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The Air I Breathe

Page 14

by K. Renee

  “How about you get up and come see what I have for you instead.” He rolls me onto my back and hovers over me, not putting all his weight on me.

  “All right, fine. Then breakfast.” I grin, and he brings his mouth down to mine, kissing me softly.

  One thing I’ve learned about Sager is that he never skips breakfast. No matter what time he gets up or if he’s running late, he always has breakfast, even if it’s just toast or something simple.

  He rolls off the bed then helps me up. As we walk through the house, he has his hand on my bare ass as he whispers in my ear, “I think you are going to be breakfast this morning. I’m craving you so fucking bad right now.”

  I push him away for a second, and he comes right back to me, pulling me into his arms as we come to the couch. He takes a seat and pulls me into his lap.

  “What do you have for me, beautiful?”

  Reaching over, I grab the bag that is on the floor next to the coffee table and hand it to him. He looks at me and gives me a playful look before pulling out the picture block. I watch him as he looks at each photo intently and when he gets through them all, he wraps his arms around me.

  “I fucking love this. Thank you, babe.”

  I kiss his forehead like he always does to me and he grins. “I know things are about to be crazy and once you told me that I was the air you needed to breathe. I feel the same way about you, and the only thing I would change is being yours completely, not making you sharing with Alec for so long.”

  His hand grips my thigh, and he doesn’t interrupt me like Alec used to when I tried to say something.

  “I am so thankful that you never left, even when you probably should have. I was a mess, and most days I still am, but one thing has never changed… I love you and I always will. It’s the crazy once in a lifetime loves that will probably end up destroying me if you did leave.”

  “You’re stuck with me, Cam. I wouldn’t let you leave if you tried. I’m addicted.”

  I’d never want him to let me go either. He is hands down the best mistake I’ve ever made.


  “So breakfast. In bed or out?”

  I wrap my arms around his neck. “Out.” I don’t even think that we’ve ever gone out to eat together before. “We have a lot of firsts to knock out before the baby comes.”

  He gives me a questioning look, and I shrug. “We never had a first date or anything. I think it’s time to have one.”

  “I’ll give you as many dates as you want. And just a fair warning, I put out on the first date.”

  I cover my mouth with my hand to keep from laughing out, and he stands up, taking me with him. “Get dressed. I have to take my woman out for breakfast so I can get dessert afterward.” He waggles his eyebrows at me, and I roll my eyes.

  “Who said you were getting dessert?” I question.

  He puts his hand between my legs and groans. “I think you just did.” His finger slides up and down me, and when he sinks a finger inside of me, I moan his name.

  “Fuck, I would rather take you back to bed right now,” he murmurs against my lips.

  “You promised breakfast, and the baby and I are starving.” My voice is a little breathless, but I am still stuck on getting actual food.

  “Dessert once we come home then.” He kisses me hard before pulling away and sticking his finger that he had inside of me into his mouth.



  Halfway through breakfast, I got a call that Alec is at my gym.

  I paid the tab and dragged Cameo with me straight there because I wasn’t about to let that fucker ruin everything I’ve worked my ass to build.

  When we got there, Jenner had him out front with Ryker. Pulling into a parking spot, I tell Cameo not to get out of the car. I don’t want this shit to get any worse than it already is. He’s already threatened her, and I don’t want her to stress out more.

  “Just let me back inside,” he demands when Ryker doesn’t let him past him.

  “No. I’m not letting you fuck with shit in the gym because you’re pissed off at Sager. That shit can harm other people, and I won’t let that happen.” Ryker crosses his arms over his chest.

  “What do you want Alec?” I ask as I come up behind him.

  “I want my fiancée and unborn child back. You just couldn’t keep your dick to yourself.” He sticks up his nose at me and fuck if I even care.

  He can think he’s better than me all he wants; it won’t keep me up at night.

  “She isn’t going back to you. You’re just pissed that she would rather be with me than you. Leave us alone and stop sending her threatening messages. The baby isn’t yours.”

  His eyes flash with anger, and I know it’s because of what I just said. He only wants the baby to be his so he can continue to use it against her, and I won’t allow that. I don’t give a shit who he is or what kind of money he has. I’ll fight tooth and nail to make sure this baby is protected from his bullshit. He doesn’t want this child like we do. It’s just another pawn in his game.

  “You act like you know everything when you don’t know shit. I knew about your affair as soon as it happened. It’s why I started taking precautions. Ever wonder why she never got pregnant even after all the time of you two fucking with no rubber? Once I started putting holes in the rubbers she forced me to use, she wound up pregnant.”

  The anger inside of me is raging, and as much as I want to pummel the fuck out of him, I know I can’t. At least not without him trying to sue me down the road for it. He’s a bitch, plain and simple.

  “Just stay the fuck away from us,” I state, trying to keep my anger under wraps.

  “Alec, I’m sorry for everything I did to you. I should have never agreed to marry you and I shouldn’t have cheated either, but I’m begging you to stop all of this. It doesn’t need to be this way.” I turn my head to see Cameo standing a few feet behind me, her hand on her stomach as she watches Alec.

  My beautiful girl has tears in her eyes, and she hates that she hurt him. Hates that it all came down to this. I tried to get her to see reason, but it doesn’t matter to her. She feels responsible, and that’s why she can’t sleep at night.

  It’s slowly eating away at her, and I can’t do anything to help. I feel almost powerless in it all.

  “Please just stop.”

  I turn to walk toward her and right before I reach her, I take a punch to the back of the head. My forehead hits her in the shoulder, and we both stumble, but I steady her before she can fall on her ass in the parking lot.

  Turning just in time for him to hit me again, Ryker grabs him and pulls him away from us.

  Wiping my nose, I don’t see any blood, and I ignore the pain shooting through my head. “You only come at me with my back to you. You’re a coward.”

  Cameo has her hands on my back, and when I take a step toward him, she grabs my pant pocket to keep me there.

  “You have an issue with me; come at me man to man. I’ll tell you just like it is and I’ll even let you get a shot in. But once you came at Cameo it crosses the line. Stay the fuck away from her and the baby.”

  Ryker pushes Alec back again, and he points right at Cameo. “Mark my words, you’ll wish you never met him.”

  With that, he pushes past Ryker and walks toward the parking lot where I’m sure his fancy little car is parked. I move Cameo with me as I watch him walk away and Ryker comes to stand next to me.

  “You think he’ll try something again?”

  I have no fucking idea what he might try. “No idea,” I sigh and pull Cameo into my side. She wraps her arms around me, and I kiss the top of her head.

  When I look down at her, I can see how exhausted she is. I know she barely slept last night and with this new shit, I know she’ll be too stressed to fall asleep now.

  “I’m going to take her home. Call me if you guys need anything.”

  Ryker slaps me on the back and turns to walk inside the gym while I walk Cameo towa
rd the car.

  “If you need to work, I can stay here with you,” she says quietly.

  “You need to sleep. I know you’ve been up most of the night already.” She frowns at me, and I open her car door for her. After I help her inside, I shut the door and walk around to my side.

  “What if I’m not tired?” She’s giving me that pouty look that she gives when she wants things to go her way.

  “I’ll give you something to help you sleep. And before you start to bitch about it not being good for the baby, it’s okay. I already read about it yesterday.”

  She gives me the evil eye, and I shrug. “You need to sleep, Cam. You are under so much stress with that dick that you haven’t been sleeping. You look like a walking zombie.” She scoffs at that, but I don’t let her try to convince me otherwise.

  “No, you are going to bed when we get home.”

  She pouts a little more as she sits back in her seat and I take off toward the house.


  Eighteen hours later, a very sleepy Cameo comes stumbling out of the bedroom.

  When she comes over to me, she looks grumpy as hell and it’s cute. “What’s wrong?” I reach out, and pull her into my lap.

  “I feel like crap.” She buries her face into my neck, and I wrap my arms around her.

  “I’m sorry, babe, but on a good note, you slept for fucking ever.” She pinches my nipple, and I can’t help but laugh.

  It’s a little after one in the morning, and she probably should just go right back to bed, but I don’t want her to leave yet. I want to hold her in my arms a little longer.

  “What did I miss?” She rubs her eyes with her fist, and I motion to the crib that she had to have.

  “Just spent the day working on your project for you. I wanted to make it so you had one less thing to worry about through all this bullshit with Alec.”

  “You are amazing,” she whispers. Her arms wrap around my neck, and she hugs me closer to her body. “You spent all day painting even though you hate it.”

  I shrug. “It was nothing. I know how much you loved this crib even when I told you I’d buy you a new one, so I wanted to help.”

  “You are going to be the best father.”

  I kiss her lips before I pick her up and take her back into the bedroom. “I can’t wait.” I lay her back on the bed, and her legs stay wrapped around my waist.

  When we got home earlier, I stripped her back down and put her in one of my shirts and a pair of skimpy underwear before getting her to take melatonin. She didn’t fall asleep right away, so I laid with her until her eyes closed and she was fast asleep.

  I can feel how wet she is already through her panties, but I want her to rest. “Sager,” she whines when I lean forward to kiss her lips.

  “Tell me what you want, Cameo.”

  “You know what I want.” The words are barely audible, but I want her to tell me. She still doesn’t know how to tell me what she wants, and it drives me insane.

  “No, I need to hear you say it. To know that I’m not the only one who wants this.”

  “I want you to fuck me, Sager.”

  Grabbing her thighs, I pull her body down the bed slightly before hooking my fingers into her panties. I slide them down her thighs, stepping back when I need her to release me. Undoing my jeans, I push them down my hips, taking my boxer briefs with them. I tug my shirt over my head before I step back between her legs and my dick is already probing her wet cunt.

  She’s so fucking wet already that I can’t wait to sink inside of her, but I want her naked. I want to see every inch of her skin while I make love to the one woman I’m never going to give up on.

  I kiss up her thigh, running my hands up her body and sliding my hands under her shirt, pulling it up and over her head.

  Once I get her body bared to me, I take her in. Her tits have gotten bigger, but not so much that it’s noticeable to everyone who sees her. I let my eyes travel over her chest to her stomach and stop on her belly. She thinks she’s getting fat, but I don’t see an ounce of fat on her. My hands run over her stomach, and I feel the baby kick.

  I’m pretty sure my eyes widen, and I pause, afraid to even move.

  “Your face is adorable right now.” She grins up at me, and I just stare at her in shock. In my thirty-two years, I’ve never felt a baby kick or better yet, have wanted to. Shit, I’ve never even thought about being a father and now it’s one of the only things that I can focus on.

  Being the best father to this baby whether it’s mine or his.

  “Sager?” I look down at her again, and she is watching me, trying to probably figure out if I’m freaking out or not.

  “I’ve never felt something like that before,” I finally say when I find the words.

  “The doctor said that it’s possible to get a DNA test done to know who the father is.”

  “Is it going to hurt either of you?” That is the only thing that I can think of. If it will hurt either of them, then there is no way in hell I’ll let her do it. I would rather listen to Alec bitch about what he doesn’t have for the next four months.

  “No.” She reaches out and cups my cheek. “It’s killing me to not know and if we know, then maybe he’ll leave us alone finally.”

  “Either way, he is still going to try and ruin shit for us. He’s pissed that I stole his fiancée from right under his nose.”

  “True, but maybe with the answer out there things between us can go back to normal.”

  Every part of me goes still. What in the hell is she talking about?

  “Before you say that things haven’t changed, they have. You were never afraid to kiss me in front of others and not once did you ever think twice about sex. Now you are a little more cautious, and I think it has to do with not knowing what is going to happen. Not knowing who the father of this baby is.”

  I don’t answer her even though she is right. In the back of my mind, all I think about is her leaving me for him if this child is his. Knowing that I may never be able to support them in the fashion that she is used to or what he can provide for them.



  I hate seeing the uncertainty written all over his face.

  “Sager, nothing will change. I love you and just because this child might be his, it doesn’t mean I’ll go back. I want you and I’ve never been more certain about something in my life. You’re the only man I want.”

  I sit up and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

  “Cam, you are amazing.”

  I can see the love he has for both of us in his eyes even though he doesn’t know if he’s the father.

  One thing I love about him is the fact that he would do anything for me, even if that meant raising a baby that wasn’t his.

  Our story hasn’t been easy, and we may have done a lot of things that were wrong, but we found ourselves in each other and not a day goes by that I don’t regret that. He is truly the other half of me, and that is something I won’t give up, not now or ever.

  “Now, please fuck me,” I whisper against his lips.

  “So fucking hot when you say it,” he murmurs. His lips move from mine, down my neck and when his hands grab my thighs, he pulls me so my ass is slightly hanging off the bed. “I want to hear more.”

  His voice is hoarse, and the moment he fills me, I let out a curse. “Holy shit.”

  That grin on his face is sexy as hell, and I can’t help but stare as he starts to move in and out of me. My ankles lock around his back, but he doesn’t let that stop him from thrusting his hips.

  “Harder, Sager. Please,” I whimper when he slows his rhythm. One of his hands wraps gently around my throat, and as much as it freaks me out after everything that happened with Alec, I trust him enough not to hurt me. He promised he would never hurt me.

  “Fuck,” he grunts out as he moves his hand to one of my breasts. He gives it a rough squeeze before he starts to slam into me harder.

  Every thrust of
his hips has me moaning, and when we both come, he collapses his body onto mine. His breath fans out over my heated skin. “I wanted to make love to you, but once you said those words, I couldn’t hold back.

  “Soft and sweet isn’t us.”

  He moves the hair out of my face and kisses my neck. “No, but you deserve it.” He stands up and slowly pulls out of me, and I groan in displeasure. “You deserve the fucking world, and I’ll never be able to give you what he can.”

  “I don’t want the world; I only want you, Sager.”

  “I don’t deserve you.” He smiles down at me.

  “I know, but you’ve got me all to yourself now. Just like you wanted.”

  He kisses me softly. “Just like I wanted.”


  A little after five, Sager comes into the room with a huge grin spread across his face. “I want you to get ready. I have something planned.”

  I frown at him and look back at the TV that I am currently watching. I’ve been binge watching Orphan Black since he went to the gym for one of his classes that he teaches during the day, and it’s getting really good.

  I pause it and give him a questioning look.

  “Come on, get your sexy ass up. We’ve got somewhere to go.” I look to the TV again before looking back at him. “I’ll even watch whatever it is you’re watching when we get back later.”

  He swipes the remote from the bed and shuts the TV off, and I whine about how it’s getting good. “Sager, you don’t even know what you’re making me miss! It was just about to tell us something about the girl and how there are –”

  He cuts me off, not even caring what I’m talking about. “Get in the shower and get ready.”

  I pout a little, but it does nothing to get my way, so I just do as he says and head to the shower, stripping as I go.

  “I want to bend you over my knee and spank you,” he mutters as I walk by him, tossing my shirt in his face.

  “Sorry, you can’t.” I turn and rub my belly, and he shakes his head at me.

  “Don’t test me, babe. If there’s a will, there’s a way.” I scurry into the bathroom, turning on the water before he can get up and spank me. I mean, I won’t say no to him giving me a little sexy time right this second, but when he’s got an idea, there is no deterring him until he does it.


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