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Stripped (Wolves of Mule Creek #2)

Page 18

by Katharine Sadler

  Julie gave me a worried look, but I forced a big smile and shook my head. I wasn't in the mood to get into my drama with Zane. “I've been too busy avoiding a vampire with a vendetta to worry about romance.”

  “Are you moving to Denver soon?” Carly asked. Alice was still eying me like she was planning to dig for more information and she poured more booze in my glass while I was focused mostly on Carly.

  “As soon as I can,” I said. “I'm ready to start on the next phase of my life.”

  “Me, too,” Carly said. “Stripping was good money, but I hated it when the guys put their hands on me.”

  I nodded. The men weren't supposed to touch the dancers, they were supposed to call Zed over when it happened, but I knew Zed didn't get called for every slap on the ass or boob grab. “That's certainly something I won't miss.”

  Alice shrugged. “Considering how much they paid for the lap dances, I never minded a guy getting a little handsy.”

  I didn't react to her words. If I'd still been her boss, I would have spoken to her about her willingness to let patrons cross boundaries, but I wasn't her boss anymore and she wasn't going to be a stripper anymore. It was relief, honestly. Alice acted tough, like nothing affected her, but she was a pleaser at heart and I'd always worried she'd let a guy get too far with her. That she'd lose more of herself than she'd been willing to give without realizing it.

  Alice laughed like everyone had agreed with her. “Too bad I never found a sugar daddy to set me up for life.”

  “Hey, I heard there's a party in here,” Paulie said from the doorway. He had three other guys with him and they were all carrying bags of chips and beer.

  Shortly after they arrived, more wolves poured into the building until it looked like the whole town was there.

  Julie caught up to me about an hour into the party. She looked exhausted. “I'm going to head home,” she said. “I'm beat. You can crash at our place if you want.”

  “I'm good here,” I said. “But thanks.”

  Julie left and I wandered into the crowd. Everyone I'd met had been kind and friendly, and I'd never been the type to hang by the punch bowl and avoid people.

  “Want to go waterfall diving?” an elderly woman asked, apropos of nothing.

  “What is that?”

  She grabbed my hand and tried to pull me out of the building, but I planted my feet so she couldn't move me. “You'll love it,” she said. “Come on.”

  “Don't go with Esther.” A warm hand wrapped around my other hand and held me in place. I twisted to see Zane by my side.

  I yanked my hand from his. “Let go of me. I'm going waterfall diving.”

  I followed Esther out of the building, grabbing my coat, hat, and gloves on my way out, operating on anger and stubbornness. Zane went back into the barn, letting me go. I didn't care, I didn't need him.

  Moments later, I heard his footsteps pounding behind me and relief washed over me. I really didn't want to be out here alone. He didn't touch me, but he was so close I could feel the heat of his body. “It's dangerous for werewolves,” he said. “And we heal. You won't survive it.”

  A shiver ran through me. I had no desire to do this, because I didn't want to die and because the night air, though unseasonably warm, was too cold for swimming and I had no interest in getting wet. I'd just go with Esther and watch. It sounded like something I needed to see.

  Esther walked up the side of the mountain like she was power walking around the mall. I was panting and gasping for breath about two minutes into the entirely up-hill walk. “Where is this waterfall?”

  Esther was so far ahead, she couldn't hear me.

  “There are waterfalls all over the mountain,” Zane said. “She could be taking you to any one of them.” He wasn't the least bit out of breath, the fudgesicle.

  “Sounds great,” I said, barely able to get the words out. “I love trying new things.” I really needed to stop talking. I couldn't keep going if I wasted all my air on words.

  Zane didn't laugh at me. “You know you're killing yourself getting up this mountain for no reason. I'm not going to let you jump off a waterfall.”

  I stopped, as much because he'd just pissed me off as because I needed a break to catch my breath. “You have no right to tell me what to do.”

  “I'm not telling you what to do. I'm protecting you.”

  “I don't need or want your protection. I'd be just as happy never to see your face again.”

  I could make out his pout even in the dark. “Really, because this face has some very fine features. I think you'd miss it.”

  I growled and spun, stalking back up the mountain. “Nope. Not even a little bit.”

  “I'm sorry,” he said behind me.

  “No, you aren't,” I panted out.

  He was silent so long, I knew I was right. It was for the best, I reminded myself. I was leaving anyway.

  He grabbed my waist and lifted me so I couldn't walk anymore. It was probably just as well, since I'd long ago lost sight of our leader. “Put me down,” I said, squirming in his grip.

  He set me down, my back against a tree, his arms caging me in. “You're right. I'm not sorry. Just because you enjoy taking your clothes off, does that mean I have to like it, too?”

  I gritted my teeth and glared at him. I hated this. I hated the way I felt and I hated that he wouldn't let me walk away. “You don't have to take your clothes off. Keep them on and starve to death.”

  “You don't think I can get viewers without stripping? You don't think my yoga classes and my knowledge will be enough?”

  And it occurred to me that I might have hurt him as much as he'd hurt me. “I'm sure you're very good at what you do,” I said. “But you don't have time for a video to find fans and grow a following. You need something that's going to make a huge splash and draw lots of attention, even from people who don't usually do yoga.”

  He was silent. His back was to the moonlight and I couldn't make out his expression.

  “Once you have the following,” I said. “You can win people over with your amazing yogi wisdom and abilities. People will be drawn in by half-naked guys, but they'll stay for the yoga wisdom.”

  He sighed. “I guess I might have overreacted a bit.”

  “Yeah. I guess so.”

  “I'm sorry for what I said,” he said. “I don't think there's anything wrong with what you did for a living, but I'll never be able to say I like the idea of you getting naked for anyone but me. I'm a selfish prick that way.”

  I couldn't help my smile. “I guess we both overreacted,” I said. “But it doesn't change anything.”

  He bent down and nipped my lips, before pressing his mouth to mine and kissing me almost desperately, like he was a starving man and I was the first food he'd had in weeks.

  When he pulled away, he smiled. “I know. We're still just having fun and you're still leaving for Denver as soon as possible. Before you go, how about I show you something better than water fall diving?”

  I rolled my eyes skyward. “Pretty sure I've seen it before. I don't recall it being terribly thrilling.”

  He chuckled and ground his hips against mine. I gasped at the feel of his hardness hitting just the right spot. “You seem pretty thrilled to me.”

  “Still catching my breath from that hike.”

  “Finish catching it,” he said. “We've got more hiking to do.”

  I managed to bite back my groan. “But it's cold out here and I should really get back to the party.”

  “I'll keep you warm,” he said. “Come on. You aren't scared, are you?”

  I was scared. I was terrified I wouldn't be able to walk away from him and I'd be stuck. Stuck like I'd seen so many of my friends and employees become, tied down to some mediocre guy in some mediocre marriage, if the guy even bothered to stick around. Stuck in a small town with no opportunity, culture, or joy. I wouldn't let that happen to me and the best way to avoid it would be to march back down the mountain to the party and cut Zane out o
f my life.

  He stepped back, dropping his arms to his side. I couldn't see his expression, but I could practically feel him frowning, displeasure radiating off him. “Just give me this one thing,” he said. “One night to pretend we have something real and, I promise, I'll never bother you again.”

  I knew what I should do, but I stepped forward and took his hand. “Lead the way.”

  “Thank you, Abby.” He bent and picked up something, a pile of blankets I realized as the bundle in his arms brushed against me. He kept my hand in his and started up the mountain. I followed, sticking close to his back, because the moon had slipped behind clouds and I couldn't see a damn thing.

  After about ten minutes of hiking, it didn't matter if I could see, because I couldn't breathe. “Zane,” I said, gasping. “Slow down.”

  He slowed his pace without a word, but we kept going up and pretty soon my quads and calves were screaming for mercy.

  “How much farther?” I asked.

  “Almost there. Want me to carry you?”

  I snorted. “I don't think so, tough guy. I got this.”

  And I did have it. Not much farther up the mountain, Zane stepped us out of the trees onto a huge, flat boulder that jutted out from the side of the mountain. We weren't at the summit, not even close, but it still felt like we were on top of the world. Below us, the world was dark, but the moon lit our little boulder and above us, the stars twinkled more brightly than I'd ever seen them before.

  Zane sat and stretched his legs out in front of him. “You can lay down here if you want,” he said.

  I lowered myself, sat, then laid my head on his thigh. The boulder was surprisingly warm, the day's unseasonably warm sun and heat hadn't yet seeped out of it to be replaced by the cold night air. He laid three thick, cozy blankets over me, and I was still hot enough from the hike to be quite comfortable. I looked up at the stars and felt almost immediately as though I was among them, high in the atmosphere, their brightness warming me.

  Zane placed a hand on my belly, looking down at me as I looked up at the stars.

  “You're missing the show,” I said.

  “No,” he said. His face was shadowed, bowed over mine, so I couldn't make out his expression, but I could hear the solemnity in his tone. “You're going to leave me soon. I can see the stars any time I want.”

  Sadness rolled through me at the acceptance in his voice. It was what I wanted, but wanting it didn't make it easier. “I've dreamed of living in the city since I was a little girl,” I said, wanting him to understand. “My grandmother grew up there and she told me stories about the theaters and the lights, the busy streets and stores for everything you never knew you needed. She told me there was always something to do there, that no one was poor and everyone had enough to eat and wore gorgeous clothes. Now, I know she was telling me a story, that there is nowhere without poverty and hunger, but at the time… It sounded like paradise, like heaven, like Oz and Hogwarts and Neverland.” I sighed, studying the stars for a while, just drinking in the beauty. Zane was still, quiet, listening. I wished he'd give me some sign that he understood what I was saying, that it made sense why I had to leave, but he said nothing. “I've never been there, but I've read everything I can about it and my friend, Gage, tells me it's amazing. I'll be able to find a job there, a good job, doing something other than stripping or waiting tables. I'll be able to go to the theater, hell I can go to the movies without driving an hour, I'll be able to join some fancy exercise class and eat at a different restaurant every night. Gage says there's a dance club that stays open until six in the morning. I'll be able to dance all night if I want or eat gourmet pizza and go to bed early so I can get up for a job that happens when the sun is shining. And the people…” I sighed just to think about it. “I'll meet so many people. People who've seen the world, who've lived all over the world, who've had experiences wildly different from mine, who won't judge me for who I am or what I've chosen to do to make money. I'll be able to breathe in Denver. And, when I've saved enough money, I'll finally be able to travel, to see the ocean and the redwoods, the Eiffel tower and Big Ben. I'll be free.”

  “Why haven't you ever been to Denver? It's only a few hours away.”

  I shrugged, my head shifting on his thigh. “At first, I didn't have the money and I didn't have anyone to cover for me at The Booty Carousel. It was hard to get away and I… I decided that when I get to Denver, I want to be able to do it right. I want to be able to get a nice place in a good part of town, to be able to take my time looking for a job and just enjoy being in the city. I want to see some shows and shop at a farmer's market. I want to try out every hipster coffee shop and sign up for a dance class.” I sighed. “It's silly. I should have left years ago. I should have just gotten on a bus and figured the rest out when I got there.”

  “You couldn't leave the dancers,” he said. “They depended on you.”

  “Maybe. Or maybe they were just my excuse to hold off, because… What if it's not what I think it is? What if I go there and even with all those jobs, I can't find a decent one? What if they judge me because I was a stripper and I have to come back to Aspens Whiten with no dream?”

  “None of that will happen. You're going to go there and you're going to amaze them all. You're going to own that city.”

  I laughed at his certainty and his hyperbole. “I'll be happy just to make a decent living.”

  “And I won't hold you back,” he said. “You should go. I'd go with you if I could… Maybe someday I will, but I can't leave the pack right now.”

  “Thank you. If you ever do come to Denver, though, look me up. I'll always want to see you.”

  He didn't speak, but he turned his gaze to the stars. I studied his face, etched by moonlight, all strong angles and planes, and my heart ached, maybe even cracked, because I knew he'd never come to Denver. I knew I'd probably never see him again. And I'd miss him. My eyes stung at the thought, my chest tightened and my stomach rolled like I was ill. Maybe I was. Maybe I was still suffering the aftereffects of Leopold's venom. Maybe the venom had made me emotionally weak, made me think I was falling for the worst possible man for me.

  I looked back at the stars as the rock cooled and my yawns grew more frequent. Zane pulled me farther onto his lap and wrapped his warm arms around me. “I don't know how I'll stay awake to get back down the mountain,” I said.

  “Shh. I've got you. Just sleep.”


  I woke shivering, dim light behind my eyelids. I opened my eyes slowly. I was on the boulder, Zane wrapped around me, my head on his arm. He was still breathing deeply, asleep, unaffected by the chill in the air and the cold rock. His body felt almost hot beneath me, a benefit of being a werewolf. A few feet from us, in a divot of the rock, a fire was smoldering down to its last embers. Zane must have gotten up while I was sleeping and built the fire to keep us warm. I tried to sit up, but his arm squeezed tighter around me, so I stayed where I was, despite the bone deep chill that was making me shiver, making my breath puff out in misty trails.

  I breathed in the scent of Zane, enjoyed the feel of him under me and around me. I could so easily give in and stay with him. I could get so lost in him that I wouldn't even care if he wanted me there or not, I'd stay just to be in his orbit, just to be near him, like some love-sick teen who thinks a man will make everything better.

  “Cold, sweetheart?” Zane pulled me in closer against his body, wrapping me up in his warmth. The sun was rising over the valley, turning everything pink and golden, lighting up our view like some amiable god had kissed it.

  “Pink sky in morning, sailor take warning,” I said. “Is it supposed to snow today?”

  He snorted. “That old wives' tale doesn't have any truth to it. It's going to be a beautiful day, look at that sunrise.”

  He lifted my hair and pressed a kiss to the nape of my neck. He kissed my skin in a gentle rhythm moving from the back of my neck to my chin, then he turned my head toward him and kissed my lips, g
ently at first and then with increasing hunger.

  The kiss warmed me from the top of my head to the tippy-tip tip of my toes and I forgot about the gorgeous sunrise or the fact that we were on a mountain top. All I could see and all I wanted and all I could think about was Zane and how quickly I could get him inside me. I spun in his arms and slid my hands under his shirt, needing to feel his skin against mine, even if I wasn't willing to take off any of my own clothes.

  His motions were as frantic and desperate as mine. He pulled me on top of him, the blankets still mostly over me, keeping me somewhat warm as he unbuttoned my pants and helped me out of them. I straddled him and pushed his pants to mid-thigh. He held me above him, looking into my eyes. “Please, Zane.”

  He produced a condom seemingly from thin air and slid it on. Then he pulled me down and thrust up, entering me in one quick move that felt so good, I bit my lip not to shout with pleasure. “This rock's not the most comfortable,” he said, though he didn't look the least bit uncomfortable. “You're going to have to do all the work.”

  I didn't mind, doing all the work warmed me up and I loved the way my movements brought pleasure to his expression, made him tense and moan. It didn't take me long to get where I needed to be and I screamed with my release, my scream echoing around us and through the valley. “Hope they don't send a search party,” He said. He was smiling, but there was sadness in his expression, too.

  He watched me, staying completely still, and I felt snowflakes land on my skin. I looked up to see them falling from the sky and all around us. It would have been a gorgeous, magical moment if it weren't so fudging cold. “No snow? Old wives' tale?” I asked.

  He tightened his grip on my hips and grinned. “I'm not always right about everything.”

  I moved, concentrating on bringing Zane pleasure before we both froze to death, but watching him come apart brought me to the peak again. He came with me, but we didn't savor the afterglow, because the snow was starting to pile up around us. We pulled up our pants and wrapped blankets around our heads and then we raced down the mountain.


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