Chocolate Truffle Mystery

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Chocolate Truffle Mystery Page 6

by Naomi Miller

  “I don't recall seeing an order with those items. Do we even have the pumpkin bread?”

  “Jah, I pulled the three loaves off the shelf and put them under the counter before coming into the kitchen. I don't know if she'll buy them if we can't produce the cake and cookies though.”

  “For sure, make her understand our policy, that she must produce her receipt in order to pick up an order. There's nothing we can do. There's no time to bake and ice a cake. She can pick one we have made up already and I can make more cookies, but I'll be making sugar cookies with red sprinkles. I don't have time for icing.”

  “Allrecht, I'll go back out and tell her.” Freida didn't look happy about it, but she turned away from Katie, taking a deep breath before going back through the swinging doors to the front.

  Katie looked after her, suddenly concerned. She realized then, that her freind had not looked well lately. Katie hoped it was nothing serious. Perhaps Freida had been working too hard.

  * * *

  Katie was grateful when Travis came in the back door carrying a sandwich, chips and soda. Frieda and Bella had been able to take short breaks for lunch, but with Mrs. O'Neal gone and Gwen still in school, Katie had assured everyone that she didn't need to stop. Even now she was working on another batch of sugar cookies while she pulled orders for Freida and Bella, who were waiting on customers.

  “Mrs. O'Neal told me the others have eaten, but that you didn't take a lunch break, so she had me bring over something you could munch on whenever you have time.” He leaned in for a quick kiss, brushing a finger down her nose when he stepped away.

  “Danki, Travis. That will be very helpful.” Katie wanted to kiss him again, but with her hands covered in dough, it did not seem like a very gut idea. At the very least, he would be covered in cookie dough—and everyone would know just what they had been doing.

  When Travis smiled at her, she thought he must know just what she had been thinking—and when he leaned in for another quick kiss, she tried to lean into him a little without getting him dirty—and then laughed when he jumped away. . . just as a bowl of flour toppled from the table and splattered everywhere.

  Katie looked at the sandwich with a frown. The food looked delicious and while she wanted to stop and eat right this minute, she knew she must stop and clean up her mess instead.

  But Travis stopped her. “No Katie. You finish what you're doing. I've got this.” And he planted another quick kiss on her lips before he went off to get the broom. When he came back a moment later, he smiled at her—and she just stood there smiling back.

  “Katie. . .” He said her name with a little laugh.

  “Jah?” She asked, feeling more than a little confused by all of the emotions rushing around inside of her.

  “The cookies. . .”

  “Cookies?” She said again, still not sure what he was getting at.

  “Katie, you need to finish the cookies, sweetheart.”

  She looked down then, at the dough on her hands and remembered the cookies. . . the spilled flour. . . the kisses. . . and felt heat rush into her cheeks. He was making her feel positively verrickt.

  Still a bit out of sorts—and over-heated, what with the blush practically taking over her face—Katie went back to the cookies while Travis swept up the flour.

  She finished mixing the dough, laid it out and rolled it into a nice flat circle so that she could start cutting out the cookie shapes before Travis spoke again.

  “I have to say, it's very flattering to know that I make you so nervous sometimes.”

  Katie turned, just as he pulled her close and kissed her again. Her hands fluttered in the air a moment as she tried to keep him from brushing against her dough and flour-covered apron, but after a moment, all she could think of was the kiss—and being in his arms.

  She would never know if Travis had heard something—or if he had just chosen to move away then, but he stepped back and only a second passed before Bella walked through the swinging doors.

  Panicked, Katie turned back to the table and picked up a cookie cutter, knocking three others down onto the circle of dough at the same time.

  Travis stopped sweeping—and Katie thought she might have even heard him laugh. “Katie, you have to stop and eat something. Hunger is making you clumsy.” He turned to Bella and added, “I'm right aren't I, Bella?”

  Bella cleared her throat before answering—and Katie just knew she had given herself away. “I think you're right Travis. She has been working far too hard today. She certainly needs a break.”

  Katie looked over at Travis then—and it was all she could do not to laugh at the smile on his face. If Bella had not figured out what they had been up to from Katie's clumsy behavior, that smile was all she would need.

  “Allrecht. I will take a break. But these cookies need to be cut before the dough hardens.”

  Bella spoke up then. “You go. There are only two customers out there at the moment and they're just sitting, drinking coffee. I think I can manage cutting out cookies. Take a break, Katie.” She turned to Travis then. “Go. Make her eat something and relax for a few minutes.”

  Travis nodded and took Katie's hand, pulling her toward Mrs. O'Neal's office. When they were both settled on the small couch, he handed her the sandwich with a smile. “I can't stay long, Katie. They're keeping me busy at the cafe today, but I can give you a few more minutes.”

  He smiled again and kissed her quickly before leaning back and pointing to the plastic box on her lap. “Eat. And I'll catch you up at what's going on over at the cafe while you do. You'll never guess what happened this morning. You know that Andrew hired Ethan Lewis last year to help out and he's been training him to wait on the customers, as well as working in the kitchen. Well, today he hired an older man that was looking for work. His name is Mason Turner. All I know is his name, that he's retired, and that Andrew checked into his background, then hired him to work in the kitchen. Andrew hasn't said anything to me, but I'm hoping this doesn't mean that he's replacing me. I don't want to lose my part time job there, but there may not be anything for me to do now.”

  “Ach, what will you do if that happens?”

  “I don't know, but I don't want you to worry about it. I'll find something. . . someplace. “By the way, I heard that you had a bit of trouble with a customer awhile ago.”

  “Jah, we did. She came in to pick up an order, but she didn't have a receipt, and we couldn't find one in the book. And I don't remember seeing anything written out for what she said she ordered.”

  “So, what did you do?”

  “Freida offered to sell her the pumpkin bread and told her I would bake the three dozen sugar cookies if she wanted to come back in an hour, but there was no time for a cake.” Katie took a breath before going on with their adventure. “The 'lady' actually screamed at Freida, saying things I would not repeat to anyone. When the other customers took her to task about her attitude, she left without purchasing anything.”

  “Oh man Katie, I'm sorry you had to go through that—especially today. And I would love to stay with you, but I need to get back to the cafe.”

  Since Katie had just taken a bite of sandwich, Travis gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, and before she could swallow, he was gone.

  When Travis had gone and Katie finally was able to swallow her bite, she stood and walked back out to the kitchen. Bella was busily arranging the cookie shapes on a long baking sheet. Katie watched, absently eating her sandwich, while Bella finished and rolled the leftover dough together, then rolled it out flat again.

  “Katie, everyone has been talking about your beautiful window designs. Freida says you did one a year ago at Christmas. I wish I could have seen it. You have a real talent for it.”

  Heat rushed to Katie's cheeks at the compliment. She reminded herself that it was Gott—not her—who deserved all of the credit and praise before she spoke..

  “Danki, Bella. It's not something I do often because I don't want to feel hochmut about it. I jus
t wanted to do something special for Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal this year.”

  “Hochmut?” Bella asked.

  “Hochmut means pride. . . or being proud of something. Our people frown on being proud. I would never want to be accused of being prideful over a gift that Gott has given to me.”

  “Oh. I guess that makes sense. Most people I know are filled with pride. They're even proud of stuff they shouldn't be proud of, if you know what I mean.”

  “Well, I am not certain. But you would know, for sure and for certain.”

  Katie watched as Bella put the baking sheet in the oven—and a moment later, Bella was heading back toward the swinging doors. “Danki for the help Bella. . . and for the break. I needed it.”

  “Yes, you looked as if you needed a moment to sit and. . . relax.” And with a smile, she pushed through the swinging door—just as the bell over the front door sounded.

  Katie sighed and went back to work. First, she pulled the pans of finished cookies from the cooling racks. These were the last treats to be done today.

  Smiling to herself as she carefully lifted cookies from the pans, Katie was ready when Bella came through the swinging doors with the next order to be picked up.

  “Danki again Bella. Those cookies were the last ones for today. When they kumme out of the oven, the baking is done—and we don't have many more orders waiting to be picked up.”

  “That is very good news Katie. It's been super busy today. I'm glad we're closing early. I for one, will be glad when the last order has been picked up and we're done.”

  “Did you rest on your break like Mrs. O'Neal told you to? You don't want to be over-doing it. You need to take better care of yourself now. You have the baby to consider.”

  “Yes, I did. I don't want to be fainting at work anymore. I promise I'll take care of myself. . . and the baby.”

  “That is gut. You are coming to the party afterwards, right? Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal seem very excited about this party for all their employees.”

  “Oh yes, I'll be there.”

  “Gut. That is gut. And now, I had better get back to work.”

  “Me, too. Freida will be watching for me to come back.”

  “Then I will see you at the party, jah?”

  “Jah.” Bella giggled. “I mean yes.”

  — TWELVE —

  Katie was more excited about the Valentine's Day Celebration than she could remember being about anything in a long time! She couldn't wait to see what Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal had planned for them.

  It didn't hurt either that this was her very first Valentine's Day with a buwe freind. Given how wunderbaar their time together had already been today, Katie could hardly wait to see him at the party—and then on the drive home afterward.

  The one thing she worried over was once she got home. She planned to break the news to her parents at home tonight about her and Travis. She was more than a little naerfich about telling them, but she knew it would make things worse if she put it off.

  With a buwe from their community she would have waited until things were very serious before she said anything about him. But this was different—dating an Englischer was going to be difficult enough. If someone saw her with Travis and told her parents, that would for sure and for certain have them upset with her. She knew it was best to tell them herself, before they heard it from anyone else. Best to start off right. Not to mention, they might be more understanding on this holiday. Gut thing Mamm and Dat enjoy Valentine's day so.

  * * *

  After closing at three o'clock, it took the girls almost an hour to clean and ready the bakery for the next day, but finally they were done and it was time to go.

  Travis and Mr. O'Neal walked Katie, Bella, Freida and Mrs. O'Neal across the street to the Irish Blessings Cafe. When they walked into the cafe, Sean, Gwen and Thomas were there waiting for them.

  The room was decorated with red, pink and white streamers, and hearts in the same colors hanging down from the ceiling. The big, white ceiling fan in the middle of the room was set on low speed, making some of the hearts twirl round and round. It was simply breathtaking to behold!

  Several tables were made up with pretty white tablecloths, and decorative plates, napkins, and cups. There was a long table nearby laden with food.

  The large door that led to the kitchen swung open and Ethan and a man Katie had never met before walked towards the table. Katie supposed the strange man was the one that Andrew had hired today. They both put trays down on the table and headed back to the kitchen. Katie glanced back at the trays of food.

  One was piled high with small, square, crust-less sandwiches with delicious-looking fillings. Another held assorted bite-size treats stuffed with cheese, shrimp, and crabmeat—just to name a few.

  There were two large trays already on the table, one with vegetables and dip, the other with several cheeses and an assortment of crackers. There was also a tureen filled with luscious meatballs floating in a rich, thick sauce.

  A smaller table nearby was obviously for the desserts. Besides a red velvet cake—which Katie knew to be a favorite of her boss's—and a triple chocolate cake, there were chocolate-dipped strawberries, plus several varieties of chocolate truffles. There were even a few desserts that didn't come from the bakery, like the homemade banana pudding, which was Travis' favorite, and the fluffy, cloud-like jello salad that Travis must have figured out was Katie's favorite.

  * * *

  After giving everyone time to fill their plates, Andrew looked around. No one was sitting down to eat. Everyone looked happy and relaxed, walking around, chatting with first one friend, then another. Maybe it was time to share some happy news.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen,” Andrew waited until he had everyone's attention before going on. “Thomas and Freida asked if they could make an announcement at this time.” Freida blushed prettily and Thomas actually looked a bit embarrassed. He whispered something to her and she nodded, then looked around at the others. “Thomas and I want to share some wunderbaar news with all of you tonight. Although many people do not speak of it so early, especially to make a special announcement, we want all of you, our freinden, to know that I spoke to Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal this afternoon—and today is my last day working at the bakery. . . because we are expecting our first baby!”

  * * *

  Shouts filled the room and everyone congratulated the expectant parents. Katie rushed over to hug her dear freind. This certainly explained what she had seen today. For sure and for certain Freida would be feeling tired.

  “Freida! I cannot believe you said nothing to me! I am supposed to be your best friend!” Katie tried to sound indignant, but knew that the big smile on her face would say otherwise.

  “Ach, it was the hardest secret I have ever kept. And I knew if I told anyone, especially you, then Mrs. O'Neal would probably say I didn't need to be on my feet working today. So I waited until after work to tell her. But I told her not to say anything, that I wanted to wait until tonight to tell everyone.”

  “Well, that makes sense I suppose. Anyway, how exciting, Freida, a new bopli. Ach, I am so excited for you both.”

  “It is truly a blessing.” Freida agreed. “I will miss working with you, but we knew this would happen eventually.” Katie wasn't sure what to expect when Freida leaned closer to her. Then she whispered in Katie's ear. “Thomas says Travis came by their farm to speak with his bruder Jake for a few minutes today—and that he had some interesting news as well.”

  “Did he tell Thomas about. . . us?”

  “Jah, he did!” Freida looked almost more excited than she had before, if that was possible. “And what I want to know is why you didn't tell me? For sure and for certain it cannot be for the same reason I did not tell you about the bopli.”

  Katie might have been embarrassed if she had not remembered that Freida had done the same thing. “Now, Freida, you did the very same thing to me and you know it. You let me—and everyone else in the community—think that you were interested in Timo
thy Yoder for the longest time.”

  “Ach. You would have to remember that now.” She said it playfully, but somehow Katie felt as if her freind might still be a little upset with her.

  “Freida, please, you have to understand. We only decided this last night—and today, every time I wanted to tell you, I was afraid to. You may tease me about the way I feel for Travis, but you also know that it will not be easy for us if we decide to be together. My parents, our friends, the church, the community, they will not understand.”

  Freida took Katie's hands in hers. “Of course I understand, Katie. I also know that Gott brought Travis into your life for a reason. If you are meant to be together, you have to believe that Gott will help you find a way.”

  Katie wiped an unexpected tear from her lashes. “Thank you, Freida. You have no idea just how much I needed to hear that. I really should have told you about all of this earlier. Perhaps I would not have spent so much time worrying over nothing.”

  Freida wrapped her arms around Katie then and squeezed tight. “Let's both promise not to keep things from each other anymore.”

  Katie smiled as she hugged her freind tightly. “That sounds like a very gut idea.”

  * * *

  “Andrew, a few of the dishes are almost empty. Perhaps I should take them to the kitchen to refill them so our guests can go back for more whenever they like.”

  “No, Milly. Let me do it. You stay and enjoy yourself. You worked very hard today and I want you to relax and let me take care of everything.”

  Andrew gathered up a few dishes and headed in the direction of the kitchen. Pushing through the large, swinging door, he stopped suddenly when he saw his nephew. . . and Gwen Davis. . . in a tight embrace.

  And though he'd had no idea that her brother had picked up the remaining trays and followed him to the kitchen, no one could have missed the shout that came from behind him.


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