Under a Raging Moon: Part Two

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Under a Raging Moon: Part Two Page 9

by Chambers, V. J.

  My heart was bursting. I loved them both in a way that I couldn’t explain. It was wolf love—and I only called it that because my human side was assigning words to it all. I’d never felt a love like it, but I knew it must be love. It felt too good to be close to both of them to be anything other than love.

  Nothing in my entire life had ever felt this nice.

  We drifted to sleep together, and it was bliss. The best day of my life.


  But the next morning, I woke up alone on the bed, back in human form. I was disappointed not to be close to my men, because I had expected them to be there, and I felt a kind of sad loss at the lack of their bodies.

  You’re going insane, Piper, I thought to myself.

  I sat up. Could that have really happened last night? Could I have been a wolf, knowing everything?

  I remembered the way it had felt to tackle the deer that we’d eaten.

  Oh, yeah, that was real, I thought. Ugh.

  It might have seemed wonderful at the time, but in retrospect, it was only gross. And a little creepy. How had I taken so much pleasure in slaughtering a living creature? I wasn’t a bleeding heart for animals or anything, but that didn’t mean that I liked the idea of them dying. I remembered hitting a deer with my car once, when I was sixteen years old, and I’d pulled over to try to help it. But it had been badly hurt, so badly hurt that it had died right in front of my eyes. I’d cried and cried over that, sobbed for an hour straight. And for days afterward, when I thought of it, I teared up.

  Now, I’d taken joy in killing a deer.

  You were a wolf. Wolves kill deer. It’s only natural, I told myself.

  I shook my head. I wasn’t a wolf. I was a human. I felt sick.

  I gagged.

  But I fought it down, because there was no food in the house, and I wasn’t sure when I was going to eat again. I didn’t understand how it worked anyway. My human stomach couldn’t be good at digesting raw meat. Why did something that I ate as a wolf sustain me in human form?

  Because you’re a wolf, said a voice inside my head. You might as well accept it.

  I shuddered. I didn’t want to think that. To shut out the voice, I got up and got moving. I was naked, and the clothes I’d been wearing had been taken off on the patio. I wrapped myself up in a robe and went out to look for them. They were wet from dew, but I picked them up and brought them back inside. I wished there was a way to dry them out. At least they didn’t seem to be dirty or anything.

  Hudson and Kale burst through the front door. Hudson was carrying a tool box, and Kale had some pieces of scrap wood.

  “I’m telling you, we can’t do anything else about that leak,” Kale said. “I fixed it as best as I could.”

  “And I’m telling you that you might as well let me look at it,” said Hudson. “Because we all know that you’re not exactly good with your hands.”

  “I run a landscaping company.” Kale’s face was red.

  “Run is the key word there,” said Hudson. “You oversee people. You don’t actually get your hands dirty, and you never have.”

  Kale pointed at me. “Ask her if I’m good with my hands.”

  “Hey,” I said. “Leave me out of this.”

  But the damage was already done. Hudson ground his teeth. He stormed over to me. “Well?” he said. “You want to answer that question I asked you last night?”

  My eyes widened. “You aren’t serious.”

  “Dead serious,” said Hudson flatly.

  Kale peered around him. “Kind of curious as well. Who’s better?”

  I backed away, sinking my hands into my hair. “You’re both… fine. Better than fine. I don’t want to do this.”

  “You’re going to have to pick one of us eventually,” said Kale.

  “I thought we decided that since she could be pregnant with either of our offspring, we were going to wait until the end of the month,” said Hudson.

  “I can’t stay here a month,” I said. “This whole thing is crazy. I’m not pregnant. And I’m not going to get pregnant.” I turned and started for the bedroom.

  Hudson caught me by the wrist and stopped me. “Hey, I’m not saying this is easy for you, but it isn’t easy for us either.”

  “Really?” I said.

  Kale’s eyes flashed. “Yeah, this is every guy’s fantasy, right? Being forced to watch the man he hates most in the universe have sex with the only available woman. It’s totally great.”

  Hudson let go of me. “You hate me the most in the universe? What the fuck?”

  Kale’s chin shot out. “Like you don’t hate me just as much.”

  “I don’t,” said Hudson. “We were friends once, you know.”

  I started back for the bedroom.

  This time Kale stopped me. He yanked me back so that I was standing next to the both of them. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “To the bedroom,” I said.

  “You can’t just keep doing that,” said Hudson. “That’s the biggest bed in the house, and you’re the smallest one of us.”

  “So?” I said. “I’m also the only one being held prisoner.”

  “For the eighteenth time, we can’t leave either,” said Kale.

  “It’s not the same,” I said. “And don’t try to pretend like it is.”

  They both glared at me.

  I tossed my hair. “You know, maybe you two should do what the old man said and play nice with each other. Bury the hatchet.”

  They both snorted.

  I softened my voice. “What happened with you guys, anyway? I know it has something to do with Lila, but—”

  “No,” said Kale. “We don’t talk about her.”

  “You did, though,” I said quietly. “That morning when we were together, you were telling me about her necklace.”

  The necklace. I sighed. That stupid thing had gotten me into this mess. I wondered if my clients were still trying to find me or if they assumed I’d simply abandoned the job.

  “When you were in bed together?” said Hudson. “That morning? The morning I walked in on you?”

  “You didn’t walk in,” said Kale. “You came to my house with no invitation, and you stuck your nose into things that weren’t your business.”

  “Whatever. She wouldn’t have been on her back, half-dressed in the front seat of my truck if she wasn’t my business,” said Hudson.

  “I’m not anyone’s business,” I said. “I’m just a girl.”

  “A girl who was messing around with both of us,” said Kale.

  “Why were you doing that?” said Hudson.

  “Yeah,” said Kale darkly, “why is it that every woman who’s attracted to me seems to also be attracted to him as well?”

  “I…” My jaw worked, but I didn’t know what to say.

  “She was only fucking you so that you wouldn’t kick her out,” said Hudson. “That’s what she told me.”

  Kale flinched, like he was actually hurt.

  Shit. I felt bad about that, especially after how close we’d all been last night, that bursting feeling of… God, had I called it love? “I didn’t know you yet,” I blurted out. “Maybe it started out that way, Kale, but it wasn’t… There’s more to it now.”

  He raised his gaze to mine.

  “I mean…” Damn it. “There’s nothing to any of it. I hate both of you. I just want to leave.”

  Kale jerked me closer to him. “Well, you can’t leave,” he said in a soft, silky voice.

  I shut my eyes. “Let go of me.”

  “No.” Kale untied my robe.

  “Stop it,” I breathed. I turned pleading eyes on Hudson, but he was just standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, stony-faced. The tools and wood scraps had been completely abandoned. Neither of the men was paying attention to them anymore.

  Kale parted my robe, exposing my bare skin beneath.

  Both men gazed at my body hungrily.

  I felt a tendril of excitement wi
nd through my body. There was something so powerful about two men wanting me like this. I swallowed.

  “We’re going to settle this,” said Kale.

  “Settle what?” I choked out.

  “Which of us is better at making you come,” said Kale. He looked up at Hudson. “You couldn’t get her off last night because you were trying to make her shift, but you were the last person to have your hands on her. So, it’s my turn. I’ll go first.”

  “Wait a second,” said Hudson. “I think it should be my turn, owing to the fact that you’ve had her more often than I have. She was alone with you for days in your house.”

  “I barely touched her.” Kale eased the robe off my shoulders, and I was completely nude.

  Was this really happening? Did I actually have two men arguing over me, who wanted to compete to see who could make me come the best? It would have been the most arousing thing in the world, hotter than my hottest fantasy, if it weren’t for the way they were glaring at each other. There was something irrational in their anger, something that was pushing them this far, and it frightened me to be caught up in it.

  “It should be my turn.” Hudson was talking to my breasts.

  As if on cue, my nipples stiffened. Geez, they’d never done that before. I usually had to be cold for them to get erect with no direct stimulation.

  “You’ll get her next.” Kale gave me a nudge. His voice was at my ear, low and urgent. “Go to the couch.”

  I looked back and forth between the two of them. I should try to stop them, shouldn’t I? This was weird, and it was going to end badly. But… well, I was pretty turned on too, and the promise of one orgasm right after the other, well…

  I went to the couch.

  Kale made me face away from him, kneel, and clutch the back of the couch. “Open your legs.”

  It was like the way he’d touched me that first night, only I was completely naked, and I was on display for both of them.

  Somehow, that made me feel more turned on, knowing that Hudson was back there too, getting an eyeful of my ass in the air, my legs spread wide to show off my pussy. I was started to get wet without Kale even touching me.

  Then Kale’s fingers found me there, dancing over my body. He eased his thumb inside me, and I was wet enough that he slid right in.

  He let out a satisfied breath. “She’s already dripping wet, and I barely touched her.”

  “So what?” said Hudson.

  I clenched on Kale’s thumb as he began to work it inside me. I moaned.

  “You like that, don’t you?” Kale said.

  I just moaned again.

  “Say it, Piper,” said Kale. “If you want my finger on your clit, you have to tell me you like this.”

  “That’s not fair,” said Hudson. “You’re teasing her.”

  He was, and it was sweet agony. “I like it,” I breathed.

  “Yeah, you do,” said Kale, and his promised finger touched my clit.

  Oh, that was great. That was so nice. I began to pump my hips back against Kale’s fingers, sighing at each stroke.

  Kale laughed quietly. “It’s that easy to make her come undone. I’ll make her come right now. Watch me.”

  Hudson snorted.

  Kale’s fingers started to move in fast, urgent circles—swirling pleasure throughout me in a way that I’d never experienced before.

  I gasped. I grunted. I couldn’t move.

  Kale kept it up. It was good, but it was so intense, and I couldn’t fight it. I started to twitch.

  “That’s it,” Kale murmured. “Very good, Piper.”

  And the orgasm ripped through me. I started to moan as it took over my hips and pelvis. I gasped and sighed as the spasms overtook me, one sweet convulsion after the other.

  “Are you coming, Piper?” said Kale. “Say it.”

  I would have said whatever he wanted at that moment. “I’m coming. I’m coming,” I managed.

  Suddenly, Kale’s hands weren’t on me.

  I collapsed on the couch to see that Hudson had ripped him away from my body. I lay there, my whole body jerking with the last of the orgasm, trying to catch my breath, while I watched Hudson drive him up against the wall.

  Kale looked startled.

  Hudson put his arm against Kale’s throat. His voice was a rasp. “You did it like that to drive me nuts, didn’t you? You didn’t have to force her to talk.”

  Kale eyed Hudson’s arm at his neck. He looked afraid. But then he sneered anyway. “No matter what, I’ll always be the one who had her first,” he hissed.

  Hudson bared his teeth. All of the muscles in his arms tensed.

  I bit my lip, worried.

  But Hudson let go of Kale all at once, and he stalked back over to me. He bent over me, and his mouth found mine. He kissed me ferociously.

  I opened my mouth to his tongue and clung to him. He tasted like springtime. This close to him and I was already bursting with that same sense of rightness that I got from shifting into the wolf.

  I tried to cling to him, but he pushed me back into the couch. This time I was sitting up, with my legs splayed.

  Hudson’s hands traveled over my naked flesh, pausing to carefully fondle my breasts and tease my nipples.

  That felt nice too. I arched my back, pressing them into his hands.

  He nipped both nipples, sucking first one into his mouth and then the other.

  I groaned. So nice. My already swollen sex tingled. I was very wet and very turned on.

  “Get on with it,” muttered Kale from somewhere in the room. My eyes were closed, and I couldn’t see him.

  “It’s called foreplay, Kale,” said Hudson. “You should try it.”

  “No way, you’re not fucking her,” said Kale. “I didn’t fuck her. You don’t fuck her.”

  “Okay, fine,” said Hudson.

  I opened my eyes to see him kneeling between my legs. I let out a little breath in anticipation.

  “No fair,” said Kale.

  Hudson kissed my inner thigh. “You wanted ground rules, you should have set them up better.” He kissed my other thigh.

  I was a live wire, aching for him to touch me.

  Hudson’s hands traveled up my torso, cupping my breasts again. “Piper,” he whispered, and his voice was velvet, “do you want my mouth on you?”

  “Yes,” I said immediately.

  “Do you want it badly?” He pinched my nipples.

  I whimpered. “Very badly.”

  He fixed my gaze with his. “Beg me.”

  My body clenched. I was so turned on. “Please,” I whispered. “Please, please, please.”

  He still gazed at me.

  “I beg you,” I said. “I’ll do anything—”

  And he lowered his mouth to my clit.

  I convulsed again.

  His tongue found the center of me, and it was soft and wet and wonderful.

  I started to tremble. Everything felt amazing, so nice and lovely. My pussy was hot and wet, pulsing against his mouth, and he tasted me, torturing me with his tongue and lips.

  His hands were still on my breasts, and he pinched my nipples again.

  That send me to dizzying heights of ecstasy. I closed my eyes, lost in that warm summerland of pleasure where I went with Hudson. I belonged here. He belonged here. His mouth belonged on my pussy like that.

  Just like that.

  I cried out.

  My orgasm started as a tickle. Unlike the fierce wave that had assailed my body when Kale had touched me, this sensation came on me slowly. It teased me, seduced me, gently tugged at me until I was floating in pleasure. I felt as if I was buoyed up by warm summer grasses. They rubbed me between my legs, they caressed my breasts, and they drove me absolutely to the brink of exultation. I came against Hudson’s mouth, each wonderful climax rolling through me and over him. I moaned out my satisfaction. I let my body undulate to the rhythm of my release. It was perfection.

  Hudson’s hands were still moving on me. His mouth left my
clit and began traveling up my body. I was lost in deep pleasure, so I let him do as he pleased with my limbs. I barely registered the fact that he was unzipping his pants.

  But before I quite knew what was happening, Hudson had wrapped my thighs around his hips and he was pressing his hardness deep inside me.

  It felt very good. I was incredibly slick, sopping wet. His thick, huge member drove itself into me and went in and out in slippery bliss. I began to move with him, caught up in our coupling. It all felt exactly as it should be. My body seemed made for Hudson’s. All I wanted was for him to be inside me forever—whenever I wanted it—any time, all the time.

  We were gasping together, breathing in the same rhythm. I had never felt so connected in my whole life. No, that wasn’t true. I felt connected like this before. The last time that Hudson and I had made love. Whatever this was that we had, it was something that was bigger than us. Or, whenever the two of us were together, we made something else. We joined together and formed this blissful perfect being.

  I was so engrossed by our union, that I could hardly make sense of Kale in the background. But he was angry. I could hear him saying something about how Hudson wasn’t supposed to be fucking me.

  And then Hudson was ripped away from me. Kale shoved him off. He drove his fist into Hudson’s nose.

  Hudson went down on the floor in front of the couch, gasping.

  Kale sat down on the couch. He seized me by the hips, pulled me on top of him. Before I could protest, he was lowering me onto his hard cock. He pierced me deep inside. He began thrusting.

  It was quite a shock, like being thrown from warm water into cold. Kale was smooth and hard, like ice. But even though Hudson was soft and wonderful, there was an edge to Kale that excited me. That drove me. That aroused me.

  And so I found myself riding him. Kale’s cock was very long, and with me on top of him, he was buried inside me. The head of him rubbed against the sensitive center of me. I loved that feeling. So I rode him, I rubbed myself there, and I liked it.

  But Hudson was up off the floor with a roar of rage. He was next to us, and he pulled me off Kale easily. Then he settled me onto his cock. Ah. That was great. Warm, and wonderful. My hips languidly moved with Hudson’s. I threw my head back.


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