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Stripped (Wolves of Mule Creek #2)

Page 3

by Katharine Sadler

  I turned back to the club to see one idiot human wading toward the brawl in the center of the room. An idiot human I recognized as Rex, a fishing guide, who worked as a handyman in the winter. One of Axel's friends had shifted to wolf, Axel and Paulie were still human, and they were fighting ten guys, all of whom I had to guess were vampires. Wolves were strong, but vampires were… I winced as one of the wolves pounced on a vampire and ripped his head off. I swallowed against the bile rising in my throat.

  I turned to get the heck out of there, but Rex was still trying to get in there and... Break up the fight or join in? Either was suicide. What the hell was wrong with him? Did he think his muscular physique would protect him from full-on angry wolves?

  He raised a pistol toward one of the fur balls and I knew, if he fired, everything was going to get even uglier and Rex, a decent guy with a younger sister he helped support, would be dead. Not to mention that Axel or one of his pack might be injured or killed. I wove through the last of the fleeing humans toward him. “Rex, get out of here,” I shouted. He wasn't listening. He was aiming, his finger hovering over the trigger.

  “Gun,” I shouted at the top of my lungs. I wanted to help Rex, but if he pulled that trigger, he was dead anyway. “Get down! He's got a gun!”

  Before I could see what happened to Rex, something rammed hard into my side and knocked me to the ground. My head bounced against the hard floor and stars exploded in my vision. I blinked to clear my sight, only to see Leopold's face over mine, a smug grin on his lips. “Looks like I just saved your life. I guess that means you'll owe me one.”

  I blinked again. Leopold was speaking in a soft voice, but there was no doubt his intent was less than kind. His words dripped with wicked promise and there was hatred in his glare. The loud bang of a gunshot startled Leopold and he looked away. I pushed up against him, trying to get free, but he just laughed.

  “I am so much stronger than you,” he said. “You are at my mercy. And you will be for a very, very long time.”

  He bent toward me, rolling his hips, and licking his lips. Aw, shit. He was either going to bite me or kiss me. I wasn't sure which was worse. I screamed my head off and struggled against him. I might not know exactly what happened when a vamp bit a human, but I knew I would die before I became a blood groupie.

  Just as his mouth lowered to my neck and I was sure it was all over for me, Leopold flew off me and a large, fluffy, sharp-toothed predator landed on me. The air was knocked from my lungs and I panicked, fighting for air. Damn this wolf was huge.

  Still on top of me, he shifted to a very large, very naked man I recognized as Zane from Axel's table. “Get the hell out of here,” he rasped, seemingly furious with me. He was probably still amped up and pissed off from the fight. He had no reason to be angry at me.

  “I can't move,” I said, barely able to get the words out. He was lighter as a human, but still a lot heavier than Leopold.

  He flinched. “Right. Shit.” He rolled off me and I got to my feet, shaky and miserable.

  I looked around for Rex, but Zane gripped my shoulder and shoved me toward the back hall and my office. “Move,” he said.

  I glared at him, but I wasn't stupid, so I hurried back to my office. Zane followed me in and shoved me up against the door, his naked body holding me in place. He was about a foot taller than me and, with his bare chest pressed against mine and his hands on my waist, my feet were dangling at least a foot off the ground. My vision was fuzzy and I couldn't catch my breath. He was looking at me like he either wanted to eat me or kiss me. I missed the good old days when I could appreciate a naked man without wondering if I was going to be a meal, and not in the sexy way. My head spun and my stomach roiled. “Let me go,” I said. Now that we were away from the chaos outside, I was fully aware of the warmth of his body and the way it electrified mine, making me want to lean into him and taste him. Oddly, I also wanted to fall into his arms and cry.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” he asked, his voice a growl that vibrated along my whole body.

  His eyes were brown, but they had flecks of golden amber in them that sparkled and shimmered in the light of my office. His nose was narrow and long and I had a sudden flash of wonder at how it would feel against me as his tongue worked my most sensitive areas.

  He gave me a little shake and the room spun. “Stop that,” he said.

  “I'm not doing anything.”

  “You're using that voodoo magic on me.”

  He looked truly angry, and I couldn't help but laugh. Though it was more of a croak than an actual laugh. Bile rose higher as my stomach rumbled more fiercely. It was all too much and I wasn't at all sure I was safe, though I would definitely choose death by werewolf over vampire.

  He growled again. “You could have gotten killed out there and you're in here giving me bedroom eyes like all you can think about is getting laid.”

  All my fear coalesced into anger. It wasn't the first time I'd been called a slut, but it never got easier. “I dance without my clothes on, asshole. I'm not a prostitute.” The black spots were back in my vision. I needed to lay down.

  “No,” he said. “You're worse. You lure men in and then what? How many men have you drowned in lust and left shattered on the shore?”

  What. The. Fudge? “I don't know who the hell you think you are…”

  “I know exactly what you are,” he said. “You're a siren and I'm not going to fall under your spell.”

  I did laugh then, a real laugh that eased my fear and my anger. How cool would it be if I had the magic to seduce men like that? It would definitely make The Booty Carousel more profitable. “I'm only a quarter siren,” I said. “Don't you think if I had that kind of power I could have gotten Leopold off me without your help?”

  Confusion marred his brow. “It's not real.”

  The room spun faster and my stomach lurched. “I don't feel good.”

  His face was spinning around me and he looked angry again. Why? He backed away from me and I slid down the wall, barely staying upright when my feet hit the floor. “You should lay down,” he said. “Did you hit your head when Leopold attacked you?”

  I threw up all over him and everything went black.


  “Dude, what'd you do to the hottie?” a male voice asked. My eyes were closed and I didn't want to open them. I was pretty sure it would hurt to open them.

  I heard a slap and a male grunt. “Her name is Abigail.” I was pretty sure that was Axel. Good, if Axel was there, I was safe and I definitely didn't have to open my eyes.

  “I thought her name was Sissy?”

  “That's her stage name,” Axel said. “Her real name is Abigail.”

  “Huh. Well, I'm pretty sure she's got a concussion. Leopold body slammed her and she hit her head.” The way the voice rumbled near my head, I suspected I was laying on the speaker's lap.

  “Aren't you supposed to keep her awake if she's got a concussion?”

  “That's a myth,” rumbled the voice attached the lap I was on.

  “Well, how long's she been out? We need to hit the road. Marla's gonna be worried about me.”

  “Marla will just find someone else to keep her warm,” Axel said.

  That time there was a thud and some male cursing. Werewolves. I forced my eyes open before they destroyed my office as thoroughly as they'd destroyed my club. I winced against the bright light, pain searing through my head. I blinked until the room came into focus and looked up into brown eyes with flecks of amber. Zane looked down at me, worry creasing his brow. “Hey there. How are you feeling?”

  “My head hurts.” I tried to sit up, but Zane held me down by the shoulders. “Is Rex okay? Did everyone get out?”

  “Who's Rex?” Zane asked, still holding me in place.

  “The guy with the gun.”

  Zane snorted. “He's lucky as hell is what he is. Cops showed up just in time and hauled him off before he became vampire bait.”

  “And everyone else?”r />
  Zane glanced at someone on the other side of the room.

  “They're all fine,” Axel said.

  I struggled against Zane's hold. “I want to sit up.”

  “It's going to hurt worse if you sit up too fast.”

  “We need to take her to the hospital,” Axel said.

  “I'll be fine,” I said. “I just need—”

  “You aren't a wolf,” Axel said. “You're going to the hospital.”

  Zane helped me, slowly, into a sitting position. I looked around at the three wolves. Paulie's right arm was hanging limply at his side and Axel's face looked like it had been dipped in purple dye it was so bruised. Zane had some bruising around one eye, but looked fine otherwise. “You three need a doctor more than I do.” I spoke with my teeth clenched together against the pain.

  “We need to heal and get home,” Paulie said.

  “Zane will take you to the hospital and stay with you until you're better,” Axel said.

  “No, really, I'm—”

  “What are you talking about?” Zane asked, sounding almost angry.

  “Somebody needs to look out for her,” Axel said. “You're the only one…”

  “It's fine,” I said. “I'll ask Alice to stay with me for a few days, she won't mind.”

  Axel frowned and hesitated. I wasn't going to like what he was about to say. “It's not just the concussion, Abby. Leopold said some things at the meeting…It's clear he's got a beef with you and he's looking for revenge.”

  I rolled my eyes, but stopped mid-roll because it hurt. “He wants a bigger piece of the income from my club. I can handle him.”

  Axel glanced over my shoulder at Zane and then looked back at me. “It's not about your club. It's personal. He's pissed as hell at you.”

  “At me? I didn't do anything. I've only talked to him once or twice.” At least I thought I had. In my job, I talked to a lot of different people every day.

  “That's not what he says,” Zane said, his tone snarky.

  I ignored him and looked to Axel for answers. “What did he say?”

  Axel shook his head. “The guy is an entitled prick. He claims he was here and he asked you out. Says he was willing to spend a lot of money on you. You turned him down cold and he feels…” Axel itched under the neckline of his shirt and dropped his eyes to the floor.

  “His exact words were that strippers are all for sale for the right price, and you only turned him down because you're a frigid bitch,” Zane said.

  “Wow, how original,” I said. Axel glared at Zane for repeating Leopold's words, but I was glad someone had told me what was going on. “I do remember him. I just hadn't put it together… He was dressed differently and… But it had to be him, because he used those exact words. I always remember the insults that lack intelligence and creativity.” It hurt to think, but I vaguely remembered him. He'd been paler and skinnier, had been dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt.

  “Rumor is he's fought his way to the top of the vamp clan through brute strength and underhanded methods,” Axel said. “Now that he's on top, he doesn't have to fight for scraps of fresh blood or money.”

  I put a hand to my head as the room spun.

  “Zane will take you to the hospital and stay with you until we get this mess with Leopold cleaned up,” Axel said, his tone brooking no argument. “As far as any and everyone is concerned, Zane is your boyfriend. We can't allow it to look like the pack is protecting you. We aren't ready to take on the vamps in any sort of war.”

  Zane cleared his throat, but he didn't argue. Axel and the others left.

  “I'll be fine,” I said. “Really. You can go with them.”

  Zane stood and offered me his hand. “Come on, let's get you checked out.”


  “So, this is my place.” I stepped inside and closed and locked the door behind Zane. “The living room is here.” I flicked on the light next to the door so he could see. “The kitchen is—”

  “I'm pretty sure I can figure it out,” Zane said, looking around my three-hundred square foot condo. “You should go to bed.”

  “I'm fine.” I walked toward the kitchen, but Zane grabbed my elbow.

  “You almost walked into the wall. Where's your bedroom?”

  “Oh, my god, Abby,” Alice popped out of my kitchen in sweatpants and a t-shirt, a carton of my favorite ice cream in one hand, a spoon in the other. “Are you okay?”

  “I just hit my head,” I said. “I have a concussion, but I'll be fine.”

  “A concussion?” Roxy asked, walking out of the kitchen with a bag of chips, Carly right behind her. “I had a concussion after I fell off the stage that time when I hadn't slept in—”

  “Please,” Alice said. “You were drunk off your ass and you know it.”

  “Jimmy had just fired me so his girlfriend could have my job. I was upset.”

  Carly moved in against my other side, a warm hand on the center of my back. “You look exhausted,” she said in a low voice. “Let's get you to bed.”

  “I've got her,” Zane said, tightening his grip on me.

  Carly, one of the sweetest people I knew, focused a laser glare on Zane. “Who are you?”

  “'S okay,” I said, slurring my words. “He's my—”

  “Boyfriend,” Zane said.

  Carly's glare intensified. I wasn't big on sharing my personal life with my employees, I thought it was important to maintain a distance as their boss, but I'd known most of them for years and I let them in on the big stuff, like who I was dating. “She hasn't mentioned you.”

  “It's new,” Zane said. “But I'm going to take care of her and make sure Leopold and his crew don't cause her anymore trouble, so you don't need to worry.”

  All three women were now looking at me, worry creasing their pretty faces. “Are you okay with this?” Alice asked.

  “Sure. It's good.” At least I think that's what I said, but none of the women looked relieved.

  “She can barely speak,” Roxy said. “She probably doesn't even know what's going on.”

  “I'll stay with her,” Carly said. “I don't have work tomorrow.”

  “Seriously,” Zane said. “I've got her.”

  “Either Carly stays or we're calling the police,” Roxy said. “My cousin is an officer and he won't have any problem locking you up for the night to make sure you aren't going to try and hurt Abby.”

  Zane sighed. “The last thing I want is—”

  “We should all stay,” Alice said. “We'll make it a slumber party.” She glared at Zane. “You can sleep on the couch.”

  He huffed, but the three women shoved him out of the way and helped me back to my bedroom. They helped me out of my clothes and tucked me into bed. Carly and Alice got into my big king-sized bed with me and it was nice. Their warmth surrounded me, and Carly rubbed my hair as I drifted off to sleep. It reminded me of the way my mother used to hold me when I was sick. I drifted off, thinking of my mother, feeling safe and cared for, something I hadn't felt in a very long time.


  “Did you know your eyes glow in the dark?” I asked Zane. It was mid-morning according to the clock by my bed, but my black out curtains kept out the sunlight. I'd woken up to his glowing eyes and almost screamed aloud, before I realized it was just Zane. He was sitting on the floor, but I couldn't tell much more than that, because of the black-out curtains.

  “I am aware,” he said, a hint of amusement in his tone. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I could use another six hours of sleep.” I sat up and stretched, making sure to keep the blankets over my skimpy pajamas, since I was almost certain werewolves could see in the dark. “Where is everyone?”

  “Roxy and Alice had to go to their day jobs. Carly is making breakfast.”

  “And she trusted you enough to let you be in here with me alone?”

  “Guess she figured if I wanted to hurt you, I could have done it while you were sleeping.” The glowing eyes blinked out of s
ight and reappeared. “She's worried about you. They all are. They really care about you.”

  “They're good people,” I said with a yawn.

  “Go back to sleep. The doctor said you need all the rest you can get.”

  “Can't. I got word the vamps are going to try to vandalize my club before a health inspection they scheduled…” I sighed, remembering how badly they'd messed up The Booty Carousel the night before. “I guess they've already done a good job of destroying it. I need to get in there and get it cleaned up.”

  Zane's glowing eyes rose as he stood. “Fine. I'll leave so you can get dressed.”

  He left my room without another word. I flicked on the lamp on my nightstand and climbed out of bed. The room spun as I gained altitude and I wanted nothing more than to crawl back under the covers and stay there for a while. Instead, I grabbed some clothes and headed across the hall to the bathroom. After my shower, I had to rest by sitting on the toilet before I could pull clothes on.

  Once I was finally dressed, I walked into the kitchen, shoulders back, head high. I felt amazing and I would convey that lie through body language and a wide smile. My kitchen smelled like bacon and eggs and my stomach rumbled with hunger.

  Carly smiled from her spot next to the stove, but she looked worried. “How are you feeling?”

  “I'm great,” I said. “Really. Thank you for staying.”

  “Of course.” She lifted a pan and spooned some grits into a bowl. “Vegetarian, right?”

  “That's right.” Honestly, I was surprised she'd remembered. I'd only ever eaten a few meals with her.

  Zane looked up from his phone. He was sitting at the dining room table, expression surly. “Have a seat,” he said. “We don't need you falling over and hitting your head again.”

  My first instinct was to argue, but I was dizzy and falling over would be way more embarrassing than giving in. I sat next to him and Carly placed a bowl of grits and a glass of orange juice in front of me. “I figured you wouldn't be up for anything that would be too hard on your stomach.”


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