawning. Dean must notice at the same time and glances down at his watch.

  “Wow, I can’t believe it’s already seven thirty. Someone’s already late for her bath.”

  “Daddy, I want to stay and play with Payton som’ore!”

  He gives her a pointed, very stern look. “Not tonight. It’s getting late and you have school in the morning.”

  “But Daddy…” Brielle whines, her gorgeous brown eyes filling with tears.

  Dean’s about to open his mouth, most likely to reprimand her for her fit, when my own mouth opens involuntarily. “Sorry, sweet girl, but it’s getting close to my bedtime too. Us girls have to have our beauty sleep, you know?”

  She gazes up at me with big, wide eyes. “Okay,” she whispers, sniffling before any tears can fall.

  I turn to head back to our table to grab my things when I feel her small hand slip into mine. Looking down, I’m in awe at the sight. Her little hand fits perfectly inside of mine and suddenly, I’m fighting off my own tears. She stares up at me with so much trust and innocence that it makes my heart lurch and slam into my rib cage somewhat painfully.

  Slowly, I glance over my shoulder and come face to face with Dean’s equally surprised face. He glances down and stares softly at our entwined hands, the faintest of smiles creeping across his lips. Me, on the other hand, suddenly feel like I’m about to have a heart attack.

  “Come on, Payton,” Brielle says, taking a step forward and pulling me towards our table. I follow willingly because I’m pretty sure, in this moment and every one that would follow, I’d do whatever this little girl wanted.

  We’re all quiet as we grab jackets and get ready to head out into the night. Dean settles the bill and refuses to let me pay for half of dinner. I argue my point that this wasn’t a date, but it falls on deaf ears. Dean is adamantly shaking his head, refusing to listen, and Brielle is watching our exchange with a smile. Realizing I’m not getting anywhere, I settle for leaving the tip.

  Outside, there’s a slight breeze blowing off the Bay. Together, we all make our way towards the small lot beside the pizzeria where I parked my car beside Dean’s. When we get there, I’m not sure what to do. He seems to be hesitant to say goodbye, and Brielle’s grip on my hand tightens when we reach the vehicles.

  “It was very nice meeting you, Brielle. I hope to see you again soon,” I say, giving her a smile.

  “Tomorrow? Can you come to my house and play with my stuffed animals?”

  “Not tomorrow, sweetheart. It’s a school night. I’m sure we’ll see Payton soon,” her father chimes in while opening up the door to the back where her booster seat is located.

  Bri stomps her foot on the concrete and crosses her arms. “When?”

  Dean mimics the move and stands his ground. “I don’t know. This is not how a polite little lady behaves, missy.”

  Defeat pours from her little body like a faucet as her shoulders droop. Bri turns to look at me, wrapping her arms firmly around my waist. “Bye, Payton.”

  “Goodbye, Bri. I had lots of fun with you tonight,” I say, hugging the little girl.

  “When it’s not a school night, you should come over and play with my animals with me. We can color and draw too. I love to draw kittens. And my daddy can make grilled cheese sammiches ‘cause those are my favorite.”

  Giving her another warm smile, I respond, “Those are my favorite too.”

  As if my simple statement satisfies her, she climbs inside the car and sits in her seat. Dean helps secure her in the seatbelt before turning back towards me. “I’ll walk you around to your car.”

  “You don’t have to do that. She’s ready to go,” I say, nodding towards the little girl already playing with some stuffed animals in the back of the car.

  “Bri, I’ll be right back. I’m going to walk Payton around to her car. I’ll be there,” he says, pointing to my car parked right next to his.


  Without saying a word, he places his hand at the base of my spine and leads me towards my driver’s door one car over. Warmth spreads up my back and makes all my limbs tingle. My reaction to him is weird. I’ve never felt this instant connection with someone before, this all-consuming desire that steamrolls my entire being when he’s around. And I’m not talking about sex, even though that’s pretty freaking spectacular. I’m talking about him. Just his presence.

  “Thank you for coming to dinner with us.”

  “Thank you for inviting me. Well, for agreeing after your daughter invited me,” I add with a laugh.

  “She has great taste, what can I say,” he says with a smile. When it falls from his lips, he steps forward, completely invading my personal space. “I wasn’t planning on introducing you to my daughter like this, but I’m glad it happened.”

  Air lodges in my throat. “Me too.” It comes out a croak and a bit scratchy.

  Dean leans forward, taking both of my upper arms in his hands and placing a kiss on my forehead. My entire face flushes under his warm lips and breath. “I wish I could kiss you properly.”

  “I wouldn’t mind that.”

  “But we have an audience.”

  “I know.”

  “Drive safe, Payton.”

  “I will. You too.” I notice he hasn’t let go of my arms.

  “Can I text you after she goes to bed?”

  “I would like that.”

  Even though his eyes are burning into me, he quickly glances over my shoulder once before he’s moving and his lips are on mine. The kiss is simple and quick, yet still ignites my blood all the way to my core. I almost whimper when he pulls back and drops his hands. “Good night,” he whispers.

  I try to reply, but the words just won’t come. A simple good night is just gone from my vocabulary. Stupid hormones.

  He holds open my door as I slide in and slip my key into the ignition. As soon as I’m belted in, I glance back in his direction. He gives me a knowing grin before shutting the door and heading towards his own vehicle.

  My pulse is hammering in my neck and I’m breathing harder than I should be. Why do I always feel this way around him? The kiss was the simplest of kisses, one that you’d give a friend. Yet it sent desire and lust racing through my body as if it were qualifying for the pole position.

  A racing metaphor? Really?

  Sighing, I slip my car into reverse and pull from my parking spot. Dean’s still there in his car, waiting for me to exit first. When I’m on the road, I continually glance back and watch his headlights in my rearview mirror until he reaches his turn, and suddenly, his lights are no longer behind me.

  I can already tell I have company before I even reach my driveway. Lexi’s car is on the street, but I don’t see her inside, which tells me she’s already made use of the spare key hidden on the porch. Gathering my belongings and my wits, I head inside to face one of my baby sisters.

  Reaching the front door, I throw it open, knowing it’s already unlocked. “Honey, I’m home,” I holler. The light above the sink is still on, as well as one of the lamps in the living room.

  I see her as soon as I step into the living room. She’s sitting on the couch after helping herself to a glass of wine. “Mind if I get one of those before the inquisition begins?” I ask, dropping my purse and bag on the table.

  “It’s not my wine. Though, I’m already on my third glass so there’s probably not too much left. Oh, by the way, you’re almost out of wine.”

  “Noted. I only keep that stuff here for
you guys anyway,” I state and head into the kitchen to grab myself a glass. My plan was to use the time to collect my thoughts before having to go back inside the living room and explain Dean, but I quickly realize that no amount of time in my kitchen will give me the answers I need.

  Grabbing a glass and the rest of the bottle, I join my sister in the living room.

  Pouring myself a small amount, I ask, “Chris working late?”

  “Of course.”

  “How’s the baby making going?”

  “Not. Rumor has it you have to have sex to make a baby. My husband would rather work himself into an early grave so that we can buy the perfect piece of land and build the perfect freaking house and have our finances in perfect fucking order before we try the fucking part.”


  “Yeah, well, I have a plan,” she says before taking a big gulp of wine. “I’m going to get him drunk, tie him to the bed, and screw him until he puts a baby in me. People have been making drunk-sex babies for decades. That’s the only way I’m going to get knocked up, Pay. He thinks the mood has to be just right, but I’m here to tell you it doesn’t. You just have to have a stiffy with plenty of swimmers to make it work.

  “Remember that girl in high school who got pregnant our senior year? She doesn’t even remember it. Too much to drink at a party and bam. Knocked up. That’s what I’m going to do. Saturday night at sisters’ night, I’m getting sloshed. I’ve already told Chris he’s meeting me there this Saturday, no excuses. If I was as limber as I was in high school, I’d make him get naked in the car in the parking lot, but we’d probably never fit in the backseat anymore.”

  “And don’t forget what happened to Ryan and Jaime when they went parking in old man Gerard’s bean field.”

  “True. My luck someone would see the car rocking and call Barney.”

  “So, make sure you get home before you strip his clothes off and make him blow.”

  “See, that’s the thing, Pay. I shouldn’t have to make him do anything. He should want to get naked with me. I mean, isn’t the best part about having a baby all of the practicing? Why doesn’t he want to do that anymore?”


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