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Nick of Time [Davis Hollow, Davis Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 15

by JQ Jones

  “I’m not religious so this one is on you,” she said. Her eyes began to close under his gentle stroking.

  “I’ll do C of E, it doesn’t matter to me either. But I figure after the total rejection of the nanny we should offer my side of the family a bond.”

  “Excellent reasoning. You tell Abuela,” Manny said. The room was silent as the new family slept together for the first time.

  * * * *

  The first weekend in May came quickly. Manny had left all the arrangements up to Hortense, Adriana and Abuela. The three women had formed a tentative peace accord with the only major battle fought over names. The name battle had settled to each side blaming Manny and David for their procrastination.

  The Beans had filled out into fat baby boys who loved to smile and laugh. Bean Two was more advanced than his older brother but each new thing he learned you could see him trying to teach his more reserved twin. They were good babies who adjusted to Manny’s schedule and only cried when absolutely necessary.

  David’s play was a hit and kept him away from home during the run. Manny decided to stay home with the Beans for the foreseeable future. She loved the five o’clock quiet feedings as much as she did middle-of-the-day playtimes. It was something she didn’t want to share with some strange person acting as nanny.

  The day of the christening began with a brightness that promised a beautiful spring day in London. The ceremony was scheduled for two with a brunch reception at the Warren where David had rented a group of rooms for out-of-town family as well the same suite that he and Manny had shared for his small group.

  He and Manny were sharing their lives and a bed but hadn’t had sex since the Beans’ birth. He planned on changing that. Manny looked over to him from where she sat beside Iona playing with Bean One. Bean Two was doing stomach time on a blanket in front of them. Both babies babbled nonstop, sometimes to other people but mostly to one another.

  CJ and Iona were tapped as godparents with Iona worrying about what to say during the christening. David and CJ watched from a slight distance, discussing nothing in particular just watching the play between the babies the women.

  “Any regrets?” Iona said.

  “None really. Well, I am sorry that I caused David to give up so much. He’s a good guy, the best I’ve ever met, but I think he’s getting the shit end of the stick. He doesn’t get to find that person that he really truly loves. But, in fairness, he does get two of the bestest babies in the world. Still,” Manny said. She reached down for Bean Two to pull him onto her lap. He immediately strained to keep his brother in his sight.

  David stood transfixed, Manny’s list of regrets washing over him. He sat down in the chair across from Manny with a loud whoosh of air.

  “You make a lot of assumptions about why we are together. It’s been almost a year since we met. There hasn’t been a day that I’ve regretted that day. In fact, I’ve been thankful that I was able to meet someone who is as caring, smart, pretty and kind as you. Not only are you the mother of my sons but you’re the one person who gives me my sense of place in the world. My life before was simply me marking time until I found you. You are the love of my life, my heart and if you aren’t beside me for the rest of my days then I don’t think I can make it,” he said. His voice broke just a little by the end of his speech. The silence of the room was only broken by the gurgles and coos of the Beans for several long minutes.

  “Shit, I’ll take him if you don’t want him, Manny,” Iona said.

  “Lil Bit,” CJ said. His deep growl made her snap her head over to where he stood.

  “I’m kidding, babe. Just saying that I don’t hear things like that very often,” she said.

  “Once is enough,” CJ said.

  “It is, I’m just saying. Wow.”

  “I second that. Wow, David. Who knew?” Manny said. “Thank you. That was…wow. I should have asked sooner.”

  “Always ask,” David said.

  “I will in the future. Let’s get these guys to their first public performance. We can talk later.”

  * * * *

  Iona was flawless during the christening, CJ stuttered over what he said. The ceremony was an eclectic mixture of family and friends from all over the world. The reception was wild, polite, funny, drunken, sedate and fun. David and Manuela watched as the Beans were passed from one lap to the other in an adoring audience. When the babies had had enough, their parents took them to their suite.

  CJ and Iona met them there. CJ gave David the keycard to the other couple’s suite. “You guys have a free night, Lil Bit and I need to get in some practice. We’re trying our best to join in the new parents club.”

  “We have to actively practice a lot but it’s kinda fun,” Iona said.

  In the other suite, a replica of the other, blue roses were scattered throughout, draping the tables and desk with some spread artfully on the floor. The scent filled the room.

  “You designed a seduction room,” she said.

  “More of an expression-of-love room. You haven’t said that you remember that today is our anniversary. I know you remember because it was unforgettable but today I wanted to cement the date in your mind,” he said. He was slowly removing his clothes. His jacket was gently placed on the back of a chair, his bow tie slung over a group of roses as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

  Manny slipped off her sandals and drew her dress over her head. She was naked and on the bed before David had his socks off. They fell into a heap onto the huge bed. The first tender kiss evolved into an open-mouth exchange of passion. The feel of skin to skin, their first full-body touch in over three months, caused them both to groan.

  The groan was followed by a gasp as David slipped his hard dripping dick into her wet pussy. He stretched her to accommodate his girth, neither moving as they savored the feelings of fullness and clutching wetness.

  “We should be careful, I didn’t have the operation and I’m not on BC.”

  “I’ll be careful,” he said.

  “That’s what you said last year,” she said. They laughed together as they sought and found release through the only other person they wanted.

  * * * *

  “How about…?”


  “You didn’t let me say anything.”

  “It was just going to be another ‘M’ name. You’ve only offered ‘M’ names for the past eight months. It’s taking longer to come up with names we can agree on than it took to have them. It was easier having them than naming them.”

  “Oh, no, that’s truly wrong. You didn’t have two soccer balls come out of your body.”

  “I misspoke.”

  “Yes, you did,” Manny said. Their kiss easily turned into a more passionate exchange until she pulled back.

  “I’ve got it. Since we agreed on Alastair and Barclay, let’s go with Yago and Zacarias.”

  “Such a clever girl.”

  “So it’s Alastair Yago Menendez Symthe-Davis and Barclay Zacarias Menendez Symthe-Davis. That’s a mouthful for two little boys.”

  “We could leave it at Bean One and Bean Two.”

  “Maybe not,” Manny said.

  She and David laughed as they cuddled closer into their warm welcoming bed with their two beautiful baby boys.



  JQ lives in Dallas, Texas with large bits of time spent traveling. An obsessive reader, JQ writes to release the voices so they will stop demanding so much attention. Contact JQ at or on Twitter at Jones_JQ.

  For all titles by JQ Jones, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.



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